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Goal: Write a simple sentence that includes at least one adjective, one adverb, a prepositional phrase

and one appositive phrase.

Examples from Short Story Unit:
Prospero, the prince, had discretely directed the moveable embellishments of the seven chambers. -The
Masque of the Red Death, p. 48
In her own thoughts, she, Mme. Loisel looked old now. -The Necklace, p. 242
Della, the Mrs. James Dillingham Young, stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat. - The Gift of
the Magi, p. 79
Whole Class Practice: I, the King, will secretly take the shiny gold from the Queen.
Independent Practice:
Jorge, the doctor, quickly performed the difficult surgery, inside the hospital.
David, the baseball player, sadly lost his final, game, despite him hitting a homerun.
Albert, business man, confidently n
egotiated the b
usiness-changing d
eal, despite the opinions
of other co-workers.
Bob, the army general, quickly devised a master plan, under the pressured circumstances.
Brian, the teacher, angrily yelled at a disruptive student, a
fter he wouldnt stop talking in class.
My Key:
Noun Red
Prep. orange
App green

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