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English Grammar and Vocabulary

Sentence - a group of words giving a complete thought. It must contain a subject
and a verb.
example: The cat sleep on the bed. The "cat" is the subject and "sleep" is the verb.
Verb - is an action words (sleep, walk, jump, brought, catch and etc.)
Noun - used to name a person, place, thing, quality, or action.
example: Anna loves chocolate cake.
Pronoun - a word that one may substitute for a noun or noun phrase (I, you, us, she,
her, he, him, his, them, they, their and etc.)
example: She loves chocolate cake.
Adjectives - a word that describes a noun or noun phrase (color, shape, taste,
texture, and size)
example: The cotton is soft.
Prepositions - a word that shows direction, location, or time, or that introduces an
object (to, of, about, at, before, after, by, behind, during, for, from, in, over, under,
with and etc.)
example: I sent a letter to you. To is a preposition showing direction.
Someone is at the door. At is a preposition showing location.
We will arrive by noon. By is a preposition showing time.
Singular - a noun indicates one only.
example: It’s not difficult to grow a tree as long as you give it plenty of water.
Plural - a noun indicates more than one.
example: It’s not too difficult to grow trees as long as you provide them with plenty of

Type of Sentence
1. Declaration Sentences (.) - a statement that ends with a period.
example: I forgot to bring my pen.
2. Interrogative Sentences (?) - a sentence that asks a question.
example: Do you have a pen?
3. Exclamatory Sentences (!) - communicate heightened emotion and ends with an
exclamation mark.
example: I found my pen!
4. Imperative Sentences (.)(!) - An imperative sentence can end in either a period or an
exclamation point. It is a sentence gives the reader advice, instructions, a command
or makes a request.
example: Don't forget to always bring a pen.
Answer this English Grammar
Quiz for Practice:

Science: Chemistry and Physics

What is Science?

In general, a science involves a pursuit of knowledge covering general truths

or the operations of fundamental laws.

Famous Scientists
Hippocrates (Greek) - Father of Medicine -
Aristotle (Greek) - Theory of Three psyches and Scientific Method
Nicolaus Copernicus - Heliocentric Model of the Universe - theorized that the sun
was the center of the universe rather than the Earth, which was a controversial claim
at the time.
Galileo Galilei - Father of Modern Science; Heliocentrism - the earth & planets
revolve around the sun.
Johannes Kepler - Laws of Planetary Motion - Defined a new type of astronomy
called “celestial physics,” which said that God created the world in a way that can
only be studied through reasoning.
Isaac Newton - Laws of Gravity and Motion -
Charles Darwin - Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection - humans descended
from animals through a process called Natural Selection.
Ernest Rutherford - The Father of Nuclear Physics -
Albert Einstein - Theory of Relativity - one of the greatest and most influential
physicists of all time.
James Watson - Co-founder of the DNA structure - DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
Edwin Hubble - Exploring the Milky Way; Hubble’s Law - theorized that the universe is
ever-expanding due to recessional velocity.
Aristotle Isaac Newton Albert Einstein Galileo Galilei James Watson Charles Darwin

General Science


Abstract Reasoning

Abstract thinking allows people to think about complex

relationships, recognize patterns, solve problems, and utilize
creativity. While some people tend to be naturally better at this
type of reasoning, it is a skill that you can learn to utilize and
strengthen with practice.

Abstract reasoning: Logical Test
Mathematics: Algebra and Calculus

Algebra - a branch of math that uses letters to show numbers that may
change, depending on the situation.
Binomial - polynomial equation with two terms usually joined by a plus or
minus sign.
Calculus - a branch of mathematics involving derivatives and integrals,
Calculus is the study of motion in which changing values are studied.
Coordinates - a set of one, two, or three values that show you the exact
position of an object.
Domain - defines all the possible input values for a function.
Expressions - symbols that represent numbers or operations between
Fibonacci Sequence - sequence beginning with a 0 and 1 whereby each
number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. "0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,
34..." is a Fibonacci sequence.
Geometry - the study of lines, angles, shapes, and their properties.
Median - the "middle value" in a series of numbers ordered from least to
greatest. When the total number of values in a list is odd, the median is the
middle entry. When the total number of values in a list is even, the median is
equal to the sum of the two middle numbers divided by two.
Radian - A unit for measuring angles, similar to degrees. 1 radian ≈ 57.3°.
What makes radians special is this: An arc with an angle of 1 radian will have a
radius (side length) that is the same as the arc length. A full circle has 2π radians,
so 2π=360°.
When using π, the term radians isn’t needed.
Ratio - the relationship between two quantities. Ratios can be expressed in
words, fractions, decimals, or percentages.
Sequence - A list or arrangement of numbers in a special order. The order
must be able to be written as an equation.
Symmetry - two halves that match perfectly and are identical across an axis.
Tessellation - Congruent plane figures/shapes that cover a plane completely
without overlapping.
Variable - letter used to represent a numerical value in equations and
Volume - a unit of measure describing how much space a substance
occupies or the capacity of a container, provided in cubic units.
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