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May 5th, 2014

[This information was originally directed towards someone specific, but has since then been shown
How some of the information contained in this text is formatted is that the proof/evidence for each
statement, if it needs any, is given in the indented statement below it. Example:
Statement A.
Statement A-A: Statement A's proof/evidence.
Statement A-A-A: Statement A-A's proof/evidence.
Statement A-A-B: Statement A-A's proof/evidence continued.
Statement A-A-A: Statement A-A's proof/evidence end.
Statement A-B: Statement A's proof/evidence continued.
Statement A-C: Statement A's proof/evidence continued.
Statement A-C-A: Statement A-C's proof/evidence.
Statement A-C-A: Statement A-C's proof/evidence end.
Statement A-D: Statement A's proof/evidence end.
One should read the information contained in this text because it is the most important information.
The most important information is the information that helps one act in one's best interest the most.
One's best interest is knowing the information contained in this text.
One's goal is to feel whatever one wants to feel and not feel whatever one doesn't want to feel
for as long as one can do so.
How one accomplishes one's goal best is one's best interest.
One accomplishes one's goal best by knowing the information contained in this text.
Knowing the information contained in this text is one's best interest.
Since the most important information is the information contained in this text, one should read it.
The more you believe in Feeling #47, then perhaps the more this text will make sense to you, and if
you know that Feeling #47 exists, then this text may perhaps make perfect sense to you, eventually

Feeling #47 = A feeling that, if one knew how it felt, it would cause one to not want to feel it or risk
feeling it no matter what other wanted feelings one could feel as a result of feeling it, except if the
alternative(s) to such a feeling, if any exist, is or are more unwanted.
One should never give up trying to understand the information contained in this text.
The information contained in this text will help one not feel Feeling #47 more than one may
perhaps need to feel Feeling #47.
Either Feeling #47 exists, or a feeling that, if one knew how it felt, it would cause one to want to feel it
or gamble on feeling it no matter what other unwanted feelings one could feel as a result of feeling it,
except if the alternative(s) to such a feeling, if any exist, is or are more wanted. This feeling will be
called Feeling #666.
Feeling #47 & Feeling #666 can't both exist.
If Feeling #47 exists, then there exists no wanted feeling that would make one want to feel Feeling
#47 in order to feel the other wanted feeling.
If Feeling #666 exists, then there exists no situation where there would exist no wanted feeling that
would make one want to feel Feeling #47 in order to feel Feeling #666.
If one believes in Feeling #47 more than one believes in Feeling #666, then that one's best interest is to
avoid feeling Feeling #47 no matter what except if the alternative(s) to such a feeling, if any exist, is or
are more unwanted.
It may be possible to become conscious again everytime after one becomes unconscious or dead.
After one becomes unconscious or dead, becoming conscious again could remain a possibility
If becoming conscious again remains a possibility forever, then there is a 99.99...% (increasing the
9's infinitely as time increases infinitely) chance of becoming conscious again everytime one
become unconscious or dead.
If Feeling #47 can be felt, and it is possible to become conscious everytime after one becomes
unconscious or dead, then there is an infinite amount of chances for one to feel Feeling #47.
If there are an infinite amount of chances for one to feel Feeling #47, then feeling it has a 99.99...%
(increasing the 9's infinitely as the chances increase infinitely) chance of being felt an infinite amount of
The information contained in this text tells one how to avoid any chance of feeling Feeling #47, so one
should never give up trying to understand the information contained in this text.
The Most Powerful Person On Earth, (TMPPOE), should read the information in this text because
without TMPPOE's help, humanity may suffer Feeling #47 longer than necessary.
The information in this text claims to solve the issue of risking or feeling Feeling #47 by ascending the

earthly realm to live in another, higher realm where one would live an enjoyable time on repeat forever.
Ascension to the higher realm is done by one living according to the idea that anything that needs to
happen in order for one to live will happen automatically as long as one wants to live and god's will.
The information in this text will give proof of the fact that one can live if one lives according to the
idea that anything that needs to happen in order for one to live will happen automatically as long as one
wants to live, that god exists, and that a higher realm exists. Before that information is given, it seems
important to address a few common misconceptions.
Why has seemingly mostly everyone, if not everyone, who has tried this died? -It seems to be
because they couldn't maintain the will to live, or weren't mature enough for god to want them to live
without food.
How does one's body get the energy/matter it needs? -It seems to be because energy/matter can be
created by just the will to live and god's will.
If god exists then why do people suffer? -It seems to be because either god needed to mature them, or
to serve as a warning for others.
If a higher realm exists why won't god let us all in? -It seems to be because some people, if put into
the heavenly realm, wouldn't be mature enough to handle it and would cause others to suffer.
Why is the TMPPOE being asked to help instead of the local authorities? -It seems to be because
apparently they aren't mature enough to consider the information with an open mind as they have
already been presented an opportunity to discuss in detail and yet still declined. Also because one does
not want to be stopped in the middle of trying it and get into painful trouble by higher authorities
disagreeing with the lower authorities who allowed one to do this.
Why can't it just be done it in private? -The risk of getting caught, however small, is too much to
handle and even if there was no risk of getting caught, the anxiousness brought on by perhaps a lack of
appreciated stimulation would make one give up.
Time is made up of finitely divisible parts of time.
If time isn't made up of finitely divisible parts of time then time could be infinitely divided.
If time isn't made up of finitely divisible parts of time then time is made up of infinitely divisible
parts of time.
If time is made up of infinitely divisible parts of time then those infinitely divisible parts of time
that time is made up of can be divided infinitely since they are infinitely divisible.
If the infinitely divisible parts of time that time is made up of can be divided infinitely since they
are infinitely divisible then time could be infinitely divided.
If time could be infinitely divided then time couldn't exist.
If time could be infinitely divided then there would be an infinite amount of parts of time.

If there is an infinite amount of parts of time then in order for time to pass an infinite amount of
parts of time would have to also pass.
If in order for time to pass an infinite amount of parts of time would have to also pass then time
couldn't exist.
Time passes in a consecutive order of events (following one after another, example: 1,2,3).
If time passes in a consecutive order of events then the parts of time pass in a consecutive
order of events.
An infinite amount things passing in a consecutive order of events will never finish passing.
An infinite amount of things is a never ending amount of things.
A never ending amount of things passing in a consecutive order of events will never
finish passing.
Time exists.
Time can not infinitely divided.
Time is made up of finitely divisible parts of time.
Time is made up of indivisible parts of time.
Time is made up of finitely divisible parts of time.
Since time is made up of finitely divisible parts of time then there is a limit as to how divisions time
can have.
Since there is a limit to how many divisions time can have, time must be at some point indivisible.
There couldn't have been an infinite amount of sequential events (event = indivisible part of time)
before the present.
If there was an infinite amount of sequential events before the present then starting from the present
and counting the first event before the present, onto the second event before the present, then the
third, fourth, and so on, one would realize there would have had to have been an infinite amount of
sequential events that finished happening before the present could happen.
If an infinite amount of sequential events had to have finished happening before the present could
happen then the present would've never happened because an infinite amount of sequential events
can never finish happening.
The present happens.
There couldn't have been an infinite amount of events before the present.

There was a finite amount of sequential events before the present.

Since there couldn't have been an infinite amount of sequential events before the present, then there
must have been a finite amount of sequential events before the present.
There was a first event.
Since there was a finite amount of sequential events before the present, if one starts counting the
amount of sequential events before the present starting with the first event before the present, onto
the second event before the present, then the third, fourth, and so on, one would eventually stop
counting because there is a finite amount of events before the present and that last one that was
counted would be the first event.
Before the first event there was nothing.
If something exists, then it existing is an event as it must exist for some amount of time, so if there
are no events then there is nothing.
The first event was able to come from nothing.
Since before the first event there was nothing, the first event was something that was able to come
from nothing.
It seems to be that the only things able to come from nothing would be things that make sense to come
from nothing and don't cause paradoxes.
Things that don't make sense when thinking about how they came from nothing don't seem to have
a valid reason for coming from nothing and things that cause paradoxes couldn't possibly come
from nothing because paradoxes can't exist.
It seems to be that the first event was an Awareness That Is Aware Of Its Own Existence, (ATIAOIOE),
being created.
There must be an answer to the question, What exists?.
The answer to the question, What exists?, is Nothing..
By answering the question an awareness of the fact that nothing exists was created.
An awareness of the fact that nothing exists is the same as an ATIAOIOE.
It seems to be that the second event was another ATIAOIOE being created that could exist or not exist
at each event.
There must be an answer to the question, What if another ATIAOIOE was created?
The answer to the question, What if another ATIAOIOE was created?, is Then another
ATIAOIOE would exist.

By answering the question another ATIAOIOE was created that could exist or not exist at each
More ATIAOIOE being created wouldn't make a difference since from the perspective of the first
ATIAOIOE there can only be one more ATIAOIOE since it (it = the first ATIAOIOE) can't tell the
difference between another ATIAOIOE and the second ATIAOIOE since the first ATIAOIOE exists in
zero dimensions.
It seems to be that the third event was an awareness of the fact that two Awarenesses That Are Aware
Of Their Own Existence, ATAAOTOE, was created.
There must be an answer to the question, What exists?.
The answer to the question, What exists?, is Two ATAAOTOE.
By answering the question an awareness of the fact that two ATAAOTOE were created.
It seems that the two ATAAOTOE must be an undivided distance apart.
If there were divisions of the distance in between the two ATAAOTOE then there would have to
exist something at those divisions yet the two ATAAOTOE are the only things that exist.

So all that exists now are the two ATAAOTOE separated by an undivided distance shown by the
picture above. The white dots are the two ATAAOTOE and the red line is the indivisible distance.
The length of the undivided distance between the two ATAAOTOE is the only distance that exists
between two ATAAOTOE that are next to each other.
If the length of the distance between two ATAAOTOE was greater or shorter than the length
between the first two ATAAOTOE then that would mean that the length could be different but it
can't because there's only one length that's known.

It seems to be that the fourth event was the two ATAAOTOE checking all around each of them (on the
2-dimensional plane they now existed on), the length of the distance that separates them, for more
ATAAOTOE to create but only to create them where-ever a ATIAOIOE would be the standard distance
(that is, the length of the distance that separates them) from all of the ATAAOTOE that the new
ATIAOIOE would be next to.

It seems that the fifth event was creating ATAAOTOE where-ever a ATIAOIOE would be a standard
distance from all of the ATAAOTOE that the new ATAAOTOE would be next to.

x = standard distance
^2 = squared (exponent is 2)
a^2 + b^2 = c^2 (Pythagorean Theorem)
?^2 + (x/2)^2 = x^2
?^2 + (x^2)/4 = x^2
?^2 = x^2 (x^2)/4
?^2 = 4(x^2)/4 1(x^2)/4
?^2 = 3(x^2)/4
?^2 = .75(x^2)
? = square root of .75(x^2)
? = square root of .75 multiplied by square root of x^2
? = square root of .75 multiplied by x
Square root of .75 is an irrational number.
Any rational number, x, multiplied by an irrational number, such as the square root of .75, will be
It seems to be that the sixth event was making it so ATAAOTOE could be created in 3 dimensions.
The ATAAOTOE couldn't exist on a plane that knew itself from its existence on a plane (2dimensional surface) because the vertical distance, square root of .75 multiplied by x, between
certain ATAAOTOE couldn't accurately exist on a plane that knew itself from its existence on a
plane so it had to know itself from a standard distance off the plane which created an awareness of a
third dimension.
If there is an awareness of a third dimension then ATAAOTOE can be created in 3 dimensions.
It seems to be that the seventh event and all later events were having ATAAOTOE created in three
dimensions based on the style described in the fourth event, except in three dimensions.
So what ends up existing is a collection of ATAAOTOE building on top of one another in three
In order to go from a collection of ATAAOTOE building on top of one another in three dimensions to
what one can see and feel exists around one's self, there had to be something that made the reality one
sees and feels around one's self exist in the way it does. That something that made the reality one sees
and feels around one's self exist in the way it does was capable of choosing how reality should exist

from the collection of ATAAOTOE building on top of one another in three dimensions. That something
will be called The Original Creator (TOC).
Ingesting matter through eating, drinking, or taking pills is unnecessary and may even be counterproductive if one wants to live since it is through TOC that one lives, and not through ingesting matter.
However if one does not want to live then that one would cause trouble for those who do in the higher
realm, so they aren't allowed to live in the higher realm. As long as one wants to live, and TOC wants
them to live (which TOC does if that one is alive), one will live without ingesting matter.

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