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Unit 3
Stems (Week One-quiz:
October 7th)
1.circum = around
2.mal = bad = after
4.equi = equal
5.ante = before
Vocabulary Words & Definitions (Week Two-quiz:
October 21st)
1.Circumference 1)the line that goes around the circle 2)
the distance around something
2.Circumnavigate to go completely around (as the earth)
especially by water
3.Malady a disease or sickness of body or mind
4.Malicious doing mean things for pleasure
5.Postscript a note added to the end of a letter or book
6.Postpone to put off until some later time
7.Equilateral having all sides or faces equal
8.Equivalent alike or equal in number or value
9.Anterior placed before or in front
Antebellum belonging to a period before a war (ex.
The Civil War)
Spelling (Week Three-quiz: October 28th)

Students will be expected to spell each of the above

vocabulary words.

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