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October 30, 2016

All Saints / All Souls Day

Mass Schedule
Saturday 5PM
Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Served by:
Fr. Anthony R. Lipari, FCM

Franciscan Community of Mercy

Fr. Miguel Fernandez, N/FCM

Associate Pastor

Fr. Drew Miller

Associate Pastor

Donna Lombardi, N/FCM

Pastoral Associate
Family Faith Formation

Karen Suter

Parish Administrator

Wendy and Mike Melly

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place

A Shepherds View
October 29th30th
8AM Emma Hoyt
10AM Frank Aromando
November 5th6th
10AM Ray Kellen

Welcome to our parish family

Gionni Isaiah Felix

November 2

Prayer for the dead is one of the greatest acts of

charity we can perform. Our prayers help the
faithful departed during their time in Purgatory,
so that they can enter more quickly into the fullness of heaven.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and
let perpetual light shine upon them. May
the souls of the faithful departed, through
the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

AH, Zacchaeus, the patron

saint of the short in stature! One of my faves! (now
don't be laughing too hard) The
reason why we should admire
him is the way that he longs to
see and hear Jesus. He climbs the really tall tree
to reach out onto the limb to get a sight of and
to hear the message of Jesus. He shows a willingness to change and grow, to be creative, and to
truly ask ourselves this question of faith-----To
what heights would WE go to see and to listen
and to follow the message of Jesus?
Encountering Jesus does not depend on the
goodness of one's life, but encountering Him can
bring about conversion of life. Most of us don't
have to go up to the extreme of climbing up a
tree, but this Gospel forewarns us not to become
complacent with our spiritual lives. Maybe save
some days in the year and take a mini-retreat?
Perhaps volunteer once a week? Don't make
people "come to us," but, GO TO THEM! Is there
any way this week that you can direct yourself to
"go out on a limb for someone else?"
This week, as we celebrate All Saint's Day and
All Soul's Day, may we truly reflect how those
Saints and Souls encountered Jesus and discover
how their encounter led to works of love, joy and

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

Franciscan Reflections
"What has always been, and still
is most dear to me and sweeter
and more acceptable is whatever
the Lord, my God, is most pleased
to let happen in me and to me, for my only desire is to be found always conformed
and obedient to His will in everything!"
-St Francis of Assisi"

Saints of the Week

November 1: All Saints Day
November 2: All Souls Day
November 3: Martin dePorres, religious
November 4: Charles Borromeo, bishop

Halloween and All Saints

Halloween is the eve of Hollowmass,
better known to modern Christians as
All Saints Day. Hallowmass celebrates
Gods harvesting into heaven the faithful of every age, culture and walk of
life. It is a day of glorious rejoicing.
Saints are people who, by their joyful service, have extended the love of God to others.
The Roman martyrology the list of the saints officially
recognized as such by the church contains over ten
thousand names. And those are only the saints whose
names we remember! All Saints Day also remembers
those holy people whom no one but God any longer
knows. The reading for the day from the Book of Revelation describes a great multitude that no one could
The abundance of the harvest of souls is perfectly suited to observance in the northern hemisphere in late
autumn. Thats why in North America All Saints Day
and Halloween are brightened with corn shocks, pumpkins, apples, nuts, and other signs of natures bounty.
The American tradition of Halloween ghost-andgoblin madness comes from Celtic lands, where the
spirits of the dead were thought to roam the earth for
one night before winter began. To ward off their fear
of the supernatural, people sat around huge bonfires,
telling stories and sharing the fruits of the harvest.
Children were sent around to beg for fuel for the fire.
Although the practice of trick-or-treating has its roots in
pre-Christian Celtic tradition, it would be a mistake to
write off the practice as devil worship. In Christ all
things have been made new. And so we dress as ghosts
and goblins to laugh at the devil, who has lost ultimate
power over Gods beloved children.
In Mexico, especially in the southern state of Oaxaca, families go and tend the graves of their loved ones at
this time of year. In the middle of Halloween night,
they have a fiesta with masks, food, sweets (like miniature skulls made of candy) and bunches upon bunches
of marigolds - all by the light of candles in the cemetery!
Those who have gone before us, marked with the sign
of faith, are still members of the family!
Hynes, Mary Ellen (2002). Clip Notes for Church Bulletins, Vol 2. Liturgy Training Publications; Chicago, IL

Adult Faith Formation

with Fr. Anthony
Monday evenings at 7PM - downstairs
All are welcome!
Menu TBD ..
Bible Study
with Fr. Drew
Friday evenings at 7PM - downstairs
Join us for pizza and . ??


To our Pastor, Fr. Anthony and his
Associates, Fr. Miguel & Fr. Drew

Thank you for .

Communicating Gods word to us in a compelling fashion * Guiding us toward a life of
meaning and purpose * Your countless
hours of preparation * Your willingness to
accept our low (as in no) compensation
package. We are truly blessed!!

Parish Christmas Party

December 18th 2PM6PM
The Park Pavillion
Seaside Park, NJ
(above the Sawmill)

$40 pp
Buffet Dinner - Cash Bardetails to follow

Angelina, one of our young adult parishioners, is involved in a fundraising project to benefit homeless families seeking
shelter. Tabs are redeemed at the Recycling Center for cash which is then applied toward
the cost of temporary housing for local families.
Please bring your tabs to church and drop in our
container in the entrance hall. Thank you!!

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