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Sofa Ivonne Vieyra Snchez


The Chroniclers Post

Maer Alverons Life Saved by a Student of the

Vintas.- Yesterday afternoon, Kvothe unveiled the arcanist Caduciuss plot to
kill Maer Alveron with poison in the Maers castle by passing off as a nobles
son. By: Sofa Vieyra
There was a scandal in the kingdom of Vintas when Kvothe the Bloodless
discovered and dismantled the arcanists Caducius attempts to poison Maer
Alveron by giving him what he pretended to be medicine but instead turned
out to be lead. Mr. Kvothe managed to keep his true identity of a University
student undercover by passing off as a nobles son, and convinced Caducius
to allow him to observe the process of production of the medicine. Kvothe,
who knew a lot about the crafts of arcanists from his time in the University,
knew that one of the substances that Caducius was using was poisonous, and
could take enough time to kill as not to arise suspicion.
Young Kvothe arrived to Vintas I to try to find a job as Maer Alverons
companion on recommendation from the widely reknown Count Threpe. He
worked hard and slowly his way with words in order to gain the Maers trust.
There he found out that the Maer was suffering from a disease that had been
kept from the public eye before. Kvothe got suspicious and decided to check
whether Caducius was actually healing Maer or not. On the pretense of being
a lordling aiming to write a book on the court gossip, Kvothe managed to get
the arcanist to allow him to witness the making of the so called medicine.
Kvothe knew that the components used by Caducius were very harmful to the
Maer, but the Maer refused to mistrust his arcanist. Kvothe cleverly proposed
the Maer an experiment: the Maer would drink the medicine that Kvothe gave
him and the medicine that Caducius sent for him would be fed to a group of

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