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nasufeefi pa moyaakay pa Neter Khnumkabas-hu lamaantufnafath-hu pamakaatub

shit khaanumwa taakun,wa pa saashuhfi shit pa ka. Ka-ee kalunpa ka shit Khnum. I
havewashedmyselfin the waterwhereinthe Supreme Being Khnum washed when
heperformedtheoffice of creatingand molding,and the blowinginof the spirit.

. ~m ~~~~
_ The Sacred Wisdom Of The GrandHierophant Tehuti_ ~~ *~~~~L ~~~~~ ~~
~~~i~L~On~'~ ~~~e ~tat q et~~ ~~.~~~~LL O~~~~~a ~ ~~ ~~O~L~~~
~~~~~~~~L ~~a~~ ~~ O'U~'-'ij\\~~~~ , ~~ ~ ~~~tL~~ ~ a~ ~L~~~~
~~~~ L o~-tt 3~q~~ ~~a~qO~~a ~L~~~~~tt~e-~~a~a,mte ~e-a ~~~
a~~at~ta~~~ L~ U.~e at~at~~a,~~~~~L~ .~~~~ , .~ e ~L~ .~ e, ~~~~L
~~qu~ ~L~ i~L~O~~ n~'~ o~~q~~~~~t ~~~L~ ~~a~~ ~~~~~
~~.~~~L~ _ L~~~~~~.~q ~~ o~~~q ~~~ ~~~~q a~ ~~ q ,..~ ~ ~ C~ ~
L~~~~ *~~~ o~ ~ C .~~~ ~L~ ~~a~~. Dek kalaluk ba hawutneewa ja kull
wagut wayaaghalub gadushkhnumneter menu haduy kull biwasatipa sabulaatwa
fahusalaatshil pa ba'ad- hayuh,nuk aswelu antuk Iiyyasasul ba-ee karpa katur baat
shilnasfee dam-khatut,qemam-tilateftefet wa ila a'zumteftefet,khukhaila
khukha,dam ila dam, sasul wara'a ilaghalubukgadushbashurnuk naduy alaantuk
Iiyyanaduy ala Iiyya nazurpa banur nuknawartufi renhum waliyyajanubhum dabukila
antuk. Thatyourspiritua! soul surround meand _ (name ofperson)at all time and0
most holYKhnumSupreme 30 _The Sacred Wisdom Of The GrandHierophant Tehuti_
Beingwhoguide all tbru thepathsand trialsof theafterlife,I ask youto linkmy soul
withthe matrysoulsof my own bloodline,mother
tograndmotherandtogreatgrandmother, seedto seed, bloodtoblood, link backtoyour
mostHoiy BeingI calion you tocalion ______ (nameof deceased)to seethe candleIlit in
their name and to bringthem neartoyou. ~i~~q~~e L~t ~~a~ O'~q~~ ~~eate
L~e~ ~~a~e~~~L- ~~e ~~q~~~e~~~~~~e~~~ ~~.~e- ~~~~L. Aghfurhumli
she antu barafhumternlama antu masalhumukhranim nafs-humhau wa dam-sasul.
Forgivethemforwhat thry knewnot when thry worshipedotherthan theirownfamilY
and bloodlink. ~~~e~~~ ~~.~~~~a~ ~L~ ~ ~ '"~ ~ AU ~ ~~~~
~L~~~~~~~ ~~~q~~ O~ ~ L~ ~~~Oa~-tt~L ~~a~~ .t~ ~~~ ~~~~L
~~~~~.~ ~~q~t t~~ ~~~~t~.~q~ee~~ ~ a~ ~ q~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ee~
~~~ o~n~e n~OL~ ~~a~~ ~~~ ~~ n~a~ L~ q~~~O~~att~~ a~~
~.~~~~~tt~ L~ ~ ~ a~ ~i~L~ on~'~~tatq ~~~e. 31

_ The Sacred Wisdom Of The Grand Hierophant Tehuti_ Khnum nuk naduyantuk
liyyahathu' hi hanu daquyunshil shaafuyukhaarusba ila shawabti-eeshil antuk dek
nuk yakul sawun zikarneefi nafsee dar amma istahraasunwashaafuy amma nuk

bagum gabla antuk nuk sagut alarukubaateewatawud nasufee ilaantuk ghalub

gadush Neter Khnum. Khnum Icallyou totransferby HanuaPortionof your healing
protectingsoul tomy"shawabti"ofyouthatI mCfYkeepit withme in my own home
asaprotectionand healing asI standbeforeyouIfall onmy knees and humble
myselftoyoumostHolY SupremeBeing Khnum. ~~q~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~.~ ~~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~~~~L~~~~~~. -~q . Ahrus pa haufi haza hayuh wapa hayuh
liyyahadur. Protect thefamilYin this lift and thelift tocome. You then kneel before the
Neter"supreme being" and say: ~~~ ~~~C ~~a~~~a ~L ~~ a~
q~t"J~~a,~~a~ q~t"J~~a~L ~~~q~t"J,~~~ ~~~C, ~~a~~- ~a~L ~'" a~
q~t"J~~a, ~~a~- q~t"J ~~a~L ~~ 1 :tl! ! ! l~C7 ~~ ~~~~~~a~~ ~~C
~~~~C O~ 32 _The Sacred Wisdom Of The GrandHierophant Tehuti_ ~q~~ f
iJ..~~~~t"J ~~1:~'li\'~~ ~ L ~~o~~tot. ~~q ~~ f iJ~~~~ 'l i\'~t"J ~q"'~~~ f
iJ.'l i\'t~~~ 1 :~ C~~~ ~~ 'li\'t~~~ 1:~C~~~A. ~~f iJ~~ ~~~~~ Q ~-CU~.~~
~ 'li\'~.C~~ Q~ ~~~~C ~CC~ Q~ ~~fiJ . Yaa khnumfatuhatshil pa tarugaat,pa
tarugaatshit pa sharug,yaa khnum,fatuhatshit pa tarugaat,pa tarugaatshit pa
jenub.Pa nahupatshit ham khanum hashuraat.Zaahug wajuhun shitpabanebed karpa
takhukhy garunaat. Henakja msif wa henakja mawuth. Antuf kalun bi-mu'adul
shahudmul bi yawum amma biushat. "0Khnumopenerof the WCfYs,the roadsof
theeast,0 Khnum, openerof the WCfYS,the roadsof the south.Thefashionerof those
createdbeings.Displaying. afaceof the ram withthe wa1!Yhorns, there at
birthandthereat death.Heis equallY watchfulby dCfYasby night. ~~~~L~~"'C
~~~"'Q qt1:~~~~ f iJ ~t A ~.~f iJ ~~ .t~ ~~~ ~~~~~ 0'~t"J ~C~L~'l i\'~C.
YakulKhnum sanub rejulaatee thadutfadeknuk yakul bagumala hum.
MCfYKhnummakemy legsfirmsothat I mCfYstandupon them". I!!!I~~ ~~Q ~~f iJ ~
~~~~~tt ~~ ~~ 33

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