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Introduction to Hinduism and Buddhism

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Part 1: Introduction to Hinduism
Who is the creator according to Hindus?Brahma

1. What is reincarnation?the process of a new life after death

2. In what modern country is Hinduism mostly practiced? india

3. What are the Vedas? Sanskrit

4. About how many people practice Hinduism globally? 1.2 billion

5. What are the three gods that are different forms of Brahman?

6. Explain the differences between the three different forms of Brahman:

7. What is karma, and how does it work? karma can be good or bad depending on you
life chooses. it can bring good things or bad things

8. What is the goal of Hinduism?Moksha

9. What is nirvana or moksha? mokash -It means to be saved

10.How does the religion of Hinduism impact some of the foods that followers of the
religion eat?They do not eat meat for the same reason you would not eat a human.
Humans and animals are all equal, therefore neither are food.

11.What are cows associated with in Hinduism? do not consider the cow to be a god
and they do not worship it.they consider the cow to be a sacred symbol of life that
should be protected and revered.

12.What is yoga?group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that

originated in ancient India, aimed at controlling and stilling the mind,

13.What are Hindu temples called?Alayam, Mandir, Mandira, Ambalam, Gudi, Kavu,
Koil, Kovil, Déul, Raul,

14.Why are gurus important in Hinduism?The guru was also considered to be the
living embodiment of the spiritual truth professed by the sect

15.Why is water important to Hindus? because it is believed to hold purifying and

cleansing powers.

16.What river is very important to Hindus?The Ganges River

17.What is something new or interesting you learned about Hinduism?Hinduism is the

third-largest religion

Click on Next: Buddhism (at the bottom of the site)

Part 2: Introduction to Buddhism
19. In what region of the world did Buddhism begin? northeastern India
Who is considered the founder of Buddhism? Siddhartha Gautama (“the Buddha”)
What was Siddhartha’s life like? What was he not exposed to?

22. Why did Siddhartha leave his life of pleasure?wanted to fully understand suffering.
23.What is
fasting? an act of sacrifice
What is enlightenment? How did Siddhartha reach enlightenment?

25. How can you reach enlightenment according to Siddhartha?

What does “Buddha” mean? means enlightened one
27. About how many Buddhists live in the world today?

28. In what countries and what region did Buddhism spread to?
Why is Buddhism not very common in India today?
What is something new or interesting you learned about Buddhism? I learned that
hinduism believed that cows are a symbol of life

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