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Shooting Angle Lesson Plan

Teacher: Hong Ha Nguyen

Date: October 2016
Subject / grade level: 9
Projector, mini white boards and pens
Protractors and strings
Soccer gears for every student
Normal classroom at the first period and on soccer field for latter one
Victoria Curriculum Year 9 Study Design Standards
Calculate the areas of composite shapes (VCMMG312)
Investigate Pythagoras Theorem and its application to solving simple problems involving right angled triangles
Apply trigonometry to solve right-angled triangle problems (VCMMG320)
Lesson objective(s):
Students are able to calculate areas of basic compound shapes.
Students are able to estimate angles by applying trigonometry calculation and have a sense of wide angles
while attempting a shot.
Students are able to apply Pythagoras Theorem in real life situations involving right-angled triangle.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
The lesson combines classroom-based investigation and practice outdoors. Different levels of questions are
generated to suit for different students.
The lesson includes different learning media and methods such as sketching (for visual learners), demonstration
and practice (for kinesthetic learners), maths concepts (logical and linguistic leaners), individual investigation
(intrapersonal leaners), body movements (interpersonal learners)
GOAL 10 mins

Welcoming the class as entering by stating clearly about the lesson objectives which is to apply geometry in soccer so that students can improve
performance based on that.
In the first period, students revise area formulas for triangles and circles and apply them to calculate a compound one which we can see on soccer
fields. Then teacher can ask where the shape can be? (We will find out later!!!)
Then students calculate what the angle from a penalty point to the goal is. Teacher can ask a question like Sometimes a commentator said that the
angle is wide enough to make a shot. What is the angle? How can it be measured?

ACCESS 30 mins

Teachers draw a soccer field shape on the board by calling students describe it (e.g. big rectangle with a circle at the centre, symmetrical over a midline).
Teachers then ask students about area formulas for rectangle and circle and note these in the white board in red (Hint: = = 2 ).
In pairs, students are asked to calculate all exclusive shapes in a soccer field with dimensions given (see attachments).
Teachers then ask students about what is the name of sides in a rectangle?, what is the named of sides in a soccer field? and what is the name
of the line connecting two corners opposite to each other? How can we measure the distance between these two points? (Hint: it is called diagonal in
rectangle and it also can be a hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle and can be calculated using Pythagorass Theorem).
Students are given three minutes to work out the diagonal of the field and the diagonal of the penalty box individually. Then teachers call 3 or 4
students to check their answers with all others. Correct solutions are written on the board.


Teachers start with an inquiry what can be other concerns in a right-angled triangle besides it sides? (Hint: angles, areas, heights)
Teachers then ask how about angles? and reveal that they can be calculated from the sides.
Teachers then clearly reminds about an acute angle in a right-angled triangle and its opposite and adjacent sides. Teachers should clearly label and
demonstrate it on the boards, call out students to identify opposite and adjacent sides of an angle with three different situations.

Shooting Angle Lesson Plan

Teachers then introduce new terms sine and cosine and note them on the board.

& =

From sine or cosine, the angle value can be found by solving arcsine and arccosine and note them on the board.
sin = = arcsin
cos = = arccos
Teachers suggest that students usually need and are allowed to use calculators to do inverse functions.
In pairs, students go through two examples.

APPLY 40 mins

Students are asked to calculate angle of four points to the goal in a soccer field including one point from the left, one point from the right, a penalty
point and one point out of penalty box with all given dimensions with pens and papers.
Students are then moved outside with soccer gears.
Students in groups of four or five are asked to approximate the angles on the field with strings and protractors. (Hint: use strings to connect the points
and goal posts to form the angles and use protractors to measure them).
Students are asked to take notes, compare and correct with their previous answers.
Students in groups then practice shooting


Teachers encourage students to share their results without any judgment. After that, teachers facilitate a discussion on what is the easiest point to
take a shot and why? (Hint: the wider angle is, the easier it is!!!)
Teachers summarize the lesson by recalling formulas of sine, cosine, arcsine and arccosine.

Shooting Angle Lesson Plan

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