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Kinematics Equation Using

Homogenous Transformations
D- H Parameter : Denavit Hartenberg Parameters


Inverse Kinematics
For solving inverse kinematics, given the position
and orientation of the end effector of a
manipulator as 0Tn and its link parameters, the
corresponding joint variables of the manipulator
can be obtained.
One of the common methods for obtaining the
inverse kinematics solution of a robot is to
determine the set of Euler angles which can fully
represent the orientation of any physical body.

There are different types of Euler angles

representation possible out of which a
common representation scheme is by the
three Euler angles , where is the
rotation about OZ axis , is the rotation about
OV axis, is the rotation about OZ axis
The resultant Eulerean Matrix denoting the
orientation of the rotated frame OUVW with
respect to the fixed reference coordinate
frame OXYZ.

Robot arm dynamics

It deals with the mathematical formulations of
the dynamic equations of the robot arm motion
relating the forces and torques to the positions,
velocities, and accelerations of the manipulator.
These dynamic equations can be used to
compute the resulting forces and torques from
the given position , velocity and acceleration of
the manipulator.
The Dynamic Equation of the robot arm are
obtained from Newtonian mechanics and
Lagrangian mechanics.

Lagrange-Euler formulation
It provides a simple and systematic approach to
derive the dynamics equations of a robot arm.
The resulting equations are set of a second order
coupled non differential equations
To obtain L-E formulation of the manipulator, the
Lagrangian dynamics technique is combined with
the matrix representation of the spatial
displacement between the neighbouring link
coordinate frames

Newton-Euler formulation
The derivation of the dynamics of motion
from the Newton Euler formulation is based
on the dAlembert Principle and a set of
mathematical equations that describe the
kinematics relation of the moving links of a
robot arm with respect to the base coordinate

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