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[Fix] Network Connections Folder is Empty in Windows, Not

Showing Network Adapters List

UPDATE: If you upgraded from Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10 and can't find any
available wireless network in the list, check out METHOD 4 first.
Today I'm going to post a solution of a weird problem which I faced yesterday. When I
updated the driver of my network card and restarted my computer system, I faced a strange
Suddenly the "Network Connection" icon in system tray started showing a yellow triangle
with exclamation mark (!) on it as shown in following screenshot:

I double-checked the Internet connectivity and it was working absolutely fine. I was able to
browse on Internet.
To investigate the issue, I checked the Network Connections folder, it was empty. It was
not showing any network adapter. It was absolutely blank as shown in following

I did lots of things to fix the issue like restarting the router, enabling/disabling network
services but all in vain.
At last I tried resetting network adapters configuration using Windows registry and it did the
trick. I was able to fix this annoying issue using my favorite Registry Editor. Actually
Windows stores a cache of network adapters configuration in registry and if by any chance the
cache becomes corrupted, you might face such kind of strange issues.
Anyway I'm sharing the solutions here so that if anyone else faces this problem, he'll be able
to fix it easily without any hard work.
To fix this issue, you just need to follow these simple steps:
1. Type regedit in RUN or Start search box and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now go to following key:
3. In right-side pane, you'll see a binary key "Config". Select it and press Delete key on your
keyboard. You just need to delete Config key.

Don't worry. When you delete the key and open Network Connections folder or restart your
system, Windows automatically re-creates the key. By deleting the key we are just clearing
the configuration cache.
4. Once you delete the key, close Registry Editor and open Network Connections folder again
and now it should show all network adapters without any problem.

PS: If you don't want to edit registry manually and want a ready-made registry script to do the
task automatically, download following ZIP file, extract it and run extracted REG file. It'll ask
for confirmation, accept it:
Download Registry Script
If the above mentioned method doesn't work for you, try following solution given by our
reader "Campbell":
1. Open Device Manager using devmgmt.msc command and locate the Network adapters.
2. Right-click on each network adapter one bye one and select Uninstall.

3. Once all have been removed, right-click again and select Scan for hardware changes.
The adapters will be rediscovered and when the drivers are loaded back, the devices will reappear in Network Connections.
If none of the above mentioned methods work for you, try following solution given by our
reader "Rusty":
1. Type regedit in RUN or Start search box and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now go to following key:
3. In right-side pane, you'll see a multi-string key "ClassManagers". Double-click on it and
it'll open the edit dialog box to change its value.
4. The dialog box will contain 4 GUIDs and each GUID must present on a separate line. If
you find that all GUIDs are present in a single line, put them on separate lines by pressing
Enter key after each closing curly bracket '}'.

For your convenience, we are providing the correct value of the key. Copy following text and
paste it in the edit dialog box:

After correcting the value, click on OK button to apply changes.

5. That's it. Close Registry Editor and open Network Connections folder again and now it
should show all network adapters without any problem.
PS: If you are not familiar with modifying registry, you can download following ready-made
registry script to do the task automatically. Just download following ZIP file, extract it and run
extracted REG file. It'll ask for confirmation, accept it:
Download Registry Script

This method has been added specially for Windows 10 users who upgraded from Windows 7
or Windows 8.1 and can't see any wireless network available in the list:
1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator and run following commands one by one:
reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{988248f3-a1ad-49bf-9170-676cbbc36ba3} /va /f
netcfg -v -u dni_dne
2. Close Command Prompt and open Network Connections folder again and now it should
show all network adapters without any problem.
NOTE: Many readers have reported the error 0x80004002 while executing the second
command. The error may occur if the Registry key was not successfully deleted by the first
command. In such condition, you'll need to delete the Registry key manually using following
steps shared by our reader "Scott French":
1. Type regedit in RUN or Start search box and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now go to following key:
3. While you are on {988248f3-a1ad-49bf-9170-676cbbc36ba3} key, press Delete key to
delete the key from Registry.
4. Now run the second command netcfg -v -u dni_dne in Command Prompt and it should
If the network adapters are showing properly in your computer but you are still getting yellow
triangle with exclamation mark (!) on network icon in system tray and can't connect to any
website, you can try to use custom DNS server settings for your Internet connection with the
help of following tutorial:
How to Change or Use Custom DNS Server Settings in Windows?

If using custom DNS doesn't help you, try following:
If you are using any virtualization software such as Virtual Box, VMware Workstation, etc in
your computer, these software also install their virtual network adapters to use Internet
connection in the virtually installed operating system. Sometimes these virtual network
adapters can cause your Internet connection not working.
To fix it, just uncheck or uninstall these virtual network adapters from your Internet
connection properties as shown in following image:

To open Internet connection properties, go through STEP 1-3 as mentioned in above tutorial
to change or use custom DNS server settings.
Some readers have reported that they faced this issue due to Kaspersky or other 3rd party
security software. So if you are also facing this problem and none of the above mentioned
solutions worked for you, try to uninstall your antivirus program or Internet security suite. It
might fix the problem. If it works, you can try to reinstall the security software again, it
should work now without any problem.

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