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Breast cancer is the second most common malignancy in women in the

United States, only second in recent years to lung cancer. About 20% of
breast masses that are palpated (felt) end up being malignant in origin..


Figure 1 - Anatomy of the breast in a cross-section

through the nipple.

The breast is composed of a tissue made up of many glands

extending from the clavicle (collarbone), to the axilla (armpit), to
the fascia of the pectoralis muscle, and toward the arch or the
ribs. Lactiferous (milk) ducts of the breast form buds that become
15 to 20 lobules of glandular tissue. The function of the ducts is
to secrete milk, which travels to the nipple in a radial fashion
The blood supply to the breast is from branches of the axillary
and internal thoracic (mammary) arteries. These vessels enter
the breast in a radial pattern
Blood drains from the breast from branches of the axillary,
internal thoracic, lateral thoracic, and the posterior intercostal
Lymph is a tissue fluid similar in composition to dilute plasma.
Drainage of lymph from the breast is illustrated in figure 2.

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