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LISTENIN = Se ae ry IELTS Listening Tip: | our Top 10 i The LUstng exam cons fur pars, queso ands 0 minutes. You oa hon gen |i) anoterten minutes atthe end ofthe exam o copy your anon one ne en proved, ig. Pats 4 and 2 focus on “survival English” the kind of English you need on a day-to-day basis if [| youre hog nan Engh speaking county ag, ating geting drecire setae yas Pat and 4 concentate more on he pcs of edueatonortanng arse mate of dialofjues between two or more People and ‘Make sure you write something, even if you really don't know the answer. Never leave a blank spacoll There are two good reasons for this hety, {here isa chance you might get the question correct nywayl Secondly if ‘You leave a blank, may confuse you and you could accidentally write your answers in the wrong boxes on the answer sheet..vary, very bad movell [J Read the question very, very carefully before you listen, Try to predict what [E_ the answer might be. The time you are glen to read the question is very {important you to start getting predictions In your mind about posstble answers. When you lst othe recording, your ear wil be tuned fostering for these answers and you'l get more answers corres. Getyour speling right! Everything must be spalied correctly, I marks. Practice those tick eters over and over. Do you kner between A,€-and 1? Can you hear te ference between G and off sounds obvious, but man ! of small errors like this. or you will lose the diferonce JrorBand V2 it y students dont get the band they need for listening because ; IELTS Listening Tips : our Top 10 K Use yourtine wall Youhav atte thee ot 1 nave As on you Rave fed cocng yor seees ae : ext section and tat rang te queso oh prepay Wont of the ox Tis wl ve yeu soma vale ore noses ore en fa | storence es ‘each section to check your U gota 0 mee teres aces varchar | example, ifthe word is education, then yo ‘ch detal. This Is what the ten minutes tice writing in short-hand form. For 1 can simply wile ‘edu. Simla, if the ‘word Is competition, you can write ‘comp. Again, this wil give you some veluable | &xtra time to listen on and get more questions correct. Atthe end, write dow, {the full answers clearly and correctly inthe ton minutes given to you | ‘One major problem that IELTS candidates. {get lost whereabouts they are in the Ist ‘anewer to Question 8, when the tape is disastrous, as youl kely mise all the ot ability to get them right complain abouts that sometimes they toning. They might be listening for the ‘on Question 11, The result of his is ther questions, even though you have the ‘This happens because sometimes two questions come very close together. Try to toad vo question loge s0 ou ao aye peared oy ance los ch I ober doa IELTS Listening Tips our Top 10 K Whatever youdo, don't try to memoris the answers before wing them down atthe end. The information will come too quickly, and evon lf you have a great ‘memory, You are putting yourself n Jeopardy by doing this. You only have one ance to listen tothe tape, so give youre the best possible chance of geting high listening score! Use short-hand to take a note of the anemone I Usten o auco books n English or other high quality auc ecordngs by naive: Speskers trains your listening skill, A good tocnigue a Josep os oncanration if ten toa sentonce or 3 and then tte paueypoton, and Progressively increase the amount of son ‘o yourself. This Is a great wa LUstening section in IELTS, fences you can listen to and repeat aloud 11 enhance your concentration tha is vital forthe ‘Stuart's #4 tip: BEWARE OF DISTRACTERSI ‘These evil lite monkeys will rally cause you rouble you are not carefull They are | Putinto tek you into wring dou the wong answer. IWahe rose example: ‘Question: Where are the Smith family fying to on hliday? Tapescript: “Flight 3572 willbe fst fying to Genova to re-uel befor fying onto Moscow" ! ‘The correct answer Is Moscow and the distracter is Geneva. Its put into ty to. {throw you off rom the correct answer. You can expect to have quite a few distrectors “Inthe Kstening exam, Don't write your answer too quickly —be aware and stay focused! = Speaking Practice Tes Part 1 questions Work Do you work or study? ‘What do you do for living? Did you have any dificult geting your present job? Do you enjoy your work? Which part of your job is exciting? ‘What ae the main tasks in your job? Do you plan to continue/stay inthis job fora long time? ‘Would you like to change this job? ‘Which is more important ~ your job or the people you work with? Studies Do you work or are you a student? ‘What subject are you studying? Is ta difficult subject? Why did you choose this subject? ‘What do you ike most about this subject? What's the most interesting aspect of your subject? "What do you plan to do when you finish studying? School At what age do most people leave school in your eountty? Do you think t's a good age to leave school? What was your favourite subject at school? Why? "What do you thnk are the most important subjects at school? Hometwnicity What city or towm are you fom? Is ita big city ora small town? Is itarural or urban ares? Tell me about your home town/city Deseribe your neighbourhood 's ita good place for people with young children? Can you describe the people of your home town/city? ‘What do most people do for workin your home towalety? ‘What is your home town/city i famous for? Do you think itis @ good/nterestng place to live ia? Home ‘What sor of home do you live in? Do you lve ina house ora flat? How long have you lived in your home? ‘What do you like ar dislike about your home? ‘What is your favorite room? Why? Is there anything you'd lke to improve about your home? Do you do household chores? What ae they? ‘What type of chores did you do aaa child? Family + Do you have small or large family? + Do you spend alot of time with your family? + What do you enjoy doing most with your family? + When did you lat celebrate a special event with your famity? + How do families help each other in your county? ‘+ Do you think ainudes to families are changing? Food + Who do you eat your main meals with? + When do you have your msin meal of the day? ‘+ Do you prefer to eat at home on restaurants? + Do you think home-cooked meals are healthier? + On what occasions in your country do people et special meals? + What dishes are popular in your county? + Is itimportan for families io eat together where you live? ‘+ Do you think itis good for people to eat together asa group? ‘+ Deseribe a traditional dish from your county Friends Do you have a small or large circle of fiends? How often do you see your fiends? ‘What things do you like doing together? How important ist to have close friends? ‘What makes & good friend? Free Time How much free time do you have? How do you spend your fee time? ‘What kinds of things do you lke doing in your fee time? Do you prefer to spend your fee time alone or with other people? ‘Do you think people have enough fre time these days? ‘What do you usually do on weekends? ‘+ What did you da last weekend? ‘+ Do you have plans for the next weekend? lays ‘Are there many public or national holidays in your country? Do you think there are enough public holidays? Do you lke going away on holidays? ‘Where did you go on your last holiday? Describe a place you ike to go to during your holidays ‘Whats the most interesting place you'd ike o visit on your holidays? ‘Transport ‘Which form of transport do you usually use? ov do you prefer o travel on long joureys? Do people use public transport where you live? ‘What are the benefits of public transport”? Are there any problems with public transport? Hobbies / Photography ‘What kind of hobbies are common in your county? Do people collect things as a hobby? Did you ever collect anything when you were a child? Is photography a common hobby in your eountry? Do you like taking photographs? ‘What kindof photographs do you lke? - Why? ‘When you go on holiday, do you prefer to buy postcards as souvenir orto take your own photographs? Sports Do you like doing sports? Do you prefer to play or watch sport? ‘Are there many sports clubs where you live? Did you play any sports when you vere a child? Is there any sport you would ike to lear? Which sports are the most popular in your country? What are the benefits of doing sports ox physical exerite? What isthe impact of exercising on our health? ‘Swimming ‘+ Is swimming popular in your country? + Should young people, especially chien, lear to swim? Can you swim? ‘When did you leam swimming? Do children lear to swim ata young age in your country? Do you like swimming? Why why not? ‘Are there enough places to sivim where you live? + What ae the benefits of swimming? Health & Fitness + What do you do to stay healthy? + Isiteasy to keop fit where you live? + What do you think is more important, eating healthily or doing exercise? + Do you have a good public health system in your country? + Is there anything you'd like to improve sbout if? Masie/ Concerts ‘What kind of musie do you ike? Did you lean to play a musical instrument when you were t school? Do you like to hear musi in restaurants and shops? Have you ever been to a concer”? ‘When di you last go to alive concer”? ‘Who was the star in this concert? Did you like him/her? Why? How often do you go to concerts? ‘What kind of live performances does your hometown offer? ‘Do you prefer attending a live concert or listening to recorded music? Dancing Do you like dancing? ave you taken dancing classes in your childhood? ‘Why do you like dancing? Do you like to watch people who can dance? (On what occasions do people usually dance in your county? Art Do you enjoy going to art exhibitions? Do you have a favourite artist orpainter? Did you ike painting when you were a child? ‘Were you good at art at school? Do you think aris an important subject in schools? Film / Theatre + Do you like watching films? What kinds of films do you enjoy? + prefer vasching films t home or atthe cinema? + Dopeople goto the cinema or the theatre in your home town’? + How often do you watch films / go the cinema? * When was the last ime you went othe cinema or the thea’? What did you see? ‘When you were a child what kind of movies did you like to watch? + Would you like tobe infil’ play? Why ! why not? Television Do you watch much TV? When do you usully watch TV? ‘Who do you normally watch TV with? ‘What kind of TV programmes do you like the most? Do you have favourite TV programme/sris atthe moment? ‘What TV programmes do you remember fom your childhood? Reading Do you read alot? ‘What kinds of things do you like to read? ‘What is your favourite time for reading? Is reading popular in your county? Languages ‘What languages do you speak? Do rou think it’s important to lam a foreign language? ‘When did you start earning «foreign language? Do you enjoy learning languages? Do you think young children should leam to speak a foreign language at school? ‘Are there any languages you would like to lean? What are they? Why? What activity do you find most useful for leaming English? ‘What do you find most difficult about learing English? ‘Animals + What do people use animals for in your county? ‘+ Whats your favorite snimal? + Is itcommon to have pets in your country? + Doyouhave a pt? Did you have a pet asa child? *+ What kind of animals make typical pets? ‘What wild animals are there in your country? ‘What is the atte of people to animals in your country? Names ‘+ What is your fll name? + What should teal you? How do you prefer o be called? + Do you lke your name? + Does your name have special meaning? + Who chooses a name fora baby in your culture? + How important is name selection in your country? + How do you remember names? + What do you find easier to remember: names or numbers? Numbers + Does any number have a special meaning in your country? ‘What ae the most important numbers that someone should remember? ‘Are you good at remembering numbers? + How do you remember numbers? ‘What do you find easier to remember: names or numbers? Computers Do you usea computer st work a athome? ‘What do you use = computer for? Do you lke using computers? ‘When did you lean to use a computer? ‘What isthe importance of computers nowadays? ‘What jobs do computers do better thn people? Weather What isthe climate ike in your county/? ‘Ae there any problems with the climate in your country? What is your favourite type of weather? What kind of weather do you dislike? Would you prefer olive ina hot or cal country? ‘What i the best worst weather for traveling in? Gites Flowers + Do you like giving gtts? + When do people give each other gifts in your couatey? *+ What ype of gifts do you give to people? + Doyou lice Nowers? + How often do you buy flowers? + For whict purpose are flowers wed in your countey? * Ate flowers used in local festivals or national celebrations? ‘Colours + What are your favourite colours? Why? + Do colour have any special meaning in your country? + What colour would you choose for decorating your house? + Areeolous important to you when you're shopping for things? Test Part 1 -sample questions Health and Fitness ‘What do you do to stay healthy? Is iteasy fo keep ft where you live? ‘What do you think s more important, eating healthily or doing exercise? ‘Do you have a good public health system in your country? 1s there anything you'd lke ta iemprove about it? Part2 sample task card Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say: ‘what this setivty is + when you do it + and how often you doit and explain Why you think isa good way to look aftr your health Part 3 sample questions 1, What ae the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country? 2. Do you think people wonry more about their health as they get older? 3. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to ther health? 4. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits? 5. Do you think people have become more health consciots in event years? 6. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options? Useful Vocabulary Healthy activities /nabts— things that are good for your heli 1 tking regular exercise + playing spor) + (going) swimming + (going) cycling + to regnin your health Verb + Adjective Collocations to feel heathy to look helthy tobe healtny to keep / slay healthy Useful Linking Expressions Adding more det “+ In (actualy fact, + Actually... + More tthe point, + Indeed, + To be more precise / exact, Sample Answer (Qu6 Could goveraments co more to promote healthier lifestyle options? Yes in my opinion the government has a big responsibilty to tr to persuade peopie to live more: ‘naltily. 1 think they could provide more education in schools fo teach children how to est more healthily and show them the importance of taking physical exercise. In fat, i's the parents too that also need to be re-educated on these issues. Another thing, I think there shouldbe more government warnings an TV showing people the dangers of obesity and poor diet, for example ‘Actually, they do have some that show the health risks of smoking and draking, which are quite powerful, bt not really about healthy eating Finally, there could be more public cilities 10 ‘help people keep ft, lke swimming pools, gyms and sports centres. More to the point they need ‘0 be affordable so that everyone has the opportunity to use them. Tent Part 1- sample questions Do you work or study? ‘What do you do for living? Did you have any difficulty getting your present job? Do you enjoy your work? ‘Which part of your job is exciting? going tothe gym oing yous/ pilates / tai chi cating fred fruit and vegetables eating organic foods cating regal meals drinking water having a balanced diet Unhealthy habits chings that are bad for your health + smoking + binge drinking (excessive amounts of alcohol) + taking drugs + cating too much salt / ft sugar + being overveiaht Health Cotlocati ‘health fam health cexte ‘health club health service 1 bealth risk hazard ‘ahealth check ‘health problem ‘health vistor ‘health inspector heath food health insurance healthcare health and safety (rules / regulations / guidelines) healthy ifestyle healthy det ‘healthy appetite healthy economy «healthy bank balance abealthy profit, ‘healthy atitude ‘healthy respect Verb + Noun Collacations fo look afte: your health to take careof our health {to maintain your health 10 be in good! poor health ‘What are the main tasks in your job? Do you plan to continue/stay in this job for a long time? Would you like to change this job? ‘Which is more important your job or the people you work with? Part2— sample task card Describe the job you would most lke fo have. You should say: + what this job would be + where you would work + which qualifications you would need ‘and explain why you would like to have this job most, Part 3~sample questions 1. Which jobs are most respected in your country? 2 Doyou think that some jobs are sil more suited to cither mei or women? 3. Doyou think schools provide enough advice and support about future careers? 4, What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country? ‘5. Doyou agree that salaries should reflec the level of contribution tothe eommianity that the job makes? 6. Doyou think more and more people ill work from home ia the future? Useful Vocabulary Work + to apply fora job / post / promotion + to.get/have a part-timelfull-time job + towork in [field / place} + towork for [a company] + to-specalise in [field] + to bea qualified [job] + to work shifts /unsociable hours + to.get/have an interview to beshortisted to be demoted / promoted to betransferred /to put in for transfer to be fired / sacked / dismissed to be made redundant to retire/to be retired to geta per + theperks of a job (benefits) ‘+ towork from home (home working) + tobe seltemployed /to work for yourself + towork do Mexistime / overtime Useful Linking Expressions Sequencing leas rstly ist of. another point / reason / examples... lastly / finally. Sample Answer (Qu. What changes have there been in recent years in employment in our country? think there have been many changes inthe types of jobs that people do nowadays. compared o 20 or 30 years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy, industry such as mining or ship-building or even manufacturing, Secondly, there has been «big increase in the numberof jobs in the service and lelsure industries ike shops, gyms, sand hotels. And finally, since the launch of the interne there has been a big surge fu the ‘number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design. Speaking Practice Test: Practice Test 3 - Travel Part 1~sample questions ‘Which form of tansport do you usually use? How do you prefer to travel on long journeys? Do people use public transport where you live? ‘What are the benefits of publi anspor? ‘Are there any problems with publi transport? Part 2~ sample tash card Describe an interesting joumey you have been on. You should say: + where you went + ow you travelled there + who you weat with ‘and explain what was so memorable about the journey. Part 3—sample questions “What methods of transport are most popular in your eity county? ‘What are some ofthe problems of long-distance traveling?” “las the way people tavel changed much inthe lst few decades? Do you agree that goveraments should do more to encourage greene: methods of ‘transport? ‘What measures could be taken o reduce problems of congestion in cies? ‘Do you think tat transport problems ere worse in urban or rural arees? Useful Vocabulary Popular methods of transport in cits by metro by tram by bus bby motorbike / scooter / moped by bike cn foot togoby bus tocatch the metro tolake the tram {0 goonithe motorbike tocycle to walk duuds of ramaport by plane by train by coach by boat ferry ‘Transport problems + Tong delays Gin airports) + lost luggage cancellations (of flights trains) missed connections traic-iams /congrstion roadworks / diversions breakdowns / accidents pollution Solutions to inner-city congestion toad access charges in city centres bypasses /ringroads ‘park and ride schemes fre rental of city bikes more cycle lanes more frequent buses ‘chesper public transport more pedestrianised streets ‘more electric trams ‘more accessible metro system Useful Linking Expressions Giving examples + forexample + forinstance + suchas + like /as + another example / way ‘Sample Answer ‘Qu. 5 What measures could be taken to reduce problems of congestion in cities? ‘There are many way’ that congestion could be reduced in big cities. In my city, for example, they have introduced «bike rental system where members can pick up a bike a one point and evening class + course discipline + literacy * day release + kindergarten + enrol secendary + skills + pass + correspondance + qualifications + degree 1. Whee Miche! was three, he started ging 9 2 netimage of fie, heentred ection, a. He teamed base echt and Aueingeron 2y)30ds 2103, 49 topic specific vocabular; Education 1 Atari taned ees he began werd a 5 Aliough he was lny aod lacked stint, he at abe ao tise When he was eighteen he found » clase which offered 2 an 7. Hewat abet, fort oun few debe enna btndey. 1. He worked hard and three yeas ater wat able to in et od Design. with 9. Aferthathe followed a ‘sng the nt tate I¢0 53 topic specific vocabular gem Work Task hatch 3 Ind to hele 1051-6 Jn box A with one ofthe stances A In Bon, Use the words 1. Samantha ithe anita manager of bank ashe works rom 8302830 every da 2 “acy wars onthe production ne of actor whi makes cart. She ves machine to s5r9) pein ant the ted ar pars. 23. lone works for hen She is 3 photographer. reworks vey dy or about ght or ne 4 eanate is a eaer fora company in ming tse ony works there for about hee four hour dy. 5. Cire ho 2 powerful ob inthe peso ffir of «large mubnaconl company. she s ‘esprit for employing new pple nd geting df tox tat he compen dosn't want to employ anymore 6. Mate wort in the france department ofan ttn college fod —EEEEE eee A. Shes a semis bluecolar workerinsmandectrig indy, 2. Shes a se-emplyed and works le. She test desi heselt recone, . Sheis responsible fo hhring and ing. ©. Shocaaate the wages, salaries, pansion cantittions end medal nsranceconvibutons ofa he stat She isa fine white-collar worker na serie indsty. Sheis an unshited part-time employes Don't forget to kep a record ofthe words nd expressions that you have learnt review ‘Jour ote from Uns tne aad ty toot no ecologies whenever posible Work “Tasks 1'and 2-You may need to change the for ‘Some people lve to work, and others work liven mest case, this depends on the jab they have andthe conditions under whlch they are employed. In your opinion, what are the elements that make 2 job worthwhile?” in anwaing this question. | would the t lok fst atthe elements tat combine to make & ob undesirable By avoiding sch factors pot remot ey to find job ‘hate mare wetland by doing sa, hope to achive haps thee wo Flt of alt dows matter if you ae an 2 tar deanng the floc,» 2 “ ‘wera n 3 prosctin tinh one of the ‘ oes. ‘skein 2 tan, shop er ane of he ther if you ak th he Knol hat you might lose your job at any time, you will ever feel happy. Grebody would ke @ © inwhich er shes guaranteed work Nowadaa, howevescmpanis ave 2 high twmover of sta, 10 ew saan 1 theron a ely basis Such companies reno popula with the werk ‘Te same canbe sd of jain which you ae put ver lta 12 wd wor job wen s0 1 ‘hat tater ove your fe 3 ob were you work « and 0 ever gt 158 your fay or reds oF phy jo in which you do the some thing every dy ad end vp ith he ndutl douse that alaysin the pape ovadye 15. ith a thes nsatie factors it would te fut 0 believe that hae ae any leant that make & job worthwhile. Money is, of couse, the prime motivator and everybody wants @ good But of couse hatin The chance of 17. 5 cof being gWen@ better poston in a company is 2 motivating Todor Ukewi, 0 such 258 fee lunch oF 2 company et 219, severe €9 make you work hard such as 2 requar 22a the rato of inflaton, 21, Incase youl il and company 22 "sveme so that you have some money when ou rere all eombine to make 2 job worthwhile Inlortunatl it fmt always ety find al of tht. Theis however an aerate, Foret the offce {the factory floor and became 23. tnd work or youre Your fture may ‘sot be secure, but at ast you wil be happy. Don’t forget to keep 3 record ofthe words ndexpreston that you have learn review ‘your notes Hom time to time and tv to ure new voceley Items whenever Bostic Aaeingezon ayj2eds 21Go. 55 — = = ific vocabular = pic speci to} ‘ ee a Moriéy & finance “Bak lag a tan find diferente worth nd epee Bad 1. 3 profit mate = ose 1. bank nd bulng zoey 2. extravagant & ga economical 12. dicount rfond 3. aeurentacount a deposi acount 13. omething hier wat a bapa something Oe whith was overpkced ansrthng which te deposi one & to withdraw money 14, wort & pros 6 wage tay 7, broke & banknpe 15 save maney and invest money 8 shores, stocks, ind vdends 16, eto nd etaton 2, Income tae bee ty 1. ncome and expenditure 10, toed to debit 18. to fend and to boron Taek zs atch thesantances In ealumn A withthe sntonent a cokn 8, Ure te worden bold ihelp you column A column 8 1 the managing. director believes the teal ooking fond to ng my Company shoul sar produing pocket Denson conve |B. The cost of living seems to go up every day. * epmagrgngem meta 6 ay a i aan 6 0 1 rtd ner a i eaters © Seater aran a ea E._falways seem to run up a huge averdraft at 5. Feame into lt of money recently when the bk toy unde de, Of cuss, the potenti lbs market for 6, Look at his ehgue hat came inthe post sem ctmonn {his moring tom he nland Revenue Cena 27. ve een spenting too much recent bene H. Thee is 2 vey uneven aiibuton of 1. Inmy county, ere ae tof very poor a people an on few eh one |. The nts they pay etm ihe: 8. Host my jb a month ‘ ethene inate ometig seme tobe sme Kind af treba 11. Pres are ing aly evewnere LL Maybe | should cane geting one on 12 The January sl star tomorow coe To nny Se nna py NE Money & finance Trek Now rend this pariage snd complete the gaps with from Tete tana You may need to change the form ot som 2a aa eres “Financial advice rom a father to. s0n* Inthe play Mamie’ by Willa Shaleieare, father shes hit son sme anil ace. ther 3 orrower nor a lender be" he sys. Heit ting to tell ie son that ho should never mona fam anyone becnue Ke wl ke e fea fo hin to manage his ‘aa Uiawie be dint wove ae aca sos tne beets bo ‘i probably never se he mony aga and wl probly lve i Fiend wwe ‘The pay was writen ovr four hundred yeas ago, but today many parts would gsr aie to ‘haieclsen imagine he conversion sey wed have nove Son: Wight do, fm off to uriversy now Father: Allon, bt et me ie you sme sound finandl ede before yous, Son: Ohcome onde Father Now ite, tit Ie portant. The fist thing you should do i to make sure you le your ‘he money you recee fom me = and Your Te money you spond. W you spend too mud you Wil atthe ban: Gon expect meta py You. end with an Sent But ict Things aes epee andthe 6 sees upal the tine 7 Fsrunning at about 10% Father: | kno, but you shoul ty to 8____. avid expen shops and tenure ha. at your money 8 ga5d Beyer a mach an higher rate of 1. ri so, wid baying thing son Wy? Father Becaue shops charge youan 2____amount of money to buy things vet Spunadot me itsmochbete ~~ altdebat money ech week forthatwhenyouse something you waa, youn Buy Waugh ryt waiter sales, wen hope fer hge Mand you tan pik up iS padi toga Son How dodo tat? Father: Ea When you by something, se he shop f thet wn the pice by sy 10%. Net, when Yyou eventually gt ajo and ar ering» good sly to 17 oe ongy in oe cmpany uy We in gore orginal ot Sone OX dd Te hens enough Father: One fina pce of avi, son Sons Whats thitsos? Father To ine on ef be te, Sen: Youwhat? Aueingeson aypvads aide 57 = = s 2 8 é g & == — 2 — om oo =o -— = Politics “ak ak ate srt vit and vnvnge tants noua gigs word coma cloded ts halp yu) Then put she words ate the itd ERS seaman Ie ‘n'a word in the bold verses sip which means "ule of 9 county by ane perso, 74 5. Welve in mezoare (A county goed by ey cid repress Of tee) 2 Scola iaiming fer mdnpiadees inthe nest tw yar Jreedon) 3. Aaldsenac for the Latour Faryad at our hone st week 8 pean who steno ecto) “4 Te ilar jnta soled th constutin and set paleo gene. ing tl power and ‘04 alouig any eaposton opera edn) 5. An ulate govern not neces bad thing (Contig pie se 6 The rine Minster at appcinted » group of extasen to run th goverment (ple with 2. Tho Carsriatve Paty lst the lon and now i psonotia. he payer uo which sproses the gone |. France ea pute th a rate and pre mie stem of overnen wth governed Ipsec epsantaver headed yn etd atta presen) 8. Governments often Impose set econemic ontnass on counties whidy abuse ther power (Remeron on td ath coy inc 0 Oy etre is pao Sewloren 1 Me Anetcan Cong fra of he gt of Repent: and he Ste, a of 2 1, Her sods elgyoo le er to ja the pay. tery fe Based not on alls beet on patil osconom pce 12. larBatmen has gassed a aw forbiing the sale of dgwratts to chien, (A group of lect Politics Task 2: Look at these sentences and decide they oe TRUE or FALSE, Use Giclnary to help 1. monarchy ra gstem of goverment with an elected king or sen. 2. Apaltican sa person who works for he king er sen. 3. Astateanan ostateswoman san important reigourlade or presenta of county, 4 Acabinet a commie formed of he mest imgornt member ofa goverment 5. A presidents the head of a repuc ‘5. Amini sa person whe wer forthe goverment 7 Aconsttueney sa aes ofa country which elects «Member of Petfament pots goverment which conti by he poe. 8. A referenda’ the proces of thosing by ving 10. An election i ot wher al he people of county ae asked to vote on 3 gle qu, Tak 3: Now lok at tis extract rom a caren affairs ao programme and complet the gape with one of the words or expression from Task and 2, In some caves, mare than ne ant Inay be possible, You may need to change the form af same ofthe words, ‘ood evering, and wecome to toi’ ton of Today in Governenene There were angry scenes ia-both 1 of arlment tay following an unprecedented walkeu by the Pie Miter and other member of Ke 2 ‘ing ‘xpeech bythe leader ofthe 2 aching their oniawand ‘order he Prime Minster called Hs oppste number ae 5. ‘who wansto ake ‘say the freedom ofthe indiual ane tur the county from a fesdamovng 6 wal, ran by oe man’ tes alma time for the people of Sein to vote agin and snow enly ne month anil the * «Allover the country, 8 rom al the mor pares ae ‘voang an dows sing people wo vte for them We ended a recent rey to find ough people ‘le voting for. urpesing any spor the Wesker Union Pat fo thei pic of cangng the vey for 91. into ~ alt of peopl suport theiden of gating rid of he Queen in favour of an elected preset. Member of Parlarent hove ald or 2% 10 thatthe people of tain can «ie whetharor not the countries the ‘One Europe gation This flows a ure in the town of Wochamestad the Prime Miners on 13, The Minty of Education vas accused by the press today of employing too many 4 ‘es Sith ctor of he Daly News defended his attack Ws no goo having 2 separient fall computer expe if they are unable trun er choos propery, hei cel Yates, sir statesman for Bain atthe European Commision has alld fr EU member sates 0 Impose srt economic 5, onthe goverment of Boland This flows tleged human rights abuses on tribeanen In te north of the county who are demanding %e Thi leader, A591 Waldeck on countries around the wld Yo Help ‘her in ti staf reo ads 3100 Aaeinqe2on 24 59 - jar ic Specific vocabul mmm cee The environment ———— Task: atch the frst par ofeach sentence Inthe leluhond colopm with Ta second pony tthe words bs fohalp You Check thet ath sentence You put a conc ame 2 tym scone eee ttl illegal to kit pandas, tigers. ‘with many. ‘4. tf we don't de more to protect pandas. (0 ~in wltte mavegemant. 5. A lot of British people are interested in (0) ~.the governmert’ conservation mot a ol " peer £ medlpra scorn cry (a -aeytnin nen fanaa nee eee oases eee amore sg net te cna (G) st was fascinating to observe their wera cry oamomsinin, Ra irae fete (tH) on @ successfu panda breeding td mero, soe Seen henna rales omer oe aeaece mee ‘imorieiemteaen ote 0) -aktfeth amar grog Dyce fom et anes mony (W risk coming under attack from Fae ace sass Task 2: Replacs the expression in bold witha word or expression fvom te box whieh unleaded petrol + fossil fuels + recycle (things) + organic genetically modified + greenhouse + rain forest + global warming erosion + contaminated + environmentalists + emissions biodegradable packaging * acid rain + Green Belt + ecosystem 1m tain, bling estes completely bana in he ae of fming land or weed and parks 2. any comptes ae dewoping boxes atone and cnt which can easly be devompesed by organisms sch a eter or by sunlight, su, wate ee 23. The bucring of some fu ceates carbon doit carton monoxise sushi oie, methane 20d ‘other ger wie ie nt the anenghere 4 Fans nave care her of tk woos nd pic repens hee the pretation vey igh The environment Tieng Wee pronde some protection Vom the qradhal waning ay oH We soul al yt proce wast teri so tha it canbe wed again ‘ese poates ae culated natural without ang ay chemi fries and peste “This bread s made from wheat whids has bean are at» mec loves asf change cvan ‘racers which cn be Inher S. Mote and more cas are bull ous fuel hich Ma ben made widhout ad ative, 10. Potted pretation which hls uees tls ong distance 2ay for the sauce ofthe paltion 11, Human beingshave hada devastating effect onthe Ing hing, bth age and smn many parts ofthe wor 12, The gases and othe substances which come from fates sng ol col ard other felt which are the ramane of lant and ain cn cur seu anew be enna 15. Don't chink hat wate Is buen made ity by something Being added rp ofthe ah enone an ot ple oncred with protecting te evonmen hing a forum in London ext aosth 15. the hesting up ofthe eats atmosphere by pelion tratning fe ewe know St thls essay and compete the gaps with one of te wards ov exprewlons ‘ram Tanke t'snd 2 In ome caren, more than one ensvesmay be pale. tou oy need to Change the form of some’ ofthe worst. “Environmental degradation 89 major world problem. Wis cuss tle problem, and what “hare ln no. doubt that ‘the envcnment sn trouble, Factories buen 4 Se see ee Goees rie Tae si at conte to wih Tiresens To ek the ‘polar ke cap. Meanie armen dear ge sew of Fe in ples sch 25 the fnazon 9 praducr feasing and for eae 2 produce wend Yorbuling. Rar and oceans ae s0 hey Py nds ‘whic we all have to breathe I. 8 ed vetting we ling a raion of aialy nung whe, Sephari ao ater 3 Sate thing things lrge and small wich comprise au fod blared ‘ealiclydestoyed by buon greed and house ‘There isa lot we can alld, however, to lb event ti. The ena shieg, ofcourse, to " "waste materi such 25 paper and gl 40 ate cane I gain, We ould ako Gack that the things we buy fom sugermartets et packaged I E packaging whch decomposes tasly St the same tine we ould smoke = Coitour aio Wo vad foods which aro 13 Va wth Someone proves that they are safe both for us and Tar the enivonmend W you ate tly ommited to protecting the environment of our, you should ety bay 18 ‘rat and vegetable, Sten the Krowledpe that they have been nawaly chad Foal, of cure, Wwe should buy val car that cree Tn ith es har foe ronment 9 even bre make more we oF PB Warapare The serous 6. however do muchimre They ae sae ofthe lables raed and wil acve Tvehe Bere in Ty making sur ot ores ‘Se ept se for fre generations They val oppor aces wth ar ham to arial uch ES eee they wil campaign to ep he . Sond 8 Tenn and i es om new bung. ‘We cannot ll be os commited as tem, but we can at est do our on ite bt at gas eos ee ‘ie as har have inherited he earth, bt that ew’ mean we can do what ke wth pads >1d0 Aueinge20n 24 61 momma meen Healthcare Task [Match the sentence in the Iefthand column witha sentence nthe ghhand column ie the words In bal to help you, veh 1. Ms ealy haters fom tele (A nesses wich afer the aeitn of ‘etraton fr yar Bid ar parts canon with prope who ae verge More men tan men ae affected by ori (© Tiss deposed on the wal of te “teers an locke, 4. Aiecondtoneg units ae oten ‘pansion fete (ey cane be sped frmone pron Sound an oe inether | Cen dnc baconing ere (0) an or fins nthe fons muses ‘onmon tea a Ean be very dia oe wh 5 Too mich expose to the sun can aie (@ They dort get enough exec. Hr anee (1 Te immune stems ot ropery 6 Wistnpran two eat to mucrfoad ) 67 “iE vote uy ag Bc Social tensions Task [Hatch cach newspaper beading In the box with the first line of Re Accompanying Hoty Below Use the words BOLD to Nap you ‘A. LEGAL ALIENS TO BE ExPELLED 1. THC MINORITIES “UVING BELOW Povenry LeveL © womeLess souarrEas evicrED . WSTITUTIOWAL RACISM STILL A PROBLEM (. INTERWALLY DISPLACED. NEW GENOCIDE HORROR . ATREMISTS ACCUSED OF PROMPTING HOSTILITY 6, UNREST. RIOTS AND ANARCHY CONTINUE HR EBELS VICTORIOUS IN LATEST FOWER STRUGGLE DISCRIMINATION AND EXPLOLTALION A MAJOR PROBLEM IN BRITISH INDUSTRY 4. ISSIDENTS ASK AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM 1. fics om the Thames Ve Pole Force eaped a a house Kidlington eater ths mesring ard frdly removed farly who had ben staying there legal spe they st te hae in August. 2, Amott 50% of fcory workers in atonl companied thay have received bad estment or ave bean tan abantge af because of ther ay eliion race, nguape, colour 2s hs been revealed 2, The UN as acute he goverment of Zara of farther avoatescommtedin the west of he county where handed of migrants ae reported have Been hile ty eri res 44. opponest the govtnant in Ygarla have ake ota in Sydney beau the pli sation In thelr ou county ating it unsafe for thet tun. 5. The pole have once again ben acaued of Scrinniting agin minty reas expe thee reseurces ena ths yar that hey had tore the pace. 6 Neote groupsin Pr were today condemned fr ning lence against onehiein he cane ofthe cy 17. shocking suey a evel talon 30% of Aan and Ain acl rugs Ming a Landon ar sufeting fnanoal hardsi. 1 Folloning frterdevatuation ofthe Malan dor, violence as one agin erupted onthe sees ofthe cit, 41. Groupsfahting oan he government of George Malkesintnalahavesucedelin capturing ard eccupyieg the parame bling 1, The Goenment ha dered the mma deportation of ovr 20 eran who entered he county without papa or vss as yea, Social tensions Teak 3 Match the words and eaprerions In the fist box with sword or eapresign In he Jeeond Bot nnich Weather ae closest in meaning or ich normaly acct wth fe ethnic cleansing + prejudice + civil rights + harassment rebel + picket line * poverty-stricken * refugee + outcast reject (noun) * non-conformist + blackleg » human rights * de ute discrimination + displaced person + intimidation + racial purging “ask 3: Now Took ot this naw programme and complete the gape with one of the words or ‘pressons trom tasks ? and 2, n-tome eats more than ene srswet may be possible. You fnay need to thange the form st rome of the ors Good evening. Here ithe news Neomasis and other 1___ have bean held eiponabe for 3 wave of 2 inthe Water Rapa The United Matos erimats tat oer 20,09) peopl ave sen marred thre in the at simon ohare exaped Fem the courty hee ase the rth govetnentt aat amA ee rey {ar for ther sey hoy vet etre ‘tye government are to deport 500 5. lahowe vie ve ete Angry member of te pposton have ssed he povrnoerd Ot Gee “Oe NS SB GF the deportes are of Areantigin, Meanwhile, the pace have Seea acum of x after Ain fais Bradird complained they had ben pestered and ‘wowed yaa lwing sre of obberisin they §__ headers se USA have held a damonsaton in Washnatn ‘Seath pal: They nave cle fora total abolion of cata! pune ang that Daa Prints utined inthe Ute Nations Deaton of Homan fights wo. Aight the government of resent tani have taken contol of he {stevin tatlon inthe conve ofthe cpl Thi folows song stancing Wn ‘eter Stanistan te pinpal eppeion pry which ar erow wcaened Wis power A spokesman forthe 12 community inLondon ha presented petition to he ‘goverment silng tem to provid Poung Tor eeyone. He argues thatthe goerant refs to ‘ue te minimom wage ates ested in theusanaelneg RTS nat fnough money to pay Tor somenere te lve. Meanwhi the NetopoTion Polke eiced several * ho tooe ove house nthe ty cane ls weeks reuse oleate ie goverment ook pote eon [A rcant navey reveals that at least 30% of publc companies have been accused of * ae ig OPPS ithe pat yar Te mai lense ‘nolo Anelgunated Twaconmonkctons, 2 BAxoTbomd company. Te empljes, mary of then ‘Adan amen, cnimthey hove eave bad vestnent or been tate advantage fy the compan And inal, Carat patie ce preparing fr angry scenes the Wes iteratonal Computes facto emer en ere aunt return to work str Sxmonttson sk, ‘temp to beck trough the pet Hoe Aen fcr has exgresed his concen that there wl be ‘3. nd people wil get ur a rest pads >1do: ‘Arejnqe20n 213 69 ad Science & technology Tock 1 Replace the words and erpestona tn bold iy sentencar > 18 with © word rezslon fom the box analysed + genetic engineering + breakthrough + molecular biology a technophobe + safeguards * development + cybernetics + invented rudlear engin a technophile * innovations + react + an experiment * research fing * combined + life expectancy + discovered 1. The company carying ov scent study 0 fn sare for Aide 2. The planning and production of thenew compute system wl ak ome tne. 3. Modern hone entertalment strand other mode Inventions ae changing everyone ves |. Some samen change thir comic compostion when me wit water 5: The sient have ested a new maine to tomate the res, 5 Who was the person who found pen? 7. When the food wat examined dose and seta ws found to contain bac ain ind together with CO, gusesprodves ac an 9. Ron strife of modem technology: 10. Geof is vr interested in modem technology. 11, Protection agit cles inthis brary are main. 12. Scents contd a sent testo se ow people react erent sl 12. Bian tying the technlqur weed change the seneecompostion of lls to change cera characteristics whi can be nhorite. 14, Sra ir stching the thing which frm the trate of living mater 15. Ohstine studying how dafamation fs communist In machines and electronic devices in ‘comparison with how ti conmaneated the bin and merous system. 16, nel is stching the ferent way extracting and controling energy frm atomic parties, 17. Thee tat be a muon ces in the Search foro cre far ance 18, The number of ears personaly tive has ncesed great deal hanks to modern madne nd tecnsiogy, Science & technology Teik & Read ths description of a computer, Unfortunately the person whe deverbing 1 ic not very fama with ther computer vocabulary and cannot rememer all the words. Help them by using the approplate word or expesten inthe box to give « mote selec definition of thelr explanation fog on + Keyboard + load + email + download hardware + ‘crashed + software + the Internet + scanner mouse + base unit / disk drive * web site + printer + monitor (0% heresy new computer As yeu can 86, hee 16 Fv mn prt Hw his large box With ‘eos asin i aie the mot ingore pa (1) ‘thee suff that macs te computer work @)___ You ean ak put In a yout enn games ad thethings No to ‘hare isthe thing that looks ike asa television (5|______ so hat you can see whet the computer sding, Yo te right of hat tae the maine tat et you make back and hte or colour cps ofthe documents that you eat anthe computer (§_______. You can contol the computor by wsing that rectangular ft thing with ll te ler and numbers on @. ) or that funny ite objec wth te long lacwhch ou can mae oss yourdeik(§_.___). The tg fa thing othe lft ofthe computer ie something you can ue to make cps of you photographs or ether docaments ort the compute, 9 the & sotecopier es. vey isefl machine of ous, Once you eh get tp and ening (9) you cn do lt of things anit You can ate documents play ges ot oe formation from te fant thing tht inks computers Hom srund the world (1 lat of ‘companies and crgarizations have ter own spa computer page (2) ‘ich youcan look tan you an transfer he information 1 {2 yout oun computer les. 0 you Bk, you can send mesagesto othe people with computers yang thispaclal {acy cae eh um something | or'tremerbe (1, nfonuraaly, can let you us ast stopped working (15) net think musthave done something wrong, but cant imagine hate got a type ou ta borrow you tke. Don‘ forget to keep a record ofthe word and expressions that you hare leon, review {your noter trom time to tte nd ty to ure new ocabuly Items whenever poss Fo cay a ewan ra yh ma wads 21do2 A 3H Areingero. 71 Ce Science & technology Task 3: Now look at this esay and fin the gaps with ope of the words or exprertions fom ‘ket and’ In ene cten,mere han ane same maybe posible You may Host change “Technology has ame 2 ong way nthe la fy yer, and our es have become beter a es. OF have they? ‘The second half ofthe went century saw mre changes thn in the previous two hundked years Peni hat alendy been i se o test infections ther have been mary remaable advances ia medicine that have felped to imrease our average 2 way beyond that of ou ancestors eb 3 — Sukh a televilon have changed the way we spend or lesie hour. Php the mom Important 4 shower has bee the misacip, Hobdy oul hve imagine, when wavtiets______ hatwitin matter f yea, hit pte alion ee cheat woul be found in smost every houshold abject fom the Ket othe vide secre, Ad abody could nave predied he sudden peiferaton of comers that would completly change our Ives ling us to acs inforation om theater eof he wad the oF sand messages around the word by 7 the tod of # baton Meanwhile, @______ into other appecs of information thchnclogy is mating it ‘eater and cheaper for ww Uae to fends and reins sound the wor, Good news for to tore made tacology, bad news for the 1a would rater defo thee modern ade ut evrything hat pie. The development of ___Id tomassautomaton ‘in fatries, which in tur eto ilo osig throb. The ge of Es ed tothe horas the omic bomb 2d the dangerous uncertainties f 12_____ fe ear of aecdents snd mishaps at ucer poner stations around the wor where torent cident were inadequate). The elatvely new scence of 14 has ben sen at 4 major step forward, but puting moe feeds erto the market before semis Med propety 15_them as perhaps one of th mot espa don of the 1950s Meanwhile, pharmaceual companies continve 19 16 an aia, 2 ve ‘that many conser tobe cruel and unnecessary. (Of course weal yon moder sence and tedcigy to pov ou ves. However, we aed to ‘make sure that we can conta before conto us Dont forget to keep 2 record ofthe words and expressions that you have era, revew {our nots from tibet fine and try tose new vocabulary Hews whenever posse. Food and diet Tier tng words iv he box below wich ave the Fame meaning ay the ditonary Ustnitions 5.73" 8 ample sentence wih the word removed has Been Bion fo YOu ypads >1do1 1. Unit of masevement of energy ood. (Example: ses counting to yan lose weigh) 2. A compound vii a eon part of ving alls ne ofthe elemeatsin food whieh ou need to fp te humo body working propery (Geample: gs are rch source of ) 3. Achamial subtance containing carton, hydrogen ant ongen. (Grople reod potatoes nd rc ar good sours of ‘Aseinqe20a > 4 Auhitesustance frm plants or nial which canbe wed for cog. (Beagle: ry he meat and cain ofthe) 5, Mattar in food which anne be igs an pares ato the body. (Example: det that desn'tcontan enough can cause ett rotten) 6. A fary mtstaes found in ft an ol, abo produce the the an forming an essential part of thet ~ (example: # you et to0 muh Srvc cating thom obec Boia) 1. tania substance which sno sbeszea bythe body bt found in fod ends eee fo eth ind gow (Gramps doosn’ 0 enough frat and eters from leony eam be deposed on te wal of 1 Substance mins fod in fod, bt whi cin ao be dig out of teenth. (éxample Who i he ctent of sinc) 9, Too hay, often a rest of etng too much {temo he dcr sym snd mst oo onde) 18. te rutting eo 1 te eo eng 0 mht he wrong tod {Campton of techn nth nine cone wae ° 11 Recs foot ‘Campa eons cane a inprove nthe pare are) wile apa[y pupae ter Tat eta] me wpetelulylo}etalt| els vis cfetatetz}etwlttet alt vo wpete[vretxtetvte{ w{ wm} ar ofrtetitwtatet rte} ats Kt Cee Pee ee a7 efetwPatetete}vts twp tk sto twPwl tere tetat ats mon rove pepe ets we [Pe uly etwle Pete} typ utr ole ret tete}efate?elwi[epefel tl x E ofvietetwletitelw|s[e} (em cfwfofulalits{awfel oly otwhrbelstrtetvirtwretetwht} 73 cea mee ems tem moms oss mses LK SEOUL Food and diet Tsk 2: Match sentences 1-10 witha second sentence Al Ur the kay words In Dold heb you ‘Alot of people ar allot nts, Many rope donot wu gonetily modified foods ‘Organi vegetabes are mre expensive bt are beter for you Were to et Botery chickens We peer to ete range meats The havesthas ben vey bad thi ye Following the flodsin Mozaebicue, there Was atte seco food. ‘There hss been an outesk of rtmanot tera ad other food poisoning in Fert, Too maty people dot ests halanced de. ‘Fas food very popu [A This bean they ae cltated natal without ining any emia erica and postin 8. There ist anough teed everyone affected bythe cuter They arenot sre thet orig the composon of lt change cera characte ste tts goedtotnow tet te animals were given enough sce to expres tr natural thon Tere weather condtions hve prevented the crops rom pening and reduced they F. Alotof eople ae in hort! ae ret. . Unfortunately, tof burgers, plz and hed chen int wey hey, 1. They say reac very boy |. Tle bens they spend hi confined a smal ce 4. They dort consume sulfient quantities ofthe ieee food groups Beene e ‘Task 3: Now complete this article with one ofthe words or expressions rom Toslg 1 onde ome cases more than one answer may be possible, You fay need ta change sone a ing Most ein enjoy eating but etic tests have shown ur thet burgersand ‘azs can og esental2~ ap. wha exe fo eth and growth, while simulaneouely containing Togs aroun of ee ne 5. hich can resin abot and heart praans, Many clren end up lle tome sce hey et 00 mul of he wrong sor of fond nf. many sea of ‘the developed wor, tof chien show sim sgtome te In poorer developing ura, vier of food cases thousand of deaths fom snrton epee he ake Of natural casts which an crops ad in some ce etal estoy esa Dietclane ta that we ut eat 2 9 1 25s eset we consume suticent quanti ofthe diferent food roups. They tal that we whould al eat more To, Which cannot be digested by he body nd fever foods which te gh nth 3 {his can Blok th walt of arteries an lead te heat pobers. Tis good dc, ae Ba ck estes often make tis cficut. any of ey prepared oud we buy Hom mga sah wie 1 Gig more energy than we actly eed 13. foode se sppering on our spermarket ses even hough nobody aly sre Fallg We componoos of food cells af, We have the option of cour. of buying coos Noods bt ‘saturated fruits and vegetables a0 expensve And to make malea won, we Be Goel hearing about outbreaks of 15 and Gn putes coon, {eral fod, a robody wants to spend i ap sfeig rom ‘A few ming twat aut or next te yeu go shoeing. you have the tne ani he money. thai — Pe ain an eh ny faa doy Children and the family {ak 1 Complete thee sentences with an appropriate word or exprston Wom A Bor 2 a 1 rand is sting ane i ect Tey ae a a nl os moder, B Ac ertended ‘8, rucear Ceampact QS ‘ac ard Popa fv hme wth thre are, hen ad gandcen, Tey es Spl sample fs acanat™ MEPS § Kader ented Coens 3 2. Mis Jones thes ov er own and hat $0 bok tir er two chien. The are a lot of = fries she S Aingleparet—— Bmotierenly ——Cmono-parent 3 4 Some prem nee Uhlehon mre ly ting down bag abot beng uy 5. When! was il! had every tuber Repbrnging a epee Cvplitng 6 es Kay and fins it cial ook ater hile ener own A done ade ‘Calvened 1 Mary bee tt iste respon of woman : Acilahely Beit enid ® 18 partly ie ie of efor cil Kconvaecence — Badlexenee convergence 4. Apenons behing can smetinee iced actor —_ ‘Alcwstve year formulating years formate years 10, The county has ea sharp op athe, nthe afm yor bien baby te Camm 1, Spoor fve____ who relyon rook aftr than ‘depends ebpenen ‘dependents 2 {500th se, with oe 20% of eros ime ng commie by cen rder the age aT mentee Auris cine vei eineency € mine ‘sk atch sentences 12 witha stand sentence AM. Use the Key worn bol fo help you 1. rand White are vey author per 2. Me Bone coir to be to leet 3. Mand He Hates separate oes 4. iy thse A 5. The Mannings are not very respon pares 1 My pavers re separate 7a ook ft hei chen bt they sl be ve roe 1 ofesior Maynard made» ote coe poe of young cen aed my youngest cs i reing wl 7s a icing 6 fa en on pe RT mm oes pm ms mms oes em mess owe oe ome topic semifiewoombule Children and the family 10 She looks gue illerent Vom al her siding. 11. There are seer elierent an iin stages of development na hi ie "2 Tony wat rate bya foster fly when his own pares ed ‘A. Tey dotlook alter thee dle very we, 3 He fsa bythe wy they ler new things. (Me very rely pues his cin 2. eit my mother and vst my father at weekend He never stan to 3 ward sy, ed i alvaye plying tnt rom hoo thers ands usally bear some resarbance to oe anothet ‘Altnough they are marta ad ve opethar they etl speak to each athe. ‘Thay are vey set with their een, fa ofthese, the teenage years ae the mos it, ‘Clem need the feedom to get out ac expriene te ward around hem, He'snapoy athome and iedoing wll at school Foster fais ake in chron wha ae not thee on, “Task 3: Nove read this care study and fll in the gape with one of th words ov enpresiions from Tasks? and 2.1m some case, more then one answer may be posible, You may ne ‘change some of the word forme Bob's problems began’ during his 1 veer. parents got 2 ‘when he was young, and neither fs parers wasted te rae him a hit beter and ste 50 be was 3 bya ‘coven by ie parent's soil worker, Unfortuntey is Tote ater was» it 5 ond often ‘beathim Sob ebeed aga isso andy he ie hewas ea, Ne was steady 7 1 stealing from saps and plying tant. By Ue tne Me teadhed « sometime sound his thinert ith, he ha area appeared in court several tinar, arged th 8 The ndge amd hi fot parent pining ‘hae dilden needed 10 nn an audane who would lok afer them propery. The forte father objected to thi, pling out hat Bab it brothers and ster- were | (ilrenwho behaved at home and worked wel at soo “This has aed some interesting questions about he moder amy ster. Wht true that parents should nat bet 1 wit ren by eng then do what hey want when hey want orbe to Ty ssharng them fom the elie of i, les re tat ‘they should not be too avi, 1 has alto highlighted the diadbantager of the modem 6 ‘aly where te dla aly smasher an father 0 raly on (or he 6. {any in which the mother e father hes to suggle parc hard to suppor ther 17. Doin fac many alive that we shoul rete to aon amily vases and the 8 any even een ae shown hat cin om ‘here foes ae gsi Geter behaved and hav beter hance of succes intr ‘ec gw eee neo apn Se eee ee ees i ee Oa On the road SEE reer Task 2 ook at sentences 1-10 and decide what has ov hawt appened Gentonces A Une the words In Bois o help you ' ' 1 Ambulance ever to pocemon The pedetin’ inris are very severe and be has w go w 2 dye to driver ‘Ornkcrving isa serous offence and erefore ban you frm diving forse Diving istrctor to student ever Sop Thats a pdeton ess ring test examines to stant dive: ata you've eed your est because you dot how the igre Code 5. Polceman to diver: "O0 you relia you were spesingtck ter," 5. fiver toa fend ca’ bee He gave me ay fie ons pots on my ence? fot ofr toad nervewe yang ha cea snan an om gg weyone {Stink ice belore they ge inved t sd Se Television news presenter: ‘ofr ths yaar have ban 2 fatalities on Cries os ly coun oer eo juralsAs part ot our new tna segy we or ging to cosa Iincsnand aan he cye fener one 10. ity councilor to journals The “Paka ide" scherhas been vei sua va thea yee, '% Sameboy I untriar with the government pabentoncontining the rls fo poole wong Hor perl ve been lamin he sn eign es oid ly a cig ut to Alot of es have been sole, rainy by young peopl who want Same excement ‘person waking inthe soot hs been ht an bahay» vehi Somabody har dcded to mak ister to se Beles, Somebody ha anos driven rough 3rd ight an it person waking aves the ro. - Somebody ha had to pay manay because of ding other, Somebody has consumed a illegal amor fala ioe diving the ct Alt of people have been tiles in trafcaed aiden, ‘Sonabody hasbeen ding to fa. {aik 3: Now read this article nd flim th gaps vith ope of thy words or eaprenons Wom ‘Tasks and Insome cases, more than one soar may be porible. You may nese te sane ome of the word ores, 3 ano ais roach are ncening fom yor {0 yer ns year, 28D7 people were Llad nd ama HOR ht orlctceed seca Mo af these were ausedby ves} in bultp atta nha many soem eget the Sth iit or 4 ‘spec around Cvs an mote shel “onsumed than t anyother tne, n many Gast Setar he in ocked down os they ae walking acs the seeet at Wy dives hoe {hove forgotten shat the war af he? rer yu Te op te gi at thou nore ties, gether with the ep ofthe pl an lel eure 2 ing ch a Orford, 8 ely plagued by Bo a ‘Sorat vate and 2 nototous accident 16 or peieiions oa Oe ey ‘unc has ecnty implemented ts new 7 chs trove the ew of ‘ralficto the benefit of those on foot or on Sao whee. eats ch bolards and peed harps have sowed vat down. 13__—____— shames ave ped ‘recs he name of een he oy afer workers andhagpers fave he eas ute he cy ond bus is insted. Commaret Steet the fran shopping thoroughtare, hat been deigated & 1 sed to all venier Guring the ay Thee ates mare 1. ‘on main outs ito the ty making afer for he mge ruber of solani and vestens wh tion bles to get ston And 6 ube transport hos helped to keep dn the cst of wing ues ronnie, the poe ad te Cour ae Coming own haa on divers who muse the rods, Facing dmg V7 Corti ncnaderate vers wh believe ester ght Teroads The arts Brash shaeiet Se GUS sahara an on en ong being tated about in each one: Choste the mon appropiate sasees Penna Some wich ate not needed Performing arts ‘amodern dance plece * a concert + a play * an opera + afilm * a ballet Uterature poetry + a jography + drama + anovel + a callection of short stories Fine / Visual Arts abstract art + a landscape + a portrait + a sill life + a sculpture 1. Min tatouce geting 2 tlt ld fe hind of hog anda watched her prouete seois the stage atts two Ses 00 Small she reminded me Nl tom Oa San a ater ungally 2E_nesceniy wos wonder The costumes were marallous The cost ware inrele wth auld y ‘hess about te pt, The pywht hous beset 3 Inbisnen book on Ene Hemingway ecsimed writer Micha! Non as brought the rest to Fina way nobody ee cut 4 ove ov Micelngdol You have al voto Manes merle pees embry the human form in way that has not been aioved in oer ve hued yar, 5. Ido sy the pure fo alnos wo minutes before aed who was. ta ne other han ‘ur Quen {debt She woul hve bean sae There are no eat tenors in itis. Tati nt now Bian Cl’ performance nk Teva snk ‘huddes down my spine hat aman! What wie What 8 ae 2. Herbert von arava hus been condicting now fo snot forty year, ad his fn! sponsrance _ystrday was rete with renatable pau ron bth sian and members fe soso 1 ‘Stone Ange isan ious tale about tefl and eof an opera singer | ied it up ad ido uti dm unl had ried anas book 3. Dylan Thomas showed emartabie elogune Wise be beste ad iste campltion of some of fines vere 10, aruchets utes of dead animals mig not be eveyone tte, but is mpoeble to deny hi ‘illin repreanting naimate obec thee on cc. Aaeingeson ayy!2eds 2103 79 eu aes =e es tic Spit The arts {Task Complete these sentencas with an appropriate word or sxprvson fam A Bore 1 Togs, of Mamie bagi a1 730, A perform 1 perorming perforce Cmtoa Univerty Pres have jt related a clacton of hakepere' Aworke A worors workings The rock group Glas Weasel hae released te ofthernew abun ‘ich contin a CO-ROM ofthe test so Adit 2 etion tor 4 stat book ected extent ____Jnthe newspaper. Acrevews 2 previews evn 5 therefean________ ot Monee work te Tt, Actibitonst —— Reshie oshitn The Bitch Nations! Orchestra is delighted with the governments promise of » £500,000 ‘A abeldany subst subpoans ‘eet hve ready sold out for he fat days showing of Tom Catmis psitng atthe tena A Galton 1 Galley oatiry 1. Eres Hemingway was one ofthe vente centrys os famous Arorts ‘2 noveler C nomtite 8. the fren of the nneeenth centiy had profound influence onthe rol of a A.impresions ———impressonts impressions 10, olchaven Pros ae going to ry me book! A pubih 8. publiner ‘ publton Don't forget to keep a record ofthe words and expressions that you have learn, review {aur nstes tram tine tote and ty to use ew vocabulary Items whenever poste The arts elo and welcome todays elon of utist At? ow 1 don uu enoy sit ose proves ed pas de des and ng neon sual snd me sleep, But as ghz of Sleeping Beaty” At Mureyer Hall hod. me on the edge of my Heat And Ton aot te. only one! rave x nthe national pres raed the excelent choreography and he need ‘age 9H on aga angi, but out have to mow ast you want kt! The current of Monettos paintings st the Wheatley 5 Tarbeens appsntmnt The pcre thomete af sxcalon smc Be peat ents © of fn star, ond’ of couse Ns Stunning x ofa ae of dated but he ighting nde the room wa tre. wld have Bought that having received a goverment of moe £10.08, the Whey arts Counal could hove weed in sme good Tah Fansof te great went entry 8 —_____Geoge Orel ie ethted to oar at Swansong Press ar goln to teas» colecon of is greatest 10. whieh of couse elude Animal Far and inten igh Four As ned arse short orien were not 1 unt afer his death, Lookout for the bok which ‘wtein he Shops fom the ed of the month ‘on the subject of books, a new 12 of the le of conductor chris Worenmost is det tobe leased W lanoany_Worseomort conducted. hi lst 3. “in 1998 after 2 long and eal crear Ths ghyrearimended oc anyone wha i vemotely need in daca mi Have you ever wanted to be an 14 singer Wal, ows your cane! “he Ntlonal Wuse Company are Inking fortron ad sopranos to auton for anew prodveton at Moca Mariage of Haro I youre intrested, ve ie you the rue to eal a Ue wd the programme ‘otra Michelangelo and Henry Moores can ty thor han 3 3 __ ths weekend. The Genaages eum aldng 3 aie of workshop which wl giv you the dance ip Tey st lump of sone to produce ice of hveeinansonl an. Thre no nee Book -ftm Upatthe doc on Saturday at ine o'dock. “Andnow heres that number promised you. ‘Don't forget to beap a record ofthe words and expressions tat you hve lart review Jour nots tram ime tne and ty to use new vocabulary Tas whenever pose ——_— pads a1d0 Aaenge2on ay 81 ee Seed edi Town and country 1. Landon uly cosmopaton cy, 2. A modem metropolis needs 4 good Intgrtes anspor ater, 3 Landon sufer aot from wali congestion. 4 Povey In the nner areas can breed ‘ils stun the world have seen 9 huge ‘poputation explsion 6 Birmingham has plenty of amenities, 1. A lot of poople vit Pai fort etal 8 Ges in poorer counties often lack baie lntaswucures, 8. The pressures of modern aly Ie cn be Stic to de! wth 10. The cost of ving in some places canbe very high 11. Altof people aprect eanonynty of Wing in lange 12 Hove the whan fst os 13. n Sgupore, pate care are banned fom the Central Busines Distt ot peak periods ‘rag abut ao aig pation Shops. braves hapa ad erertainent omplaes are state! hem, Chit among these are cones and ‘thibione tn partly, enjoy the tnasphre hat is Unie to hei Pricesin London ae parry exortitint. without thm, they are ule to uncon ‘ropa. its especially bd during he rth how, whan thea of commie ty to enter Creare ey Sueseretatd nese we very common In ‘este New Yor Nowadays there are more ty wets than erbefore, ver you go theese bull te Dedestran procngs, blocs of fat and Fouing steer speating into he counrpide The ket et hat they an someting out eerbady knowing abou Most people ws bse and he undead to get othe bans ond fcr wate they Unfortunately. thi srthing that moe lage cata iesak ts malting potforgeople om paso the wor ont forget 0 ke Your notes Wom tine to record ofthe words and expressions that you hove evn, review yeand ty to use new vocabulary tans whenerer pose Town and country TesE Match the stances nthe lechand column with on appropriate sponse lee Hah fn column. Use the words In bold Soh " " 1. enya rte. ‘Reali? $0 why are we seeing 50. much ‘onstruction inthe coun sound non? not so sue. Al those pesticides and ‘hereafter, 2 Thelen mich pollution if youl ouside x 2. theres aot of productive andin te area. | | acter tnt Famers ue ‘in cecent year thre has been a lt of || Thats probably becae we pot more food Inirtion tem te tonne he ies ‘rom soa 5. The government has promi to leave the | | D. Morty whet ots nd bark yee" bc sore Realy? How much than ars? Tore hat een «huge reduction inthe || toot sued With sah eile prospects our ot able find Oe ot tweny |_|" pi oni, dpepeon ee a Welt cartsee mua evidence of than. 2. My de fam cones hears. | | many aby fd hres nhing wo dea 2. whatare the main cops grommintha wee? | |" theeouneie [Bik 3: fog ead this avis ond film the gape with one of he words ov expresions Tom Tasks {and In some cases, more than one answer may be posible. You may need to change ome of the word form, Fer seven years ved in Singapore,» 1 ‘of amt tee milion peopl, Uke ndon Fars and Ne York Segoe 3a ‘Shy pope ram arene pars of the werd Ing and working tgethar I enoyed the eye ad {ere anc made the mos ofthe superb" anging fomtha excel opto some of the best rexaurans in the word, In the erenigs and at meckendh thers wee Sy 5 th such drs atractins arcs weer mse a enon of lay ator a Gas par nthe ret es ite get bored, Pass stipes heme wes theremariable anspor. wrth excelent ends ond cet ‘Roce anda state the ot underSand Sa RT 7 rom the ‘boss sight into the heart of te oy (he war pesca lnparane ahe government Gomes Divate cats from enteing the @ during the morgan afemoon In ode to rede 10 fon the rons td fom the eau) Of couse, ling in a cy ke ths has. as dnadvantages a well For a stark the 1a a canbe very igh -renting an aparment or taney exper Ad 48 he oh Wepanding are ae 9 lt of 1, ere ne oporments re nts ing But to desl wh the 4 whe ia det reat of te ‘overmert encouraging people shave more Glan Fortuny, Singapore doesn’t sues tem problems that are ciimon in many sis sich at s Sehich part the auto the grenrart ian ey ste pense on anyone Engng ois into the county, 20 taal to walk the Sree rh I ace the re eaingextate thre are probay ha afer ad mer ce in the weld. Singspow wouldnt eel for even, towers espe yu come rr the counts i are wed to 317 ele: The trator! ages tht mse nce commen have “Tsapeare the reser Dare relied hee were p91 Torte fre end ‘mow iit new government housing "inthe cig Nowadoyi, Ware i ery te @ ‘afd dec which means that Singapore imperts amor al of fod nd disse approach oy planning the2D whch sean te “ountyide har ads deer eect ane 2) pads 21d03 Areingeson 83 eee soe Ce Spifiwoceula Architecture Taek f Pot te words In ret con ge into mare tan one eatery. lass + concrete + high-rise apartment multi-storey car pack ‘modemist + reinforced concrete + practical + post-modern + standardised skyscraper + well-designed * porch + facade i traditional 1 walls ‘an eyesore + timber + elegant + stone + steel + functional + ugly Teno the rath Some lowrise T apartments + high-tech 7 controversial s+ pleasing geometric forms» art deco + international syle + energy-efficient + foundations Bulaing matariss (words expressions) ‘estate percept {how we let about» building) (ards expresion) ‘ype of butaing (torts 7 expressions) “Architectural style (Gord expressions) Parts of» building (0 words expressions) ‘Features (that mate the bullding sy fo ve oe work, (8 words exprerion) Architecture Task 2 (Level intermediate 7 Upperintermedlate), Complete These sentence with an propriate word or expression em hy Bor 1. The bling Ws teen nev nd bondoned for yeas Adesabied —— 8. dere, Caotnct 2. Shoes on ge housing oath cate of they. 13. hare am sanrl dirty tris ide the cy ahough mat of thse ‘going tbe replace by highs sparen. A stames sums sume 4 Thee coun are going o_o ehurch an build nw ones place A someize se zonote C demote 5. You ent inock down that howe theres sender ont which kes it Mega to destroy Acpreservation presente presentable 6. Si Richard Rogers isthe ho designed the Uoyss bling ia Ldn 1. Some ofthe problems in our re get, A inteecites Wintel cir Chartier 1 The coune hope to educa isin the ton by lvoding ne ‘ace {2 tat people have something to done evens A roche A sociise rot ‘9, The cine going obese fortwo months wile the owner n A renovate Bremonsuate ——Criteate 10:17 you want to add an extention to your howe Yow wil need permsion ‘tom yout lea une A plnning Beonsrucion —— poting Don’t forget to keep a record ofthe words and expressions tht you have learnt review [our ates tram tie (3 time and try to ute now vocabulary tems whenever possible Few cana 6 ar sa eye pads 2100 Areynge20a 244 85 o-oo RT ee OC Architecture {eik 3: Now 100k a shir report and film the gaps with ove ofthe words or expreions Tom Tes aad ine cane m seemay be porsiie. You may nasd to change Report from the director of the Wert Twyford Town Planning Committee ‘he st yearhas ben a busy ane for he Wt Pyar Tw Panning Contes used bow ae 8 {eo of the teas we have concent on ‘Aplications for eision rom homeowners who want to develop ter properties have ineased by 30% However many ofthese hares te histor uldgs hove 2 rts which prevent thm rom being are enteral A rset we {n only alow oanen to ‘he inde of hte homes Ucaing cing ental heating ad ine oved wal uation 2, Lastsunmer we initedséveral4____todetgn plans for the new coun offices fon Peach srt. We eventual dose Sana, adson ad Woe! company. twas gener greed that ther design, which Indded a) grey. tinted 5 : te rant of the bldg, was the mos estitcaly plang Thay we ‘anil Th the proce flying the J forte new tug, wich we ‘haertand i tating ome tne the land mai be daned Ts 3 Inrespone to alot of compas about the inc of 8__tuties nthe town, tas agreed at st mnths meeting tht funds should be wt aide or ha cnstacon of 9 ne 4, several buldings whi hae bean rune and abandoned for ove fe sean areiobeinadkad dann. nth psc, ew hong 10 ilo al hil provide ety now homes within he sex wo yeas 5. fvenbody apres thatthe new shops on the High Steet ace 11 he cea re that ey are very uly ad out of keeping with the Oder Bangs onthe en feture, we most entre that al ew bulge are But a ‘syle that they fit inwth the older bugs aaund them 15. Theve hasbeen an reas cme ate inthe 12 to the ast ofthe ton Werian to demo thee dirty ses thin the net eight year and vehouse te resets new 1 spate nthe Berkely Heath 5. 7 In ai atempt to help the envionment, we are going to make the town hall more ts "Windows wba dubleglse wale ad ingen oo ‘ew place The erent ental Nesting Sm. My next report willbe in two mont time. Arbody wishing te dics these sues can contact me 2 rtion 3, Fi ‘Don't forget to keep» recrd of the words snd expresrion that you have learnt review your notes ffm tine to tine and Uy to use new vocabulery lems whenever posible Men and women {iek 1 took tthe words and expressions in bald inthe following rantence nd decide H we Tenevaly consider them to have nove conmotet Connetation 1. atthe interven the manager was imprenadby her astute commen 2. nthe power sougoe between men ad women nether side wil wi 3. After the takeover the staff hoped that ings weuld improve, but the new manager was jst 2 ‘hls the man he reploces “4 some mea believe that women are the weaker sx and shuld eae rl werk 9 men 5 Our bos i 2 male chauvnt and bees tht women shoud get les mane than men forthe same, John doer conder wore tobe vey neligen. Tom, they ae tox abject 1. ur company i male-dominated al the top management posons we api by men, 1 Maureen is « multaeted worker. She & able to doo number o diferent jobs often atthe 15, Heol egaltarian ius and Bees hat everybody shoul be tre esta 19. Ter saan an an nk wou ly hs ‘ee te ome money ego Of hi sex or age. 11. Aitan feminists have thrown point 2t 2 wel-known television personality inorder to stress ther POSITIVE NEGATIVE ‘Dont forget to heap» re:ord ofthe words and expresins that you heve unt review ‘Jour astee Hom tie tote and ty to use nen’ vocabulary Tams whenever posible. ‘ee cing et Fas oy eNO pads 21do: Asejnqe20A 21 87 lea =o ee ss topic Spmcifievocmel Men and women Task Use the words and expressions Inthe box to complsis the convoraton Below gender roles + childvearing + male counterparts breadwinner + stereotypes * household management * role division battle of the sexes * Sex Discrimination Act + social conventior oc tem tee oie Tee Ter. ‘Don't forget ta keep 2 record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, evew Jour sates tom time (9 time and ty to use new vocabulry lems whenever posible. easing and cooking area womans job. Alter all, men are no good ‘what reson Yank goosness he 2._____ ens prevent men trom ta0ng _diatage of women ee foe ne workplace women nee do aswelas thie 3. ‘And sppofe you thnk that women are ely good for dangig abl napie nd ater tedious aspects of No, but | do bale that in. modern houtcold thre shoul be a cer. denes 5. Men ate good a 1, for example. Mest waren aren. And alas beteve Hater the man who should bethe proving food and shter fori tami Wet icon say that Fin lad your das of 7.___ae no: shred by mst peop onsnel A lot of paope eles in wasn. the man gos utr work the woman ays at home. ts 35 simp as that en at work ad woman a home? Come on day, hose aes yl With pope you around the 10, ___ wl aways conve. (shut up aa Sony Cristie, but an sue fea strona about Men and women 7 gaps with one of the words w Terk how Trke and 2 This eay and compe ‘aten and women are, and always wil be, afferent In the way they behave end are treated Do you agree with this statement? totally ()______ soci in which sen teen ‘men and women the norm along wi of Tica th ce if you wath een, where ‘man are often portrayed a te (3]__"______ ringing money home othe we, wha Is usually deicted asthe (@_____ prone to estes emotions and temper ‘antrums Bu this ely theca? eal fw cate ech 9 ti? After al 2s more women go out to werk and mace men sty at hae to lok afer the hse and the de, esquiar that ocd 6). 5 merging an dapperng Take the office woriplace at an example, For years businesses and companies wore )__- the recta, manages and banesenan we ahs men the ‘secre and personal stants ays female. This was probsbiy baie men have tradonay been Seen as more (8|_____, more able to del with the cutandthst of bene Bt now women are proving tht they can be equaly tough, while simutaneoutly beng more (@)____ and caring. tn fac in many ways, women are more (v0, than me, 2 vil apect of mader bint where you a expected to -domere than ju ne jb. Ard hanks tothe (9 women ate pid he same amen. would appear that, inmany cases the (2. _jnajing breed [AL home, too, ther less evidence of (13) Hee 0 longer the woman who does al the cooking and desring and (18) such o_ now often stared eas (61 engi requires the woman testy indoors ll day whe the man stays ou unl al how. Whather this due to ‘the struggle bythe (7)]________in he 19608 and 1970 or whether its due to # natural in tod uncle. What is clear however, Is that women no longer feel ty need to be regarded as a 1 the underdogs in (19)________ith their 0. sin foc, mary ble that inthe iti ‘women who have come out on op. ont forget to heap a record of the words snd expression thet you have leat, review Your notes trom tine to time and ty to use new Vocabulary Iems whenever potite en oe ens i hn NO Aaeingezon ayisads 210 89: ee ey Geography “Teak 4 Put tha words in each Ine nthe Tas in each is the xm oder aconding to the ce fhe sen Wt sone word that does not belong ith the other forest + tree + copse + beach «+ wood fous + peak + footpath + track + fone mountain + hillock * shore * hill * mountain range 1. gorge + plain + waterfall + hollow + valley gu + ridge + inlet, «+ bay cove elif + brook” + river estuary + stream city + continent + tributary + county + country pond +) puddle + ocean + tape + lake ‘Ginyou Wink ot any Oa nm your county? Mountain Mountain ange valley Coupe Fin cult er ewan ‘ask 2: Put the words and expressions inthe box into tale correc category Oe tate thenext page, Some can be Included In more than one category depopulation * mountainous * urban sprawl « fertile * ridge + cliff densely populated + coast + underdeveloped * summit + industrialised Peninsula + shore + vegetation * glacier + beach + pletesu Irrigation + conurbation + cape + source + coastline + tributary waterfall + mouth * peak + overcrowding + highlands Geography ao eee “Geographical features sercisted with Geographical features associated with tater tnd the eal in onntaier ° ypads 21do. Words associated with soriclture 3nd Words assodated with towns and ees ort hand Aueinqe2on 244 (See alsa module Town and country) (Gee ao module #8: Town and county) aie 3 Wow look at tis fepart ofa Journey ana Tin the ‘xpressions fom Tess 1 se 2: some caper more then inay need to change some of the word forme Pa with one of he words oF newer may be posible, You ‘We began curJouney nthe apt Trfeege #1 onubaton ofainon ten rilion Tes ota petty plas; heey 2” wlth ge fair blching out lakes, ad mies of aeons ond shopping ete speod ot from thea rir Tor ile wa flat foe ‘As soon as we got into the count, thngs improve comida. The climate dyad ict {© grow anything, ue tank a which eps rng wate nom the lo Catto. fe huge rer wth Re Bh up inthe snowrcvered ON Seva Wena @_——— YP he lad i tee ‘Soogh to arow the agar cane on wien mu af the Sonony Based Wo saw few people ower, ‘mary have moved oe tn and cert lak fr mare rotabl wo es gay de orate 2 atthe marcane duty stein Further south and we entered the Holguin 10_, with mavotains ig igh bore ut on bat sides The bd here crops sharply tbe sea ard th sawing waters of the No Gute give way fo ch tube over it end eral fst noun ‘ hic are na ave wie nought take a bos A pl the ood we Were waving long Became nih wat any wide enough fo cut Vehicle and then an unpaved ‘ich sor sok the vee traces ‘An then sony, the Pai 5_was nent of us Our etnation wa the tovm of Santiago de bar baltona ]@_—siking ot note Bue waters The ‘Bunty here ures grt with ow ‘overed inreh opie une ‘eopen 1 suing te (ofthe io Cotas [reste the ocean nth and. il or rowing We asses pars which ec tof wary, Som ‘That night ay in ny cheap Pte ening oth wave gem oping the 2 . and when | eventualy fal asleep. | dreamt of the people who had Tan Taito’ tis 2 Slmost to thousand year Bfore 91 Business and industry oak lok at sentences 116, and replace the words ond Tipretston inthe box which has an Spponte meng unskilled labourers * employees /workers/staff + credit * exports + loss demand for * bust (recession * shop floor + state-owned Industries private * expenditure + lending + net + take on + retail + white-collar 1. Wehave a Fimited supply of computer base unis 2 Lam yean our company made a huge prof 2, Ou ros prefs ace up by almost 150% on at yea Banks cos the county ae reporting sharp depn arowing. 5. The company wil debi your bank acount with £528 each mont. 1 The wholesale mathe has experienced a down nce the eaesion began 1. The goverment ncauracing sorter inet pt the manent the pub seco. 8. Pivat enterprises ae under lt of Hcl peste. 4 Siled worker are demanding 815% pay 10. i continues, wl have ty off member of ee 11. suelo waker rs the county ae demanding improved working Snaions 12 He works fora company whch impor camera eqdpmet. 13, Alot people have bene from the rect Boom athe 14 The management tus to comgrone on the qs of Bate proes. 15, Oval even is down by alot 15%, 16. A fight broke out i the doarchoom over tems and coins of ‘Coplormant te you mvs to change the prepeton nt on £ 4 i i $ I re I I I I I I 1 I 1 I ‘Don't forget to keep a record ofthe words and expressions that you have learnt review ‘Your notes from tine to time and ty to use new vocabulory items whenever posible Business and industry “Tage atch the words sod exprsion nthe fr box with w Siclonarydafnion from the Tita @ below J 7. automation 2, unemployment 3. inflation 4, balance of payments 5. taxation 6 GNP-_—_7, interest rates 8. primary Industries 9. secondary Industries 10. service industries 11, nationalised industries 12, monopoly 13. output 14, income tax 1S.VAT 16. deficit 17. key industries A. The percentage charged for borowing money. (The Bank of gland has ried ue oe 1. nduviag inven he manutacture of geod (ryan the rae ‘ply of aw maori) Theale of gods and senices pal forin a cour inching income eared nother counts ast oar SPM as cne to 28 ton) . The smaunt which a fim, michine oF penton produet (The factry hae doubled tr In he sts mont) . Industles vale in the production of raw materi, (Col mining is one ofthe important —eee Fnstaling macinry In pace of worker canbe 3 mined Bling = ‘machine nly tend be tof order wh you need than most) 6. Industries whch do not make products but ofr 2 ene Sha banking, rsrance and tnepot eee ve become more important nthe ast decade) . Theaiference in alu been counts imports and egorts (he goverment sting to reduce Oe enc). |The amount by which expenditure s more than rit in & fo county's acount. (he Company smounced «0 ill pound 1. Agptom are one parson oF smpany spp allo poductin oe ares without any competion. (a 1. Industries leh were once privately cwmed, but now Belong to the sate. (Werke In Srofo get 3% pyre) Lact work he figures for aren) M. The ation of imposing tates. (Money aed by_________pays oral goverment Sere the most imartant industries ina county. (0 iron of the whic ave ‘rn othe country’s economy) ©, Asta of eanomy where pie rd wages ae ing tokeep pace wth each other (he government tying hee ‘down bow 3%) 1 Ataxon money ened ar wages ra (Sh pays. atthe lowestate) 2A tax imposed as 9 percentage of the inie value of goods or sees An inde ta ‘in Bitan cent ron 3t 175%). Aavjnqesoa ay1p0d 21d0 93 mee mmm mre msmrmmreesmssmes SSC e OlaL Business and industry aac tram abuses programmes lin he pap with one ot 1 rates at uy 3 forthe half parce net noth puting furor premure on Romeownes paying mortgages it wll alo. dicovrage people from 2 ‘money fom the bigh ret Banks, who ae ales nde ot ‘of presre Last yer the Natonal Bank wat forced to 3 so 2.00 members of staff access the county. adding to the eunteys rapaly ring vate of 5 ________ reset ets yet by sos 6, deste the governments pledge 1 Heep price and wage res no higher than 3%. THs has ed a negative Smpact on 6 sce the strona pund calc wih ng ese made t sro imposible for foreign companies o buy Bish goods ard series. spec aed are the ws produng phacmaceial an chemicals ors i 9, lnduses 205 the county are demanding higher 10. sins and workers are going wth 1 ‘his for 9 ht percent re Ths follows the announcement thatthe goverment want moe Investor 9 Bt The mone no the 4. for home computers has finaly overtaken the king it once again» elle mira, There it 9 0: wok waling Into reehve anew compute TMS pushed pees up by anos 3th radford Aerospace Tecnologie, whore overall 5. far sls of Sieciaft parte nat dropped by almost 10% in the lat quart, wil shonly become. a 6. Inds in al desperate ate to beep i open. The overament as promi I wllagp on the caren workforce 1 ne 10 fr Ranger Car who this week announce 817 ea slat five mien pounds. & spokesman fr the company blamed high labour as and he velctance by union leaders to apiroveIncesied 1 1 he fms ftv. They inst thatthe nsalaton of new machinery willed 6 redundonces Don't forge: to hep record of the words and eprssons hat fou have ert revue [Your nets on ne to tine and ty fo are ew Vcabuny Homa whenever posible.

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