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Anul scolar 2016-2017

Limba englez - Clasa a V- a L1
Numele si prenumele elevului:
Data sustinerii testului:
Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.
PARTEA I (60 de puncte)
1. Write the correct plural form of the words:
a. brush - ____________
b. mouse - ____________
c. desk - ____________
d. tomato - _____________
e. fox - ..
(5 x 0.2 = 10 p)
2. Fill in who, what, when, where, why, how, how much, how many:
a. ______________ are the shoes? They are 22 .
b. ______________ is your birthday? On 25th of August.
c. ______________ are you reading now? A book about dinosaurs.
d. ______________ girls are in the classroom? I think they are 14.
e. ______________ do you live? In Suceava.
f. ______________ do you like icecream? Because its delicious.
g. ______________ is that woman over there? Shes my older sister
h. ______________ are your parents? They are at work.
iis John doing? He is cleaning the blackboard.
j. are you today? Im fine, thank you.

(10 x0.2=20 p)

4. Fill in the text with the correct form of the verb to be and have (got).
My name 1)________Steve and I 2)________10 years old. I 3) ________ a pupil and I
4)__________ a lot of books and notebooks.
I 5)_________ tall and slim. I 6) _______ _ brown hair and brown eyes. I 7)
funny and
My parents 8)_________ great. They 9) ________ kind and friendly. My mother 10)
teacher and my father 11) ____ an airplane pilot. Mother 12)
brown eyes, just like me. She
13)_____very pretty. Father 14)
tall and he 15)_________ fair hair and blue eyes. I think
they 16)_________ the best parents in the world.
My mother17) a brother, James.He 18).my favourite uncle.He 19)
.one child, a girl Lucy. Lucy and I play a lot during the weekend.
I 20)_______ any sisters, but I 21)_________ two brothers. Their names 22)_________ Dan
and Tony. Dan 23)
only two years old and Tony 24)
14 years old. Tony
25)________many friends at his school but Dan 26)so many friends.

I 27)__________ a pet cat named Rex. It 28)_________ white fur and green eyes. Rex
29)_________funny and cute. We 30)_________ very good friends.
This is all I can say about me. Please write to me and tell me about yourself.
Best wishes
PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)
Write a letter to Steve telling him about you. Use the letter above as an example.
Do not use more than 50 words. Scrie o scrisoare despre tine adresata lui Steve . Foloseste
ca model scrisoarea de mai sus. Nu folosi mai mult de 50 de cuvinte.

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