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Card 1. S1: What is family? What is the role of family in your life?

In my own life I have learned that the meaning of family has little to do with blood relatives
and titles. To me, family is a matter of the heart and it has everything to do with emotional
attachment. My family is not just who I see on the holidays or those who share my last
name. My family consists of the people I would lay down my life for. It is the people who
have impacted me as a person, who have helped mold me and pushed me to a better place.
And in the simplest terms family is who you love and who loves you back
I cannot imagine living my life without my family by my side. Family is very important and
valuable to me and is something that should never be taken for granted. Without my family,
a large part of my life and culture would be missing. In my life, the family plays a very
important role. For my family, I was ready for anything, because my family this is my cozy
nest, from which not want to go,
Card 2. S1: Talk about shopping for food. How often do you buy food and where do you buy them?
We seldom buy groceries in supermarkets, because the food is not always fresh there.
She asked her brother to buy her a new computer in the USA, because all electronic devices
are much cheaper there.
a big building in which there are many shops that sell different things, e.g. clothes, food,
electronic devices, cosmetics, etc.
People enjoy buying in shopping malls, because they can easily find everything they need in
one place.
People prefer doing shopping in supermarkets, because they can find a wide variety of
products there.
All supermarkets need to offer competitive prices if they want to attract their customers.
There are two big disadvantages of using your own car instead of public transport: traffic
jams and the prices of petrol.
Avoid shopping at weekends if you dont want to stand in long queues.
Supermarkets use many tricks in order to make people spend a lot of money. For example,
the most expensive products are placed on shelves that you have the easiest access to.
If you make a list of products that you need, you will probably not buy too much
unnecessary things.
Some people buy branded goods, because they believe they are of higher quality, but some
do it for prestige.
There are so many products advertised on TV, billboards, on the Internet, that we frequently
get confused about which one to choose.
I usually buy domestic goods, because they are often cheaper and I want to support my
countrys industries.
She loves her job, because it gives her numerous opportunities to visit foreign countries.
I never go window-shopping, because when I see something really beautiful I always regret
not having enough money to buy it.

Card 3. S1: Do you think travelling by bus is better than travelling by train? What do you like and
dislike about travelling by bus?

Many pupils go on school trips. Some people say they are interesting and educational. Other people say
that they are a waste of time and children should learn in the classroom.
Most teachers are convinced that there is more to learning than lessons in the classroom. That is why they
try to create memorable learning experiences with the help of educational school trips.
School trips include a wide range of outdoor educational and residential courses, designed to stimulate,
educate and motivate pupils. To my mind, school trips help teachers inspire pupils and bring subject areas
to life. School trips broaden children's mind, improve their knowledge of history and geography and make
their lives interesting and eventful. Whether pupils want an educational school trip within their country or
abroad their aim is the same: to enjoy sightseeing, to discover new things, to meet interesting people and
to get wonderful impressions and learning experiences which educate, excite and inspire.
However, some parents don't think that school trips are essential. They believe that pupils can learn
everything staying in the classroom. Other parents don't like the fact that they have to pay for most school
trips. Moreover, Moms and Dads are often afraid of possible dangers and difficulties which may arise
during any school trip. Nevertheless, statistics show that school trips are usually safe for children. But
reasonable safety measures are still required.
To sum up, a school trip is a challenging, rewarding and always exciting experience. Pupils will have fun
while learning new skills and capabilities. There is no better way to foster team building, positive
attitudes and a sense of personal achievement. I think that school trips will certainly benefit pupils'
performance back at school.
There are people, who think that the best way to travel in a town or in a city is on foot. However a lot of
others prefer driving a car or using public transport.
Today everybody understands that time is money. We can't afford to spend much time on the road, so we
use cars and public transport to travel faster.
On the one hand, we shouldn't forget that we can use our legs. In my opinion, when people travel on foot,
they can see much more on their way and enjoy the sights of a town or a city. We can stop wherever we
want and admire a beautiful church or monument or drop at a cafe or a shop. We won't be stuck in a
traffic jam for several hours and we will certainly avoid road accidents. What is more, travelling on foot is
much healthier that travelling by car or by bus. Walking is a perfect physical exercise that strengthens the
immune system, improves mental health and helps prevent many diseases.
On the other hand, travelling by car or by bus saves much time and effort. A lot of people prefer driving
cars as they have speed and comfort combined. When you travel by car, you don't depend on the weather.
For example, if it rains you won't get soaked. If it is cold, you can turn on a heater. While driving, you can
listen to music or the latest news on the radio. Public transport is not as popular as cars. Nevertheless,
thousands of people use it every day of their lives.
To conclude, it's up to you to decide whether to travel on foot, to drive a car or to use public transport. As
for me, I am young and energetic and I am for travelling on foot.
Many people prefer to travel abroad; others say that there is much to be seen in our own country.
Most people find travelling very exciting. It gives them an opportunity to enjoy sightseeing, to discover
new things, to meet interesting people, to rest physically and morally and to get wonderful impressions.
For me there is hardly anything more interesting and exciting than a journey to a foreign country. I've
been to London, Paris and Rome and it is the most wonderful experience in my life. Travelling abroad
gives me a chance to feel thousands of miles away from home, to visit great cities and small villages, to
admire foreign architecture, cuisine and culture, to make friends and what not. What is more, it is the best
way to broaden your mind, to improve your knowledge of history and geography and to make your life

However, a lot of people are sure that there is much to be seen in our own country. Indeed, it is difficult to
disagree with them. There are many places of interest in my native town: ancient churches, monuments,
museums and parks. One can go to Moscow and visit its theatres, cathedrals, art galleries and what not.
The Kremlin attracts thousands of tourists as it is the heart of Moscow and the centre of the Russian
government. St. Petersburg, the former capital of Russia, is known for its magnificent palaces, famous
museums, beautiful buildings and wide streets. Besides, there are many small towns and villages in our
country which are definitely worth visiting.
To conclude, we should learn everything about our own country first of all. But if we want to learn more
about the world around us and to expand the mind, we should travel abroad.
The car has become the most popular means of transport in the history of the world. However, some
people say that the world would be better off without cars.
Nowadays, almost every family has a car. A lot of people say that travelling by car is very convenient,
while others are sure that cars cause many problems.
In my opinion, the car is one of the most comfortable means of transport. Firstly, travelling by car is fast
and it helps you save plenty of time. Secondly, it is comfortable because you don't have to buy any tickets
and your car is always at your disposal. Thirdly, when you travel by car, you don't depend on the weather.
While driving, you can listen to music or the latest news on the radio. And finally, you can stop where you
want and have a snack or enjoy nature.
On the other hand, travelling by car has a number of disadvantages. First and foremost, it is bad for
ecology and health. Cars produce exhaust fumes which make the air foul and destroy the ozone layer
protecting the Earth from the dangerous rays of the Sun. The car is not a safe means of travel as there are
a lot of car and bus crashes. Travelling by car is not very convenient if the trip is long. Besides, it is rather
expensive as petrol is not cheap. What is more, when we travel by car, we may be stuck in a traffic jam
for several hours.
To sum up, I think it is rather difficult to do without cars nowadays. But if we want to be healthy, we
should sometimes ride a bike or walk.
Some people think that travelling by plane is very comfortable and convenient. Others say that it has a
number of disadvantages.
Nowadays we can't imagine our lives without travelling. We tend to travel longer distances and at much
higher speeds. Most people say there is nothing like travel by air for them.
Personally, I think that travelling by plane is very comfortable, quick and thrilling. It helps me save plenty
of time and gives me an opportunity to visit out-of-the-way parts of the world. I don't have to worry about
anything during the flight. I can relax, listen to music, read a newspaper or take a nap. The stewardess
will take care of passengers during the flight and will help them get comfortable in their seats. I can
always enjoy good service and tasty food. What is more, travelling by plane gives me a wonderful
opportunity to look through the porthole and to admire beautiful landscapes.
However, some people don't like travelling by air. Firstly, they complain that it takes them much time to
check in at the airport and to have their baggage weighed. Secondly, some flights may be delayed or
cancelled because of unfavourable weather conditions. Thirdly, those people who are airsick will hardly
find the flight very nice. Finally, aircraft engines emit noise and gases and contribute to air pollution and
global warming. Besides, a lot of people doubt that travelling by plane is safe. They are afraid of plane
crashes and terrorists. But as a rule much attention is paid to security: all luggage is screened and all
passengers are carefully examined.
To conclude, it is up to you to decide whether to travel by plane or not. Anyway, all means of travel have
their advantages and disadvantages.
Some people consider hitch-hiking to be the best way of travelling. Others think that hitchhiking is

Hitch-hikers travel by getting rides in other people's cars. When they want drivers to give them a lift, they
stand on the roadside and raise their hand or put out their thumb. Most hitch-hikers also carry a sign with
the name of the place they want to go to. But is it safe to travel in such a way?
Personally, I think that hitch-hiking is a unique opportunity to see different cities and countries. This way
of travelling is for enthusiastic people who want to reduce their road expenses. If you want to travel but
have no money, hitch-hiking is a single way out. Hitch-hiking will help you get where you want to go for
But nowadays hitch-hiking is less common than it used to be some years ago. There have been cases of
hitch-hikers or the drivers who picked them up being attacked or killed. That is why people, especially
young women, should avoid hitching alone. It is also necessary to be always friendly and polite with
drivers in order to avoid conflicts. Besides, a lot of people say that hitchhiking is not for those who like
comfort. Sometimes you will have to walk, that is why you should travel light. You should also prepare
for your trip beforehand. You should have a good idea of how to get where you are going and be informed
about road conditions and weather forecast.
To sum up, hitch-hiking is both exciting and dangerous. Anyway, if you have decided to hitchhike, you
should consult other people and ask them to share their impressions.
Some people prefer travelling by train, while others say that it has a number of disadvantages.
Nowadays people travel more often than they did in the past. There are different means of travel that
provide you with comfort and security, so passengers have a great variety of choice available for them.
Travelling by train is very popular with many people, though it has a number of disadvantages as well.
I am fond of travelling by train because I have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. While travelling I
can walk around, look through the windows to enjoy a splendid view of the whole countryside and sit
where I can stretch my legs. If I am hungry, I can go to the dining-car and have a meal. Trains can run in
bad weather. What is more, as trains are electrically-powered, they are considered to be less harmful to
the environment than other forms of transport. The service is popular with passengers because it is fast,
efficient, comfortable and quiet.
However, some people say that they don't like travelling by train. Firstly, they always have to stand in a
long line in order to buy train tickets beforehand. Secondly, you cannot stop where you want. Thirdly,
when you travel by train, you always have to get to the railway station first. Finally, travelling by train is
not very convenient if the trip is long. Of course, travelling by train is not as fast as travelling by plane.
But one of the latest inventions is a high-speed train that can run more than 200 km/h.
To conclude, it is up to you to decide whether to travel by train or not. Anyway, travelling by train has
both advantages and disadvantages.
Medical travel is becoming more and more popular with many people However, others say that it has
many disadvantages.
Travelling abroad for medical treatment has been increasingly growing lately. But why do many people
choose to go to foreign clinics and is medical travel as beneficial as it seems to be?
Medical tourists go to foreign countries for different reasons. Firstly, many patients want to undergo
certain medical procedures for lower prices. For example, the cost of different operations in India,
Thailand or South Africa is much lower than in the United States or Western Europe. Secondly, medical
travel gives people the opportunity not only to receive first-rate care from highly qualified specialists, but
also to have a holiday in an exotic country. Finally, many people go abroad in order to avoid long waiting
periods. In such countries as the USA or Britain a person may wait for a certain medical procedure for a
year or even longer. But in other countries a patient can receive the needed treatment immediately.
Nevertheless, some people say that undergoing treatment abroad may be rather risky. For instance,
infectious diseases in such countries as Thailand or Malaysia are different from those in North America
and Europe. Foreign diseases may be extremely dangerous to weakened patients. What is more, long
flights should be avoided after certain medical procedures. Additionally, some holiday-related activities

such as sunbathing or swimming may worsen patients' health. But to my mind, medical tourism is great
because people can combine leisure with medical procedures.
To conclude, medical travel can save your money and give you an opportunity to rest and visit other
countries. However, one should take all possible risks into consideration before making the final decision
to go abroad.
Some people are fond of travelling to exotic countries, while others say that exotic travel is rather risky.
Many people dream of exciting travels to sunny, beautiful and interesting places in exotic countries. But
every tourist must remember that there are a number of risks that they need to be aware of.
In my opinion, exotic travel gives you an opportunity to participate in exciting experiences. In exotic
countries you can ride a camel or an elephant, enjoy modern cities or picturesque little villages, admire
ancient temples and what not. Travelling to exotic countries many tourists would like to watch the daily
life of local people, to see mountains, jungles and beaches. I believe that exotic travel is very rewarding
because it can lead to totally new understanding of diverse cultures and lifestyles.
Nevertheless, arranging a perfect travel to exotic places is not an easy task. Travel agencies show tourists
colorful catalogues with beautiful beaches and modern hotels. Most people find it difficult to explore this
immensity of offers and spot the one that would let them admire a truly stunning seaside, good service,
clean beaches and high quality hotels. Many tourists feel ill at ease when they go to an exotic country
because they do not know much about its traditions and do not understand the language. Some tourists
may dislike the local food. Furthermore, they have no natural immunity to foreign diseases. In addition,
tourists may have problems with insects, public transport, thieves, insistent street vendors and so on.
To conclude, many people say that once you have tasted the excitement of visiting exotic destinations,
you'll never want to stop. However, tourists must take precautions in order to avoid unpleasant situations
and to remain safe and secure.
Card 4. S1: Talk about famous buildings around the world. Describe them and give some
The World's Most Famous Buildings and Structures
The Tower of London is a group of buildings and towers covering 13 acres along the north bank of the
Thames. The central White Tower, begun in 1078 during the reign of William the Conqueror, was
originally a fortress and royal residence, but was later used as a prison. The Bloody Tower is associated
with Anne Boleyn and other notables.
Westminster Abbey, in London, was begun in 1050 and completed in 1065. It was rebuilt and enlarged in
several phases, beginning in 1245. With only two exceptions (Edward V and Edward VIII), every British
monarch since William the Conqueror has been crowned in the abbey.
The Eiffel Tower, in Paris, was built for the Exposition of 1889 by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. It is 984 ft
high (1,056 ft including the television tower).
The Taj Mahal (16321650), at Agra, India, built by Shah Jahan as a tomb for his wife, is considered by some as
the most perfect example of the Mogul style and by others as the most beautiful building in the world. Four slim
white minarets flank the building, which is topped by a white dome; the entire structure is made of marble.

The Empire State Building (19301931) is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Manhattan.
Features include a tiered structure that recalls ancient pyramids and a mast at the top for mooring
dirigibles. Rising to 1,250 ft (not including the mast), it remained the tallest building in the world until
the 1970s.

Card 5. S1: Talk about the fashion nowadays. What do people usually wear for everyday life?

Today fashion is a very popular industry which influences millions of people around the
world. Every year more and more people start to follow fashion trends in order to be stylish
and attractive.
Quite a number of people believe that other people judge a person first by his looks and only
then, as they get to know him, by his inner qualities; thats why they are convinced that if
you follow fashion trends you have more chances to make a good impression on others.
Such people suppose that fashionable clothes help them to stand out from the crowd and
they often say that when they are dressed fashionably they feel more confident.
Certainly there are opponents of the necessity to follow fashion trends. They confirm that at
present one can meet many people in the street who look like mannequins in a shopwindow.
These people consider that every person should have his or her own style and it has to be
unique. One shouldnt blindly follow fashion trends, because its irrational and besides its
rather expensive to keep up with the fashions.
I personally pay attention to fashion in small doses and Im sure that this is the only healthy
way of approach. The clothes that are presented at the fashion shows are usually
inappropriate in a day-to-day life; you can not wear them at work or to a caf. I believe that
fashion has almost nothing to do with good taste, so everyone should create his or her own
Fashion has allways excisted, exists now days and will allways exist. But it is changing.
Fashion changes not only clothers but also appearance and the lifestyle of people. Only
several decades ago it was stylish for women to be quite plump and to wear modest
clothers. Now everything has changed: most of TV programmes and pages of magazines
show us slim and tanned womenin bikini. And many modern women try to look the same
and imitate them. I think to follow some fashion trend is not allways good. I guess every
persone must be individual.

Card 6. S1: What is your opinion of being a teacher in the future? Give advantages and
disadvantages of it.
There are several arguments in favour of working as a teacher. To begin with, it is a very
interesting job because teachers have contact with many young and creative pupils. They
can learn very interesting things from each other - both a teacher and students. What is
more, pupils do not allow teachers to lose their creativity. They will still think up a lot of
strange and difficult for them issues. And you have to deal with them successfully.
Furthermore, it is a rewarding job, since when teachers see how their students become wiser
and well educated people, they can be happy and proud. You feel useful for others and what
is the most important, you help children not only learn more but also solve their problems.

However, there is also a number of disadvantages of being a teacher. Firstly, it is a stressful

job - you are responsible for your students. You must take care of pupils like for your own
children. Kids should feel safe with you, have to trust you and feel comfortable when you
talk to them. Sometimes a teacher must be very patient and behave calmly even when the
situation is not easy. Teachers should know that they play a very important part in every
student's live. Moreover, it can be very depressing job for people who have not get strong
character. Pupils can notice that weakness and try to get rid of their teacher. Last but not
least, this job is very tiresome. You have to explain a lot of difficult for children things. They
are always asking: 'how?', 'why?' and 'what for?'. It may be irritating but you cannot say
'This is unimportant'. You must answer them and what is more always set a good example
for them. Sometimes it could be tiring.

To sum up, a profession of a teacher has many advantages although there are a lot of
disadvantages too. It can be rewarding and interesting job, nevertheless it is also difficult. It
is a career only for strong, indulgent and righteous people. However, I always dream about
this job. I would like to teach other people and have satisfaction from it.

Card 7. S1: Why do people need transports? Talk about different transports in Almaty. How often
do people use them?
Public Transport in Almaty
As we live in one of the biggest cities in our country there are lots of traffic jams on the
street. To get somewhere as quickly as possible it is not effective to go on foot always and
catching taxi is really expensive. So there are many types of transport for you as trams,
subway, trolleybuses and buses.
There are only 2 types of trams to catch- 4th and 6th. If you want to get somewhere in
latitude without any squeezes trams are best solution for you. Also, there are not any traffic
jam for them because we have special tramlines in the center of streets. But if you do not
catch the previous , you will have to wait next for 20 or even 45 minutes! Thats why I do not
like them. In my opinion, they are more suitable for pensioners, who are not often in a hurry.
Usually most of the people catch buses and trolleybuses because there are incredibly huge
amount of them. Also, of course it is the cheapest way of getting somewhere ! Only 80 tg for
one path. On the other hand, the worst thing about them is that you have to stay in a
crowded and noisy place for 1 or 2 hours . They have many chairs , but if you are under 30,
dont dream that you will have one of them. Drivers carry people until the bus is completely
full. In the end you get down the bus totally exhausted.
For me the best type of transport is subways ! You do not have to wait for a long time and
they are not often as crowded as buses. You will be in time to you work, house or etc.
Nowadays we have only 9 stations : Raiymbek batyr, Zhybek zholy, Almaly, Abaya, Baikonyr,
Theatre named by Mukhtar Aueziv, Alatau, Sairan and Moscow . All of them designed with
Kazakh ornaments . I like them because when you are underground you do not hear the
noise of the city and at least you can read your book or magazine , which is impossible in
the bus .I wish that in the future , government will build it throughout the city.

Card 8. S1: Talk about your own style of fashion. What do you usually wear in different occasions?

1. Lets talk about fashion. What style in clothes do you prefer and why?

1. Fashion, as I see it, is the prevailing style in clothes and behavior.

2. The way to fashion is led by fashion designers, media, celebrities and musicians.
3. Of course, the clothes presented at the fashion shows are usually inappropriate in a dayto-day life.
4. Thats why I dont pay too much attention to fashion.
5. I believe that it is more important to create your own style.

6. I prefer to wear classic pieces that are comfortable and complement my personality, while
at home my outfit is definitely more casual.
2. Do you follow the latest fashion trends? Why (not)? 7. I cant say that I do, but I think
that if you follow fashion trends you have more chances to make a good impression on
3. What questions would you ask a fashion designer?
8. What is the difference between
fashion and style? What is your favourite trend? What colour is in fashion this season? Is it
really important to look stylish?
4. What can you advise a person who wants to change something about his/her style but
doesnt know how to do it? 9. Be confident in your new style. Move forward to colors that
appeal to you. Buy only those clothes that you really like. Change your hairstyle if you are
sick of your hair.
5. They say that young people pay a lot of attention to their style and want to be
fashionable. What do you think about it? 10. It is not surprising that young people pay a lot
of attention to their style. I think looking stylish and attractive helps young people to stand
out of the crowd and feel more confident.

Card 9. S1: Are you planning to go anywhere for your next holiday?
If so:
- Where?
- Why do you want to visit this place?
- How long will you stay?

Card 10. S1: What are the differences between Russian wedding and Kazakh
wedding? Are there any similarities?

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