Production Booklet Edited

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Unit 23: Multi Camera Techniques

Production Booklet

Name: Victoria Pethrus

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)

Multi-Camera Production roles

Assigned Roles for each interview
Equipment List
Set Design
Lighting Design
Studio Management plan
Location Recce forms
Risk Assessment
Timed Script
Timed Shot list

Multi-Camera Production Roles

You will be producing 3-4 interviews during your chat show. For each interview state
who will be doing which role. You must do EVERY role once during the show.
For more information on what each role entails, visit
And search through the video profiles on the site.
TASK 1: Define each of the following roles

Describe their job Reference your research
An interviewer is almost the same as a reporter. It is someone who asks formal questions to find
out information about something or someone, for example their name, age, their hobbies, etc. On
TV, interviewers are mainly used for documentaries whereas in chat shows or game shows, its
more of a host presenting the show.

Farlex (2003) Interviewer, in Available at: (Accessed: 10 October

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Farlex (2003) Interviewer, in Available at: (Accessed: 10 October
(Farlex, 2003)

Which part of the studio do they work in? (i.e. control room, studio floor)
The interviewer is usually on the studio floor, in front of the camera and part of the production. If the
interviewer is not shown on screen, theyd still be next to the interviewee, on the studio floor. On a
live TV show, a director would talk to the interviewer through the headsets and direct them on what
to do next.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
They need to be talkative and confident when interviewing their subject, and they need to be
creative and be able to come up with ideas and questions to ask the interviewer if, for example, in
TV there is a live show and the director is talking through the headset with the interviewer and
production team, and says he wants the interviewer to keep asking questions for a while longer,
they need to be able to come up with questions on the spot, or have some extra questions in mind
before the show.

Describe their job - Reference your research
A Director is someone who takes full control over a production, company or corporation. The term is
usually used in forms of film and TV, and are responsible for the production part. In TV, the director
is the one who sits in the control room for live shows (for example), controlling which cameras go
on at what time, etc. In film, the director is amongst all the action, helping to direct the actors and
camera men and telling them how he wants the shots, etc.

Dictionary (1470) The definition of director, in Available at: (Accessed:
10 October 2016).

Which part of the studio do they work in? (i.e. control room, studio floor)
In TV, a director is usually part of the control room, and the floor manager is usually on the studio
floor, whereas in film, the director is part of the production team and on the studio floor. In TV the
director is the one who sits in the control room for live shows, controlling which cameras go on at
what time, etc. Whereas in film, the director is with the production team, where the action is
happening, directing the actors and camera men and telling them how he wants the shots, etc.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
A director needs to be confident when directing the production team, and they need to be organised
and be able to take control in order for them to be a good production leader and control the team in
order for them to produce a good piece of work.

Camera Person
Describe their job - Reference your research
A cameraman or camerawoman is someone who operates a film or video camera. In film, the
person designing the lighting is the cinematographer or Director of Photography, which is also
known as a cameraman, even if it is a different job.

Made (2016) Camera operator. Available at: (Accessed: 11
October 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Made (2016) Camera operator. Available at: (Accessed: 11
October 2016).
(Made, 2016)

Which part of the studio do they work in? (i.e. control room, studio floor)
The camera person would be based on the studio floor of the TV or film production. Theyre usually
based on the ground to make it easier for them when filming. It is different for where different
cameras may be placed, for example in live shows that are on location for events such as sporting
events, where the camera may then be in a tower to get an overall view of the whole event, or if it is
in an arena, there may be cameras in the ceiling or using a drone, in order for them to capture the
whole scene.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
A cameraman or woman needs to have an eye for the scene and what is happening and have a
good sense of visual composition, perspective and movement. They need to be able to operate and
control cameras, and have a wide knowledge for different lenses, equipment and accessories when
using the camera. They

2016, C.S. (2016) Aerial camera assistant. Available at: (Accessed: 11 October 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

2016, C.S. (2016) Aerial camera assistant. Available at: (Accessed: 11 October 2016).
(2016, 2016)

Sound Mixing
Describe their job - Reference your research
A sound mixer needs to know what type of environment theyre filming in, for example inside or
outside, so the sound mixer knows what microphone to use and whether or not to use any
coverage over it, to deflect any unwanted sounds (if it is outside, for example). The sound mixers
job is to make sure that everyone that is speaking, is speaking on the same volume and keeping it
balanced as it is recorded.

2016, C.S. (2016b) Podcast producer. Available at: (Accessed: 12 October 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

2016, C.S. (2016b) Podcast producer. Available at: (Accessed: 12 October 2016).
(2016, 2016b)

Which part of the studio do they work in? (i.e. control room, studio floor)
Sound mixers work from the control room, where they control the sound, making sure its balanced
between each person speaking. Working from the control room makes it easier for them to do this.
It is also easier for them to communicate with the director.

What skills do they need to do their job well?

A sound mixer needs to have good knowledge of all sound recording equipment, therefore theyll
also need a good understanding of electronics. They need to have an interest in acoustics and
audio technology and an excellent listening skill. They would need to be able to hear what sounds
have to be taken out in order to bring the main sound forward they have to be able to do this
using softwares when editing.

Vision Mixing
Describe their job - Reference your research
The vision mixer is the person who gets told by the director what cameras to switch between,
during live shows. Vision Mixers have to be aware of the capabilities and limitations of different
vision mixing desks, and then suggest ways of using them to fulfil the Director's vision for each

2016, C.S. (2016b) Broadcast engineer. Available at:
(Accessed: 13 October 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

2016, C.S. (2016b) Broadcast engineer. Available at:
(Accessed: 13 October 2016).
(2016, 2016b)

Which part of the studio do they work in? (i.e. control room, studio floor)
The vision mixer works in the control room (sometimes known as the gallery), with the director. The
vision mixer is almost like the directors second pair of eyes. They help the director with
suggestions and discussing what transitions are required from shot to shot.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
A vision mixer has to be good at multi-tasking as well as have great organisational skills. They need
to be able to react quickly and have a high level of concentration when listening to the director and
fulfil his requirements.

Graphics Generator
Describe their job - Reference your research
Graphics generator is the person who is in charge of the green screen, making sure it works and is
presentable for when theyre going to film. Theyre the ones who are in charge of titles on screen,
for example the title at the beginning of the show, and the title names of when guests appear, etc.

Graphics coordinator (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at:
(Accessed: 13 October 2016).

Which part of the studio do they work in? (i.e. control room, studio floor)
The graphics generator works in the control room, where they have cue times for the green screen
and titles for live show, so that when its their cue for a certain title, for example a name title, theyd
be the ones to get the titles on screen on time.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
A graphics generator has to know how to use the software properly in order for them to get
everything working properly and have everything working during the show, for example the green
screen has to work properly with the lights in the studio. They also need to be good at solving
problems and be patient.

Lighting Desk
Describe their job - Reference your research
The lighting desk operator is in charge for controlling the lighting during a production. They use a
script of a brief from the production, for them to be able to design the specific look that is required
for the shot. Before each show, it is important that they attend every technical rehearsal and

2016, C.S. (2016b) Apprentice lighting technician. Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

2016, C.S. (2016b) Apprentice lighting technician. Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2016).
(2016, 2016b)

Which part of the studio do they work in? (i.e. control room, studio floor)
Lighting directors or people who work on the lighting desk, work in the control room. This allows
them to keep a wide eye on everything that is going on in the studio, and make sure all the lights
are in the right place for the studio.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
For someone working on the lighting desk (or lighting director), they need to have good technical
skills in order for them to operate during shoots to produce different lighting effects. They also need
to know the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures before people go in to work the

Floor Manager
Describe their job - Reference your research
A floor manager is someone in the crew of a TV show who is responsible for giving information from
the director who is in the control room, to the crew on the floor back to the director. They have to
make sure all equipment is working on set before and during the show. Theyre the ones who give
the talent/ guests or host their time counts and cues. To conclude, theyre the ones who make sure
everything is running smoothly down in the studio before and during a show.

Written and editors, A. (2015) Television floor manager. Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Written and editors, A. (2015) Television floor manager. Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2016).
(Written and editors, 2015)

Which part of the studio do they work in? (i.e. control room, studio floor)
The floor manager is based on the studio floor, where they are in charge of all the crew on the floor
for the production. The whole crew would have headphones in order for them hear and
communicate with the director and the people in the control room. The host will also sometimes
have a headset so they can hear what is going on in the control room and if the director needs to
direct them in the show. The guest on the show wouldnt have a headset, but a microphone for the
sound for the show.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
A floor manager has to have good organisational skills and the ability to multi-task and work under
pressure. They have to be able to judge how to get the best out of different people and they also
have to have excellent communication skills for when they receive information from the director to
then give that information to the floor crew and then back to the director.

Details on your show

You must all carry out each job once

Interview 1

Milly Loader

Camera Production 1
Lighting Desk and Floor
Camera Production 2

Lucy Caswell

Vision Mixing
Lighting Desk and Floor

Shane Hampden

Interview 2

Oskar Galliven

Lucy Caswell

Camera Production 1
Lighting Desk and Floor
Camera Production 2

Oskar Galliven

Vision Mixing
Lighting Desk and Floor

Milly Loader

Interview 3

Milly Loader

Camera Production 1
Lighting Desk and Floor
Camera Production 2

Lucy Caswell

Vision Mixing
Lighting Desk and Floor

Victoria Pethrus

Victoria Pethrus

Oskar Galliven

Interview 4

Lucy Caswell

Camera Production 1
Lighting Desk and Floor
Camera Production 2

Victoria Pethrus

Vision Mixing
Lighting Desk and Floor

Oskar Galliven

Shane Hampden

Equipment List

3 Cameras
3 Tripods
2 Booms
2 Headphones
Green screen
Dry Suits

Tick off during set-up of show

Set Design
Draw a plan of your set. Mark on the position of lights, cameras, props and Green-screen
Add in photographs of your final set, including props etc.

Lighting Design
Take photographs of the lighting set up for the following sections of your show;
a) The presenter introducing the show
b) Interviews (the lighting may be different for different interviews)
c) The end of the show
Stick the photographs in and add notes explaining the setup.

Studio Management Plans


Add and label the following to the plan of the studio floor;
The main studio
The control room
The storeroom
The editing suite
The main office
Your four cameras
Up to four Microphones
Where each Assigned Role will be located (ie Director, Vision Mixer etc)
Where you will keep your interviewees before they come on the set. A green room
should be comfortable with sufficient seating for all your guests. Any noise of their
chatting should not be heard on set.

Location Recce Form

You must complete one of these for the studio and every location in which you film
any pre-recorded segments You can use the templates from the pre-production tabs

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Type of room/area:
Location Address:
Deanfield Ave, Henleyon-Thames RG9 1UH
Sat Nav details (Post
Nearest Train Station:
Henley- on- Thames
Nearest Bus stop:
Bell Street Henley-onThames

Lighting Information:
All the lighting we need will be in the studio, in the
ceiling and set up on the floor.

If we need extra lighting, we can get extra lights that
you set up that stand up on the floor.

Sound Information:
We will have booms which we will have set up
ready for the show

These will have cables attached from the boom mic
to the cameras, to make the sound better

Power Information:
Make sure the batteries of the cameras are
charged before the show

We will bring extra batteries in case one of the
cameras arent charge, OR If one of the cameras
arent charged before the show, and its out of
battery, we will have it plugged in to the wall during

The lights are quite low down, some lights can get
hot and there may be cables on the floor.

We will put sign on the lights to make people aware
and watch their heads, and then we will have the
cables out of the way as much as possible and tape
them down to the floor so people dont trip over

Risk Assessment
State the potential risk of your multi-camera production. Check all precautions are in place
and tick off during your set up for your show.








When walking
around the
studio, it is easy
to hit your head
on the low
hanging lights

Low hanging

Put signs on the

low hanging
lights to make
people aware
when around

18/ 10/


After using hot

lights, it is easy
to forget to use
gloves when
putting them

Hot lights

Use gloves
when handling
these hot lights
after use.

18/ 10/


When its busy

and your filming,
it is easy to
forget about the
cables and trip
over them.

Cables on the

Have the cables

out of the way
as much as
possible and
tape them down
to the floor so
people dont trip
over them.

18/ 10/


Please leave this section blank:

Risk Assessment checked by: Name ..
. Date
KEY: Activity :
Hazard :


Describe the component part of your pursuit.

List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated
with your activity that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the
likely harm.
Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When
concluding your assessment consider all of the circumstances.
Precautions: Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk.
In Place:
Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?
Review Date: When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it
might be whilst you are undertaking the activity.
Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.
A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.

Shot List
Use your timed script to write a shot list. You will need copies of this to go to your Vision

Type of shot

Camera no


Milly enters


Milly says hello to



Milly sits down


Milly says the introduction

35;00- 1;13
38 seconds

Enters josh and Jason

9 seconds

Have a chat with Josh and



Convo with Josh and Jason

(Camera on them)

2 seconds

Convo with Josh And Jason

2 minutes

Milly talks about location

1;43 minutes

Switches to location

Camera on Lucys

Camera on josh and Jason

for their reactions

Airing the game- switches

between Lucy and josh and
Shows Lucys reaction

Shows Josh and Jasons end


Switches to Milly in the



Camera 1 of location


10 seconds

After the Break~

switches to the three

Milly comes back on

screen to introduce lucy
and bella

Camera switches between

Lucy and Bella

2 and 3

Camera switches to milly

to say facts on Lucy N Bella

Switches to location


Camera switches between

lucy, lucy and bella to
present the game and
shows reactions


Close up of lucy and bellas

faces whilst being hit with
water balloons

Camera 1 on location

Goes to Lucy to conclude

the game

Cut to the studio

Camera 1


Lucy, Bella, Josh and Jason

are in the studio

Milly creates conversation

between the two groups

1 and 2

1 min 30


Still within the 1;17

Still on 1;17

Switches between the two

groups reactions of the

Switches onto Milly

Switches on to Lucy Bella

josh and Jason

Milly concludes to say


Pictures from location shot


Screen goes black and

graphics appear.


10 seconds

Pictures of rehearsal to be inserted here:

Any changes after rehearsals please list here:

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