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Dog, Skeleton of thoracic limb. Medial view. Figure 166 ome inp cis — subscapular Fossa 2 caller sneer — neck of scapula 4. teleennpglne sslenoid tubercte ‘at howe? — head of Baers fetescute min owned — AINE tee nese of humerus 5. tubers aia fanart — major 1 bberele of humerus tert eres amar bberosity 7. cies amet — condyle of busmeras pcmcia ints — enedial epicondyte ron — oleceanors iajor teres Ouscon space af forearm (rai hs ~ roche of radius we aces Ct pfore) — neces tory carpal bone (pier bone) Hi oe earl intreratile wpha Iniermedionadial carpal howe ‘Gseapholuaate bone) 17. tea loae edge pl booe frlangular bone) 18. trp Uf on tepid) — ene bone I (trapersid bore) 19, ened dV fas Bast) WW'thamate liane) on erspale HF hos expitetom) — carpal bone 111 eapltare bane) Bh ov carpale Fes tapes? amatcangular bone) 22 dig — Fes aight A eae pirtorepedin HV = metacarpal bones —¥ 24 gts BP — Beh digit 25, elgtas A — four agit 26. eta HF — tir ge 27. dita HT = second digit ‘metacarpal bone 1 lay = promimal carp bose = ‘ang ome Dog. Skeleton of distal extremity of thoracic limb. Dorsal view. Figure 167 ‘mp a — bad of 1 emp alr — bod 0 2 rape ner — head of tn ‘kaha rn — ole of rectus 1 me rpi nication ba fire? — accessory bone (piiform hme) ai fa spe) — tn carpal bone (capholunate car doa to drigurr ond brome Crlangular bone salar cana on aasp Jn pesto) — carpal bare I Gm angular bone! ow corel I te tripod ~ carpal bone Graperotd tone 10, ct eurpe HE Cesium) — carpal brave {capitate bone) 1, ws cagpate I fe Aausotand — compat bone 1V thansate bone) 12. oe mwrtcorpnle F — metacarpal ove L trurorpe ff — metaearpal bane UL ox mnaerpal Hf — roe x metacarpal — me ‘x metocorpode I? metacarpal bene V 17, pone primate digi ¢-— proximal phalanx ‘a fest git YR, fs iat og ‘digic 19, phalour pomimati aie HF — prosizmal phalans ‘af cond digit 20. pledoae sordio ig Mt — idle pala of second digit 2. pholone dill digi) — aistal phalans of se cond digit I phalanss of First 22. plalonr prvi dt JV — procienal phalanx digit ia gt 1 git slic gt ligt rice phan otal phalans of TEC Dog. Muscles of thoracic limb. Medial view, Figure 168 77 {om subsenpoters — subscapular muscle ‘mapragpinaha — sapraspineus muscle tere nae — exes major nucle. nn cormcdeachiali — coracobbrachlal muscle ‘tists i ~ Laiesimus dors muscle 1m. erp brachii — beeps brachii muscle api mide hpi ca? — media! head ‘of triceps brachit muscle pat Ugg ni cp och — long ead of triceps brachii muscle fn facie enlelvath ~ tensor fascae an {ebrachil muscle re ananurat — aniconeus muscle i brio — racial muscle 1 brackisedals —lrachioradial muscle ‘enters cpl rails = extensor eaeps rath ali muscle % pronatfres — promos teres amuscle 15. m flor exp radial — Menor carp mmncle 16. me flor digo prin — superficial lal exor muse 11, cepa ante ak es cp alas — vlaar bead of flexor capi ulnaeis move 18. caqput Avemerenie mi flemarir dettarace jorofunedi — humeral bead af deep digital flexor nucle 19. capa ile md. tort itr ofl = re ‘lal head of deep digital ewer muscle 20. im ohdactr digo # hig — long. abductor imutce of fist digit 21, meter citar communis — common dig fal extemor muscle 22 torn (in carpas — carpal pad 23. ora ulin mutorypaty ~ metacarpal pad 24, tor find? aks — digital pak. 1 mata — mail 2. mandibula — mandile 3k a paletale — parietal bone 1 veneoae menveeor — eoeeygeal vertebra 12. sexpate — seapula 13. amor — amet 14, radon — radio 15, tae — ln 16. un epi — carpal bones 17. un metororpal ~ metacarpal bones. 18. ua dlgiormm ania) — bones of digits Cof thoracic appendage) 19. cia #f — second iby 20. cto WHAT egheh sts 2A. steven — ster 22. cartilage eid — costal cartilages 28. mengor ~ oncoxae ‘80, nan sesame mak gestromenl ffabelae) roid tones of gattroeneenis pruscle (ta la! AL, pots — patella Dog. Musclés of thoracic limb, Lateral view. Figure 169 or iowa mpi thoracic part of era: peas muscle 2 pom eras mk apes — cervical par of era ‘peti muscle 2 uprmplastas— sapraspinous muscle 4m iafmpinotas —infragpinous iuscie 3 pis amps mk ded — seapila pa Mele mouse 6. pom wcramil mi deh! — acroenial part of “elwod muscle 7. mp ong mip Sahil — tong ead of ‘icepe brachil mince Bap lterale i rie Brockl ~ Lateral ead sf wicepe Brachi muccle © ileal maj Auwert — major tubercle of humerus 8, cariag aptae — cartilage of scapula 1. pe ape — spine of seapula 2m Bie brehis— biceps brachil muscle A. bri ~ brachial muscle 4. mrt ma — eres major mache 15, mu bowchioradiats — beachioradial muscle 16. mu exksor carp radials — extensor carp rade alls muscle 17, exenor digtru somomsns — commas igh tal extensor muscle 1 mi abtbaor digit geus — long abductor muscle of first digit 191m eadenar gi fig Id — extensor muscle of digits Vand IT 20, ru aonew — anzonews muscle 21. mm ecemor dgitorum fermi — lateral digital extensor muscle 22 emp doar mi flor corp adnaris — alae head of flexor carps uinaris muscle 2 capt Auswerle wt flees eupi vars — burner al head of flexor carpialoaris manele 2A, me enennr comp wlnart — extensor carpi ulnar ris muscle 25. mm ahloro di ¥°— abeuetar muscle of Fifth digit 26, mom fates ~ interosseous muscles Dos. Superficial musculature. ‘igure 169 x maueler — maseeter muscle fo semen —stervo-accipital muscle me wemalyrdrus — sternobiyoid muscle 1) m chisterrreas — cleiecervical muscle 1B rs cid — cleidabicachial vse | menubar! — manutorium of sera i serra entrees — cervical ventral serrata muscle prep x amdruienarinn cers mk rapes pezias musele Pav boraie ok ga — ehaeacbe part af tra pedis mesee ‘ iafeapinataa — knfraxpinous muscle vaprarpinoas muscle ‘omotransversc mucle ‘eerveal part of tra 1, pon spate mt deo — aca elo muscle 14, pr cmd de — veromiah par of Sehosd mache 1S, iid ca — latinos ons ence 16. ened kage i ips bch ~ log Bead of (eiceps brachii muscle 17. emp inert we tcp feck of iceps brachil muscle 18 bch ~ brachial msc 19, iu eam eopl vain — exten ails nucle A ned cune — commen dig terior muscle 21. med profuse —~ dep (as ing) pectoral mvscle pat of lateral bead re oBipues extern atchoiuit — external ob Tique absowienl enusche retools — straight abdoeninal srascle a eAiquur ddernur abomint — internal Figue abdominal muscle plas mae — enbdle htc muscle ‘m. munirien — parr evomins — sartorbus muscle ~ cranial part su ser fon Matar — veason fase sacle tn brps fours biceps femoris muscle si. semdeushinie — semieninasus muscle nines peice — superficial gluteal uncle fap tase tery — external jugular vein 163 Dog. Dissection of shoulder and upper arm. Medial view. Figure 170 mi irritereainl 1 ventral serratus muscle subscapular muscle ‘et mbeopubins — subscappilar artery and 4. me fer moh — teres major mutele Sm nypompinanee — supracpinour muscle 5 carlin — a 7. mania — ai Brits 1% me mmnccienin are cous nerve x Boch, war Berl, 1 mtn dian nerve ss pmeapr stare stiles ao mabcopedors theresa a. threo codorsal nerve. artery and vein Urachiat ei brachial artery, me supraséapslar neeve subscapularaceye Iuscapolar artery ane thera: 7. cienmleno omer ermal, prt pr ste fe mrt artery. deep pectoral ascending) leis auillary iymph node rr aconsainn —aceesvony ila etd dor) —~ asiexims rsh sede sm curmedomchias — conacobrachial mete bree lear ~ biceps brazblé muscle 4 fedoras mpc deer! — super cial aarne as descending! pectoral muscle cephetien, « bockins mgerfvials — cephal ‘ele, superficial Beatbial artery eet andase — epediaas artery anid cin mwa. supefiials ak rid soperfila branch of radial nerve 2.100, elles oierre — collateral wlnas a tery and vein 415 fret and vein, apa avon wk rip ork — bong bead \rheep brachil mule 1 tm uch abit febracbit muscle rh — deep Ltachial aster pod rece ma tpt Frchis — medial es af rkceps brachii muscle © rsonews exited emda, et onoars — ‘caudal extancous nerve of forearm, ancoor muscle sm brackish mit — Ioachiat muscle, medial « farrarra ete cp ria alic maele '. promator Wes — onan teees muse me fc ear wddss— Fle carp adi muscle n flaw diiron perf les rcle roms oneve ol ‘extemor carp ra supertat d Ihead of flexor carpl nasty muscle i Beachiayplaic rm. hillock) — we ehiacephalic muscle fcleidebrachial mace) Dog. Internal organs, left view. Figure 170 fo — scaprta 10. dbus eels pons snd’ — caudal lobe of descending colon Taft horn of wierus covtal part of din 7 ats FIT — seven ib Jef kidney emir) — ventriculusatamach? greater omentum inp Dog. Cross sections through arm (A) and forearm (B, C). Levels of sections shown in Figures 170 and 172. Figure 171 1. eras — hamers 2 ris — eas) 3 ler — ln 4 x bios — brachial muscle 5. herp hit ~ beeps brachit mucke |S cape datrraly or treipits brawii — lateral head of rceps brachit muscle 7 expt eer a rp Bch — accessory ted of cep achil muscle cap gu ti rh — tang ha of trleps Urecbl apuicte ened emt Sac of wiceps brachii muscle 10, reba intercontdbrachial nerve 1m fle irs — ena Masel a teach ace 12m ni ng ~ lassi dors ence Ek joel peje merc ~ deep pee feral wrusele (eae as ascending? Ho pr seit fa deca — Supesth tal ae ax descending) pectoral ue 18, me beotanrphaen on thin — oe hisephaile nice (cebu U6, Boil ~ be il 17, mmcelaheor — maiculoc PB m mrs — median nerve 1 mui — nar nerve Bip — cephalic vein 21, nerds rl rots laura artery, cal nerve 22. chivas — orachioradlal mance 28. con carl vod — extemior carp ral se muscle 2 mse gern mss tal extemoe mche £5, mina ~ plato ice 2 maiden dg Phage — Fong abetocior tet of first 27. ms. catenin carp subounis — exterior carps wba ths muscle £8. m.pnater gmaven — protinor quadeacis eunete 2, rani tvs — proantr teres use 30,3030" err gla des — Aig extemtor enucle einer eget II of digas IV — extensor muscte of chigits THE ant TV 10" mex F— extensor mel of is ‘ign Bt nc at dg lig MF ~ exterior muscle fags 1am IL 22. 3, au flee ater prouter — ep igal flexor sce $2 pet thle wk sar gre pin = al bra of deep iia exer muscle 95,33" cpt ha flrs ina ‘fadh — hamcral eat af dcp digital flexor 2A spat aie Acs fs prof! — Ut inat head af dep digital feage rmuscle 95,95, 5% mf cap it — Hen carp iedab bead rll cal commun sigh eal 15%, typ bare ak flue ipl bows head of flesor earpl ullars anuscle 8" cap Baamrady ant flee cpl aris — bw ‘eral head of flexor caxpt wlnaris muscle Ws am fase cigitore spf — special ita Nese manele IR. a feo carpi ache — flexor carp eadialis. vce 18, ellen writ ry and vein TO. ae of lec. dein ‘osteo artery and vein seat cullaveral ata arte a ats wed — wedlan any 9 antebrchioa superfans i ffi lal artery of fore [peefital Brangh of a 2. erpalia — cephalic vit rons: medi Hand speci, naa me Abts sana anperfctn uk rcs — medial jachial artery, mesial Dog. Internal organs, right view. Figure 171 seapute ~ scapohe Aumeras — humerus rien dal J — ist lami veiteiea AR cranial lobe of ight Lang, 9. des ads pois det — middle lobe of righ kang sods exact ptm deat) filbn devrndins — descending colon em pom — joan muscles [eet dpengrns ‘ee wor fin rote? cra heats proce) tundra — dyer pale daph mgmt Us preeione! ‘matic cupola (projected Dog: Superficial regions of the head (German shepherd.) Figure 171 1 eptnpictol frrtex? — parietal region (cro%en) 2. img imporad —tenporal region 3. zee frstals (fran! — frontal region (fore bead 4,5. pir mol ace) — nasal region (nose) 4. sore mal — brilge of nose 5, mw nor — region of nowt 10. obien mocbloe — lowes 12, 13, 14 bose, rege derain — eee, region « sherk 12 repo mele — maatllary region 13, rgt mole — malar 14 rag momar lar region 15, ye muaeica — enasseteric region 16. ee partiden — parotid region 17. arcs — auricle (a) Dog. Thoracic portion of spine, left view. Figure 172 eu eesirbo — beady of vertebra ‘praeussipiaim —apinous pracest fpraesn Fmren i) — raMSeerS pce [praca criti ronal care pr mils = cranial arsicular process with marnillary procest 5. pric arcrris — accessory process 6 foe nas erm — 47. fen emt ened — ca BL fare cfs rancerois ~ transverse costal fo: 9, foramen dutrcenaboale — Inuervertetral fo amen Dog, Lumbar portion of spine, left view. Figure 173 supra srtebeacam — habs of vertebrae _poecoaipiei ~ spinas processes 8. pose feular process with mamillary process Prva ace — accedbary processes [Pree coins — costal process 166 arteries proray aolin) — arth: 6. fons intereeibaie — intervertebeal for: 1. peri ards aad eth aby EP Hicular process af seventh ember prcean antidets eral ryt tev — cranial articular process of frst horas vertebra Prec onictarn cout yctteor thor ‘AU — caudal articular process of thirteen thoracic vertebra Dog. Dissection of forearm. Medial view. Figure 172 1. dchiate— brachial artery 2 boehins a: wat merical — superficial brachial ancty 4 ram els swipes i ris — ta feral branch of superficial branch of raifal 174 8. cepa, rat mils rome perl nk ‘autials — cephalic vein, medial Branch of su perficial branch of radial nerve ici bois — biorps beachil muscle 1 td — anedian nerve ronan es ~ pronator teres muscle sm flzar comp roils ~ Mlexce carpi eadiall 1a et enacts wis ‘ery and vein, ohne — ulnar nerve —— ‘rials — caudal cutn neous nerve af forearen remus media Brookins perfil. oom ‘ourdvachi medils — redial branch of super. ‘cial brachial artery, medal cutaneous nerve ef forearms exes erp dl it rece rachiordios — braehbarndial wvuscle strata .fesoesalistirnn profndh — ga dial head of deep digital flexor muscle collateral lear at- extensor carpi radi= 17, im. promotor qundanas risele 1B, et median — mec 19, ats rials ~ radial 20, a mecione — median artery 22, tear faeoeanieract tebrachil muscle tensor fasiae as {25m flewr sovps wear — flexor earph ulnar mutes 27. iu alu gt Fagen — long. actor muscle of fist digit 28, 28" expe dameral a fr sore pre — humeral ead of deep digial flexor emacle £20, faa ina carpets ~ carpal pad . Left view of skull we 172 eve mlfarn — appar incivors ins waters — upper eatine Heth 1 pornos mars P= appr fest presen toes prewar: asians AV tapper fourth ealas mlitars — Iovier eine tooth premolars manfbulars WV — lawer fourth molar tooth ‘molars mandibles 1 — tower thied eno goat tas suai at fronds — aygotmatic of frontal bose 12. areas sjgomuntions — zygomatic arch 1, frees fogpoafa aa rygmsatd — temporal ‘process of zygomatic bone 12 rece :yevncar md femoris — zy gornatic process of temporal bore Jose see aerials — Fox of tacrimal se tutte ~ orbs fsa caning ~ canine forsa foramen infracbtaie — infrannbieal foramen ea tempor — temporal tine rs arbttomporal ~ orbitotesnporal est ‘rstrmachor — enchal crest ‘rte tempol — temmporal-crest (fos lapeumantadeum — suprarmastold fe 12, formensphentcon — syle Ton 25 form scutes — esteral acoust opening : 2, ends ips ~ wceipital cond ke 24. perature ~ retroaricala proce 26, bale ppauica — tympanic bulla 27, peers wenden: — paracondtotd pr 28 foramine meaais — mesa faramen EN prem comin mandi — corona pr evs of mandible 90 jan mtr ~ masseter fossa {trie mundo ~ moves est 32 pres comfre — canes proces 51% prea ugulans — angular process Dog. Dissection of forearm. Lateral view, Figure 173 |, caput agua ou tips brah — Yong head of weeps brachi ‘suonrur —anconeus muscle 7 cakes ova oie — lateral ata fheous nerve of forearm | seephalva ~ cephalic vein 9 ema ewbiti — median cubital vein 10, roms aes ree sei wi, ris — ene dial Inanch of superficial branch of radial 11, a enterecintn sopesficils craiaty — cranial superficial artery of fonearen 12 rams aero userpic meds ~ Late ral branch of superficial branch of radial 13, 5 phat — cephalic vein VA ext dra eosin tal extentor muscle 15, me cater distin doteas tensa muscle 16, ox exten corp aluart — extensor carp ulna: fi muscle 17 apt adhe orc feos orp anon — laa Ihead of flexor arp ulnaris muscle 18. came antbeaA ewes — andl cu taneous nerve of forearm 19; caput humvee mi flrs ayplmbmria ~ hue st head of Nexo carpi ulnaris muscle 20, ts ene arts — collateral ulnar ar tery and vein 21, maha — ulnar nerve Anceral digital 2 a owes dors nk ears — dorsal branch of tlaar nerve roma polvait ni tueric — palmar branch of Ulnar nerve ti. ebdocor digi ens — long abductor mac of ira digit 25. mu extranet Ft git Hf — extensor muscle of digits {and 11 26. trustees ona re obfme digs ign 2, ri — ead carpal pad Ieductar muasele of filth UF Dog. Left view of skull. Bone outlines demarcated by color. Dolichocephalic skull (greyhound). Figure 173 1 monly — maxilla 2 frtale ~ froncal bone enloriale — lacrimal hone A homing pespentcvarie ons foltind — perpen cular plate of palatine booe ‘3. arzygomariaon — aygematie bone 6. ovale = nasal bane 3. extncicuen — incisive bone 1, aparciae — parietal bone 9, acinerparietale — inteeparietal bose 10, cx trmpernle — temporal bane Oa. gar acme omit Pipa — squamous part of temporal bone OL. preeeus mantidear axis Imports os process ol temporal bone Dog. Deep dissection of trunk after removal of left thoracic appendage, left view. gure 174 erm oral mits — cranial doreal ser rus muscle servos doo drat ~ caudal assed ser cnn use se wrrates rentals cerrik — cervical vent serratus encle 8 erate eras tent seraruc mvatele © vlan reds — sealers mins muscle 6.7 cat sor — ars scalenys ousele 1m ren thwarts — straight thoracte mnncle Wm igus exiemoa abdominds — external ob- que abdominal muscle NBs heres ik blips era aban — ape I ableque alilenniaal inoeacte verural hdiguur intrur obuminn — internal ob- sve abdominal msuscte curds mo oblige inka anise rons of internal oblique abdorsinal vache rect ab socte feria sper Cdecredral — super ‘escersing) pectoral musele “pertonln profemdne Cowrndens) — deep Lescening) pectoral masele vent eres — biventer ceevicks muscle straight abdominal ds er i Koga hermes et tines tr seus thoracts and lon gissionat Ia longisimus cervicis thoracic Wioxestat and Wiecestale 20, me spinal snip ters — spas et semispicalis thoracis muscle 21, tt dncestals enteral — external intercostal muscles 2 mat inert idem down. leveled Internal nwercostal muscles (nuercaritag ous muscles 25. pense broads — Wraehia plese 4 et onlin — fest ib, allaey artery and vein 25, acai enum tance em — common carotid artery, svimpathetic trunk and vagus nerve 26 emphage, Jupulis interna — exophagus, in- ternal joigular vein 27. fcr eterna, taken — emternal jugar 28, we crvieeagerfictai, » erpholice — superficial ‘cervical anery, cephalic vein 29. et IX — ninth sis a Ea a rn rns Genta wel? erica ddoreal branches {medial cutaneous) of tho 1 thoruies aera fa ea Breil) — toms thoracic nerve tbrachial plexus nerve) 1 thomtodenat tx pox brchialc) — doraco dorsal nerve Gorachal plexs nerve) ek nde Gate Ble a het Cm ented Taos a interred) — ve tral branches (lateral cutaneous) of thacact nerves Materal cutaneous ranches of inte costal nerves) mia ome nerds neil thoracic! XMM — Aateral cutaneous bi comeableminal nerve (eame a8 thirteest horace nerve) roman caoneus leat wake erik (wi fanbo f) — lateral cutaneous branch a cranial ihohypogastric nerve (eame as fin Ieibat ateve! oni (ilies hil hi ielypagit owed (cot honda B) — laeral cutanenus bran ‘a enudal ilishypogastnte nerve ame a1 se ‘ond lumbar nerve) ef cireumfleea ion prof — deep cit cumfles iliac artery and vein i ester — pon evans cranial part Dog, Dissection of distal portion of left thoracic lintb. Dorsal view, Figure 174 1. it wlio ig J doa — tog ab tmwise of Firs dig 2 aL exter carpi tals — extensor carl Hialis muscle 3. 5 cphalla ormoyin — accessory exphallé 4 ma mit eid peptic ri tr shiva donors DE ns see ‘tdebchils pe rida — med branch of superfielal branch of sna nerve (eomman derial digital serve I ‘weidial branch of cranial superficial a tery of focearm 5. weep — cephalic vein iu ciiewer tig ig rusele of digits Und 2 om etre diiron nee feds — lateral digi noasele sips vars — extenvoe carpi ul is moxcle 10. in faa ron spi a. roy mtrbnehits perfil oni — taneral Iovamch of superficial branch of radial imerve, cranial superficial artery of fore VA igi oat pope sen rope dagsalsigital arene 1 dod ig P= dorval wet of f gti aes propos I mis al proper dorsal digital nerve HE 4, et pts dos pepe Todas — mace dial proper dorsal digital artery and vei I 15. digital: duals comments ff common dorsal digital artery lo omnia di salt comune H~ common dorsal di \veinsand nerve HL 4 digimdisdouai eam dorsal digital artery IHL tal estea 3. ext a8 Ht — common {2 ini hr emt Hs ii safe causa 1 — camenorn doesal igi sci and nerve 19 a dip senate prope 4 dora tcl sri pens HE doers — a ‘ral proper dorsal siginal artery, vein a nerve 20, ef iat mas ppt ID wi Alisitate drat rein J sada — ted proper dorsal igtal artery, sein an ferve HL 220, tas padre coma 1 — comma palmar digital artery 111 28 4 ety site darn pope 10 gta dma propria HE rat proper dorsal digital arery, vein ane nerve HEL DA. i ete digs del propria {V ran bi asap V abit — mein feaper dorsal digital artery: vein ane 24, gal dass emus FY ih ch tafe comes JV — commons dorsal ia vein and nerve BY 25. « digas donuts comonanis P= common dorsal digical anery 1V BS. a 0-5 atta cl pre VU ital asa Pre dtr — Laer proper dorsal digie arery, sein and herve BY hm ee inte sons proper Vt slstole sana: pres ¥ mes — ened proper dorsal digital arty, elas and reerve V 28. rrr esa at, rea ir aun: — dorsal Iearich af ular mere, lueapeh.of caudal interonseous artery sm mbaner gy O° — auctor muse af He aise 9 ate Jog. Median section of skull. igure 174 1, os fommle — frontal bone 2 ecpariioke — parietal bone 1. ecdnterparietale — interparital bone 4. cxaeale — nasal bone vin front — frontal ins mite salt dosan — dersal masa concha endoturbinle 1! conch medic} — second en oturbinate (middle conch) ee naturale HT — third endotarbinate 4 enditurbinole IY — fourth endotusbinate ‘pertura mosmnaelards — ensocnasillary aper- 0’, on conchae nasa sendrolir— venta nasal con. chal bone 1 recess snarls — maxillary ecessus 2 freuen plemepolrine — phenopaalne fo 2 mes sighing wi A. et tetiren = 5, proms polaraus saritior of mail V6 lomieo ovismdals exit palatial — horinantal plate of palatine boae Jorumine citeoteli — ethineld foramina 1 Somes eriees eis theta — eribrone plate of ethineid bene 19, cnalt optics — optic canal 20, eospes aie praphonosdals — beady of prexphe rnold bone 20 eur sibel — rnold bone 21, faa arbor — orblea scare 22. foram rtunch of foram alert mutate — Fo amen rotundum and rostral alar foramen foranen eval — oral foramen ‘eal tins recent — exnal of transverse He ets lepal, Knbim tebe ess — teenporal meatus tentoriam cerebelli esseurn 25, formmen sxpromenbideum — surpramasiold Fo 27, ens part petrnae — enestof petzous part body of basisphe: 28. coma i rice 234, anon prtobaidris — petrobanilar 29 cvificinm superin coun rondylon — wuperioe orifice of condylar canal 30, pana aeutiow inert — lateral acoustic | opening 31, foramen faglore — jagolar foramen 138 erieime infer sore eonpors — erie oi ce of eondylar eal 33. eamof ai dypogdond — canal of kypoglossal 36. bate paponien — eyenpanc boll 87. pracraue prorat — paracondylotd pre 3B, lets ined ~ bncbsors 3 ‘canine toosh 40. lar teeth 41, dete prenerey — premolar veth Dog. Dissection of distal portion of right thoracic limb. Palmar view. Figure 175 1, iealrori datas — distal intertiexor ne fant diitorun profunds — deep igital Ilexor muscle ‘3 lear gion superficial, — ‘wperficial digital flexor muscle em fen corp lexor carpi radi als matcle |S. im fear spl minate — flexor camps wine ii muscle 1 on alec digi hurr — shot abslactor uch of Fire digit 1) epphnlien — cephalic vein 5 areca fsa — median avery and nerve 9 ema lire lr 7 beach of ulnar nerve 10, ras rls ne wears — dorsal branes caf ulear serve 11, acct ecm fa ifr) = mecetor ryearpalthone (piiform bane) 1d, me rr igi 7 — alducvor muscle of Fist cgit hm vor i muscke of First iy 4 meatier aan Fee ie short flexor Jong abeluctor mance of fest 15, mabe dpht = abducror musck: of eh digi 16 flor sgn fret — shore flexor ima of Hb digit 12.18 sum date ~ interosseous muscles 2 mat dumber ~ tambrieal muscles 28. sgnaty pata ema, itt paleare eu J — comma palo digital nerve and artery | 1 digi patewis pops HF oadiy — medal proper palmar digital nerve I 22 a ditt palit coco He Sis eli eons Ht — common pakmar ‘igieal nerve and artery Il A. x dicta pir comments Ua il lari communi HT — common palmar digital nerve and arteey IIT ‘24 rama pat rp deep ranch of palma 25 rama ompft vr ds a iar palmar branch of ulear nerve, sawih leterossemusattery Bis cl perk pi arate — Un tral proper palmar dgial nerve V 2. a digas pos coms HY, 2 a beter remand 1 common palma Aigtal nerve and artery TV 20, a trtaurpe pls HE carpal nerve IIL 29, a dil aris prop arin da ks ta palmar mea and vein IT 10, ital plots ppt HAE mil, 5% lcd pubes propre Jd wes ff — medhal proper palmar digital fperve, artery and vein HIE 1, a dts primar pp ft an 1 ale patria propia ITE de oper palmar digital nerve, cia HE 3D. fiitad padre I fate fs cel paar PY atti — at zal proper palmar digital nerve, artery and vein BV FR eile pris priprin LV wit f. igtta palais popes MV alin — medial proper palmar digital nerve, ar tery and vein TV 3A, a dete pateri peop ea statis pabrts oniria Winds — ee fllal proper palmar digital nerve, artery and vein V [55, ama roma pasnt da — Sarl pal far venone arch 6, sa a ere scene — Ua of metacarpal pad 2, a digits patel communi 17 — common palmar eligital nerve 1 2 a tats port ems — eae ‘mon palmar digital neve 1 39. a dines palais amis IY — eo ton palmar digital neve 1V 410. a gia pfs pris I ear — la ral proper palmar digital nerve 1 11. a metwespens fae — palmar metacar- pal nerve E 12. mga pods emo ¢ — emma palmar sligital nerve F 43. acnwtocarpen plone HI — palmar ees carpal nerve TL 14 eerorpem pata cexrpal nerve IV palmar meta Dog. Dissection of thorax, revealing organs, left view. Muscles removed. Figure 175. |, ride thor — fir thoracte vereebiea 2 rertbre eres YH — seventh cervieal verte bea erie teraioa Mi — eleventh thoracic verte bra 4 cated — second rity 5 aermum — sternurs 1 cartilage cna W — fifth costal cartilage 1 a a cue VI ~ seventh ib sephapa ~ esophages 2 rea — Uachea 10. oorts ~ aorta 11, cuban sine ~ left wbclavian artery rus chins —brachiotephalc trunk timo ee 1S, 8 Aaediriathio — left jugular vein 16. treses caicerresals engin errinthornic es (aelloeam) — convacervical trunk, cervicotbe: ace ganglion (sellare) rol — seventh oer and vein deep cervical artery 2 kaplan: dona — dorsal scapular artery lo deves — right lung. Ibs mute fbn deri — cranial lobe of tight lung runes spain dts Hvac — eympa thetic trunk, thoracic duct fin thoracic — thoracke nerves 3. trea eat or — dorsal vagal trunk nena capo ventas — ventral vagal trv fe darengeas scresiser Fyngeal nerve rancher principe, rac pment, ‘Polaris — left main bronchus, pulmonary tran, pulmonary veins Fe eurcute abi deri Fourie daira) — auricle ine auricle) rt Curb sinned eft aurieted - auricle right ventricle of heart vutriuis sniter cre ~ left entice of eae 1 preniew — phrenic nerve ‘tgphrgmatc — let ae 30 haphregmats — central ten dow of diaphragm 5. poe las pleats — costal part of la phragm XM — shire {abe ceteris tes accetsory lobe o 42 thaciar mers ~ Internal thoracic ar Dog, Skull, view of dorsal surface. Figure 175 1, serpin — oxeipial home 1 es iderpanictnle — intexparietal bone 10, ehiewm — incisive bone pera fale mas ejgomeich 5 porvtole — parietal bone 1 tra maiden — lant e38 of zygomatic 4 pos iguana rmports — sy ut 1 en agit exer = nara — al ‘of temporal bone 13. swearecammis = coro wearer 5, « fomiae — frontal bone 1M ines tomo — temporat Hine fora infsariee 6 arent — xy gomatic bose 13, ante iakefns — Smefrontal suture {sory poing — palatine fi 1. ar orninads —Iacrianal bone 16. eres syrmmntias — aygomatc arch interinaisive mall — masilla 17. prornais sypmarins sas frolic — xygornatle tooth 2. ot hay — natal bone [procecsof frontal bone ‘ Sncieore Dog. Dissection of thorax, revealing organs, right view. Muscles removed. Figure 176 ca dest i romani deste hiecephalie vein, right common tery andl veils 10. fbn oer pte SS. rerwboo crmenfe 140 — seventh enrvical verte bra seventh cee 32. cendaculas tvkter rordt eft ventricle © cal artery, first heart Bgl erithorrsnre rare, « opal contin deer adi — right ventricle 0 heat ‘denals — cersicathoracke ganglion (stellate, areal scapolar artery 34, meni — phrenic nerve 9. a eke dra — ight costoceevical 22. gph: — esophagus 35. cru mile deatnce dapregmati — eight rm vein 22, raen — trachea dat crus af diaphragm 10. m fergngeus mencwens diver — right recurrent 2 ic — thoracic nerves 36. centr leben dyhragesnt laryngeal nerve hin ~ sympathetic trunk doe of diaphhrags 11, dre agaiapathieal — vagosympanhetic reater splanchnic 37. pm cae diponpreatic ~ contal part of trunk nerve phrage: TA Dog. Skeleton of pelvic limb. Medial view. Figure 176 172 Ibe wmenle — ance tuber Inder emu — rer cone ‘ak hoy — hg tm (orien mciarhs — uueicular susfage ‘mpvainw — body of re ‘puis — pati inert sheer — iopubic eminence spiel — Wehiatie spine deren — obturatar foramen es ep a car — syamphnscl su ace of ws cane src — achat fons ahr mins — elmo troctanter rat froma — bos fee ee i fee — roche of Te piven ais — medal cpicondle ‘dt las rans — seca code sf termar ton wl thn eid — ses sold hones of gastroencmian muicle abc: be nde ie ramen — iver conte ortenur 20, ple ~ pata irs mk opt ~ sexaraaid bone of popliteal movele te — iota sali eid hae — sein condyle aft bla 2h leah iar — rub rosy of tba 25. expan bie — bof tibia 2, sande mei — rel mallodi 7. eolauees — caleanens IL ts — tale 22 ot enone fn senda) — eepral tarsal thane tnavieular bose) Hh be 1V dow ended — ears bane EY (cubokd bane? 831, xn mere biel) — vans bo 1 steral cvneiforn bone) {FR at tinal Hf Gu emer iri? — tarsal bone Hl istermediate cuneiform bone) {Eta How enifonnie mei) — tarsal bene ‘anetal cunt ba at altura 2-1" anexatarsal bones WW nat wmode rata ~ peel seca bones 3G, mn ig dP — boas of sect igi 272, sw ai" — Mes of Fah igi 38. me da JAP — Lowes of third git 219, ua digi 1° — branes off digi Dog. Skull, ventral view. Figure 176 1. cama neiptats — occipital condyle ferme negrens — foramen mag en 3, fue cule ceatal — vewtal eal fos 1. pomtuberautie verpil externa — external occ! pital protuberance 3 nats ek. ype 6. procs parecunylri paraconelyisil pro 1, orange pen dears ws sccpla — occipital bone 9, frame toned iingulae foramen ae paet of ‘volemastald fara 10, pu sain demas — external acoustic opening 1, Bala trmpaiea ~ tympanic bulla 12. foam perotyoponis — petrotympaic fissure ER wet emferafn — terporal meats 4 foramen carcino exten — external carotid Toramen proce secewlor — rmuseular process ‘vtmen see — oval faransen Jenene olor daly ~ canta abr forarne ovemen are rafroie — raat alar foram our sets — orbital fisure cova ten — optic canal reer strates — retroariculae process foe mandibelori ~ mandibular foasa ‘corps ose Sopher — boty of tnsphe old bene 21 coc ent rryplenabdds — berdy of presphe: old bone ts peegeideem — plerygold bone Ieinina ecpebales ci flint — preperei ular plate of palatine bene 21. famine riznatals ans polosini — bocizomeal plate of palatine boor process of temporal bone ‘preeia lepinas ils geod — i process of zygomatic bone conn platen jet suk pais ~ pal furs ating — palatine Fissure ‘upon nccn) ~ badly of inclaive bone ots trace — Imtetnctsive canal smujor palatine fo: BS, tebereubon mineakre tubercle i, fora eaitale — ethrncil foramen G ine tooth im sf = fee incor 4 11 second incivar 1x. dent er 17 — third incisor Ma Ma dees lems Hef If — fiewe and secon volar weet Po Pa, dene prewmloes /-10" — firet—four premolar teeth Dog. Cross section through thorax at level of thoracic entrance (cranial thoracic inlet), View of caudal surface of section. 1, ak haat ceri — cervical rhomboid sscle 2. a trapeiea — por erica — cervical part, 3, an ples aga) — splenins (capitis smuscle A ox Sermatas vents eres of me, serrata centralit shewocis — cervical ventral serratue and tho racic vemtral serrans muscle 5 ie nach — chal ligament seins eps — sernspinalls caplits nucle 6. on tcentrcerciv — blventereeeviels muiseke 7, mcanplus — complenus miele 8. ox yma thus ~ thoraci spinal muscle 9. om Haina comic: — longissimus eerecis muscle 10, a anal tho muscle ride tororce I~ Fires thoracke vervebra ‘mo mprepiseha — supraspinous rausele traperius mutele muhifidus shoracis 4a ss sadacpuleris— subscapular mule senplr ~ scapula a hyrpinntes — lndeaepinows muscle dase — deli cele epic oct — losng head of ‘nt major ~ teres major muscke empadaerle tii rach — lena ead of wiceps bracbil muscle opt exces eis och bead of seeps brachil muccle ‘a Bvoetats — brachial muscle ‘Avast — baumeras et vk ips ew — meal ead of eicepe brachit muscle ‘4 a drachiln —tracial artery and vein ‘i hungsioos Movore — Yonglssimus thoracis smwscle ‘m fikemta thier) — thoracic: Wocostal muscle 27, modale apna — spinal medal 2B pce towiene testrbrer thar fm ‘eicels VHT — transverse. provess. of First thoracic vertebra, eighth cervical i tesa exter e iserd — external and internal intereottal eseles 1, in fap cl — Borge col mele 31. a4 sennae donot — dorsal eealenus muscle 32 saber sins, ramen snp thororadonolis — left subclavian arcery, sympathetic unk, thoeacodorsal vein 32, eu d— frei S34 tea, Karygeas senses snr, rant brachicephotina — trachea, let recurrent Inrymgeal nerve, brachiocephalic crunk 3 rene email — ¢eanial vena env 36, egw sinde coats commis — left vagus nerve, lefs common carotid ar 3%, hontai fer — left acer phrenie nerve IR eetseeriete dest ere emgonrepon cm deriee = right costocervical vein, ‘agusympathetie trunk 19, Mace fate sine seca det mternal thoracic vein, right phrenic nerve 10, or ranitidine) — franial part of cranial labe of left bung nat piney det — seni Hoe of right Ing 42, et Meroe intr det rere — High mernal thoracic artery and vein, stern Hymph node 1 seta is — straight oracle muscle 44 indercni inter i. deel crt ogo elt — ternal sntercostal muscle ( tercartlaginausmucse,cartitage of fst sib 45, stem — stern 46, om pectoral fame Cacracenad — deep (asceniing) pectoral muscle 47. at pectoral aperficiattteemied — wuperti ial lescending) pectoral muscle 48 a. os mhenpulars — subscapular artery and 4, bette note, external thoracic seit 5, pets eel rm horace! — ea dal pectoral nerves (thoracoventeal nerves! 51. sophegur — esophagus FS rn 1 ple na le artery, lef hago este — anillacy typ Dog. Dissection of the head. Superficial layer with cutaneous muscles. Left view, Figure 177 1m. fred te, fomblisd — Veorvoscutular muscle fromeal muscle) rscanular mavcte ~ seutitern cartilage cel neil ns eovruor ver levator angull ocull muscle corregator supescilt muscle? 5, m-srhewlerin eet! — orbicularis 6. eter angles — toc muscle of angle of eye 7,8. m sygomatin (84 bt parts erro (7) zygomatic muscle and its aberrant pares musele 9, if ram ergata wi ere sn erbcadri ws orbicularivoris muscle malar muscle A fnrtibris ‘muse — parotidanuricular povetid gland neater — rygomnalconsrieula yee: ‘matic branch of xurieulopalpebral nerve i ivatoy aiaabian — levator rontalablalis envsele + fl lari swore ~ follicles of sens: ry bales 17, om exten cdl — eutaneas colli muscle 18 soma toon a conten HE) — cutaneous Ibranch (of second cervical nerve? 19,20. mx. yplncer eal saperficilis — superficial sphlocter colli muscle 20, om piety el piri — ter colli euscle 2s amt elt ac crc LV — rdcive ephene Ibeanch of third cervical nerve 22. fupuler reeren — external jugular vein 28. mandibuls ~ mandible Dog, Muscles of pelvic limb. Medial view, Figure 177 1. crohns YFP — severh lumbar vertebra errs lel davis cid — metal dorsal ok muscle pt outro bevaty — lateral ven smcracauidal aasicle 5. Aime iopsons enuacde 6. on joa ie — pra enor muscle 1 cans aml (a wegen met — Bevan use fascial coven msc sn thencpin ~ iococeygeal muscle A. om behinpabaeersgan — echkopaboreccygeal rmcle 9. rs ohio intima — kinernal trator cle V0. fries opi xno — symphyscal sur Troe of cs coxae 1 er ciel sk ude? — cena belly of samarius iniicte 1 eee coal st — caudal belly of sar tains nuncio 1%, ett fms = Sag epi sche Es mt ste — mein sts muscle 13, on pectin ~ pectinesss muscle 16. slr — adeicte rmacele 19, 24 goede — gracilis muscle — seminnembeannas 1m wruiadinaun — vemitendinonn muscle fem dermis — caleaneal tendon eer agora see — Tong aigtal €3- Aeosor muacle ‘ston digs dreix — short teasor muscle np eink eaten — medial Bend of kautrocneminns mele tro au RH roar — tendon of tricep > ae mionate 1 flv ierem perils — partici cl ita! Mlexor muscle pups — poplin muscle i. me fea digitroo hingan — toog, digital flexor rmmsete ibis — caudal tibial muscle fen evar gran jf — vencons of deep digital flexor muscle rns — yMeronscas meee i eukmnr dict # bun — long. extensor muscle of fest digit flexor gin hipor — tong flexor muscle of firs digit Helix — cranial bial muscle Dog. Cross section through thorax at level of fourth thoracic vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 178 Lm topes — pare thar ~ trapeze uel ‘thoracic part suprmpinnle — gupraspinal ligament rhombus thoracs — thoracic chamnbodl muscle 4m bufreiplonie — bnfraspinen Bm baie Morais — Hom auncle 6 i wifi toro sncle smalifidur thoracis hero ferric — sph horachs et cervicts prec spiinan serteive tharmckor IV" — ph von process of fourth thoracic vertebra 9, ried trace 1 — fourth tharacke verte supa m tuleyptors — scapula, subeeapy muscle perma dona cranins — cranial dorsal ser- sacle ees mid = teres major muscle wmf threch — thoracic Hocostal ste 1, rca opis — Course. ye perc trunk IB ge a — longus col cle 40, Pes drs here ~ esophagus, tors tedect BA eri wc snr ~ are, eft napus nerve Gp peri, srl snr cos hee Bm ome dene, «pen dexhen — right wags nerve right axygou vein 24, hun trchestrwhata — wacheabramchial Iymph odes 25, a palnnmelis dexter ~ right pulmonary artery 220, tin situ ewe — He atl cf ear 227, data FV — fourth is ‘2H, afro destroy eorda — sight ateiuen of heat 229, por ew obi coma poi i sir — cada part of cranial lobe of Teft lung; left phrenie nerve 230. feriandiam. m plrwica deter = pericardium right phrenic nerve SSA. pom comaintc kd crams puaont sotnd — ‘efaplal part of erapialfabe of left lung IR. fobs colt ons dente! — cranial tobe of right tung 30. brwchi 0. pulnenoler — trench, pulmonary veins A. toch ~ trachea ‘35. mfium onvtie — aortic opening, ‘Mi sahen artannicutrt dec: Ce romp — Fight atrioventricular walve (same as riews pel 2, ‘res derter — sight ventricle 3 aritags cued 1V — fours costal cartilage 30, me aaiteaia orar — transverse theraci muscle 40. sete hori intern — internal thoracle ar tery and vein A, rch obi) — straight abidoeuinal soucle 42 meres ber Co intetgincn, ai ‘age estas V, seni = imcernal invercosta ‘muscle GnterearGlagineus muse), fifth cos talcariilage, seenuan Uh me prcnls prefinc lower) — deep {acoending) pectoral muscle 1 snc intra entra tigen = external ae Internal intercostal wuuseles Dog. Dissection of the head. Second layer. Cutaneous muscles and fascia removed. Left view. Figure 178 “Luar cent, devator nani ~ an ul es ocull vein, levator nasolabialis muscle 2 i dorsaly nat — dareal nasal vein Lateral ast — lateral nasal vein 4m setor iohit maxillrs — levator muscle of sper ip Sonu bra comattné. focal) — dorsal boceal ‘beach of facial nerve 6 comin — carious muscle 7 labinls marlin: ~ vein of upper lip Sorts — facial vei Sm orbiules o — erbicularisorts muscle 10 pes duels ad ducrinafars = buccal part of ceimator muscle LL fom melon mi hecinater — molar part of ‘umnieating branch between buccal branches Ve Baal, tai serve, wen of lower i 15, femur unter fre a ouebrporai— suansvers facial branch of auriculotemporal 16. m tempus —ternporal muscle 13, ot temporal perfil ~ sperical te poral arvery and vein 16m eutpapebee 19, em semis — xyyomatic arch 20. roms pubs cons nna — eatral palpebral branch of aurculopalpe teal nerve 21, mater — masseter muscle 22. dena parctidew — parotid dct 2, mrtg auricular — auricular cartilage 24, pled poradn~ parotid land ‘ne poncidarerctors — parotidoaustteulne — auriculopalpebrat roma oll nt fst anions ~ eo bran ‘of facial serve; maxillary vein ‘ponds mondibaris — mandibular ghaseh ‘rm mandiblores ~ mandibular fyimph node enter rls mi. denrich — rostral ely digastric muscle ‘m mylpuidew ~ maylohyid muscle 1 tadmentas ~ submmental vein fe fingual = lingual vei sa. aernayodens — sternehyold maucle ‘rca dpidet — hil ates » Aingunfoio ~ Hinguoacial muscle im rleercll = cleidocervical mutele tn emenecipids — sterna-oceipital muscle me eramacvdes — sternomastoid muscle 1 erricals H ~ second cervical nerve 1x ceric MY — third cervical nerve 1 papules erterse — external jugular vein raaibdr ~ mandible (rants — froma bone Dog. Muscles of pelvis and pelvic limb, Lateral view. Figure 178 foe) 1 fer emia ai saris — eral belly of sartocins muscle 2 pln neces ~ mille gluteal muscle 1m glean uportal — supesficial leat nucle 4m sacral doris eons — Ineral dorsa sacrocaveal mnscle 3. in heremerai randir — Interamerse susede of eal 6. a ergot — eoeeygeal muscle 1. arora cena drut ~ taveral ven tral eacrocavead muscle me rue friar date — senior Fanclae Inne muscle 9 jt ined ctf perficial head (aare at verter! of b cops femoris muscle 1, aap profi, penne nk: bis fons deep head (same as pele) of biceps Femo. ric muicle ulmi — cranial oe ‘caudal crural aby ductor muscle .goieenenins — gastroenemius muscle 1 flaws Aten perfil — sxe sia Mlexor muscle eis a, Penne iit efit — ee dans of superficial digital Bexor muscle su flesor digi Fioaper — long Next nucle of first git tio caniati — cranial sibial rence im eiemer dictonans dap — tong digital ex tence ease ne fentes hate — long peroneal mscle esl’ son dates: — lateral dighat extensor muscle tends exter sore batt — senda of tateral digisal extensor muscle femecns drei — short peroneal muscle a erenmr digiionn Bevis — short digital ex tenor nniscle 1 nbharr figs V— abides ruse offi iit trent — irnerosicous riuicke Dog. Lungs, right view. Drawn from a dry preparation. Figure 179 Dog. Lungs, left view. Drawn from a dry preparation. Figure 180 2 Garena Sd enum pu owe — vache ane abs (cotta) — obtuse ena (samme aa dorsal) 4. mor actus — aeute mangle seize rete — ventral margin arg besoin ~ basal ae 7, foc cols — esta Toda cron pols desi geaninh lobe of right lung obs fa ln deur — eve lobe of ight loa, Fobacenibals — ell lobe fry rand ob camp pdt ais xanial part of cranial lhe of lel Ine fs ‘erties intel rpms — era fina dnterobars caval — eal terlabar Fi fie dhapheagmetve — cinphengmarte vurface troalea — wachen mere alta (edonatid — obsse acute mary ‘yetteal mar taal margin ost weface ‘porter fal ert pu cranial part of eranlal lobe ung ‘caudal part of eranial lobe of left len ibis eb’ lobe of lefe bing wt sind — emul 1 tells bt renal pti ltd — intettobne Fissure ofc abe of teft hung fis interidar cnodatie — eandal in forte shophogmates’ — diaphragmatic inca eure — Dog. Dissection of the head. Deep layer, Left half of mandible removed. Left view. Figure 179) 1. temporal — temporal miscle 2 lemparnls perficate — eu perfelal nem, pital artery, internal carotid artery, secesso ery ad poplonal nerve neve A. poten spent cms emporils — avRoRAtIE 1, lero 31, fren seenymphin a are mann 6 process of temporal bone 16, aurea ler inlet ~ vayosympathetic trunk, con 1 agus — lingual nerve 7. rome ‘non-carati artery, internal jugular ve 5 edi mana — manitslar a of firstservical nerve 32, me domginimun bets — Jongisimnas ata isan nerve 18, entiag auricnle — auricular cartilage muscle 6 foinn, molars ~ Fachal nerve. manillary 19. mayan, sBdingunls —syleglossal 3. im Bu saps — Lagu capitis muscle sete sublingual vein 14, mm vcte cepts doko — lateral straigh proj feguae — ep lingual vein muscle af head signet — cata belly of dligastrie muscle se peshyoiden — genihyold muscle 25. me ephoryngenn — hyopharymgeal muse 5 shee sisal — eygotnatic gland ‘= prieglans ~ genioglossal muscle 36. om threphanagess — thyropbaryngcal muscle 9. eta Boca — buccal vein and nerve payuides — myploymid ratcle 37. tyreoideas — thyrohyoid muscle 10, duc glantdoe siemeticor major = auc af 0 ts infraobait ~ infraacbital artery and 32m stermalymideas excageibyreidey — ster major aygomatic gland 11, fet msafare — mandala Tosa 12, clondhle sobligrals mwneahenat cs sn nerve hhyoid macle tyro eartbage lingua — range 59, ara hywides — hyd arch amie acre duvets — mucosa of chee, 1. mere — ochyrosd muscle zzmii — vublingual gland — single orifier, dhiduersnts — cleldocervical muscle 1. funds hyreidea — thyrosd gland tab ingual duct stemo-oceipital muncle 2, semeshpee roid muscle 13, maria dort males —anllary at 29. a stermomeseus ~ sternomastoid ervecle 43, troche — trachea tetyeemandibvabar duce 30. ert « emits suena, ceremerna — oceh- 44. 1 Hyrule uals — cata yr vein Dog. Dissection of lateral surface of croup and thigh. Figure 179 1 per evo sanorius muscle Bm Raw face fae nisele 1. rok sats err craft iy — domal branches af sacral n (imidde chanial nerves) 44 mgr ni mide gluteal muscle tensor fasciae latae 3. om. pluvar soperficid — superficial glucead smusele 4 eacudlt dav deere — lateral oral sacrocaudal i 1m iesitvanion Intertransverse ets col Ines ~ lateral eadal artery and vei 9, ms anerygen atoms) — coneygeal enusele la eral) 10, a. a1 plu cal — canal lu and vel 11, nt seerenudoi ents fers — lateral von tral sacrvenadal manele 18° enter cout nl. eminem — eardal 1 capa sae ta cereale vi, Bt feria belly of semimerteasons cmnscle nidinows mache caudal crural ab — wuperficial head (sate at vertebral) of bis Sk ot srmiinace ~ ser cep femoris muscle 120, i ebdactor crn: eowdals 41 sepet prfieieeGa. pfcinem) vi bp forris ‘ductor amiche — deep head (same as pelvic) of biceps Feme- stich iemaele pie hla nerve popliteal lymph node ‘M4 ete dead — lateral vastus muscle bats — bal neve 15, sau gomell — gem muscles prromes eomneen — commen pero Gm quads femoris — quadeatus femoris nerve muscle 25. mn gareenemias — gastrocnemius mise 17m exactor — addduevor muscle a ets fomarals —fermoral artery and vein ml Cros mk semisbnteuneid — crasial — 21, act eam fone — caudal femoral and vein 1 belly of sernimerbranoss oscle 2 cutee sare cow sural nerve 29 spn Bera: si: canons sibs ‘caudal cutaneou bial nerve sheers — Jane BI, earonee fr nerve of femur priori — pi ‘aged cra ae artery ancl teal nerve branch of sep elreumfle branch of cranial el Dog. Dissection of medial surface of pelvis and thigh. Figure 180 1. rribow hambol FOF — seventh ummba vertebra sacrum = sere 2. eare cult — caudal vena cave ete — aorta ‘3 nm emu stn ie xsi sre, 1 genitofemorata — left comonon dine sei, left external ile artery, genitefemoral nerve 6. illo inten Gnd) = internal iiae artery ete) thereat dein) — external ile vein igh) feo 12 1 ioe rokrma Fete) — sternal ihas artery ight) «tage emma Ferd — cornenon iat vei hi ‘fehl, mpd inter Al date Ischiatic nerve; internal pudendal artery, im ‘ermal ila vei im rcricoadlisenrais i tral eserocaual rwuscle a et xv, dina — medina, saccal artery and via medial ven: u Vn. ae a 24 2. 2 a, 88, + secant nko —coceyigea metae a ral! ‘© glu cumdalis (rca) — caudal gluteal a tery (right) ia eviemrs foe combs ~ chal eiaanews femoral nerve ‘4 obanadnvit — obturator nerve mua AL binned? — beanh of ebeuraror a odneatia ass — nietnal abiurue muscle an eaete (ometial eoceygeal sete) ‘fant inne — psoas tsinor muscle tm Hp ~ iogos muscle ‘© at prefabs frm — deep femoral arvery and vei to Palencia et &.) — puslenoe gasirle inks (artery and vein) tm preinetn — peecineus muscle 1 fnmnats— femoral nerve ties eviphdas sais pace — sympyseal su Face ef os conae utr ermal oi, some sartorius muscle ue as wart torus muscle sm meta omar mnt sei aul seas — ausculat beanies tate auiuctor ase af. fomurnti 1. pba — Feenoral and vein, saphenous nerve 1 anpirus pen mith — saphenous at tery medial saphenous vi we roils — gence maccle sm semen muscle sm semdtinons — semnieninows muscle ocr) — gasteocnernius muscle 1 01-8 rn devon — devemnding wrery bevatae cranial belly of ‘aia belly of sa he femoral muscle redial vasrus muscle semimembeanous and vein of knee "akc fears Ele femoral nerve Dog. Sagittal section through the head in the median plane Figure 180 nts 1 nesters ria prctake) — calvariuin (pari sau fost — feaetal sinus nasal — nasal bane conch moat dona — dorsal nasal conch nike mesa retrae — ventral tinea conch arbiaate eof nasal septum cerebellum medulla oblongata seve pata 30, det ctr spinal per dingror apes age so tent of tongue filrae xen peri longitudinal le Hm im rete copith eer; — wentral straight of ead Tngualis propel ngs — Yoru coli mutete it dares — dona steaight use charmnepervn Injen — brypophysts

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