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Sentences part: II

Par two:

ba'ad nuk ghamadtu kar aazhezu kabas fug wa baaruth Esnunnee wa fa nuk yakul
After I Finished With getting washed up and brushing my teeth and so I can

kalun juhaz li shagul, Nuk sofa akhezu fatur

be ready for work, i'll get brakefast


Yaa wahud zayud shayu.

Oh one more thing.

YesYakul antut suta akhezu hezumnee min pa uchat bagum. Tawuhaat antut.

Can You(f) please get my belt from the night stand. Thank you.

Butem kalun za'uj anuki azhebu liyya sanub fug pa nemm li antut.

Don't be worried I'm going to make up the bed for you.

tawuhaat dataat benra shil antuk.

thanks that's nice of you.

Fa shenu atha enen naakretua li fatur hazayawum?

So what are we having for brakefast today?

Will be continued.....

Nov 8, 2003 - 1:38PM
Quote Reply Fully translated nuwaupik sentences part 1
Nefer baka. dur antuk akhaz gan Nefer nawum akhur
Good Morning Did You Get Some Good Sleep Last


Tua zi kalana a'zum!! Nuk Makruta karat at-fer uchat Yes it was great!! I Hadn't had
a good Night

shil nawum bahub dek fi at-wul wagut.

of Sleep Like that In a long time.

Anus nuk khafuz zi kalana bahub dek linee.

Man I wish it was like that for me.

Khayru Nuk amul pa rahuy shill pa yawum sofa akhezu

Well I hope The Rest of the day will get

ahsun linee kamma zi azhebuaat ala!

better for me as it goes on!

Nee liyya.
Me too.

Ayi-kalana anuki azhebu liyya akhezu fatur jahuz

Any way I'm going to get Breakfast ready

wah wah.


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