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Xinyu Zhou

English 1 Adv
29 August 2016
It is the dusty town where I used to live
And Miss Lotties marigolds
Vivid in the deep of my memory
From long, long ago
Am I a girl or woman?
I thought as the children laughed
And the marigold falls
And Miss Lottie raged
Fathers sobbing, mothers comforting
Came in the middle of the night
Directly into my ears
Then terror and tears comes
I run and run
To Miss Lotties house
The marigolds danced in the cold wind
Seems like laughing at me
The fire of anger burned in me
Also burned the marigolds
Miss Lotties eyes
Full of sadness and sorrow
It is the dusty town where I used to live
And my marigolds
Vivid in the deep of my heart
Angelic and fair forever

Literary Devices:

"I feel again the chaotic emotions of adolescence, illusive as smoke, yet as real as the potted
geranium before me now." (simile)
"...but memory is an abstract painting- it does not present things as they are, but rather as they
"My father whittled toys for us, and laughed so loud that the great oak seemed to laugh with
"...our hatred of it was still the vague, undirected restlessness of the zoo-bred flamingo who
knows that nature created him to fly free."(metaphor)
My mothers voice was like a cool, dark room in summerpeaceful, soothing, quiet. (simile)

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