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Ficha de interpretao: Daily Routine
A- Daniel, a 13 year-old boy, is talking about his daily routine. Read the text

I wake up very early, at half past six, and I go jogging for fifteen minutes.
Then I shower and have breakfast: an orange juice, an apple and bread and
After breakfast I go to school by bus with my friends. Classes start at 7:75
and I have classes all the morning until 13:45. I lunch at school and then I
go to my friend Tom's house and we do homework, study a bit and then we
go skateboard or playing baseball.
I come back home at 18:30 and I go to my bedroom play computer games
before dinner. After having dinner, I go to the living room and I watch TV
with my parents and my sister.
I go to bed at 22:30 and then I fall asleep.

B - Answer the following questions about the text.

1 - What does Daniel have for breakfast?
2- Who does he go to school with?
3- Where does he have lunch?
4 - When does he play computer games?
5 - What time does he go to bed?

C - Answer these questions about your daily routine.

1 - What time do you wake up?
2 - What do you have for breakfast?
3 - Where do you usually have lunch?
4 - Who do you usually have dinner with?

D - Here is Joanna's (Daniel's sister) notebook. Using her notes abouy her
day, wirte a small text.

7:00 - wake up
7:30 - have breakfast with friends
8:30 - classes
12:45 - have lunch with Karen


come back home
do homework and study
read magazines
have dinner
watch TV
go to bed

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