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A. Background of the Study
Language is an one most important thing for human, because language is
used to communicate with the others. According to Hylland in Riyatun (2006:1)
Language is a system of choices by which we can communicate certain functions,
allowing us to express our experiences of the world, to interact with others, and to
create coherent messages. From these satatements above language is an important
thing in people daily activities and people are using language in everytime and
Nowadays, English is one of the important language in Indonesia because
English is used by almost all people in the world as international language. If
Indonesian people want to communicate broadly, study or work broadly, and want
to communicate with the other people in the world, they have to learn and skilled
English language. English has many four core skills, they are listening, speaking,
reading, writing and has at least three subskills they are pronunciation, grammar,
and vocabulary. All of them have different difficulties especially in reading.
In Indonesia reading is the most necessary for student to learn English.
Because in Indonesia, reading is more dominant rather than the other skill.
Learning activities in Indonesia are often use reading, for example the component
in text book is dominant about reading skill. When testing especially in national
examination, the questions is more dominant and for testing a reading skill. So,
that is why reading becomes a necessary skill and important skill for student
especially for Indonesian student to able this skill.
Indonesians students have a problem with reading comprehension, so it
makes they have difficulties in reading achievement. The problems are because
some students have limit knowledge of vocabularies and the students have low

motivation and interest to read a text. It makes they are difficult to comprehend
the text which make they have a low reading achievement.
According to Grabe (2011:3) reading is the ability to draw meaning from
the printed page and interpret this information appropriately. Reading is very
important when the students learning english because reading can help a students
learn to think in the new language, built a better vocabulary, and it can make a
students more comfortable with written English.
As a teacher, it is necessary to find out new teaching media to overcome
the problem and not to forget to motivate the students. According to Naz
(2008:35) media are the means for transmitting or delivering messages and in
teaching-learning perspective delivering content to the learners, to achieve
effective instruction.
To make the student more interesting, motivated, understand and
remember about the text in reading learning, the teacher can use a media to teach
reading more interesting and creative. According to Tomlinson (2010:75) make
sure the test and tasks are as interesting, relevant, and enjoyable as possible so as
to exert a postive influence on the learners attitudes to the language and to the
process of learning it.
Using media is one of the way to make a reading learning more fun. There
are many kind of media which can muse to teaching reading. Fairy tale media is
one of media to motivate student in learning reading so, student can get the high
score in reading achievement.
In this research, fairy tale is choosen as a media for teaching reading.
According to Baynton in Massi and Benvenuto (2001:161) Fairy tales can be
defined as narratives that contain improbable events, scenes, and characters and
that often convey a whimsical, satirical, or moralistic theme. Fairy tale is a
fictional tale and has some fairy tale figures in it. The story has a happy ending
which tells about the cucces of the hero and touches something about human
mental process or eternal. Every image or figure has his symbolic value. Through

fairy tale we have seen that the studentss could appeal their imagination. Fairy tale
is interesting story. It tells about human life, it most of them tell about fairy,
magic, goblins, and wizard. On the other hand, fairy tales are wonderful. This
media enables the students to memorize the contetn of the story easily. Fairy tales
afford a vital basis for language training and thereby take on a new impotance in
the students English. The form of Fairy tale media in this research is a text form.
The text is a narrative text. In the text have many new vocabularies which can add
the knowledge of new vocabularies for the student. It can help the student to add
and enrich vocabularies. So, if they have many vocabularies that they know, it can
help them to comprehend the text and get a high score in reading achievement.
In this research, the researcher focused on using fairy tale media and
reading achievement. Based on the background of the studey above, the researcher
though that used the varitype model in learning activity especially using fairy tale
media can make the learning process more interesting and fun, so the students
would not bored when learning reading and can motivate them in the reading
lesson. Additional, they can add new vocabularies.
From the explanation above, the researcher would like to do a research
taught used a short story media in reading lesson. By this paper the researcher
make a research with the title is The Influence of Using Fairy Tale Media on The
Students Reading Achievement for Junior High School.

B. Scope and Limitation of the Study


: Teaching reading using fairy tale.


: This research focuses on using fairy tale media on teaching

reading about narrative text.

C. Statement of the Problem

Based on the following background, the researcher tried to formulate the
following problem: Is there any influence of using fairy tale media on the
students reading achievement for juior high school?

D. Variable of the Study

1. Variable
According to the title of this research the variable of this research are:

Independent variable:
Independent of this research is using fairy tale media


Dependent variable:
Dependent variable is the students reading achievement.

2. The Definition of Operational Variable

The definition of operational variable this research is
a. Fairy tale
Fairy tale is one part of folktale. Fairy tale is a story involve a
magic, wizard or fairies. The story usually for children.
b. Reading achievement
Reading achievement is the result of learning achievement
in understanding the content of the text. There are considered to
know the students comprehension and to work against the student
in solving various problems in learning English after a learning

E. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is finding out whether there is influence of
using fairy tale media on the students reading achievement for junior high school.

F. Significance of the Study

To finding of the research is expected to become useful for giving
contribution to the english language teaching reading for junior high school. The
significance of the studies are:
1. For the teacher, the result of the research can be used as the alternative
way to add the teachers creativity in teaching learning process, and can
make their student more easily and motivated in learning reading by using
fairy tale media. So, there are can increasing the students reading
2. For the students, can be used for referencing the new source of learning.
And can be useful for students reading achievement in junior high school.
Fairy tale media is one of intresting media and attractive for students in
learning English more fun.
3. For the readers, especially for other researcher, the result of this research
can be used as the reference.

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