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Sidenreng Rappang Regency (Sidrap) is a part of South Celebes

Province, Indonesia. The capital of this regency is Sidenreng/Pangkajene.
This regency has a wider area 2.506,19 km 2 and populated thereabouts
264.955 soul. The original population of this regency is Bugis ethnic that
ritualistic and hold fast to tradition that command respect and handing
In this regency, an intellectual figure of Bugis has been existed in
Addatuang Sidenreng and Addatuang Rappang (Addatuang seems like
district government) by the name Nene Mallomo. He has not been from
a good family or born in the purple, but his cleverness in law of public
administration or constitutional law, he has become a famous big noise.
A. Motto and Law Principle of Nene Mallomo
Nene Mallomo is one of the legendary intellectual figure of Bugis in
Sidenreng Rappang has become a land mark since 16 C.
Many references said that Nene Mallomo was born before King La Patiroi
period, that is in King La Pateddungi period.
He died in 1654 on Allakuang, and one of his famous motto and has
become a work motivation is Resopa Temmangingi Namalomo Naletei
Pammase Dewata.
Away back, every kingdom have intellectual figure as the counselor and
adviser of society to achieve prosperity and affluence.
There are 5 legendary intellectual figures on passed along the way history
of Bugis kingdoms, such as:

Kajao Laliddo (from Bone)

Nene Mallomo (from Sidenreng)
Arung Bila (from Soppeng)
La Megguk (from Luwu)
Puang ri Maggalatung (from Wajo)

Nene Mallomo as an intellectual figure of Sidrap |

All intellectual figures above often rendezvoused to discuss while shared

about the experience and perception of them. One of the famous
meetings held in Cenrana.
As a result of meeting aforesaid Nene Mallomo be therefore extend a
thought and approved by who were present. The thought of his is a
principle that has to apply by kingdom apparatus to achieve law-abiding









Temmakkeappo (Law not unknown to child or grandchild) in that the

customary law was unknown and no relation between parent and child. It
word-wise said by Nene Mallomo at the time he was called by king to
administer justice for his son that thieved plow up equipment from their
All intellectual also as a figure has provided creation that could be used as
an orientation in constructed process of kingdom or society to achieve a
good purpose. That orientation come to be called Pangadereng".
According to Muh. Salim (1984), Pangadereng account for all necessity
befaved in Bugis society activity, included whole regulated system,
orientation of alive and life, both in domesticity in society live as well.
Pangadereng account for :

Ade (deed of giving a balance)

Bicara (deed to cure together and saying to admire together)
Rapang (sequential, viz deed of similarify)
Wari (procedur, viz deed of knock apart)

Whereas, Drs. Mattulada (1968) said that pangadereng is like whole of

norms, account for how someone must befaved/bertingkah laku to fellow
being and social instituation on both sides and bringing on situation that
society would be moved/worked. Pangadereng account for thing, like
Ade(tradition), bicara (example), wari(procedure), and sara. all of them
be tenacious on one conclusion by background, that was Siri(abashment)

Nene Mallomo as an intellectual figure of Sidrap |

Nene Mallomo just a title for someone, where in bugis language of sidrap,
the word of

mallomo it is meant easy/simple, the sense that Nene

Mallomo was easy to solve a problem. Nene Mallomo form a man,

although word of nene refer to

the term of woman that advantage in

years (agic). In days of year in Bugis culture, word of nene used for
man/woman that advantage in years.
The original name of Nene Mallomo is La Pagala, and yet in different
reference said that the original name of Nene Mallomo is La Makkarau.
Nene Mallomo be known as an intellectual that has capasity in law and
government along with his character was honest and fair for whole
One day a prominent guest came to Nene Mallomo it was Arung Matoa
Wajo. He asked to Nene Mallomo :
aga muala apettu bicara ri sidenreng, nasalewangeng anabanuammu,
nabija olok-kolomu,namoni ase wette muamporeng jajito, the meaning
is, what was you done or decided in Sidenreng so your folk was
prosperous, your livestock pilulated and seeds of your paddy which has a
bad quality that your sowed also grew well.
The answered of Nene Mallomo :
iyana uala appettuang bicara ri sidenreng iya naritu alempureng sibawa
deceng kapangnge . the meaning is, the decision which I decided in
Sidenreng was honesty and a good prejudice to all people.
Some years later after the advent of it prominent guest, the folk have
become restless because, livestock be dead, all paddy was going bad.
Nene Mallomo will be reflective and decided a conclusion that torture
from dewata sewae (god) exactly have a cause. From this basic, Nene
mallomo commanded to held a honest test and indiffrent way.
The conclusion of this test is the child of Nene Mallomo whom also as a
farmer took the trouble when he plowed his ricefield. The plow equipment
was buckled up so without thinked well he took the wood which cut and

Nene Mallomo as an intellectual figure of Sidrap |

put near from the other tree. It was spoken to Nene Mallomo who direct
ask his son about that infoemation. And his son was avowed.
And then, Nene Mallomo called the tradition fungtionary(pabbicara) and
describe the problem and causation. The conclusion from Nene Mallomo
was, because of his son took the woods another person without
agreement of the wood owner so must be sentenced to death.
All of the tradition fungtionary by the older pabbicara for Nene Mallomo
said that :









sipoloe. the meaning is, you were bring yourself to compared your sons
life with a wood.
The answered of Nene Mallomo:
makko gatu pale taro bicarae temmakki ana temmakki ambo ada pura
onroe. the meaning is, be it our law, indifferent child and father.
From this basic his son was sentenced to death with procedural. Thereby
Nene Mallomo was done all of his message and recommendations as it
were mentioned before.
After realization it death penalty the folk have become prosperous again,
because their livestock was repilulated and paddy has become good
With hard decision of Nene Mallomo, he also put basis of democracy in his
period. When he would be inagureted as official in Sidrap at the time, he
forswore as follow :
ooe sipabbanuakku:
angingko ri ki rau kaju
soloka na ki batang
the meaning is : oh my fellow citizen, you are wind and l just a weak tree.

Nene Mallomo as an intellectual figure of Sidrap |

One of the religious advice of Nene Mallomo said that Sidrap people must
have characteristic as follow :
Macca (smart),
Malempu (honest),
Maggetteng (consistent),
Warani (brave),
Mapato (diligent),
Temmappasilengeng (fair) ,serta
Sifat Deceng Kapang (admire the other people).
Nene Mallomo also was a master mind live philosophy of bugis society in
Sidrap, and famous as 5-M, that is :
Massappa (earn the life that permitted),
Mabbola (set up house with earn the life that permitted),
Mappabotting (tightened the relationship with matrimony),
Mappatarakka Hajji (haj pilgrimage) dan
Mattaro Sengereng (condescended and dan sincerity).
One of the Nene Mallomos message to kingdom apparaturs is : Tellu tau
kupaseng : Arung Mangkaue, Pabbicarae, Suroe. Aja pura mucapai






mumagetteng, apak i ariasennge malempu, madeceng bicarae lamperi






maompennge, teppolo masselomoe.

Nene Mallomo as an intellectual figure of Sidrap |



The meaning is, I notice to three class : the king, tradition fungtionary,
and messenger. You dont belittled the honesty, oh my king. Please do the
honest behavior and keep your speak, you have to assertive.


honesty and well-spoken is have our age long. Because of the honesty is
not die, wont fall out the flat thing, wont broken off the loose thing, wont
break the flexible thing .
Because of his learning and policy, Nene Mallomo has become the icon of
Sidenreng Rappang Regency and often call as Bumi NeneMallomo.
Sidenreng Rappang Regency in context of south celebes province be
known as the rice gamer region. The success of harvest in Sidrap is a
firmness of Nene Mallomo to do and uphold the law

and traditon, in

culture of society be known as Tudang Sipulung (great meeting) about

agriculture who attendanced by custom leader and socialite. Until now it
tradition still implementate every year.
B. The croker of Nene Mallomo
The well of Bungnge Citta Nene Mallomo be sides become the place of
day-to-day for mother clan to wash or take a bath and the other water
needs, actually besaide it function as a common well, there are have a
unique story in it well that has old ages is about thousands years old and










Maritengngae subdistrict and also the water of that well was believed can
remove the affect of black magic.
For some Sidrap society which lived around Allakuang Village and area the
well of Bungnge Citta Nene Mallomo was reputed as sacred, and the wells
water often use to medicaton.
One of the Allakuang socialite, Abd Razak explain that, generally society
who believed to benefit of its water, benefitted to beat of evil spirit or fend
the black magic. Because they believe that water is holy.
Reported by Hamsah

Nene Mallomo as an intellectual figure of Sidrap |

From History in society, the beginning of water appear in the well of

Bungnge Citta Nene Mallomo coming from history of the famous figure in
kabupaten Sidrap, that is Nene Mallomo. According to the data when he
want to help society which have difficulty to get water. So with a keenness
to absolve society from the trouble. Nene Mallomo then stomp his leg to
the earth.
As the result, from the ex- leg stomp and then appear the spraying out of
water more and more and that place has become a well which can filling
the bill especially for water everyday.
C. The artfulness of Nene Mallomo
Concerning of artfulness of Nene Mallomo, during his period he called as
a clever boy. No work and complaint of Arung was difficult by hisself. At
the time, all difficulty of arung could be solved with easy.
Once upon a time, when Arung would do the water buffalo fight with many
king from other kingdom. The information about grandeur of buffalo from
all king that would be a rival has become fidgetiness of Arung.
Yet, by the artfulness of Nene Mallomo, a fidgetiness of arung was
superable. At the time, Arung has time to fly low because Nene Mallomo
just prepared a small buffalo and still breastfed, while all of the rival would
bring a big and a strong buffalo. But, aftrer assured him, Arung accepted
the reason of Nene Mallomo.
When the competition would be start, a little buffalo which still breastfed
of set purpose made one be hungry and not breastfed by its mother. On
the mouth area of a little buffalo was set up the taji (a sort of cold steel
especially in animal fight). When a little buffalo escaped cause of a little
buffalo in hungry condition it was direct to give chase to its rival with
purpose to suckle on the breast as the result at the bottom part on a line
with breast area was torn by twinge of taji, and effected a big buffalo run

Nene Mallomo as an intellectual figure of Sidrap |

it is one of many story about the artfulness of Nene Mallomo to abridge

Arung affairs, so that it has become basis of philosophy for society .says

Nene Mallomo as an intellectual figure of Sidrap |

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