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Strategies: Mr. Kijewski

Keep this guide open while following the directions.

1. Type into your browser

2. Use the following login information:
a. Username: shelby
b. Password: utica
3. Once logged in, click the Careers section in the top toolbar.

4. Once in the careers section of the website, click on the blue Start Career Selector
button on the right side of the page.

5. Once you start the career selector, answer all of the questions honestly, you can
checkmark as many boxes as you want per page. When you finish a page, click the
button at the bottom right or top right, which will take you to the next page.

6. After completing all 6 pages, you will click the View Results button.

7. You have now been brought to the results page. Here, you can see exactly which careers
match the criteria that you entered. You can also click close matches to see which
careers match up with parts of the criteria that you entered.

8. Refer to your worksheet where you will fill in the appropriate answers from your results.

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