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Blog Task #3: Chapter 3 of A

nimal Farm
Use the following terms correctly in a cohesive paragraph:

implement, quarrelling, privilege, affectionately, signified, literate, distinguishing, maxim

Discussion Questions
Answer the following set of questions. Pay attention to the keywords in the question stem to plan your
answer, and to the grading indications of each to ensure you are meeting the requirements.
1. Describe the flag created by the animals. Why do you think the animals create a flag?
( /1 K /1 I /1 C)
2. What is a maxim? Find two examples from the novel. How do these act as maxims?
( /2 K /2 I /1 C)
3. Explain what happens to the milk and the apples. What reason is provided for this?
( /1 K /1 C)
4 What do you think the pigs most influential weapon is?
( /1 K /1 I /1 C)

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