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Production Companies

The types of production companies:

Metro Goldwyn Mayar
Film 4
Lions gate
20th Century Fox

What is a production company?

A production company is a source of where it provides the basis of
performing arts, new media, radio, film and television. It takes care of the
budgeting, scheduling, scripting, the supply with talent and resources, the
organisation of staff, the production itself, post-production, distribution,
and marketing. The elements of a production company ident is seen as
effective due to the way it reaches out and attracts its consumers. The
production company should incorporate bold images and bright colours
that may contrast, connoting what is wanted in order to be noticeable for
the audience. The ident should have the representations of their target
market, associating with the consumers they are trying to sell it to.
The production company I would choose to produce my very own thriller
film would be New line Cinema. The reason for this is because I
found out that this production company exerts its talent through
the use of majorly creating thriller films. New Line Cinema, is an
American film studio founded in 1967 by Robert Shaye as a film
distribution company, later becoming an independent film studio. It
became a subsidiary first of Turner Broadcasting, then in 1996
Time Warner, and was then had combined with Warner Bros
in 2008. This is an American entertainment company owned by
Time Warner, headquartered in Burbank, California. This
production company is based in America. This is a good way to get a
larger target market, it is known that the film industry in America is so
much more popular therefore it would advocate in making my thriller film
popular and help to improve its status. The film/ genre New Line Company
presents is mainly thrillers, this is why I chose this production company.

I feel like it is a suitable choice for producing my thriller as the consumers

are mostly likely going to associate New Line Cinema with thrillers
generally anyway. The fact that this production company specialises in this
area, it helps my film into making a name for itself even further and allows
the audience to generate the ideology that it is a thriller before theyve
even seen it.

This is the Walt Disney film production ident. This ident denotes a
magic looking castle in the water surrounded by the dark blue sky
with a hint of red flowing through. Within this image it is clear that
its written Walt Disney Studios, this is to inform the audience on
what they are watching as well as the genre of film. This film
production emphasises its target market through the Mise en scene
of it. For example the enchanted castle connotes magic and gives
the impression of a fairy-tale theme. This would entice younger
children as they are nave and gullible and also innocent. The dark
blue sky look royal and majestic, adding to the theme of a fairy-tale.
The ideology provides a mythical and magical feature throughout
the film which therefore attracts the younger target market a lot
more. The connotation of this ident propose the fact that the film
that is currently playing is more for children and suits their
psychographics, its a family friendly film. The typography of this
title is extremely suitable for the production companys target
audience as they are able to read it properly. The colour is silver
which represents the precious metal and, like gold, its associated
with wealth and possessions. The colour silver is deemed as
valuable and treasurable, therefore it connotes to the narratives
that are most likely to be produced by this company.

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