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Ashley Barshaw Oct.


First Week of Instruction:

Day 1:
-TEK- Fig. 19(E): Summarize
information in text, maintaining meaning
and logical order.
-Resources: Wolf by Becky Bloom
-Activities: Before reading, pass out fill in
the blank note handout. During reading,
pause to go over handout sections. After
reading, group students and have them
write summaries of the story.
Day 2:
-TEK- 3.4(A): Identify the meaning of common prefixes and
know how they change the meaning
of roots.
-Resources: If You Were a Prefix by
Marcie Aboff
-Activities: Before reading, have
students take notes during a prefix
PowerPoint presentation. During
reading, have students count the
number of prefixes used. After
reading, have students write and define all of the prefixes used
in the book.

Ashley Barshaw Oct. 2016

Day 3:
-TEK- 3.13(D): Use text features to
locate information and make and verify
predictions about contents of text.
-Resources: The First Day Jitters by
Julie Danneberg
-Activities: Before reading, ask
students for predictions based on the
book's title and cover. During reading,
ask students to summarize major plot
points. After reading, have students
write about their predictions and what
actually happened in the book.
Day 4:
-TEK- 3.8(B): Describe the interaction of characters including
their relationships and changes they
-Resources: Amazing Grace by Mary
-Activities: Before reading, have
students talk in groups about
something that they've always wanted
to do. Then, play video of book
reading. After reading, pass out the
handout and have students answer
questions about Grace's story.

Ashley Barshaw Oct. 2016

Day 5:
-TEK- 3.13(C): Identify explicit
cause and effect relationships
among ideas in texts.
-Resources: If You Give a Mouse
a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
-Activities: Before reading, pass
out cause/effect graphic organizer.
During reading, pause to point out
cause/effect words (examples: if
and then) and have students fill out
the organizer. After reading, hold class discussion about cause
and effect in the book and in real life.

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