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Name & Period: ________________________________

Date: _________________________________________

Theme Project Rubric

1 (15 Points)






Points Possible
Points Achieved

3 (21 Points)

4 (24 Points)

5 (25 Points)

An unclear theme
was chosen and
supported in two
different ways.

A theme was chosen A somewhat

and supported in
obvious theme was
three different ways. chosen and
supported in four
different ways.

An obvious theme
was chosen and
supported in five
different ways.

An obvious theme
was chosen and
supported in more
than five different

None of the supports

make any sense. The
audience does not
see how the theme is
connected to the
events in the story.

Only two supports

make sense if the
audience thinks
really hard.
Connections are
difficult to make.

Each of the supports

makes some sense,
but the audience has
to search for the

Each of the supports

makes sense
logically and is
something that the
audience can
identify and relate

Each of the supports

makes sense
logically and
obviously. The
audience can clearly
pick out how they fit
with the theme and
make connections
from the supports to
the theme.

Four or five of the

supports are the
same thing. They do
not fit the flow of
the story but seem to
be forced there to
make a connection
to the theme. The
audience is bored by
the story.

Three of the
supports are the
same thing. They are
used heavyhandedly, forcing
the connections. The
audience is neutral
about the story.

Two of the supports

are the same thing.
They are somewhat
forced into the story.
The audience is
somewhat interested
in the story.

The supports are

varied (events,
actions, words,
symbols, characters,
etc.). They tie in to
the theme and the
story. The audience
is interested in the

The supports are

varied and clever.
They are seamlessly
integrated into the
story. The audience
is invested and
engaged in the story
because of the flow.

Proper English is not

used. There are
seven or more
mechanical errors.

Proper English is
occasionally used.
There are five or six
mechanical errors.

Proper English is
usually used. There
are three or four
mechanical errors.

Proper English is
Proper English is
used. There are one used. There are no
or two mechanical mechanical errors.

60 = D-

76 = C


2 (19 Points)

84 = B

96 = A


100 = A+

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