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B. Choose two movies and compare them.






Trevor Mckinney sample his idea

the which consists in give a favor to
three people different what do not
can by yes same and each a of they
hag the same with other three un
Yes successively

The less exciting scene is when Jhon

Coffei, tansmit the disease what had
the wife the mayor to the

Everybody the Attempts what

should do Trevor for show to his
mother what his idea Is very good

The scene more long is the process

of the dead of Eduard Delacroix.

When Trevor go dead see the

quantity of People to the what he
you helped to change His life time
with his idea

When Jhon Coffey sample the gifts

or powers what has.

The death so sad of Trevor

The Scene more dramtic this is filme

is when Jhon Coffey you sample to
his friend Paul the true of who is he
True killer of the girls.

The help what Trevor you offers to

his mother for be happy but she do
not HE The It allows

The scene more satirical is when

Jhon Coffey goes help to wife the
But East think what Jhon you goes
to be hurt

Cris he journalist starts to find out

in what Consists the idea of Trevor
what shocked To the society

When Jhon Coffey before of die their

friends The guards you comply his
wish of see a movie.

Trevor you asks to Simonet what

protect to His mother and what you
help to be happy Being with he

When he mayor kisses to the wife

He says What the Loves

The story focuses on a prison in the

'30s, where a new inmate arrives at
Death Row, the gallery where the
condemned to death are awaiting
execution. This is John Coffey, a
black man accused of murdering
two girls. However, his fearful
attitude and gentle temperament
attract the attention of one of the
guards, who not only doubt the
guilt of Coffey, but also discover
that miracles can happen
anywhere, even in that place.

His movie is about a boy named

Trevor, his school teacher asks them
to think of an idea that can help
change the world, the boy believes
everything is possible and actually
start to take your idea out, the idea
is to make a favor to a person and
that person helps another three to
others that each and well.
Trevor helps destitute and this after
being rehabilitated returns the favor
by helping a woman who attempts
suicide, here starts the whole plot.
Trevor dies defending his friend in 3
other guys casus a wound with a




What is a

knife. When people learn that the

child died, all who have followed
their chain of favors go to his house,
and there is where you see that the
draft Trevor run by the large number
of people who attended his house.

Main characters

Main problems

Compare Woody and Buzz lightyear

Unknown vocabulary
How long is the movie
Is the movie

Toy Story
The house of Andy
Andy, Woody and Buzz Lightyear
Buz Ligtyear, believes it is a real
character, Woody tries to explain that it is
a toy. Buz Ligtyear is kidnapped by Sid
Phillips's neighbor Andy he wants to kill
Buz and here the problems begin, all the
toys try to rescue him.
I think Woody and Buzz Lightyear,
although each one is different, they will
teach children the importance of
friendship, caring of the toys and that are
all friends.
Resentful: Resentido
However: Sin embargo
Weapon: El arma
Pull string doll: mueca de cuerda
All the genre
81 min
Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney
This is a film comical

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