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Short SOP(not exceeding 300 words) for your first two preferences.

Include any
changes you think you can get in the club activities.
In the new scenario where the world is in an era connectivity and
globalization, the communication and presentation skills play a vital
role. I joined Toastmasters to sharpen these skills. I believe these
skills come with the inclusive growth. I believe this inclusive growth
factor needs improvement for our club. I believe the club needs
right direction and leadership to increase the membership of this
club and innovative ideas for impromptu speech part to make the
whole session a fun session. I think we need to work towards
increasing the number of members attending the session. I think the
improvement is needed to make it the most preferable club at
planet I. I assure you that if I become the club team leader I will
strive and work hard for making this Toastmasters club most
preferred club at planet I.
I would like to apply for the role of president. I plan improve
the existing enthusiasm of the team leaders regarding this club. This
will also boost the involvement of the members. With the new IPM
students joining the club, I can work towards leveraging this energy
for making every session a fun session. I would like work with a
mentorship plan, where each team leader will mentor some number
of members. He will be responsible for making sure that his mentees
turn up for the session. I also propose to announce the name of the
team whos number of members attending the session is highest. So
that the team leader gets bragging right that day. If financially
possible we can also reward this team leader.
My second preference is the role of secretary. I propose to
work on the evaluation part. I suggest that we should announce the
names of candidates who have improved themselves on their
different aspects for example Ah counter, time taken for the speech,
number of grammar mistakes, the audience connection with the
speech, body language etc. I also propose to note down these
evaluations in every session by an extra nomination of Tracker.
I propose activities like weekly meetings for the team leaders
to discuss the improvement of the club. I also propose the activities
like persuasion speech for a guy to ask a girl out on a date and the
girl has to respond to it in the impromptu speech part. The other
activity is Good and Bad. Two people who nominated themselves
should be given a topic. The good person has to talk about the good
things about the topic and the bad person has to talk about the bad
things related to the topic.

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