Anki Hard Words

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the mainstream =the most usual ideas or methods, or the people who

have these ideas or methods/menstrim/

Environmental ideas have been absorbed into the mainstream of

European politics.
Genet started as a rebel, but soon became part of the literary

Education is one of the basic human rights written into the United
Nations Charter.
The Government have produced a Citizen's/Parents'/Patients' Charter.

a statement of the principles, duties, and purposes of an organization:

hin php, hin chng

Annie was wonderfully warm and maternal/mtnl $ -r-/.

1.typical of the way a good mother behaves or feels

She had laboured under the misconception that Bella liked her

2 labour under a delusion/misconception/misapprehension etc to

believe something that is not true:
The author builds up a useful composite picture of contemporary
consumer culture./kmpzt US kmp-/

1 made up of different parts or materials:

borough /br US -rou/

thnh ph, th x
My natural inclination was to say no.AC /klnen, klnen/

a feeling that makes you want to do something= LINH CM

Fine Arts is a generic term for subjects such as painting, music, and
generic drugs/dnerk, dnerk/

1 relating to a whole group of things rather than to one thing

2 a generic product does not have a special name to show that it is
made by a particular company

Put a tie on itll make you look more respectable./rspektbl/

hard-working, respectable people=ng knh trng

=chnh t, ng n
Her exam results were respectable enough.=good or satisfactory

a grouping of eight opposition parties/rup/

1 [countable] a number of people, things, or organizations that do

something together or have the same interests, qualities, or features

Their dreams commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery./


the use of words or pictures to describe ideas or actions in poems,

books, films etc
hnh tng

Protestant /prtstnt, prtstnt $ pr-/ trng m u nhe

ngi theo o tin lnh

pad N

The robbery took a deadly new twist as the robber pulled out a gun.
an unexpected twist in the plot

1 an unexpected feature or change in a situation or series of events



a lawyer in Britain who can argue cases in the higher law courts

/kmjunjn/Communion [uncountable] (also Holy Communion) the

Christian ceremony in which people eat bread and drink wine as signs
of Christs body and blood

This school only offers approved language courses.

describes something that is generally or officially accepted as being

correct or satisfactory

a test held under controlled conditions

deliberately done in a particular way, or made to have particular



strong thick string= dy

tolerance towards religious minorities/tlrns $ t-/

willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs which are different from

your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them OPP
The cat came padding silently back to its home.
jackets padded out with a soft cotton filling

to walk softly and quietly

2 [transitive] (also pad (something) out British English) to fill or cover
something with a soft material in order to protect it or make it more

the glow from the dying fire/lo/

1 a soft steady light= nh sng rc

institutional racism /reszm/ in the police force/nsttjunl,

nsttjunl $ -tu-/
children in institutional care= relating to an institution

1= institutional attitudes and behaviour have existed for a long time in

an organization and have become accepted as normal even though
they are bad:

To remain competitive the company has to be able to adapt to the

changing marketplace/mktples, mktples $ mr-/


the marketplace=
the part of business activity that is concerned with buying and selling
goods in competition with other companies

/mnuv $ -r/A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying
out a complex manoeuvre.

a skilful or careful movement that you make, for example in order to

avoid something or go through a narrow space:

2 [uncountable and countable] a skilful or carefully planned action

intended to gain an advantage for yourself:

They tried by diplomatic maneuvers to obtain an agreement

She came trotting down the steps from the library.

if a person or animal trots, they run fairly slowly, taking short regular
A blast of cold air swept through the hut.
Thirty-six people died in the blast.

1 a sudden strong movement of wind or air= lung gi

2 an explosion, or the very strong movement of air that it causes

Bill sprinted up the steps./sprnt/

to run very fast for a short distance

Business letters do not have to be impersonal and formal./m psnl

$ -r-/

1 not showing any feelings of sympathy, friendliness etc:

He felt great awe for the landscape.

1 a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise=

a thinking person

1 a thinking person is intelligent and tries to think carefully about

important subjects
The room was warm, with a fire blazing in the hearth.( lng l si)
A huge truck was advancing towards us, its headlights blazing.

to burn very brightly and strongly

to shine with a very bright light:

node /nd $ nod/

1 the place on the stem of a plant from which a leaf or branch

fire brigade /brged/ UK noun [C usually singular] (US fire

an organization that is in charge of preventing and stopping unwanted

The sight of the Taj Mahal filled us with wonder.

a feeling of surprise and admiration for something very beautiful or

new to you SYN awe= s kinh ngc

The family faced their ordeal /rdil/ with dignity and courage.
Old people need to retain their dignity/dgnti/ and independence.

1=the ability to behave in a calm controlled way even in a difficult

situation= s bnh tnh

2=your dignity =your sense of your own value or importance

Ive strained a muscle in my leg

She was straining to keep her head above the water.

o injure a muscle or part of your body by using it too much or making it

work too hard
2.(=EFFORT [intransitive and transitive] to try very hard to do
something using all your strength or ability)

He's very paternal /ptnl US -r-/ (= showing the affectionate

feelings of a father) - it's lovely to see him with the baby.
.<>maternal /mtnl /

1 paternal feelings or behaviour are like those of a kind father towards

his children:
2 paternal grandmother/uncle etc your fathers mother, brother etc

a committee that aims to uphold /phld/ educational standards

1 to defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues

to exist

a committee that aims to uphold /phld/ educational standards

1 to defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues

to exist
the judicial/dudl/ system

relating to the law, judges, or their decisions = lin quan n php

lut, quan ta v cc quyt nh ca h
mine/elevator/ventilation etc shaft

a passage(= li i) which goes down through a building or down into

the ground, so that someone or something can get in or out= ci hm
2=a long handle on a tool, SPEAR etc

The fire flared up again./fler/

chy bng ln

the sovereignty /svrnti / of Parliament

2,Talks are being held about who should have sovereignty over the

1 quyn lc ti cao
2,ch quyn

a campaign in Wales for greater autonomy/tnmi/

the freedom for a country, a region or an organization to govern itself

= quyn t tr

What are we having for dessert?/dzt $ -rt/

sweet food served after the main part of a meal= mn trng ming


a mixture of liquids, usually oil and VINEGAR(gim), that you put on

SALAD or raw vegetables=nc trn vi salad

an imaginative use of computer technology/mdntv,


1 new, original and clever

the novelty of the ideas
Many toys have no attraction beyond their novelty value./nvlti $

the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting= s mi l, khc


The response has been overwhelmingly(very large ) favorable.

a favourable report, opinion, or reaction shows that you think that

someone or something is good or that you agree with them

/njutrn $ nu-/Nutrition ( thc phm dinh dng) and exercise are

essential to fitness and health.


run wild
a) if children or animals run wild, they behave in an uncontrolled way =
ph phch, lm lon because there is no one to control them

b) if something runs wild, it is not controlled and operates in an

extremely free way
Be creative - allow your imagination to run wild .
c) if plants run wild, they grow a lot in an uncontrolled way
The company has recently made a big push into the Japanese market
She just needed a gentle push to get her to join in.

1,EFFORT [countable] when someone, especially a business, tries to

get or achieve something:

The results of the study have a wider significance for all the

the importance of an event, action etc, especially because of the

effects or influence it will have in the future
The walls are reinforced with steel rods.

superintendent /suprntendnt/

1 a high rank in the British police, or someone who has this rank

The National Executive is expected to endorse /nds $ -rs/ these


=approve or support st
if a famous person endorses a product or service, they say in an
advertisement that they use and like it

List t khng hiu ngha kiu g quyn400 must have words for TOEFL
In the trenches

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