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Red Cross / Red Crescent:

The red cross/ red crescent is a humanitarian aid movement that

is comprised mainly of volunteers. It was made to protect human
life and health and they are located in Geneva Switzerland.
Doctors Without Borders:
Doctors Without Borders, Doctors without borders is an
international humanitarian-aid non-government organization. It is
comprised mainly of volunteers who are experts in the field of
medication. It is located in Geneva Switzerland.

Green Peace:
Greenpeace is a nongovernmental[3] environmental organization with offices in over
40 countries and with an international coordinating body
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.[4] Founded by Canadian and US
ex-pat environmental activists in 1971, Greenpeace states its
goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all
its diversity"[5] and focuses its campaigning on worldwide issues
such as climate change, deforestation,overfishing, commercial
whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues. It is
primarily ran by volunteers

The YWCA/YMCA is a non governmental organization which, has
its headquarters located in Geneva Switzerland.
YMCAs engage in a wide variety of charitable activities, including
providing athletic facilities, holding classes for a wide variety of
skills, proselytising Christianity, and humanitarian work. YMCAs
remain religious organisations; many national or local
organisations de-emphasise this aspect, while others choose to
prioritise its religious mission above all others.

Citizens for Local Democracy (C4LD):

This NGO lasted only from 1996-1998 this organization was
comprised of a group of people who focused on local problems of
their community. They mainly focused on opposing the
amalgamation of seven Toronto area municipalities

CAVEAT (Canadians Against Violence)

CAVEAT is a grass-roots charitable organization serving as a nonpartisan voice for all Canadians, working together for safety,
peace, and justice (

Goodwill Industries
Is an American nonprofit organization that provides job training,
employment placement services, and other community-based
programs for people who have barriers preventing them from
otherwise obtaining a job. (

Street Kids International

Street Kids International (or Street Kids) is a Canadian-based
non-governmental organization founded by Peter
Dalglishand Frank O'Dea in 1988.The organization focuses on
providing street youth with the opportunity to lead safer and
better lives through three main programme avenues: street
health, street work and street rights. In 2008, Street Kids
International expanded its operations to the United Kingdom with
Street Kids International UK.


National Association for the Advancement of Colored

People (NAACP)
Its mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and
economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate
racial hatred and racial discrimination.

Their mission was to persuade the British government to allow
food relief through the Allied blockade for the starving citizens of
occupied Greece (

International PEN

Their goal is to emphasize the role of literature in the

development of mutual understanding and world culture; to fight
for freedom of expression; and to act as a powerful voice on
behalf of writers harassed, imprisoned and sometimes killed for
their views. (
Amnesty International (Video)
Through our detailed research and determined campaigning, we
help fight abuses of human rights worldwide. We bring torturers
to justice. Change oppressive laws. And free people jailed just for
voicing their opinion. (

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