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Author: Navdeep Kumar

HR Interviews prepares you for anything that might come your way during the all-important interview. It
covers the various aspects of placements .Whether you're interviewing for an entry-level job or a top-level
management position, this thorough guide provides answers for almost any question you can imagine-plus,
it arms you with smart questions hiring managers want you to ask. This book has been written for
Engineering, M.Tech, M.B.A, M.C.A, diploma students and BPO jobs. The HR interviews book in
response to the desire of numerous inquisitive students from every field who want to get good job in
reputed MNCs. It covers Resume creation, Cover letters, Interview Tips and the latest Interviews techniques
(e.g. Telephonic Interviews) which are adopting by Indian Companies. Such as General Motors, Microsoft,
IBM, TCS, Wipro and other MNCs. Expert advice on telephone interviews, Group Discussion, following
up the interview, and salary negotiation has been covered in a simple language.

Now You Can Have Any Job You Want!

Learn How To Take Control Of Your Interview And Have Your Interviewer Begging
To Hire You With A Step-By-Step Guide That Will Show You Exactly What To
Say, How To Say It...Even When To Say It. The Perfect Interview Is Only A Few
Minutes Away...

From pre-interview research to follow-up calls, the authors walk you through every step of the interview
process, providing the tips and tools you need to succeed in every interview. Practice exercises let you
practice your perfect response, and helpful sample answers guide you on your way. You'll get excellent
advice on customizing your resume for any position and on mastering the art of the interview.
The book covers step-by-step guidelines, ready-to-use interview questions and other valuable hiring tools
that will help get great employees on board quickly and effectively. This book is one of the most practical
and useful interviewing guide. Organization of book into different chapters goes straight to the point right
from the beginning and helps you unveil questions behind those interview questions. It is useful not only for
interviewee but for interviewer as well. Any suggestion from any reader for improvement of the book will
be thankfully accepted.
Good Luck!

Navdeep Kumar

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Cover Letters

Chapter 3

How to create Curriculum Vitae

Chapter 4

Interview Techniques

Chapter 5

Telephonic Interviews

Chapter 6

How to answer Interview Questions

Chapter 7

Group discussion

Chapter 8

Interviews to Get admission in Higher Studies

Chapter 9

How to handle illegal Questions

Chapter 10

How to Negotiate Salary

Chapter 11

Questions to ask the Interviewer

Chapter 12

Handling difficult Interview Situations

Chapter 13

Interview Follow-up

Chapter 14

Common Interview Mistakes

Chapter 15

Finer points of Interview strategies

Chapter 16

Practice Tests

Cover letters


Cover letters

Five rules to keep in mind
Recommended cover letter outline
Email cover letters
Avoid cover letter mistakes
Sample cover letters

Cover letters

A cover letter is the job seeker's introduction to the employer or recruiter. It can also be a marketing
device. It highlights a few specific points in the job seeker's experience and skills that match or
exceed the requirements of the job.
As you begin your job search, you will find that many employers will not only request your resume, but will
expect a cover letter as well. Many people overlook the importance of a cover letter, and instead only focus on
putting an effort into their resume. However, the cover letter is just as important in getting an employer to call
you for an interview. In considering how to write a cover letter with resume it is appropriate to first consider
what must be written into your cover letter. First, your cover letter should state what job you are applying for,
as well as, the qualifications you possess to do this job. The cover letter should leave the employer wanting to
know more about you, and cause the reviewer to call you for an interview.

Another factor to consider beyond the content of the cover letter is its presentation. When learning
how to write a cover letter with resume, the applicant should use quality paper to print the cover
letter and resume.. Not only should the cover letter be printed on quality paper, it should look
professional without any creases, stains or smudges.
The reason it is important to put as much effort into learning how to write a cover letter with your
resume is the fact that the cover letter will speak for you first. Within this letter, you will briefly
provide the reasons why the employer should consider hiring you. The cover letter is an important
tool in making your resume stands out from the other resumes that the employer will receive.
1. Put Yourself in the Employers Shoes
Never forget who your audience is and why you are writing this letter, it should be employer-focused. In your first
paragraph, you need to quickly and clearly answer the employers unspoken questions

Who are you?
Why have you contacted me?
Why should I be interested in meeting you?
To answer the last question, you need to do some research on the firm. An effective cover letter will
(a) Highlight skills and abilities of most interest to the specific employer reading your letter based on your
knowledge of their needs
(b) Demonstrate that you are familiar with their particular organization.

2. Dont Re-State Your Resume

Your cover letter should not re-hash your resume. The cover letter is an opportunity to make explicit
how the skills you developed previously will be beneficial to this particular employer. The second
paragraph of your letter should articulate explicitly where your characteristics and experiences meet
their needs. Your introductory sentence or two can assert accomplishments, e.g., I have developed
strong writing skills or solid analytical abilities, but you must have examples that support your

Cover letters

claims or conclusions (awards, commendations by employer, professor). If you cannot think of any
experience or award that demonstrates this quality or attribute to support your proposition, dont
make the claim. It cannot just be your opinion.
3. Style
A successful cover letter is concise, quickly absorbed, sounds genuine and rings sincere. Dont write
complex, convoluted sentences, or use obscure words in an effort to sound sophisticated and highly
educated. Instead, you will come across as pompous and insincere and your letter will be discarded
before the reader gets to the signature line. Confidence and competence will be best conveyed
through simple, straightforward language. Dont use outrageous superlatives. Remember that you are
a law student building your legal career on a solid academic and practical foundation. Avoid phrases
such as Im the perfect candidate for this position because or I am confident I will exceed your
expectations in every way. Blunt statements like these rings hollow. Make plausible claims and be
sure to support them with credible accounts from your experiences

4. Lying Dont!
Dont manufacture a story, or embellish an experience or credential to impress a prospective
employer. One lie begets another and, typically, you get caught somewhere along the way and the
results will be devastating. Integrity is critical in this profession. You want to begin developing a
reputation for being trustworthy and honest now.
5. Avoid Typos and Grammatical Errors
Your sentence structure, punctuation and spelling should be flawless. Dont give the employer a
reason to toss your application in the reject pile. Does the inside address match the salutation?
Always address your letter to the person responsible for legal hiring, not simply Hiring Partner.
Make sure the right letter goes into the right envelope. These things may seem intuitive, but many
qualified candidates are immediately rejected for seemingly minor errors. Attorneys will cut you
no slack for a simple typo or, even worse, letters that are sloppy, reflect poor editing or proofing. Nor
should they! If you cant produce a final product that is flawless about yourself, why would an
attorney trust you to competently handle client matters? Dont rush to get them out or prepare the
letters when you are too tired to be aware of mistakes. Take the extra time to do the job well and you
will receive a better response to your letters.


Note: Use proper business letter format and make sure your address, phone number and e-mail appear at the top of
the page. Use good quality bond paper.


Introductory Paragraph

Remember that this paragraph answers the questions:

Who are you?
Why have you contacted me?

Cover letters

Why should I be interested in meeting you?

In other words, this paragraph immediately establishes your employment interest and generates interest in you.
If you have a mutual acquaintance, or someone referred you to the individual you are writing, use that in your
opening line: [Name of referring party] recommended that I contact you.
Follow this with an explanation of what you are seeking, for example:
As a first year law student at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law with a strong interest in natural
resources law, I am very interested in pursuing a law clerk position with your firm.
Or, something along these lines:
[Referring party] has described your practice in the area of intellectual property as cutting edge. As a first year
law student at the University Of Denver Sturm College Of Law with a technical background and keen interest in
patent law, I am very interested in clerking for your firm.

2. The Body of the Letter Paragraph Two

This section of the letter describes specific training, achievements or experiences that highlight your strengths and
abilities and demonstrate the value you can bring to this particular employer.
Remember: dont simply repeat the information in your resume. Highlight items of particular relevance to this
employer in this paragraph. Keep in mind you are answering the employers unspoken question: Why should I meet

3. The Final Paragraph Paragraph Three

State your action plan! This is where you tell the employer what you will do in terms of follow up. Tell him\ her
you will follow up within 10 days to see if an interview or meeting can be arranged. Thank the addressee for her
time and consideration. Here are a few examples:
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the possibility of summer employment with your
firm. I will be in Kansas City during my holiday break, December 15-31. If I havent heard from you before that
time, I will call you to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.
If my experience and background meet your requirements for a new associate, please contact me at the address or
telephone number listed above. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration.
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my background may fit your needs. I will contact you within the
next two weeks to see if we might arrange a meeting. Thank you for your consideration.
If for some reason you are unable to follow-up (generally not recommended), close by saying:

If my experience and background meet your requirements for a new associate, please contact me at the address or
telephone number listed above. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration.



Cover letters

Online cover letters are notoriously awful, poorly written throwaways. It's going over the
Internet, but it's the same product. The cover is very important and should be the same quality
as if you were mailing it.

Include the same type of information, in a shorter version. Don't rehash resume, tell them
where you learned about the listing, why you're right for the job, and how they can reach you.

If you are including your resume as an attachment, make sure the prospective employer
accepts attachments and then state in your cover letter the program you used to create the
attachment. ("I've enclosed a resume written in Microsoft Word 2000") You also might want
to include a cut and paste text version of your resume, in case the person reading the resume
doesn't have the software to open your attachment.

Save a copy of whatever you send by including your own email address in the "BCC" field or
by making sure a copy goes to your "Sent Mail" folder. This allows you to resend the letter if
a problem pops up.

Do not fill in the recipient's email address until you've finished writing and editing the cover
letter and resume. This prevents you from accidentally sending off the message before it is

If you really want the job, follow up an emailed cover letter and resume with a hard copy in
the mail to give you another chance for exposure. Include a cover letter in the hard copy also,
and include, "I recently emailed you my resume and I'm following up with this hard copy."
For formatting, stick to left-justified headers and four-inch wide text lines in your paragraphs.
The address you're mailing to may have a small email page format that will awkwardly wrap
text around the screen. Many email systems cannot handle text enhancements like bolding,
bulleting, or underlining, so play it safe by using CAPITAL LETTERS -- or dashes -- if you
need to make an emphasis.


Your cover letter shows employers how well you express yourself. It can also demonstrate that you
are savvy in the ways of marketing yourself and selling your best qualifications. A good cover letter
can entice the recipient to review your resume. A bad cover letter, on the other hand, can nip your
chances in the bud. Here are some mistakes that contribute to bad cover letters. To ensure that your
cover letter is effective, make sure you don't commit any of the following errors. Some of these are
obvious mistakes while others are easier to miss. But they all have one thing in common; you should
avoid them at all costs!
Despite the fact that companies consistently demand that applicants submit cover letters along with
their resumes, many job seekers still believe the cover letter to be nothing but a mild formality.

Cover letters

Sometimes they don't bother sending a cover letter at all or just one paragraph notes, quickly belted
out with little thought.
When you send a poor cover letter, you send the message that you can't get the job done, even when
quality is essential. Unless you enjoy sitting around in the house ducking calls from bill collectors,
that's not the kind of message you want to send.
Too short is too bad
Many people send one paragraph, two- or three-sentence throwaway notes in place of real cover
Or they confuse the cover letter with a dashed-off note, such as the fax coversheet. A cover letter
should have three to four paragraphs, no paragraphs of over six lines long, with the longest one being
the middle one or two, and the shortest one being the final, summation paragraph. The idea is to
make the document brief and easily readable while still demonstrating a professional, thoughtful

Ms. Namachi,
I am very interested in the position you have advertised and would very much
enjoy working at Minton Advertising. Although I am only available for the
summer, I hope that you can review my resume and that it might be possible for
me to work at Minton this summer.
Thank you for your consideration.

Aatherine Breedon

Failing to address the letter to the specific name of the recipient

Addressing the letter to "Dear Personnel Director/HR Director," "To Whom It May Concern," "Dear Sir or
Madam" (or worse, "Dear Sirs") instead of a named individual are all lazy approaches that show the employer
that you were not concerned enough to find out the name of the person with the hiring power. It's not always
easy to find the name of the specific hiring manager, but try to do so if at all possible. Usually, you can just call

Cover letters

the company and ask who the hiring manager is for a given position. Tap into your personal network to learn
the names of hiring managers. Let's say a company post an opening online. You know someone who works at
the company. Ask your contact to find out the name of the person hiring for that position. Also use the library,
phone book, and Internet to track down names of hiring managers.
The worst-case scenario is that your letter will begin "Dear Hiring Manager for [name of position]:" It's not the
best approach, but if you absolutely cannot find a name, this salutation does at least provide some specificity.
Telling the employer what the company can do for you instead of what you can do for the company
This mistake is particularly common among new college graduates and other inexperienced job-seekers. In
most cases, employers are in business to make a profit. They want to know what you can do for their bottom
line, not what they can do to fulfill your career dreams. Tell the employer how you can meet his or her needs
and contribute to the company.
Leaving the ball in the employer's court
Too many cover letters end with a line like this: "I look forward to hearing from you." Proactive cover letters, in
which the job-seeker requests an interview and promises to follow up with a phone call, are far more effective.
Don't be vague about your desire to be interviewed. Come right out and ask for an interview. Then, take your
specific action a step farther and tell the recipient that you will contact him or her in a specified period of time
to arrange an interview appointment. Obviously, if you say you will follow up, you have to do so. If you take
this proactive approach and follow up, you will be much more likely to get interviews than if you did not follow
up. This follow-up aspect is another good reason to obtain the specific name of the hiring manager. Here's a
sample closing paragraph requesting specific action and describing the writer's planned follow-up.
I would like to be considered for a sales position in which someone of my background could make a
contribution. I will contact you soon to arrange for an interview. Should you require any additional information,
I can be contacted at the phone numbers listed above.
Being boring and formulaic
Don't waste your first paragraph by writing a boring introduction. Use the first paragraph to grab the
employer's attention. Tell the employer why you are writing and summarize the reasons you are qualified for
the position, expanding on your qualifications in later paragraphs. Don't use such clichs as "Enclosed please
find my resume" or "As you can see on my resume enclosed herewith." Employers can see that your resume
is enclosed; they don't need you to tell them. Such trite phrases just waste precious space. Write a letter that
will make the employer want to get to know you better.

In attempt to let their personality and humor soak through the cotton-bound paper, many applicants try to
make their cover letters funny. But these attempts rarely work. You have no way of knowing if your
prospective boss shares your sense of humor. More broadly speaking, the cover letter offers a sample of your
ability to conduct business-like communications. Clowning around can disguise your professionalism.
Poor grammar and misspellings

No one wants to make grammatical or spelling errors, but applicants nevertheless consistently submit
cover letters with small, thoughtless, yet deadly errors.

Cover letters

Many problems slip through because people have a difficult time seeing the mistakes in their own
writing. So ask someone else to proofread the cover letter for you. 1 that's not possible, read the
document aloud, slowly and word by word. Every time you make a correction, read the whole
document over again. Writers make many mistakes during the final editing process as they make
corrections, particularly with tense and word placements.

Michel James
150-1321st Avenue

NY 11377 (718) 204-2113

December 19, 2004

I am actively seeking an opportunity for enhanced career growth - ideally, a

challenge in which my administrative abilities could be utilized to there fullest.
Increasingly responsible experience has enabled me to develop the kinds of experience
that I would bring to any position. One particular characteristic of my work has
been the degree of initiative that has been required and that, in fact, I have
demonstrated, and my colleagues have continued to recognize my professional skill
and facility at meeting organization objectives.
I am a highly organized individual who is able to juggle many different types of
tasks simultaneously, as evident in my current position.
For your review I have enclosed my resume
qualifications and work experiences to date.





I fully realize that this brief letter can not describe either the range of
benefits I would bring to any position or the types of results I would hope to
produce. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity of speaking with you
personally at your earliest convenience.
Michel James

Cover letters

Rehashing your resume

You can use your cover letter to highlight the aspects of your resume that are relevant to the position, but
you're wasting precious space -- and the potential employer's time -- if you simply repeat your resume.

Rambling on too long and telling the story of your life/career

Keep you letter as brief as possible. Never, never more than one page. Keeping to four or five paragraphs of
no more than three sentences each is a good guideline. Using bullet points in the letter is a good way to break
up blocks of text and interest the reader. Some job-seekers tend to use their cover letters to provide a
narrative of their life or career. That's not what the letter is all about; it's a marketing tool that should focus on
the qualifications that will sell you to the employer. Your letter should answer the question that the employer
will be asking while reading the words you've written: "Why should I hire this person?" Answer with your
Unique Selling Proposition. Use simple language and uncomplicated sentence structure. Ruthlessly eliminate
all unnecessary words.
Using wimpy language
Avoid such phrases as "I feel" and "I believe." Your statements will be much stronger without them. It's best to
either leave off the qualifier or use a stronger qualifier, such as "I am confident," I am convinced," or "I am

Cover letters

Sample Cover Letter

(No Work Experience/Fresher)

March 16, 2006

123 Some Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2W 0L7
Mr. Kumar
Research Director
Unicity Laboratories
780 Wolseley Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 1C6
Dear Mr. Kumar,
I am writing to apply for the position of Biological Technician, as advertised on your homepage March 10,
2007. Your recent move into the field of food safety and quality is of particular interest to me as I plan to
pursue a career in this area.
Recently I graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) majoring in
Biology. This program allowed me the opportunity to learn and practice the various microbiological analysis
procedures necessary for this type of research. Of particular relevance is the research project I completed in
my final year on Paralytic Shellfish Poison. Through this work, I developed a strong understanding of the
types and causes of bacterial food poisoning, as well as the necessary extraction and bioassay procedures used
for detection. As many of my lab assignments involved working in groups, I have developed strong teamwork
skills, and enjoy such an environment.
I will contact you the week of March 25, 2006 to ensure that you received this resume and to answer any
questions which you may have. Thank you for your consideration.

Jasica Bedi


Cover letters

Sample Cover Letter

(Replying to an advertised job - Financial Services)
Jill West
24 Third Ave
Ph: 9555 7983

March 26th , 2006

Mr. Joshi
Human Resources Manager
Childrens Hospital Westmead

Dear Mr. Joshi,

Re: Financial Services Manager

The Financial Services Manager position, advertised in the newspaper The Tribune on 23/12/06, caught my
attention as it involves the challenge of improving financial reporting procedures company wide and the
application of specialist management and taxation accounting knowledge. I have been seeking just such an
opportunity as this, and I think my background in Financial Services would complement your requirements
very well.
Of particular interest for you and the members of your team are my strong accomplishments in:
reorganizing accounting and invoicing functions to achieve improved operating efficiency.
improving cash flow for the institution as a whole.
reducing outstanding invoices.
Examples of specific achievements are:
reduced the average turnaround time for invoices from 32 to 24 days.
reduced casual staff hours from 56 to 41 per month with concurrent decrease in training hours
improved cash flow by $1.2 million per month.
My contributions to the department in my current role have been achieved by improving information flow,
increasing the efficiency of our internal processes and procedures, and improving cooperation between our
department and the departments with which we interact. After five years in my current role, I have a thorough


Cover letters

understanding of every aspect of this function. Although my current employer is very happy with my
performance, I am seeking new challenges and the opportunity to develop my skills in a management role.
If you are seeking a Financial Manager who stays abreast of her field, who understands a range of financial
systems, who is an enthusiastic team member and who is committed to achieving organisation-wide success,
then please consider what I have to offer. My C.V. is enclosed for your review. I would be happy to have a
preliminary discussion with you or members of your committee to discuss the requirements of the position. I
will call you within the week to answer any initial questions you may have and to provide any further
documentation you may require.
Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to exploring this opportunity further.
Yours sincerely,
Amit Mehta


Cover letters


Cover letters

Sample Cover Letter

(Sending an application where you have been told there is a position)
Ravinder singh
111 Harris Street
Ph: 9712 2222
20 October 2000
Ms Vanessa Watson
Marketing Director
Comspec Incorporated
111 Kent Street
Dear Ms Watson
Public Relations Position
Sunita Rao, a mutual acquaintance, recently passed on the information that you may soon have an opening in
your Public Relations Department. If so, I am interested in being considered for the position as I would value
the opportunity to undertake the constant communication challenges and changes as they arise at Comspec.
My research about Comspec shows that it thrives in the competitive financial technology industry through well
researched and strategic relationship marketing and through tight product branding. Both strategies were
heavily utilized by my project team in a major marketing project I completed at university.
In December I completed a Bachelors Degree, majoring in Media and Communications, with a second
major in Marketing and a stream of subjects in publication relations, from the University of New South
Wales. This hands-on course provided me with skills in media liaison, copy writing, editing, branding, account
management and relationship marketing. Complementing my education based skills were the skills in desktop
publishing, web page design and press release drafting gained from summer vacation work experience in
public relations for a fast growing technology firm.
The enclosed resume provides specific details about my experience, skills and qualifications. Please feel free
to visit my personal web site at where you can view samples of my web designs, writing
and press releases.
Should you wish to meet with me to discuss my suitability for a position with your company, please telephone
me on 98888 3333 or email me at I will call you in one week, if I do not hear from you
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Yours sincerely
Ravinder singh


Cover letters

Sample Cover Letter

(Email version)

March 14, 2007

Ms. Mary Prince
Director of Personnel
Large National Bank Corporation
Roanoke, VA 124040
Dear Ms. Prince:
As I indicated in our telephone conversation yesterday, I would like to apply for the marketing research
position you advertised in the March 12th edition of the Roanoke Times and World News. With my
undergraduate research background, my training in psychology and sociology, and my work experience, I
believe I could make a valuable contribution to Large National Bank Corporation in this position.
In May I will complete my Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Sociology from Georga
Polytechnic Institute and State University. As part of the requirements for this degree, I am involved in a
senior marketing research project that has given me experience interviewing and surveying research subjects
and assisting with the analysis of the data collected. I also have completed a course in statistics and research
In addition to academic work, my experience also includes working part-time as a bookkeeper in a small
independent bookstore with an annual budget of approximately $150,000. Because of the small size of this
business, I have been exposed to and participated in most aspects of managing a business, including
advertising and marketing. As the bookkeeper, I produced monthly sales reports that allow the owner/buyer to
project seasonal inventory needs. I also assisted with the development of ideas for special promotional events
and calculated book sales proceeds after each event in order to evaluate its success.
I believe that the combination of my business experience and social science research training is well-suited to
the marketing research position you described. I have enclosed a copy of my resume with additional
information about my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to receiving your
Jessica Bedi
210 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 124060
(5140) 552-1234
Resume text included in email below and attached as MS Word document


Cover letters

Sample Cover Letter

(Sending an application where there has been no advertisement)

Mohit Saha
23/11 Crown Street
Ph: 99885566
20 October 2006
Mr Graham Sharpe
Human Resources Officer
222 George Street
Dear Mr Sharpe
I understand that your firm is expanding its operations in Australia in line with its commitment to a global
growth strategy. As a recent university graduate with a degree in Business Management, I am well prepared
to deal with the tasks involved in managing resources and staff in an expanding organizational climate. Now
that my studies have been successfully completed, I would like to offer my services to your company.
You will see that along with my academic preparation, I have substantial marketing experience gained through
part-time employment and an internship in Sydney with Kelvinator. At Kelvinator, I assisted the Marketing
Manager in a re-branding project for two major product lines, which has boosted sales for those product lines
by 25% and 35%. These projects further developed my project management, market research and product
development skills. My work record in these situations has been exemplary, as evidenced by my enclosed
performance reports.
During my recent studies in Business Management, I achieved a solid credit average in my results overall and
a distinction average in the marketing major. These results reflect well-developed analytical and problem
solving skills, thorough research skills and a solid theoretical underpinning in business and marketing theory.
With relevant marketing experience, management capabilities and strong interest in product development, I
am seeking an entry-level position in marketing, product development or business management with
Sunbeam and I am available for part-time or full time employment.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely

Mohit Saha


Cover letters

Sample Cover Letter

(Cover Letter of a Electrical Engineer in Response to a Classified Ad)

Naveen Kumar
1111 First Street | Anytown, ST 00000 | 123-456-7890 |

May 21, 2007

Ms. Nancy Wilson

Vice President of Engineering
XYZ Engineering Corporation
1233 Elm Street
Anytown, ST 12345
Dear Ms. Wilson:
Please consider me for the entry level Electrical Engineering position that is currently available with your
company. My enthusiasm and dedication earned me a GPA of 4.0 in the electrical engineering program at
the Acme Institute of Technology, as well as several academic awards and honors outlined on the attached
Challenging projects have always attracted my interest. Both inside and outside the classroom, I have
assumed leadership roles and have been able to creatively solve problems. As President of the Student
Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, I served as project manager for the annual
engineering competition where our college engineering team designed and built a robotic mouse that beat out
all other college teams competing in the competition. Immediately after graduating, I worked for several
months as an intern for an electronics company where I was able to design a circuit board text fixture that
reduced my employer's testing costs significantly.
During the past two years, I have been employed as a Developmental Technician at Acme University where I
have consistently demonstrated my ability to perform any tasks assigned with little or no supervision. I am
quite adept at multi-tasking, performing various electrical, mechanical and IT duties as outlined on my rsum.
I feel confident that my education and experience would make me an excellent candidate for this
position. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to meeting you.
Naveen Kumar


Cover letters

Sample Cover Letter

(Letter of inquiry about employment possibilities, e-mail version by (Mechanical engineer)

December 12, 2006

Mr. Robert Burns
President, Template Division
MEGATEK Corporation
9845 Technical Way
Arlington, VA 22207
Dear Mr. Burns:
I learned of MEGATEK through online research using the Career Search database through Career Services at
Virginia Tech where I am completing my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. From my research on
your web site, I believe there would be a good fit between my skills and interests and your needs. I am
interested in a software engineering position upon completion of my degree in May 2008.
As a graduate student, I am one of six members on a software development team where we are writing a
computer aided aircraft design program for NASA. My responsibilities include designing, coding, and testing of
a graphical portion of the program which requires the use of GIARO for graphics input and output. I have a
strong background in computer aided design, software development, and engineering, and believe that these
skills would benefit the designing and manufacturing aspects of Template software. Enclosed is my resume
which further outlines my qualifications.
My qualifications make me well suited to the projects areas in which your division of MEGATEK is expanding
efforts. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss a position with you, and will contact you in a week or
ten days to answer any questions you may have and to see if you need any other information from me such
as a company application form or transcripts. Thank you for your consideration.
John Stevens
123 Ascot Lane
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 555-2556


Cover letters

Sample Cover Letter for a Teacher

1456 South Street

(621) 554-5555
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
<Name of Hiring Authority, Title>
<Name of Institution>
<City, State Zip>
Dear <Mr. or Ms.><Last Name>:
I am writing in response to your opening for the position of <Title> at <Name of University>. The opportunity to
teach and inspire students within your university is an exciting prospect that I feel qualified for and fully able to
undertake. Please allow me to explain briefly my philosophy regarding academic leadership and how I could
contribute to the growth and success of your institution.
Providing quality, broad-based academic direction and leadership remains one of the core catalysts for success
in higher education institutions today. In my instructional career, I have demonstrated the ability to develop
complete curricula for a variety of courses and influence student improvement through quality lectures,
discussions, assignments, and assessments. In my current position as Associate Professor with the Katharine
Gibbs School, I have also worked with organizations within the community to provide internship and job
opportunities to students and graduates, respectively.
What I bring to the position that may be unique among candidates is my 8-year background in the human
services field. In working with clients suffering from various illnesses and conditions, I have gained experience
in developing strategies that address both short-term and long-term needs. I feel this experience augments my
instructional background and would provide a unique perspective to students in my future classes.
My rsum is enclosed to provide you with additional details concerning my background and qualifications for
this position. I am certain an interview would fully reveal my abilities and enthusiasm for the opportunity to
contribute to your faculty.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Sincerely ,


Cover letters

Sample Cover letter with mentioning of salary requirement

1189 Laurel Lane  Cohasset, MA 02025
Residence (721) 255-5555
(Name of Hiring Manager, Title)
(Name of Company)
(City, State Zip)
Dear (Mr. Or Ms.)(Last Name):
It was with great interest that I read your advertisement for the position of <Position Title>. Please allow me to explain how
my skills and qualifications could contribute to your firm.
Through strategic planning, persistence, and superior business development initiatives, I am confident I can help your staff increase
sales and meet company goals in customer growth and sales expansion. My sales and management experience has strengthened my
ability to analyze customer needs, co-develop and present appropriate solutions, and win over both prospective and existing customers.
Some of my achievements that illustrate the type of performance I can bring to your company include:

REVENUE GROWTH As a Senior Account Manager with Red Rim Technologies, 150% of my sales quota by
combining account relationship nurturing and solutions development with my own professional development

NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT As a Global Sales Director with Intercup Technologies, I identified and
captured opportunities for new business development, qualifying $160 million pipeline.

TEAM GROWTH As a Regional Sales Manager with LIO, I led a team of 40 through an accelerated growth and
market expansion, achieving an average of 133% of quota.

In short, I am an outcome-driven professional with a winning approach to sales development and business
growth, and I would enjoy bringing this degree of dedication to your organization.
In terms of salary, Im certain that your organization offers a fair compensation package. I look forward to an interview and
I can provide you with details concerning my qualifications and accomplishments. I will contact you next week to follow up
on this letter of inquiry; perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our mutual interests.
Thank you for your time and consideration.



Cover letters

Executive Cover Letter Example

123 Southern Drive, East Islip, NY 11730
Phone: (621) 535-5555
(Name of Hiring Manager, Title)
(Name of Company)
(City, State Zip)
Dear (Mr. Or Ms.)(Last Name):
Please accept my resume in consideration for the <Position Title> position with your organization. With extensive
management experience and consistent success in the achievement of objectives, I am confident I will contribute the
same level of performance as a member of your team.
My experience in management extends over 20 years as I have progressed from smaller-scale companies to my current role as
Director of Financial Services for an $80 million commercial printing firm. Although my achievements span this entire period, I
would like to mention a few representative contributions with my current employer to illustrate the skills and abilities I offer:

TECHNOLOGY/DATA SOLUTIONS Continually seeking techniques and strategies for improvement, I have
created spreadsheets and databases to strengthen analysis and processing tasks; in turn, our company has
realized dramatic reductions in turnaround times for work completion.

TEAM MANAGEMENT I have trained, mentored, and evaluated teams across multiple departments and
functions, including my current responsibility for 17 personnel with diverse backgrounds.

BOTTOM-LINE ORIENTATION Profit building and sustained growth have been the basis and result from our
business decisions; we have achieved over $300,000 in savings from our partnership arrangements and secured
cost reductions in other areas that have added to bottom-line success.

These achievements span various functions; thus, I have demonstrated the ability to meet and exceed expectations in a
variety of environments. And I am certain that I will contribute the same level of performance with your organization.
To provide you with details concerning my qualifications and accomplishments, my rsum is enclosed. I would welcome a
meeting to discuss our mutual interests and the results you can expect from me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
John Smith


Cover letters

Administrative Cover Letter Example

Terri Evenson
4651 Dock Road
Bay Shore, NY 11706
Phone: (631) 533-5555

(Name of Hiring Authority, Title)
(Name of Company)
(City, State Zip)

Dear (Mr. or Ms.)(Last Name):

I read your advertisement for an Administrative Assistant with great interest and enthusiasm, as my skills and
qualifications match your requirements for this position. Therefore, I am submitting my rsum for your review and
consideration. Please allow me to explain briefly the contribution I would make with your organization.
Throughout my 18+ -year career as an administrative assistant, I have demonstrated proficiency in all core office
administration functions, including document preparation, internal/external communications, data and records
management, meeting scheduling, and task prioritization. In short, I can manage the office without supervision,
juggle multiple tasks effectively, and maintain confidentiality with highly sensitive materials and matters.
In addition, I have experience in supervising staff and working with high net worth clients, both of which
require extra attention to the people management side of business. Through successfully managing both
internal and external relationships, I have accelerated the achievement of goals and positioned myself as a
valuable resource in a variety of situations.
I would bring to your district not only these administrative skills, but also a positive, cooperative attitude that I have
displayed throughout my career. I maintain calm under pressure and adapt to meet the unique needs of each
Again, my rsum will detail the required skills and background you seek. I would welcome the opportunity for an
interview at your convenience, and I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Terri Evenson


Cover letters

Sample Cover letter for Part time job

Hary Peterson
Hivehere Avenue, #3 * Loserville, CA 40332 * Phone * E-mail
July 14, 2000
(Name of Hiring Authority, Title)
(Name of Company)
(City, State Zip)

Dear (Mr. or Ms.) (Last Name):

I was very excited to learn of your advertisement for a part-time Advertising Coordinator for your downtown
Chicago office. As a writer, administrator, theatre artist, and instructor, I have a great deal of experience in
producing effective copy for a variety of venues. I believe these wide-ranging experiences would make me an
excellent candidate for your position.
Having recently completed my Ph.D. in English (Northwestern University), I have produced and presented
written materials for both specialist and non-specialist audiences. Both in the classroom and in presenting
research materials to my colleagues, I have mastered the ability to 'pitch' my writing to a diverse audience.
Outside of academe, I have demonstrated similar editorial and public relations skills. From 1995-1997, I
served as the Educational Programs Coordinator at the Center for Talent Development (Northwestern
University). In this position, I was responsible for the design, marketing, staffing and implementation of four
education programs. My duties included many tasks which attest to my skill in tailoring my writing to meet an
array of different requirements:

Writing and revising brochure copy, I kept our students abreast of the latest developments in our
Generating new advertisement copy, I attracted new students, parents and teachers to the Center.
Corresponding with teachers, parents, school officials, and community members, I created
templates for a variety of Center communications.

My experience as an intern in the Development Department at Steppen Theatre as well attests to my skill at
written communication. During my internship, I prepared the theatre's application for a grant from the Illinois
Arts Council. As part of this project, I revised essays 'on-file' from past applications and composed new essays
to publicize the theatre's developing goals and projects.
I would like the opportunity to use these skills in the field of advertising, and am eager to discuss any
openings with you. Thank you for your consideration.

Hary Peterson


How to Create Curriculum Vitae


How to Create Curriculum

1. Introduction
2. Difference between CV &
3. Different CV formats
4. CV formats in different countries
5. Appearance of CV

6. Sections of CV

7. Tips for fresher

How to Create Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae (also referred to as CV, or vita,) is a Latin term
translated as the course of ones life or career. It is a document
that summarizes your identity as a scholar.
While the CVs conventional purpose is to provide a comprehensive
and detailed description of your educational and academic
background and experiences/accomplishments, its strategic purpose
is to entice the reader to invite you for an interview. While there is
not one standard format, the information that follows is intended to
help you design a CV in a way that enables search committees to
immediately and easily identify your most relevant and important
Difference between Curriculum Vitae (CV) and


When applying for jobs, internships, fellowships, and academic

programs, you will often be asked to submit a resume or curriculum
vitae (CV). These documents chronicle your prior work history,
highlight awards and academic achievements, and assert your
qualifications.. They have the same intent which is to state the facts
about the applicants education, work experience, skills and
accomplishments. The main difference between the two is the way
these facts are presented.
The resume is the brief summary of the individuals work history,
educational attainment and relevant skills and accomplishment to

How to Create Curriculum Vitae

the job being applied. An individual can create several resume for
different positions or different companies. Resume by standard
should be concise and relevant to the position being applied. It
should be tailored to fit the requirement of the prospective company
or employer. No unnecessary achievements or skills must be mention
because it would rather gain an impression of audacity. Personal
details in Resume are likewise limited to residence address,
contact details, date of birth, civil status and nationality.
The Curriculum Vitae on the other hand bear all the information of
an individual. Every detail of education, employment, achievements
and skills are listed with the addition of the organizations or
descriptions. It allows the individuals to elaborate the oldest
achievement or the earliest award they received in the past. All
trainings and seminars attended are likewise listed in the
Curriculum Vitae. Thus, Curriculum Vitae are actually longer than
Resume. It is this reason that Curriculum Vitae are usually used
when applying in academic, medical, scientific and overseas jobs
because employers in these industries prefer to know each applicant
The terms "resume" and "CV" are used in different ways all over the
world. In the United States and in the English-speaking areas of
Canada, the word "resume" is used predominantly. Furthermore,
these regions have begun to accept longer "resumes" that reflect
Therefore, in these regions, the term "CV" is not particularly
necessary. The term "CV" is used more often in Ireland, England,
Scotland, New Zealand, and French Canada. In India and
Australia, however, the terms are generally interchangeable.

Do you know that there are a number of different ways to lay out
your CV? Depending on your career situation, there might be a more

How to Create Curriculum Vitae

appropriate format that will bring you better results. Each has
advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consider them
all before reaching a decision on which will work for you.
Chronological CV
If you're planning to change jobs but continue working in the same field, the
Chronological CV is probably the best option. This is the most traditional format
and the one you're probably most familiar with. It's also good if you're changing
fields but remaining in a very similar kind of job. Your career history is shown in
reverse chronological order, with a strong emphasis on job titles and the names
of your employers. This is good if your current or previous employers are wellknown organizations. It also shows your career development clearly, meaning that
promotions show up well. People like the Chronological CV because it is clear and
easy to read.

Functional CV
If you've had a varied career or are seeking to change direction, this format
may be suitable, as it highlights the main achievements and functions (skills,
competencies or expertise) of your work history. Job titles and company names are
reduced in importance and sometimes even left out altogether. The Functional CV
may strengthen your application if you want to draw attention to skills that haven't
been used in your most recent work. It also works if you've had many varied jobs,
as it allows you to sum up your overall experience.
Yet there are instances when this isn't the most appropriate format. Promotions
aren't as prominent, as your list of positions is included on the second page. For
the same reason, highly prestigious past employers may not be noticed (although
you could highlight them in your profile and covering letter). If you haven't had
many responsibilities, this CV could make your experience look narrow. Another
disadvantage is that some employers may not like this format - recruitment
personnel are aware that it can be used to conceal weak areas.

Targeted CV
This type of CV emphasizes the skills and experiences that are directly relevant
to the kind of job or field you're applying for. It's extremely useful when you're
planning a change of career direction. It focuses on your abilities and
achievements used not just recently, but across your entire career. It can
encompass relevant voluntary or unpaid experience. It also means that you can aim
for several completely different jobs, using a CV that's adjusted for each.

How to Create Curriculum Vitae

The disadvantages are that your promotions or career development won't be as

obvious, as the information will be on the second page (if included). Employers'
names are downplayed and, as with the Functional CV, this format isn't liked by
all recruiters.

Alternative CV
This kind of CV is most often used by talented people seeking work in the
creative industries - e.g. design, media or public relations - as it is highly
individual and uses a one-off visual style. It's suitable only for applications for
posts requiring exception visual or verbal talent, and then only when the application
is being made directly to the person the applicant will be working for. Even then,
it could fail completely if it hits the wrong note.
This kind of CV should never be sent to personnel departments or for advertised
vacancies. It is totally unsuitable for senior managers or executives seeking to
hold positions of responsibility.


The world over employers' look for the same qualities in their applicants
regardless of whether the job is in London, Singapore or Japan. However
candidates should be aware that there may be subtle conventions associated
with the application process within different countries. In general what goes into
your CV does not vary tremendously when applying for jobs in different countries.
In some cases it is better to show more, and in others best to show less. It may
be appropriate to include a list of previous positions, detailing your duties,
responsibilities, names, dates, locations professional memberships and references.
It may be appropriate to put actual titles and dates of speeches and
presentations you have given or articles you published. It is possible that
employers in some countries will want to know your religion and passport number
The length of your CV varies greatly in different countries, for example in Greece
employers are of the opinion that bigger is better. If your information spans more
than four pages it is recommended that you write a one or two page summary
featuring all of your details in a condensed form .
Indian CV

When applying for a job in India your CV should include your Name,
Address/Email/Phone number at the top followed by your career
objectives. This should contain usage of professional/business language, the
potential contributions you can make to the company, mention your potential
strengths that have relevance to the job, specify the level of responsibility
handle. Continue

How to Create Curriculum Vitae










As part of your job application, you should include a one-page, tailored,
cover letter. The letter should be business-like, typed on good quality
white or ivory paper, and addressed to a specific person.
Your enclosed resume may be two to three pages, depending on your
experience. Start with your name, address, contact information, birth
date, marital status, and nationality. If you are a non-EU citizen, clarify
your work permit status. In what is called the "profile" section, give your
professional designation (e.g., CPA), and immediate ambitions; then, in
bullet-format, list relevant skills and a few work-related achievements.
Begin your employment history by describing your current position. Following
the profile section, provide the name, location, and focus of each company,
and your title and responsibilities. If you are new to the job market, you
may include temporary or part-time positions.
The last major section is "education." In reverse-chronological order (most
recent listed first) list schools attended, locations, areas of study, and
diplomas/degrees. Mention additional courses and training, and special
skills such as foreign language fluency and computer programs in which you
are proficient.
At the end, it is sufficient to say: "References are available on request."
If you are applying your CV should be ordered by topic: educational background,
work history (employment), membership or affiliations, skills (such as languages,
computer skills, certifications, etc), and on occasion your hobbies and interests
(though not always advised). Under each topic your experiences should be
presented in reverse chronological order (most recent activity first).
Attribute information such as name, age, sex comes first, followed by
academic/job background, then qualifications. Your career objectives come last
and are paid the least emphasis. This fact might imply that Japanese recruitment
attaches utmost importance on the applicant itself, especially his/her attributes,
and pays less attention to his/her ability or careers.

How to Create Curriculum Vitae

Your CV should show your Name, Address, Phone Number, Age, and Nationality,
Education subjects taken and results for last two years of secondary school.
Any tertiary, trade, or recreational courses done in part or full (even if only a
hobby classin gardening or something)
List any work experience you have - both full and part-time jobs. Note the job,
employer and date you commenced and date you left. Also note experience
outside of employment (e.g. Grew up on farm, helped parents with veggie garden,
collected stamps since I was ten).
Any awards or positions of responsibility held, e.g. president of club, football team
captain, Queen's scout etc.Skills list - all your relevant skills e.g. typing speed of
45wpm, commercial drivers license. Etc.
Speculative applications are often successful in Denmark. Your CV should be short
and neatly presented or two pages, including only the most relevant details.
Start with your personal details, followed in reverse chronological order by your
education, your work experience and extra-curricular activities. Recent graduates
should give their examination grades. If you have work experience, emphasize your
practical experience. You do not have to attach a picture, but sometimes a
Polaroid is taken during the first interview.
Start your application letter not with 'Dear Mr/Ms X', but write at the beginning
'For the attention of Mr/Ms X'.
CVs are normally handwritten and very detailed. Russian employers expect a
biography in full sentences, explaining everything you have done
You start your CV with your personal details, including name, address, telephone
number with international access code, your place and date of birth and your
civil status. The Austrian CV is in reversed chronological order, detailing your
most recent activities first. After your personal details, you mention your
education, including the results, followed by your language skills and your
practical experience (include apprenticeships, since Austrian employers attach
great importance to it). Extra-curricular activities, such as hobbies, special
interests and voluntary work, are mentioned at the end. Pay special attention to

How to Create Curriculum Vitae

this last category, since Austrian employers find extra-curricular activities

Attach a photo to your CV (put your personal details on the back) and put the
date on your CV and sign it (like in Germany).
French companies will expect you to send a hand written covering letter (the only
exceptions are to be found in some parts of the IT sector), as they are very keen
on graphology and use it as part of the selection process (approximately 85% of
French employers use it!)

Your resume itself should be relatively short, with a maximum

pages. If you are a new job seeker, it may be even shorter.
with personal information: name, address, phone, and e-mail.
data, such as birth date, marital status, and children are

of two

Begin the section on education with your most recent study, and
then list all schools attended, ending with your high (secondary)
school. Give the name and location of each, your areas of study,
degrees, and dates of attendance. Also, mention any additional
courses, internships or specialized training.
In the "Work Experience" section, list for each position the dates,
the name, location, size, and type of company, and your title(s) and
responsibilities. If you have many years of work experience, the
education section follows your employment history.
At the end of the resume, you should list special competencies (such
as level of expertise in foreign language, and computer skills),
professional affiliations and volunteer experience, if relevant. State
that references are "available on request."
The German CV is always in strict chronological order with a photo (put your
details on the back of the picture) attached with a paper clip to the top right
hand corner. Sign your CV on the bottom right, opposite the date in the left
corner. It is common to mention your civil status (including children), your sc76hool
results and whether you have a driving license. Previously, the civil status rubric

How to Create Curriculum Vitae

also contained parents' names and professions and your religion, but this is no
longer very common. Mind your style of writing; poetic descriptions and boasting is
not appreciated by German recruiters. Start with your personal details (name,
address, telephone number with international access code, place and date of
birth, civil status), followed by your education including the results and work
experience (do not forget to mention apprenticeships). Make sure there are no
'gaps' in your CV, hence the importance of mentioning your complete education.
However, if there are 'gaps', ensure you mention the reason, even report periods
of unemployment. German companies do not wish to know about your personal
interests, only mentioned them when relevant for the job. Language skills and
areas of interest are given in a German CV. Applicants are expected to include
evidence of their accomplishments, so you present your CV in a binder and include
copies of all your educational certificates and any references from former
employers. Your CV should be signed at the bottom.
Irish CVs have no standard length. But many employers prefer them short, maximum
two pages. A CV should only give facts and figures. Your motivation, skills and
qualities for the job have to be mentioned in your letter, not your CV. Information
in the CV can either be presented in chronological or reverse chronological
order. Start with your personal details (often without place of birth or religion),
education (recent graduates should include results and courses attended), work
experience (with exact dates) and leisure activities. In Ireland a great deal of
emphasis is placed upon extra-curricular activities and personal achievements. Put
them in your CV. Recent graduates should always mention anything they have done
outside their academic study.
The words Curriculum and Vitae are much too complicated for the average
American to pronounce so they call it a CV instead. Exclude anything from your CV
that might prospective employers a chance to discriminate against you for example
, personal details such as age, sex, marital status, whether you hold a current
driving license. Never include a photo. You are trying to sell a product- you

In Canada the job application procedure is more commercial than in most

other Western countries. In result both the cover letter and the resume
(Canadians use rsums instead of CVs) should contain power words and
action verbs that show accomplishment and action.

How to Create Curriculum Vitae

The resume (two pages: less if you have had little or no work experience), includes
the following:

Contact information, centered at the top.

Education, listing colleges and/or universities attended, dates of
attendance, courses of study, and diplomas or degrees. In this section,
you should also mention extra courses or training, internships, and foreign
travel. List this information in reverse-chronological order.
Work experience, giving the firm name, your title(s), dates of employment and
responsibilities. State whether the work was temporary or part-time. If you
have no job at the present, you should mention that fact also. Once again,
the information should be listed in reverse-chronological order.
Other skills, such as computer, and language fluency.
Personal information, such as relevant volunteer activities and hobbies.
Three references, with their titles and contact information.

In Canada, it is illegal for a prospective employer to ask your marital status,

sexual orientation, race, or age, or to request a photo.

Swiss CV
The aim of your Swiss CV should be to persuade the employer to invite you for an
interview. Therefore, your CV is a marketing tool, which should be adapted to the
market in which you intend to use it.
Check in advance, within the company you are seeking employment with, what is the
main language.
Use the English language CV for international companies, unless they specify
otherwise. The English CV is typed on one to two pages of A4 format paper in
reverse-chronological order - starting with what you have done most recently.
The Swiss CV in German is longer and typed on two to three pages of A4 format
paper in chronological order, very detailed and has attachments, such as
grades, references, etc. A photo is usually attached to the top right corner.
Both Swiss CV should include your personal details, education, qualifications and
practical experience.
Often CVs are kept on file for lengthy periods, so any contact details you give
have to remain accurate in the long term. A daytime phone number, with the
international access code and e-mail are most important.


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

Swiss recruiters attach great importance to work experience, so make your CV

more effective by providing examples to prove your achievements that might
interests your future employer. Mention your native tongue and describe level of
fluency for the other languages. Reveal your computer literacy. Extracurricular
activities, hobbies and interests are optional.

Carefully consider what to leave out of your CV. On a separate sheet,

include two or three references.

CV writing is a controversial subject - part art, part science. If
you ask any two people their idea of the perfect CV, you are
likely to get two different and rather subjective responses.
However, there are a number of 'do's, 'don't's and common pitfalls,
which most personnel professionals would agree on. If you bear
these in mind when preparing your CV, you stand a much better
chance of surviving the 'CV cull'!
Don't get creative. Really. What you want in a font is not a decorative
design choice, but a simple, easily read font that shows you mean
business. In other words, when looking for a font, think black or gray
Unacceptable Fonts:
Courier font: if you didn't have to write your cover letter on a
typewriter, why make it look like you did? This font looks like the
default font of a malfunctioning computer and is also notorious as the
typeface that mediocre high school students use because of its
massive, page-filling size. Do you really want such a dishonest font
representing your words?

Say no to anything that looks remotely like handwriting or hints

at it, like italicized versions of regular fonts. This is a
business document, not a thank you note to a neighbor. And
these fonts are difficult to read.


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

Avoid any font that looks like it would be more appropriate on

a mediaeval manuscript or the label of a malt liquor bottle. No
Ye Olde Fonts. No~ historical-period fonts at all, for that
Recommended fonts include Time~ New Roman or Arial Helvetica.

Remember: what impresses readers the most should not be the letters on
the page but the words they spell.

A stroll through most business supply stores will reveal a sea of paper
choices, from traditional plain white to hot pink and purple. Outlandishly
colored resumes are to be used by people whose jobs demand more
dramatic visual statements: hairdressers, fashion designers, and clowns.
The rest of us need to focus on the understated dignity of whites, light
grays, and ecru. Use the same paper for your cover letter and envelope
as you use for your resume.
Far too long - Probably the principal mistake people make when preparing
their own CVs. We keep CVs brief and cut out the waffle - 2 pages is
generally a maximum, and for those with little experience, writing a 1 page
CV generally makes more sense. We also use other techniques such as
bullet pointing - these help make your CV easier to read; they help make
it punchy. In other words: be concise. Only provide information on (training)
courses, software knowledge, hobbies and references that is relevant.
Bear in mind that a CV does not have to be an autobiography or life


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

The conventional order is: personal details; education; work experience;
interests; skills; referees. However, you are free to change this if your
own life or the type of work fits another order eg; a mature applicant
might prefer work experience before education. You can include other
headings if you feel they are relevant e.g achievements, career aim,
positions of responsibility. The choice is yours, but don't overdo it.
Include many facts

List your job duties beneath each position. List your achievements,
responsibilities and results. Talk about results - what difference
did your presence make? Use numbers for achievements wherever
possible, e.g. "Boosted sales by 20% in first year". And always write
in a slightly formal manner and never use the word "I" - e.g.
"Supervised the team" rather than "I supervised the team". Use the
past tense for previous jobs and the present tense for your current
Not too many lists
Include specific skills, such as languages, administrative or computing skills, in a
separate section in your CV. Don't relist them for every job you've used them in.
This is particularly so for IT work - lists of tools and packages make dull
reading and won't make you stand out from other people with the same abilities.

Keep the same verb tense throughout. Don't mix too many grammatical styles. Short
sentences, phrases or bullet points are all OK. Aim to be clear and concise.

Do not repeat yourself. This is boring and a waste of paper! Find new things to
say about similar jobs or use a statement such as "during all my Diwali vacations I
worked in a busy central post office on a wide range of duties related to the
seasonally increased volume of work."


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

Avoid changes of type faces. Use different sizes, capitals and / or bold type for
headings. Underlining is not fashionable.

When writing a CV, Always concentrate on recent history and summarize older
information. If you've got A Levels then don't list all your O Levels/GCSEs on
the CV. Similarly, if you've got a degree, there's no need to include A Level
grades unless they're all As or Bs. Employers are most interested in what
you've done most recently, although they obviously still need to know the basics
of older information.

Adapt it
You don't have to use the same CV every time. You can have two or three
versions, each for a different
kind of job. Or you can tailor your CV to suit
the job you're applying for. It isn't a case of one size fits all.

Job objective
Job objectives ten readers exactly what kind of job you're looking for,
make your intentions clear and set the tone for how the rest of the
resume is evaluated. While some resumes are very focused, others aren't
clearly focused on any one job. A job objective will clarify any ambiguities.
If you seek a part-time or freelance position, the job objective is a good
way of making that clear so that no confusion arises later.
The job objective on the resume rephrases or restates intentions stated in
the cover letter. However, the job objective is useful because many people
read over the resume before looking at the cover letter.
Job objectives come in two types: descriptive and titled. Descriptive job
objectives briefly describe the type of job you're interested in. Titled job
descriptions name the job title. Descriptive job objectives work best when
you're more interested in being seen as an overall candidate or when
applying to a company that has no specific positions open. The job objective


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

sentence should be brief and no more than two lines long. Do not permit
your objective to ramble.
Resume writers make their biggest mistakes when writing descriptive job
objectives by listing a bunch of clichs such as a chance to apply my
skills," and "a challenging opportunity" or an opportunity for growth." These
phrases have been used so many times that they don't even register with
readers. The key is to be honest about what you really want, in an
unassuming and business-like fashion.
Titled job objectives simply list the exact job title for which you are
applying. This comes in handy when you are applying to a large company that
may have several positions open at once.

The education section is one of tile few times you get to brag about your
education to somebody who doesn't share your bloodline. List the
institution you attended and its location and your degree. The graduation
date, which should consist of the year and semester or season, is listed
unless you wish to withhold it for age related reasons. For those who are
still finishing academic programs, list your "Anticipated Completion Date."
Most resume writers should put their Education section in the last section
of their resumes. But recent graduates, alumni from particularly
prestigious schools or programs, and graduates of the employer's alma
mater should list the Education section at the top of the page, below the
summary of qualifications section (or job objective, if there is no summary).
Work experience
Do not just mention the name of the company and the position you held,
but also provide a brief job description. State for instance whether you
held an executive position or worked on a particular project. This will
give the recruiter an impression of your abilities. After all, a recruiter
is not familiar with every company.
If you, for instance, only mention that 'From February 2001 up to and
including November 2002, I worked in sales at Apple & co', the person
reading the letter will have no idea as to what that job actually
entailed. Were you on the sales staff (telesales or field sales?) at a
software company or did you work as a shop assistant at a


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

After a number of years of work experience, your internships will become
less interesting. Do not provide too much information on these, unless
they are very relevant to the job that you are applying for.
Key Skills
The inclusion of a 'Key Skills' section in a CV is progressively less popular these
days. It is now considered better to spread evidence of key skills and
abilities throughout your employment history. Specific points should be
addressed in the covering letter, a vitally important part of any application.

Details of referees shouldn't be included on your CV. Instead simply write
"References available on request. They clutter it up and, more importantly, you
will find that your referees get pestered unnecessarily by time-wasters. By
the time they have given handled their umpteenth enquiry they are a lot less
likely to say nice things about you!

Name format
Bold or capitalize your name, using letters two to six points larger than
the rest of the text. Place your name on the first line of your page. The
traditional place to put the name is at the center of the page, but
many now prefer to right justify their names so when the resume lands
in a folder, Your name is clearly visible.

Make sure the address you're giving is reliable. If you're still at
college, and your address is still in a state of flux, put a
permanent address in case somebody pulls your resume from a
file a few months afteryou send it in. Avoid post office boxes
(unless you're in school) because they make people suspect that
you're biding something.
All prospective employers expect you to have an e-mail address. Don't
use work e-mails. Get a personal one from an Internet service provider


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

like AOL or free service like Hotmail or Yahoo! But if you use your
online account for more than just work, beware. If you're one of AOL's
millions of users, for instance, make sure your member profile doesn't
contain anything incriminating, embarrassing, or inappropriate, or that
your screen name isn't something along the lines of
Also include your home and mobile phone numbers. If including a current
work number, always say whether there are times when it is appropriate
to call you.

Personal details
It used to be normal to provide more personal details, such as
gender, date of birth and marital status, at the top of your CV.
However, times have changed and it is no longer necessary to
include these details on a CV. If you do want to include any of
these details it is best to list them at the end of the CV.
You might wish to include your date of birth, but it isn't always
expected nowadays. If you are looking for a job in the country
where you were educated, an employer can usually calculate your
age from your educational background. You may be worried that
your age will put employers off. You could omit it, but your Career
History will usually give some hints as to your age group.
Marital Status doesn't need to be included in today's CV,
although for specific jobs it can be helpful to be up-front about
this. For instance, if the job you're applying for involves unsociable
hours or lots of travel, stating that you are single could be
advantageous. This may not seem fair on the grounds of
discrimination, but it's as well to be realistic about the concerns
that might rightly or wrongly be in the employer's mind.
Nationality isn't essential. Use your judgement to decide whether
your nationality is of concern to the employer involved and include
it if you think it is.


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

Inclusion of hobbies and interests is entirely optional. On the one

hand, it helps provide a rounded picture of you that goes beyond
Career History. Sometimes your strengths can shine through in the
activities you list, as can your personality type. This section can
be especially useful if you're at the start of your career. Don't go
over the top, though - list no more than five at most. And do think
about how your interests might be perceived by other people.
Train-spotting, for instance, does not have a positive image in the
public consciousness. Likewise, a list of solitary activities will not
make you look like a good team player.


A fresher is a fresh graduate by definition. What should you do if you are a
fresher who will compete for regular jobs where other more experienced people
will apply.

Do not be intimidated about the competition. Apply highlighting your

academic records (if it is good), your personal traits (for example extremely
friendly, deadline oriented, a good organizer, a born leader, etc) which
best match with those required for the job.

Mention specific courses or training programs which you might have

attended and which might give you a good edge over those who have only
the required qualification and work experience. Relate the achievements in
such a way that it should show you as a theoretical expert in certain

You might also mention in your CV that you are self-taught person in terms of
the latest technological trends and techniques; for example you can learn
basic programming, software engineering and design and web designing
(among million other such skills) by yourself with the help of the Internet and
good book supplements. Be prepared to be asked in detail question at the
interview though - so be careful that you write only what you really know

Highlight the fact that you are young, rearing to go and are ready to work
hard to prove yourself; many employers love the enthusiasm of the young and
the go-go approach which is very good for the company.


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

Highlight the fact that you are a fast learner and that you are looking
forward to start your career in a established and famous company such as
X (the company you are applying for), and an excellent learning experience.

Offer to get additional training (naming the

duration) if the job entails it without any

exact courses with their

interference to the job


The more work experience you have, the lower down the Qualifications and Training
section will come in your CV. This could explain why many people feel this section
should be little more than a list. The truth is that these details add value to
your CV, but only if you tailor the information appropriately.
We will now look at a variety of educational backgrounds. Whichever you fall into,
you need to order your qualifications and training in reverse chronological order,

The schools, colleges and universities you attended.

The qualifications you've gained and the dates you attained
Subjects you've trained in and level of achievement.
Professional memberships.

If you left school at 16 or 18 years, include details of all examinations that

you took and passed. List them in order of grades achieved. If your grades
weren't that great, leave them out rather than risk damaging the impression the
employer is building up of you. Never include exams that you failed, as these can
be checked up on at a later date.

If you've completed a degree, and passed it, there's no need to include

details of exams taken at 16 or 18 years of age. The degree qualification
supersedes these on your CV.


you've a postgraduate qualification, include your graduate and

postgraduate qualifications. Don't include earlier exams. If you did a
postgraduate research qualification, or studied in a subject relevant to your
work area, it might be worth adding a line or two about your specific line of


How to Create Curriculum Vitae

If you're in the middle of a qualification, such as an Open University or

part-time degree, include all the details above, but replace the dates with a
word such as 'current' or 'ongoing'. Position this at the top of the list.

If you're a recent graduate, there's no need to include details of exams

you took previously at the age of 16 or 18 years. If you're looking for your first
job, or first job on your career path (as opposed to vacation or temporary work),
it can be worth including some more details of your study if they're relevant to
the work you're seeking. So, you could include a list of the units you took, or a
line or two about a research project you individually selected and fulfilled.

If you failed a qualification, it's still worth including a line about the
degree even if you didn't complete it. This explains what you were during that
time period. So simply include the institution and title of the degree, together
with dates you started and finished studying. You can write something along the
lines of "Studied towards " This shows that you were accepted onto the
programme, even if you didn't complete. But be prepared to explain the reasons
for this if asked at an interview.

Professional qualifications come under the same section, yet should be

divided from academic qualifications by a line break. Include any qualification
that you had to gain by examination, such as a Certificate. Also list membership of
professional associations if you had to sit an examination to join.

Professional training should also be separated from the above by a line

break. If you've had to complete a lot of seminar days in similar areas, don't list
them all, but mention the area you've trained in e.g., CAD, CAM, and
Mechatroncis. If the training has been presented by a widely recognized body,
do mention this.


Group Discussion




Group Discussion


Group Discussion versus debate
How to face GD
Points to remember
General GD Topics
Social topics
Political topics
Management education topics
Economic topics
BPO GD Topics




Group Discussion

Many companies conduct group discussion after the written test so as to check on your interactive skills and
how good you are at communicating with other people. The GD is to check how you behave, participate and
contribute in a group, how much importance do you give to the group objective as well as your own, how well
do you listen to viewpoints of others and how open-minded are you in accepting views contrary to your own.
The aspects which make up a GD are verbal communication, non-verbal behavior, and conformation to
norms, decision-making ability and cooperation. You should try to be as true as possible to these aspects.


Here's how most group discussions work


Normally groups of 8-10 candidates are formed into a leaderless group, and are given a
specific situation to analyze and discuss within a given time limit ( 15- 20 min).
The group may be given a case study and asked to come out with a solution for a problem.
The group may be given a topic and asked to discuss on the same.


A panel will observe the proceedings and evaluate the members of the group.



Human beings love debates because we like to win and see others lose. A debate is a perfect situation for
expressing intense emotions. A GD, however, calls for a lot more maturity and logic. The purpose of a GD,
though conducted in a competitive mode, is not to establish you as a winner and others as losers. Its
purpose, as far as you are concerned, is to help you come across as a person with sound, logical reasoning
and the ability to respect another's viewpoint.


A critical difference between a GD and a debate is that, while a debate begins with two groups' bids to outwit
each other, a discussion is evolutionary; this essentially means participants have the opportunity to refine
their views in the course of the discussion. Thus, every member needs to contribute substantially and add to
the existing knowledge base instead of pulling each other down. The difference, thus, lies not just in style,
but also in the mindset that is required to tackle either challenge.


A group discussion requires:

Communication Skills
Knowledge and ideas regarding a given subject
Leadership and Coordinating Capabilities
Interpersonal skills
Addressing the group as a whole

Group Discussion

Conceptualizing skills:

Communication Skills


The first aspect is one's power of expression. In a group discussion, a candidate has to talk
effectively so that he is able to convince others. For convincing, one has to speak forcefully
and at the same time create an impact by his knowledge of the subject. A candidate who is
successful in holding the attention of the audience creates a positive impact.


It is necessary that you should be precise and clear. As a rule evaluators do not look for the
wordage produced. Your knowledge on a given subject, your precision and clarity of thought
are the things that are evaluated. Irrelevant talks lead you nowhere. You should speak as
much as necessary, neither more nor less. Group discussions are not debating stages.

You should be able to convey your thoughts satisfactorily and convincingly before a group
of people. Confidence and level headedness in doing so is necessary. These add value to your


Knowledge and Ideas Regarding a Given Subject

Knowledge of the subject under discussion and clarity of ideas are important. Knowledge
comes from consistent reading on various topics ranging from science and technology to
politics. In-depth knowledge makes one confident and enthusiastic and this in turn, makes
one sound convincing and confident.


Leadership and Coordinating Capabilities

The basic aim of a group discussion is to judge a candidate's leadership qualities. Ability to
take leadership roles and ability to lead, inspire and carry the team along to help them achieve
group's objectives. The examiner withdraws and becomes a silent spectator once the
discussion starts. A candidate should display tactfulness, skill, understanding and knowledge
on varied topics, enterprise, forcefulness and other leadership qualities to motivate and
influence other candidates.

Interpersonal skills


Is reflection in the ability of the individual to interact with other members of the group in a
brief situation ? Emotional maturity and balance promotes good interpersonal relationships.
The person has to be more people centric and less self-centered.

Example: To remain cool even when someone provokes you by with personal comment,
ability to remain objective, ability to empathize, non-threatening and more of a team player.
Addressing the Group as a Whole

Group Discussion

In a group discussion it is not necessary to address anyone by name. Even otherwise you may
not know everyone's names. It better to address the group as a whole.
Address the person farthest from you. If he can hear you everyone else too can. Needless to
add, as for the interview, attend the group discussion in formal dress. The language used
should also be formal, not the language used in normal conversations. For instance, words
and phrases like Yeah ,"yar", "chalta hai", "I dunno", etc. are out. This is not to say you
should use a high sounding, pedantic language. Avoiding both, just use formal, plain and
simple language. Mixture of Hindi and English or any other language should be discarded.



Confidence and coolness while presenting your viewpoint are of help. See that you do not
keep repeating a point. Do not use more words than necessary. Do not be superfluous. Try to
be specific. Do not exaggerate.

Conceptualizing skills

The ability to grasp the situation, take it from the day to day mundane problem level and apply it to a
macro level.


Example: At the end of the discussion, you could probably summarize the findings in a few sentences
that present the overall perspective. Don't be disheartened if you don't make it after your first group
discussion. The best possible preparation for a group discussion is to learn from one's past



1. Be as natural as possible. Do not try and be someone you are not. Be yourself.
2. A group discussion is your chance to be more vocal. The evaluator wants to hear you speak.
3. Communicate with each and every candidate present. While speaking don't keep looking at a
single member. Address the entire group in such a way that everyone feels you are speaking
to him or her.
4. Take time to organize your thoughts. Think of what you are going to say.
5. Seek clarification if you have any doubts regarding the subject.
6. Don't start speaking until you have clearly understood and analyzed the subject.
7. Work out various strategies to help you make an entry: initiate the discussion or agree with
someone else's point and then move onto express your views.
8. Opening the discussion is not the only way of gaining attention and recognition. If you do not
give valuable insights during the discussion, all your efforts of initiating the discussion will
be in vain.
9. Your body language says a lot about you - your gestures and mannerisms are more likely to
reflect your attitude than what you say.
10. Language skills are important only to the effect as to how you get your points across clearly
and fluently.
11. Be assertive not dominating; try to maintain a balanced tone in your discussion and analysis.


Group Discussion

12. Don't lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The key is to stay objective: Don't
take the discussion personally.
13. Always be polite: Try to avoid using extreme phrases like: `I strongly object' or `I disagree'.
Instead try phrases like: `I would like to share my views on' or `One difference between
your point and mine' or "I beg to differ with you"
14. Brush up on your leadership skills; motivate the other members of the team to speak (this
surely does not mean that the only thing that you do in the GD is to say "let us hear what the
young lady with the blue scarf has to say," or "Raju, let us hear your views" - Essentially be
subtle), and listen to their views. Be receptive to others' opinions and do not be abrasive or
15. If you have a group of like-minded friends, you can have a mock group discussion where you
can learn from each other through giving and receiving feedback.
16. Apart from the above points, the panel will also judge team members for their alertness and
presence of mind, problem-solving abilities, ability to work as a team without alienating
certain members, and creativity.
17. Don't interrupt a speaker when the session is on. Try to score by increasing your size, not by
cutting others short.
18. A GD is a formal occasion where slang is to avoided.






Group Discussion Topics For Freshers


Does India need a dictator?

Is India moving away from a secularist state?

US war on Iraq-justified or not.

Role of UN in peacekeeping.

Position of Women in modern era.

Is it right to advertise more and more about the cricket game ?

Balance between professionalism and family.

Effect of cinema on Youth

Education in India compared to Foreign countries.

is china a threat to Indian industry

India or west , which is the land of opportunities

Is China a threat to the Indian software industry.

Role of UN in Peace keeping


Group Discussion

Is it necessary to ban cold drinks like COCO COLA, Pepsi etc. in India.

What is the effect of movies on youth. is it good or bad?

"Environment-Whose Responsibility".

Present state of Indian Cricket team.

Love marriage/Arranged marriage.

Advantages of Co-education.

How to deal with international terrorism.

Should we pursue our policy of dialogue with Pakistan?

Is peace and non-violence outdated concepts?

Examinations - has it killed education

Is Philosophy just a theoretical concept ?

Is China better than India in software.

Should SONIA Gandhi be made the PM

Government contribution to IT

Is Globalization Really Necessary?

What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population?

Why cant we be world players in industry as we are in software?

Fashion contests degrade womanhood

Is dependence on calculators a good thing ?

Should the public sector be privatized?






Secularism has become a tool to justify the wrongs done by the minorities.

Are Big Dams Necessary?


Films are corrupting the Indian Youth

Dowry systems may look bad, but are an integral part of India.

We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment

The education system needs serious reforms

The impact of abroad channels on our psyche

Group Discussion

Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television.

What should India strive for- Westernization or modernization?



India should go for the presidential form of democracy.

Reserving seats for women in Panchayat has not only been a farce but has distracted from
developing a more genuine voice of women.


Have the nuclear tests of 1998 benefited or harmed India?

Voters, not, political parties are responsible for the criminalization of politics.

Is reservation on the basis of caste system right thing?



Is good job better than business ?

business is a war!!!

The Rush for MBA is really a rush for big money

Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience

Democracy is hampering India progress

Hard Working or Smart working?

Management education is nothing but a glorified non sense.

MBA in India is highly overrated.

Religion is a private affair and should be of no concern for the state



Do professional managers have a chance in our family run businesses?

Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour

Is education necessary to run business ?


Group Discussion

Is quality more important than quantity ?

Developing countries need trade, not aid.

Why do we lag behind China?

In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than



Can the economy achieve an 8 percent growth rate?

Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order ?

Is the business of business only business?

Commercialization of health care : Good or Bad ?

For globalization to succeed in India people must be able to see what is in it for them

Should businessmen run the finance ministry

Should important services like transport be left to market forces?.

Is the business of business only business?.

Globalization is good for developing countries

Public sector being a guarantor of job security is a myth

How can business get rid of the bad name that it has earned?

How should privatization proceeds be utilized ?

Should agricultural subsidies be stopped ?

Why do we lag behind China ?

Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies ?.





BPO GD Topics

Which one is more important knowledge or the way to express yourself?

.Is dependence on computers a good thing?

Is coalition politics here to stay?

Does India need a dictator?

Can a person get good job without good communication skills ?

What ails Indian sports?

Group Discussion

Success is all about human relations

Borderless worlds - Dream or reality?

Quality is a myth in India

Will China overtake India in IT

Where will be India in world by 2020 ?

Does Indian IT industry need to focus on products rather than services

The BPO age - heralding a new employment revolution

The BPO revolution and its impact on the society

Education and success - Is there a correlation?

We don't learn from history, we repeat it

Do we need a global policeman?

Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?

Management Education - Is it necessary to succeed in business

Kids today are not what they used to be

Repeated elections - Who should pay for them

In India, the whole is less than the parts - Do we lack in team spirit?

"" companies - Is there room for everyone?

Artificial Intelligence - Will man be ever replaced by machines?

Materialism - Have we sold our souls to the Devil?

Survival tools for the new millennium

Examinations - has it killed education

Is E-Commerce the best thing for India






How to handle Illegal Questions


How to handle Illegal Questions


How to answer Illegal Questions
Sample Illegal Questions
Strategies to answer Illegal Interview Questions

HR Interviews by Navdeep Kumar :

Page 1

How to handle Illegal Questions

The interview is where you get your chance to sell yourself directly to the employer. During the
interview the employer is obviously trying to learn more about you and how you may or may not fit in
the company.
The main reason why an employer might purposely slip in some illegal questions is basically to try and
get information to keep you from getting a job. Most illegal questions revolve around personal
information and asking them is usually not related to the job and is often discriminatory in nature.
Another reason some employers ask illegal questions is because they just dont know any better. Many
interviewers are not trained at all and simply dont know what is legal versus illegal. Please keep this in
mind, it may just be a poorly trained, inexperienced or just curious interviewer and not meant to be
harmful or discriminatory at all. This chapter will explain how to handle illegal questions.
There are several questions that employers may not legally ask applicants. Questions structured to
obtain information on

Disabilities & Physical Skills

Sexual preference

Personal Background

Race, Creed, or Color

Family & Relationship Items

Country of origin

HR Interviews by Navdeep Kumar :

Page 2

How to handle Illegal Questions

or any other discriminatory factor are generally illegal as grounds for making employment decisions.
With few exceptions, these factors contribute nothing to your ability to perform a job, and an
employer must substantiate those cases where a direct relationship is thought to exist. Anything that
is not a bonafide occupational qualification may not be covered directly, although the interviewer may
seek the information indirectly.
So, how do you handle an illegal interview question? First it is important to assess the intentions of
the interviewer. Most illegal interview questions are asked in true innocence or, better stated, in true
ignorance: ignorance of the law, ignorance of what questions are proper, and ignorance of how the
information could be used by others in a discriminatory way.
Ironically, most illegal questions are asked when the untrained interviewer is trying to be friendly and
asks a seemingly innocent question about your personal life or family background. Therefore, any
attempt by the candidate to assert his or her constitutional rights will merely throw up the defense
shields and put an end to any future consideration for employment. Warning lights go on, sirens
sound, and the interviewer begins backing down from what otherwise may have been a very
encouraging position.
So what is the proper response? Any response depends on the particular situation and the
personalities and motives of those involved, but overall you have three basic options:
(1) answer truthfully if you feel your response will not hurt you,
(2) inform the interviewer that the question is illegal and risk offending them and ending your chances
for the position,
(3) base your answer on the requirements of the job and your ability to perform it.

Here are a few examples of casually asked illegal questions and suggested responses
Q: Does your family mind the travel required for this position?
A: I am accustomed to significant business travel. In fact, I find being on the road invigorating, and
my track record has been very consistent under these conditions.

Q: Are you religious? Will your religion prevent you from working extra hours or on weekends when
we have a big project?
HR Interviews by Navdeep Kumar :

Page 3

How to handle Illegal Questions

A: I suppose everyone is religious in their own way. I do not foresee any circumstances that would
interfere with the quality or commitment of my performance.

Q: You have a very unusual last name. What is its origin?

A: It really is a mouthful, isn't it? I've always used my first name and last initial in my business e-mail
address, as it is easier.

Q: Are you planning a family in the near future?

A: Currently, I am focused on my career and although having a family is always a possibility, it is not a
priority at the moment.

Q: How many more years do you see yourself in the work force (before retiring)?
A: In today's world people don't retire like they used to; some can't. My career and my need to earn
an income are priorities that I do not foresee changing in the near future.


How tall are you?

How old are you?

Are you really a man?

Are you Chinese or Japanese?

What religion are you?

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?

Have you ever been arrested?

Do you have any pre-existing health conditions?

HR Interviews by Navdeep Kumar :

Page 4

How to handle Illegal Questions

Are you married?

How many children do you have?

Are you planning on having children?

How you choose to handle these types of questions depends on the perceived motivation of the
interviewer as well as your desire to have the position. However, no matter how badly you want or
need a position, always keep in mind that if a company is capable of asking illegal questions before
you are an employee, there is a greater potential for mistreatment after you are hired.
your best bet is to try and keep the interview focused on the qualifications of the position and your
qualifications as a candidate. Blatant discrimination does take place. If it does and you are offended,
you have the right to end the interview immediately ("I don't think we're a good match. Thank you for
your time.") - you never wanted to work there in the first place!
So, how did interviewee in our example above answer the question? He could have said, "It's none of
your concern," which likely would have quickly ended a promising interview. But Interviewee thought
about the underlying intent of the company in asking the question, which was "Will relocating an
employee who likely has a family be so troublesome that he/she will be unproductive for months?"
Considering that, he might have responded, "My family and I are committed to my career, so
relocation is absolutely not a problem." But Interviewee's family of five was used to moving every
several years because of his ascending career, so Interviewee responded: "I've moved my family every
three years, and they always consider it a great adventure. I've talked to them about the possibility of
this move, and they're very excited."
Most interviewers are not out to discriminate against job applicants. Many of the illegal questions that
interviewers ask are unintentional -- in fact, if you tactfully point out the question is illegal, the
interviewer will likely realize his or her gaffe and immediately retract the question. First and foremost,
avoid reacting in a hostile fashion remember that you can always decide later to decline the job
offer. Your goal during the interview is to try and get the job offer.
The challenge for you is to figure out what to say while you're sitting in that chair, faced with an
illegal question. You have three basic options:

HR Interviews by Navdeep Kumar :

Page 5

How to handle Illegal Questions

Find out the perspective from which the question was asked
Could you elaborate on why you are asking that?
I wasn't expecting a question like that. Could you please tell me how it relates to this job?
It truly may be a lack of thought, rather than evil intent that has motivated the question.
Some clues to the intent are body language and the actual choice of words.

Just answer the question

If you don't mind providing the information and you don't want to make waves, you can
respond to the question and move on to the next one. Go ahead and answer the question. If
you dont feel uncomfortable and you think your answer is in your favor, why worry? Go
ahead and answer the question and make no mention that you think its improper or illegal. Just
remember that you run the risk of harming your candidacy if you give an answer not favorable
to what the interviewer has in mind.

Refuse to answer the question

You are within your rights but in a delicate and sensitive area with regards to the potential job
offer. You can say politely that you dont feel comfortable answering the question and ask to
move on. You may even want to mention to the interviewer that the question is illegal and
doesnt pertain to the job. The key here is to be as tactful as possible. But keep in mind, you
may come across as confrontational or not a team player in the eyes of the interviewer.

Don't answer the question, but answer the intent behind the question
This is usually the best option, since it allows you to provide a tactful answer without
sacrificing your rights. To answer the intent behind the question, try to figure out what the
interviewer REALLY wants to know. For example, if the interviewer asks if you are a U.S
citizen (which is an illegal question), a smart answer would be, "If you mean to ask if I am
legally authorized to work for you, the answer is yes." In cases like these, it's best to rephrase
the question into a legal one and then answer it. This displays flexibility and composure -strong job skills.

Tactfully Side step

HR Interviews by Navdeep Kumar :

Page 6

How to handle Illegal Questions

Assess the motive behind the question. If you don't think it was malicious and you really want
the job, then put it back on the interviewer or answer indirectly. This might make the
interviewer realize that he or she asked an inappropriate question. For example, if an
interviewer asks about your

Personal life, you might respond with, "I prefer to keep personal and business matters
Children, your reply might be, "Are you concerned that I won't be able to travel or
work overtime?"
Disability, you might say something like, "If you're concerned that I won't be able to
perform the duties of the job, I'm sure I can."
Country of origin, you could say, "If you're going to ask next whether or not I'm
authorized to work in the USA, I am."

End the interview.

If the interviewer refuses to back off, end the interview quickly. After all, would you really
want to work at a company or for a person capable of such narrow-minded attitudes? If you
think you have a strong case, look into bringing formal charges against the company and the

HR Interviews by Navdeep Kumar :

Page 7

How to Negotiate Salary


How to Negotiate Salary
.r c


The art of negotiation
Salary Negotiation Donts
Different situations

How to Negotiate Salary

"It is your responsibility to get the highest salary possible. It is your employer's responsibility to
find the most qualified person they can for the lowest price."


Would you buy something from a salesperson who only wanted to impress upon you how much something
Of course not.


Why would a company hire someone only interested in seeing how much he could get?

Salary negotiation is more of an art than a science. It usually is one of the most neglected and underrated aspects of a Job Interview. Salaries depend mainly on two things: the work and the
geographical area. Most companies share salary data with each other: the typical big-company
personnel department will have detailed breakdowns on the distribution of salaries for their types of
work and locales. So they will generally know within a pretty narrow range what your job is worth.

To save labor costs, almost all companies play a nasty little game. They ask you how much you
want. Sometimes there's a slot on your application named something innocent like "desired salary
range." Most people automatically fill in all blanks on a form, so they'll put down a figure.


Unfortunately, many people underestimate their worth, so they'll put down a low figure, less than the
company was prepared to pay. It's a rare company who will offer you what you're worth in this
situation. Some companies will even bargain down your already undervalued amount.


You're happy because you got what you asked for (or nearly so), and they're happy because they're
underpaying you and you're not likely to realize it.


Before you begin negotiating, you must have a minimum salary figure in mind. If at all possible, you
should talk to several people who are doing similar work in an area with similar living costs.

Remember the bottom line, though: have a minimum figure in your head, but don't tell them.

The purpose of the method is to get the company to be the first party to name a number. If it's above
your minimum, you accept. If it's too low, you tell them it's too low, but you do not say by how
much. They will either break off negotiations or come back with a higher offer. Your only responses
are either "okay" or "higher", never "X amount higher."

The situation in which a salary is negotiated could vary depending on whether the individual is a candidate
with a certain degree of work experience, applying for a position in a company, or is a candidate with no prior
work experience, applying for an entry level position in an organization. Another situation could be an
employee looking for career advancement in his current organization. The details of each of these situations
might be different, however certain basic principles and rules regarding salary negotiation remain the same.

How to Negotiate Salary

The Art of Negotiation

Before beginning a negotiation process you need to understand that it is your responsibility to get the highest
salary possible. It is your employer's responsibility to find the most qualified person he/she can for the lowest
price possible.


There are many schools of thought about how to handle the discussion of salary during job interviews. Some
experts advise bringing the topic to ahead as soon as possible. Others suggest avoiding the subject entirely, as if
getting a paycheck were some unspeakable practice.


Common sense dictates a course somewhere between these two extremes. It is recommended that you
avoid bringing up the subject of salary yourself during your screening and selection interviews. If the
interviewer brings it up, answer his questions. But its really in your best interest to avoid getting down to
the brass tacks of salary negotiation until an offer has been made.

The interview is a classic buy-sell situation. You are trying to sell yourself to a company and get the best price
you can. The company is making sure that it wants to buy what youre offering, and, naturally, hopes to pay as
little as youll accept.


It sounds simple enough, but most people never even consider this. They take the initial offer, and never even
attempt to negotiate a higher offer. If they find out later that their co-workers are paid a higher wage, they
blame everyone but themselves for the discrepancy. The salary negotiation buck stops with you. Employment
is a contract. You and your employer agreed to the salary you're being paid. If you didn't do your homework
and actively participate in the process, you can't blame your employer. Before you walk into an interview, you
need to have a firm understanding of what you are worth. This will require some honesty and objectivity on
your part, as well as a bit of research that should span several sources. Many people begin with online salary
surveys which are fine for getting a "ball park" idea of what you are worth, but are often too general in regard
to job titles and geographic locations to be reliable. The job market (like any real market) works on the
principal of supply and demand which can fluctuate faster than an annual survey can reflect. Aim high, but be



Note: Timing is everything in life. You have nothing to gain by discussing

compensation topic before you ve convinced the employer that you re the right
person for the job. In other words, the best time to discuss salary is after you get
the offer.

The following is a synopsis of some of the best steps and advice you will need before talking

Understanding the process

Let's start with a definition of what negotiation is. Very simply, it's meeting and discussing a subject
with another person in order to reach an agreement. The art of negotiation is based upon mutual
agreement of issues, not confrontation.
While salary negotiation begins after the interview process, it really starts for you with the initial

How to Negotiate Salary

interview. Because it's what you tell the company about yourself, your accomplishments and what
you can do for them that will increase your value when the time to offer you a job comes. Use active
words in the interview to describe your accomplishments such as: I initiated, I oversaw, I created, I
took charge of, I followed up on, I actively contributed to, and I developed. The ability to handle
details, multiple projects or excellent time management and follow up skills will also contribute to
your value.


Negotiating is not merely saying, "I want more money". You will need to have answers to certain
questions prior to discussing your salary, to know if there is even a chance to get more. Among the
questions to which you should have answers are:


What is the salary range of the job that the employer and or the industry have established?
What is the lowest salary that I will consider?
What makes me worth a higher salary?

Even if you know the answers to these questions, there will most likely be some objections to your
request for more money. Among those:


you don't have enough experience

other employees aren't making more
the budget won't permit it and, of course, the ever popular
that's what we're paying new hires.

Think about how you would respond to these objections in a way that continues the discussion on a
positive note without backing yourself into a corner. Remember you're asking questions not
delivering an ultimatum. For example in responding to the "other employees aren't making more"
statement, you might follow up with a response such as: "I see. (a little pause) What is the range for
this position? What would it take to get to that higher level within that range?"



Remember you're looking for a way to reach a common accord and often you have to ask a few
questions to see if there might be a way to reach an accommodation. In many cases, especially at this
level, the person offering you the position has already gotten approval from someone else, so you
have to give them a pretty good rationale to go back and ask for more money.

The interview

There are certain thoughts, which might help you during the interview process itself, that pertain to
the salary issue. Among them:

1. Good listening skills are critical to understanding what are the needs of the company and the
individual doing the hiring. Directing your answers, during the interview, toward making
your eventual supervisor feel that you can do more to solve his or her problems will go along
way in having them try to get you top dollar. The listening process involves not interrupting
and allowing them to finish their thoughts as well as repeating back to that person a part of
what they've said, in the course of your answer so that they know they've been heard.
Additionally, such things as establishing good eye contact, nodding after a statement to

How to Negotiate Salary

reinforce that you've heard it, are common communication devices that say: I heard you and I
understand what you're saying."
2. Try not to be the first one to mention money. The concept here is that you may inadvertently,
'low ball' yourself and have to settle for a salary lower than the company might have offered


3. If asked what salary you're looking for, then say I am well aware of what starting salaries are
for this position within the industry. Im sure that if salaries here are comparable, then it is acceptable to


4. If pushed on the subject, have a range in mind, with the bottom of the range what you must
have and the top 10%-15% above what you'd take. ("I'm looking at a 2 2.50 lacs. per
annum". The range could be based upon other people with whom you are interviewing as
well as what you feel you're worth, based upon your analysis of the market.
5. If asked what your current pay is, tell the truth, however, if you're up for a raise in a month,
mention that also.


The Offer

1. If you receive an offer and you're interested, say that you're very interested and excited about
the opportunity and will get back to them in 24 hours. Generally 24 hours is the minimum just
to think about other things you may want to know, or to have some negotiating room. You
might even ask to have a little more time to get back to them, especially if you are in the
process of interviewing and have already made other appointments.


2 Consider the whole picture: Take a look at the entire value of the compensation package, once the base
salary has been discussed. Some companies provide very generous benefits packages including
stock options, un- limited dental care, even company cars and free lunches along with standard
health insurance and vacation days. If these benefits dont immediately add to your bottom line, at
least you wont have to pay for them out of your own pocket.


Most company vacation policies are fairly standard: two weeks for the first three years, three weeks
thereafter. Some companies offer comp time in exchange for a great deal of overtime. Some
match employee deposits to retirement plans. Some require employees to contribute something toward health insurance. A number of benefitssuch as profit sharingmay not be immediately
available to you.

Before accepting the job, ask them about the other important fringe benefits you might be
entitled to such as:

health insurance
vacation time
annual salary review
retirement savings plans
bonus plans

How to Negotiate Salary

If there are any other questions you feel will affect your decision about whether to accept this job,
you had better ask them now, while you are still considering the offer!

3. Avoid telephone negotiations unless you are calling to accept and ask for the offer in a letter.


The Negotiation Process


Here are several examples of how a salary conversation might go, if you want to try to
negotiate for more money, either at the time of the offer or after you've thought about the job
for 24 hours. One technique that seems to work in salary negotiations is to ask for things as a
question rather than a demand, since it avoids the potential for sounding arrogant.


Company: "We'd like to offer you a salary of Rs. 10,000/year."

You: Alternative answer #1: "I'm delighted that you are interested in me and I am very
interested in the position. Based upon my experience and also because of a variety of
expenses I'll have when I graduate, such as paying off my college loan, I'd like to be making
around Rs. 30,000. How do you feel about that?"


Alternative answer #2: "I really like the opportunity, and I know that I could contribute, but I
have several other opportunities that are in the Rs. 30,000 range (don't say it unless it's true)
is there a way we could work this out?"

If you don't get a salary that is to your liking, but you want the job, ask if you can get
reviewed in three months or six months instead of a year.


3. As the statements above have indicated, try to mention a positive or reinforcing statement
about your liking the company or the job, before asking for other things. Your words say to
them: "I appreciate the offer and I'm almost ready to join you, if I can just get this one last
thing to make it perfect."


In summary, remember that you will be spending the next forty to fifty years working and it's
important to find a job that you like and for which you are qualified. If you get an offer with a
company you love or feel has great upward potential, but the salary is a little lower than you
wanted, remember that it may still be worthwhile specially if it's a company where you can learn
and grow over the long term. The process of negotiating, however, is an important skill, which, if
learned early on, can pay handsome dividends over the course of your career, not only monetarily
but also in your own self-esteem.

What to do if you can't compromise on compensation

Let interviewers know that although you are disappointed, you are still interested in working
for the employer.
Be sure to thank them for their time and interest. Reemphasize the fact that if future openings
occur, you would be interested.

How to Negotiate Salary

Find out if there are, or might be, other openings they could suggest or other persons you
could contact.

Many times the person selected ends up turning the job down or does not work out. Keep the
communication line open, positive, and professional. This keeps your name in their mind for


the next opening or future opportunities.

Ask if you could contact them every three or four months to find out about future job

was interested in you. Use positive self-talk.

Learn from the experience. Ask for feedback from the interviewer on what you could
improve or do differently.


Stay positive. Congratulate yourself. You did get the interview, which means the employer

Keep trying. This is not the time to stop. Forge ahead. Act to stay in control of your job


Remember the salespersons motto: "No" is another step closer to "Yes."

Do not despair. Getting turned down happens to all of us at some point in our lives.

Salary Negotiation Don ts


When it comes to important things a lot could -- and often does -- go wrong. Careless mistakes
mercilessly ruin golden opportunities of a lifetime. When we stop playing pass-the-blame game and
pause to carefully evaluate causes, we often come to a conclusion that, surprisingly, most do: with a
little preparation and planning, these mistakes could have been easily avoided in the first place.


Unless you are considered workforce royalty, you will have to do your bit to negotiate your
compensation package. Unfortunately job seekers falter at this very important step, often repeating
mistakes that have a reputation of boomeranging with historical accuracy. Lets review a few
precautions you must take to avoid jeopardizing your negotiation.

Poor research and preparation

Even if you decide not to negotiate your salary, research is very important. How else would you
know if you are being compensated fairly? Not knowing your market value is a disastrous mistake
that you must avoid at all costs.
Make a serious effort to research salary information in your industry, company, and profession.
Know everything you can about market rate, compensation trends, employer policies, historic
payouts, department budgets, cost of living, etc.

How to Negotiate Salary

Pitching at the wrong time

To establish a fit between your expectations and the employers budget, interviewers often ask the
famous question: What are your salary expectations?


Basically, they want to know whether they can afford you (or not). This is where your research can
come handy, for, quoting an amount in either direction (above or below their budget) could work
against you.


Some coaches are of the opinion that salary discussions should be deferred until the end of the
interview process; their premise being that the first to offer, loses.
In order to postpone salary talk, some people use scripts as follows:

I deeply admire and respect your company, and I am confident that the employees here are
compensated very fairly. Basically, I am so interested in working with your company, particularly
this position, that I would be very open to negotiating the salary to a figure that would be agreeable
to both of us. I was hoping it would be okay to discuss the salary sometime later during the interview
process, once we have made some progress.


Choose your words carefully


Basically , you should use verbiage that matches the interviewers personality. If the interviewer
repeatedly insists on providing a dollar amount, try to provide a range as opposed to an exact
Sounding greedy or rude


Even if salary discussions dont go as intended, avoid sounding rude or greedy at all costs.
Remember, employment is all about long term relationships.

Not considering the big picture

Sometimes the base pay may not be negotiable, but do give a thought to benefits, flex time, perks,
tuition reimbursement, etc. The overall value of the package may turn out to be more than you
expected. Long term growth opportunities and potential career benefits are also factors that must be

In cases where negotiations dont go as planned, be flexible enough to accommodate employers

[reasonable] restraints without hurting yourself. With right timing, careful preparation, and tactful
negotiation you might be on your way to making the salary you deserve.

How to Negotiate Salary

Different situations
R ead the following salary questions, which will test and i m p r o v e your negotiation skills,
adapt the answers to f i t your situation and your style.


This chapter s Q&A is divided into two sections, to address two very different situations: The
rst addresses the very difficult situation of being asked salary questions in the early moments
of the interview, before you ve had a chance to describe your suitability to f i ll the open
position or even to nd out the responsibilities you would be expected to assume in the job. The
second situation addresses the preferable situation: You ve been told you re the candidate of
choice, or that you re one of the top contenders for the job.

Situation 1


If the interviewer puts you on the spot at the beginning of the interview by asking you one or
both of the rst two questions, your best bet is to try a diversionary response to gain time to
learn more about the position and to open the way for a discussion about your experience and


1. What salary are you expecting to make in this position?


At this early stage, without knowing the details of the position, its almost impossible for me to
cite a gure. Perhaps you could tell me at least the broad parameters of the position and the
salary range that has been established at this company for this position. In my experience,
similar or identical job titles at various companies dont necessarily mean the same thing, and
Id really like to know how the job is described here before attempting to put a gure on it.
Further- more, future opportunities at a company carry as much weight with me as salary and
current job description, and both those factors will impact my salary requirement.


(If the interviewer continues to pursue the salary topic before youve had a chance to sell
yourself, you may have to cite a gure to avoid annoying the interviewer and thus being
eliminated from consideration simply because you were unwilling to respond to this line of
questioning. If youre put in this spot, your pre interview preparation will enable you to make
as informed a response as possible, and one that is in your best interest.)

2. What is the salary you think is appropriate for someone with your experience?
ve determined that my responsibilities are commensurate with the high end of the
salary range most employers are willing to pay for this position, which is
Rs. ________ to Rs. ________.

3. What is your current salary? Or what is your salary history?

How to Negotiate Salary

I f youll allow me rst to explain what my current responsibilities are, then ask what the
responsibilities of this position are, to better enable both of us to determine if the two
positions can really be compared monetarily.


For me, job t is as important as money t, so Id like to avoid boxing myself in or being excluded
at this early stage because of salary restrictionseither mine or yours.
(If you feel you cannot avoid giving an actual gure:)


My current employer pays me Rs. ________, which is at the high end of the salary range at the
company, and attests to the level of success I have achieved.

Though my current salary is Rs. ____, which is lower than many other companies are
paying for similar work, it is not a re ection of my work, but rather a re ection of the fact
that my current employer is a small (or startup) rm just beginning to gain a foothold in
this area, and therefore salaries are necessarily lower. I do, however, also receive a yearly
bonus and stock options.



My current base salary is Rs. _____, but with overtime, end-of-year bonus, company matched
savings plans, pension, and pro t sharing, I earn Rs. _____, which doesnt account for the
complete medical coverage bene t at my current company.


Situation 2

In this situation, we assume youve made it through the interview process and that either youve
been presented with an offer or it has been made clear the employer is about to begin the salary
negotiation process. Though this is the ideal position to be in (the employer has a good idea of
your value and you know what will be expected of you if you accept the offer), these, too, can be
treacherous waters to navigate, in particular if the rst situation has been played outthat is,
you were forced to cite salary gures early in the interview process.


This situation can be further broken down into two sub- situations 2.1 and 2.2. The rst puts you
squarely in the hot seat; the second at least gives you a launch point. Both situations, however,
may be impacted by two factors: (1) what you have or have not already revealed about your current
salary or salary history and expectations, and (2) whether the offer is made in person, over the phone,
or via mail or e-mail.

Situation 2.1
If your potential employer has made it clear that youre the candidate of his or her dreams, but is still
unwilling to show his or her hand regarding money, the opening line in this sub- situation may go
something like the following.


How to Negotiate Salary

1. Your professional experience and qualifications seem to be an ideal match for both this position
and this company; what we need to nd out is whether we can match the salary you are looking
for. What are your salary requirements for accepting this position?


(As in situation 1, you can try putting the ball back in the employers court rst, again, to give you
more information to work with. If the opening question comes over the phone or via mail or e-mail,
your rst move is to request a personal meeting to discuss this important issue, where youll have the
bene t of body language cues. Re- minder: You should have done your homework, to deter- mine
what the standard salary range for the position is across the industry.


Id prefer to hear your opening offer, based on your knowledge of my capabilities and experience, in
conjunction with your knowledge of the salary cap for this position at this company.

2. What is your current salary, and what percentage increase do you expect to make?

Note: Never lie about how much you re currently making.

Don t forget: Employers have access to the same tools in
addition to personal contacts that enable them to check any
information you provide.



(Here, too, your preparatory research will stand you in good stead. Be honest about what youre
currently making, including nonsalary factors, and then base your desired increase on what you know
to be the going rate for the job title and whether the new position is a promotion from your current


My current yearly salary, including bonuses and bene ts, is Rs. _______, and I am willing to accept a
15 percent increase over that.

(If the move is a lateral one, most employers expect to offer an increase of 10 to 15 percent, so asking
15 percent at the outset will allow for the all-important wiggle room. If, however, the position is a
promotion and/or involves relocation, increase that percentage based on the new title and the new
location. For example, a move to metro city from r ural, is going to mean a huge rise in your living

Situation 2.2
This is the best position to be in: Youve been able to avoid giving anyor too much information
regarding your salary history and/or requirements; the employer has made it clear youre the person
they want for the job; and an offer is on the table.


How to Negotiate Salary

1. We are prepared to offer you Rs._____. How does that meet with your needs/expectations?
(If the offer falls short, either of what youre currently making or the percentage increase you
were expecting to make:)


Though Im very excited about the job and the professional opportunities it holds, I am
disappointed in your offer. Im currently making Rs__________, which includes ____, ________,
_________, and _________, and to make the move, I d need to increase that by at least
____ percent.


(At this juncture, many counteroffer scenarios are possible, and it is beyond the scope of this or any
other book to cover them all, but here are some guidelines. If the employer counters with, say, a base gure
that meets your current salary, and adds stock options, youll need to base your decision on what those
options might be worth. Is this a startup that is short on cash but that shows real promise of huge
growth in a reasonably short period of time? Is this an established, successful, and still-growing rm
whose stock youd be foolish to turn down?


Preparation is all-important. You should have learned, for example, how the companys stock has
been doing. And at this point, its fully appropriate for you to ask the questions regarding company
bene ts because, as discussed, nonsalary bene ts can add as much as 25 percent to your real salary,
and so will impact your decision to accept or to continue negotiating. Refer chapter Questions to
Ask the Interviewer.



One of the most important strategies of the salary negotiation process is to know when to stop
negotiating. You dont want to talk yourself out of the job. Its important to keep your goal in mind
which presumably is to get the jobnot win some game of rupess. Use your common sense to
determine when to stop, based on your preparatory research and your interactions so far with the
employer. If you have compromised as much as you are willing or can afford to, and the employer is
clearly unwilling or unable to offer more, its time to say thank-you, accept the offer, and move on.
Remember, you will be working with these people, and they wont forget how you handled yourself
during this important process. And of course you may choose to reject the offer, if you feel reasonably that
you can do better elsewhere. This is not a one-way negotiation; you are interviewing the company as much
as they are interviewing you.



Handling difficult Interview situations


Handling difficult interview situations

1. Introduction
2. Getting Unstuck
3. Different Situations

Handling difficult Interview situations

Every interview is not ideal Job interviewing can be an unnerving experience, but if you
know how to handle some of the stickiest situations encountered in interviewing, you can
be that much more confident: There are times when you get thrown off by a question or
panic because you haven been unable to convey what you wanted to say. You might feel the
need to correct something youve said or even change the course of an interview, but you
dont know how. An interviewer may ask a question about your private life, your previous
job, or your family background that you are not prepared for. Any of these situations can
result in a disappointing interview.
Fortunately, there are ways to salvage interviews that go off course. The best
strategy for steering the conversation away from dull, dead-end, or uncomfortable topics
is to learn as much as you can about the job and the company ahead of time and prepare
success stories and specific questions for your interviewer. If youve read about recent
events or trends that might impact the company, or if it has developed a new product or
service that might influence the job, talk about it. Ask questions. Try to keep sending the
message that you showed up for the interview because you are interested in the job.
Remember that an interview is a two-way process: If you give the interviewer the
impression that you are bored or ill prepared, you will not get the job. On the other hand, if
you are interested and engaged, your interviewer will likely match your enthusiasm.
So, if
you feel that things are not going your way, take responsibility for the outcome. If youre
interested in the job, you want to leave feeling that you did everything to put your
interviewer at ease and convince him that you are the best-qualified person for the position.
This chapter arms you with information and strategies to help you anticipate tough
questions, formulate responses, and get an interview back on course. With preparation, you
should be able to go into any interview feeling confident and without fear of surprise or
embarrassment. Preparation is the key: By researching and rehearsing what is likely to be asked,
you are free to answer unanticipated questions with less stress and more confidence.

GETTING UNSTUCK: Changing the course of an Interview

Youve showed up for your interview feeling alert and reasonably comfortable. The

Handling difficult Interview situations

conversation was going well, but now the atmosphere has changed and your confidence is
slipping. This can hap- pen for a number of reasons, some of which were discussed in the
introduction to this chapter, but in most cases, an interview goes off course because:
You have trouble answering a question
Confliction between your and Interviewer view
There is an aggressive interviewer

Your interviewer is giving you a lot of information but not asking questions,
and youre not sure how to convey your qualifications

You wish you had answered a question differently

You feel rushed by the interviewer

You feel that the tone of the interview has changed

You are asked unexpected or illegal questions

The next sections offer advice on how to handle each of these situations.

Different Situations
P r o b lem # 1: W ha t to Do when Yo u D o n t Kn o w th e A n sw e r
Remember that most questions interviewers ask have no right or wrong answer. A good
interviewer asks lots of open-ended questions that leave plenty of room for a variety of
responses. But if you find that the only answer you can give to a question is I dont know,
relax. Its a temporary setback. You can always ask for clarification from the interviewer by
saying, Im not sure that I understand the question. Would you mind restating it? or
you can ask that you come back to the question at the end of the interview.
If you have no information to add to an I dont know answer, you can always try
adding a question of your own. For example: The interviewer has just asked you whether
you know anything about the cosmetics division of the company. You might respond: No, I
dont. What part does it play in the major scheme of things here? This response tells
your interviewer that although you dont have the specific information she wants, you are
nonetheless curious about the big picture. Your interest in learning more about the companys
operations is a good sign and will not be lost on your interviewer.
Its one thing to feel dejected by an I dont know answer, but its another to look it.

Handling difficult Interview situations

If you hang your head, shuffle your feet, look terrified, or freeze up to the degree that you
cant hear, let alone respond to, the next question, you will compromise your professionalism.
So, even if you dont know the answer to a question and cant add either information or
another question to it, dont let yourself get stuck. Stay poised and alert and wait for the
next question.
It is important to remember that your interviewer is not trying to trap you or make
you look uninformed. You can be sure that you and the interviewer share the same
objectiveto exchange information effectively, pleasantly, and in a timely fashion. Both
of you have a vested interest in keeping the flow of conversation easy and open.

Sometimes, your conversation with an interviewer may drift or come to a

complete stop. To re-focus the interview, ask questions or use your resume
as a guide to highlight your strongest qualifications and assets.

Problem #2: How to Create Opportunities to Present Your Abilities

Sometimes an interviewer focuses on the company or the position without giving you many
opportunities to talk about yourself. In these cases, the best thing to do is to turn the
interviewer s approach into an advantage. If the interviewer seems most comfortable talking
about the company, start asking questions about it. For example, if the company has changed
direction in the last year, ask your interviewer what led to the change of direction. At some
point, you will exhaust the subject. But, by then, your summaries of information and the
questions youve asked will demonstrate not only that youve been listening, but that youve
taken the time and initiative to research the company.
In addition, there is an acceptable way to interrupt. Everyone pauses, no matter how
briefly, at the end of a sentence. When you hear that pause, make a statement about yourself
that relates to what the interviewer just said. Look at the following example:
Interviewer: The company has grown so much in the last several years. We spend a lot of
time communicating to our employees about our new business developments and
new products.
Interviewee : I have some experience in that area. Last winter, I worked as a market researcher in a

company that was promoting a new paint product. One of my tasks was to figure out how
to get product information to the sales- force on a timely basis. I conducted interviews
with the sales reps and they told me they wanted an electronic newsletter, which I initiated.

Handling difficult Interview situations

It was quite popular and eventually became an internal newsletter as well.

At this point, the interview can go in one of two directions:
The interviewer is ready to hear about you
The interviewer thinks the interview is over
If the interviewer is ready to hear about you, highlight your accomplishments by making a
connection between yourself and what youve learned about the company. For example, if the
company has taken a bold initiative to capture a new market this year, tie it into a story
about risk taking. Perhaps you can tell the story of how you devised an unusual promotion
that doubled the number of subscriptions to your college literary magazine. Or perhaps you
have another story to tell that emphasizes a tough decision you had to make, or a strategy
that paid off. The point is to link your own risk-taking experiences with the needs of the
company. Think back to some of the other points your interviewer made about the company
and try to match your success stories to some of them.
On the other hand, if the interviewer gives you the message that the interview is winding
down, dont leave before getting in at least one or two of your success stories. You might
say, Before I leave, Id like to tell you a couple things about myself that relate to what
we were talking about. Then launch into a success story. Choose stories that show your
interviewer you under stand the challenges of doing business with another culture and that you
have the skills to meet those challenges.

Every failure is stepping stone towards success. We all learn by making mistakes. If
possible, dont schedule your first interview with the job you want most. As you get more
interview practice, you will feel more confident, know what kinds of questions to
expect, and learn how best to present yourself. Practice your skills in informational
networking interviews or in role plays with a friend or mentor in the business world.

P r o b le m # 3 W h e n there is a conflict between your view and the interviewer's view

Listen carefully and acknowledge the interviewer's viewpoint, then try to state you briefly
why you have your viewpoint and then move to another topic.
P r o b le m # 4 w h e n there is an aggressive interviewer who interrupts your answer or showed

Handling difficult Interview situations

that she/he is not convinced your answer.

Be calm, let the aggressive interviewer finish, and then resume with your answer.
P r o b le m # 5 : H o w t o S a y W h a t Yo u Wan t to S a y
Your interview is going well, when your interviewer asks, What accomplishment are you
most proud of? Youve prepared an answer to this question, but you have a sudden attack of
nerves and draw a complete blank. You rack your brain and finally come up with a story, although
you know it doesnt really show off your strengths. As soon as your interviewer asks the next
question, you remember the story you had prepared. What do you do now?
If youve accidentally misspoken, continue with the interview and try not to let the
statement throw you off track. Talk about your skills and accomplishments and ask questions,
but wait to the end of the interview to correct a misstatement. After youve thanked
your interviewer, tell her that youve been thinking about the way you answered one of
the questions, and that you would like to expand on it quickly before you leave. If you
dont realize that you misspoke until after the interview, you can always include the
corrected answer in a thank-you note.
P r o b l e m # 6: W h a t t o D o i f Yo u r e F e e l in g R us h e d
Occasionally, you may feel rushed by your interviewer. Perhaps some- thing has come upa
deadline or a meetingand your interviewers body language and verbal cues say: I dont have
much time. Or maybe your meeting has been delayed for some reasonperhaps the interviewer
is still speaking with another candidateand there isnt much time for your interview.
If youve scheduled back-to-back appointments or if your lunch hour at your current
job is coming to a close (which means that you wont have enough time for this interview),
simply say that you need to reschedule. What you do not want to communicate is
disappointment, frustration, or, especially, anger.
Instead, reiterate your interest in the company and in the position. Be understanding.
Reassure your interviewer with a comment, such as Unfortunately, I have another
appointment in 30 minutes. It will be no trouble at all to reschedule the interview. I
understand that appointments are sometimes delayed by other meetings or emergencies.
Showing that you can be flexible in this situation will work to your advantage.
Salvaging a rushed interview takes a little more work and confidence. Suppose your
interviewer says, Usually I take an hour for these interviews, but I only have 15
minutes. Take control of the process by asking, What elements of my background would
you most like me to talk about in the time we have? If the interviewer begins talking,
track where he or she is going. For example, the inter- viewer might want to discuss
employment history, or your college major. After youve given a concise response, it would
be perfectly appropriate for you to mention that there are only a few minutes left. At this

Handling difficult Interview situations

point, you could ask, What are the most important things for me to tell you about myself
in the time we have left? If you know yourself and your success stories well, you will have
no trouble finding one or two to illustrate those things.
P r o b le m # 7 : H o w t o D e a l w i t h a C h a n g e i n th e To n e o f t h e I n ter v i ew w
Say the interview has been going well, but now your interviewer has been called out of the
room. When he comes back, he has a different demeanor and the mood in the room has
definitely changed. Obviously something has happened. Once again, try to be flexible. Perhaps you
could say, If were short on time, would it be helpful for me to tell you anything else about
myself in particular? In other words, take a proactive stance. Try to save the interview, but be
diplomatic, especially if your interviewer is still visibly upset. Dont say, What happened to
you? Communicate that you are aware that something has changed and offer to make things
If the conversation has petered out or become too uncomfortable to move forward,
suggest that you meet again another time. You could broach the subject in this way: If
you would prefer to meet at another time, I would be more than happy to return when
it is convenient for you.
P r o b le m # 8 : H o w t o H a n d le S u r p r i s e o r I lle g a l


What if youre in the middle of an interview when you discover that youd be working the
third shift if you got the job? Do not become aggressive, Really? Nobody told me! Instead, try
to be as calm as possible and say something that wont take you out of the running, such as:
I wasnt aware of that. Can you tell me more?
How often and for how long would I work a late shift?
Is that the permanent schedule, or would it apply only to the first few months?
In other words, keep the lines of communication open before you decide the job isnt for
A number of state and federal laws make it illegal for interviewers to ask questions about your
marital status, sexual orientation, age, nationality or ethnicity, or religion. On rare occasions,
such questions may arise (usually because the interviewer is not aware that the question he or
she asked is illegal).
Think about how you will handle such a question if it comes up. You might ask how the
information relates to the job, tactfully change the subject, or even answer the question if you
feel comfortable doing so.
For more information on illegal interview questions, Refer chapter Illegal questions .Finally all

Handling difficult Interview situations

employers need to know if potential candidates can work the scheduled hours for the
open position. You may get the question, Does anything prevent you from working from 8
A.M. to 7 P.M. Monday through Friday? Although this question is perfectly legal, it can
cause a candidate to disclose unnecessarily personal information about marital status, religious
practices, or child or elder care. You must answer this question honestly.
If your religious observances prevent you from working certain hours, you need to tell
the interviewer when youre asked that question. However, you should also add that in the
past, your religious practices have not interfered with you completing your class work or work
with former employers. Be prepared to back up that claim with a list of references that will
support your statement.

Interview Follow-up


Interview Follow-up


2. Job Interview Follow-Up Do's and Don'ts


Thank you letters


Thank you letter general guidelines


Sample Thank you letters

Interview Follow-up

Many people feel that once they make it through an interview they are done with the interview
process. The interview is not over until you or someone else has been offered and accepted the

job. You need to follow-up after the interview. By following-up you show the employer that you are

well-mannered, focused, enthusiastic, detail-oriented, have the ability to follow through, and
that you have good work ethics. Follow-ups will give you a competitive edge and show the employer







If you really want this job, you should focus on doing several things during the post-interview
period. While you closed the interview once, when you left the interview site, you need to further

close it through post-interview activities that will maintain the attention and interest of the

Its Not over until Its Over

Once the interview is over, you still have work to do. This is not the time to sit back and
wait to be called. For starters, as soon as possible after each interview and while it is
fresh in your mind, record information about the encounter that you can review later.

Try to be as specific as possible: list everything from the name of the person(s) you spoke

with to the data you gathered regarding the position and organization; your skills that
particularly fit the job requirements; and when the employer indicated the next decision

would be made. This is also a good time to mark on your calendar the date in mind ,
when you will place your follow-up call.
Next, within two days, write a nice thank you letter. Express your appreciation to the
employer for a good interview. Indicate your continued interest in the position, assuming

this is the case, and briefly summarize your skills as they relate to the position. Close by

Interview Follow-up

indicating you are waiting to hear from him by expected date use the date he indicated

he would have made his decision. Keep this letter focused and brief. The employer is a

busy person and is not likely to appreciate nor read a lengthy letter. Bear in mind
that, though it is a thank-you letter, it is a business letter. It should be typed using a

letter quality printer and good quality business-size stationery and mailed in a business

envelope. At the same time, if youve been communicating with the employer by e-mail,
which indicates you have permission to e-mail, go ahead and e-mail the letter in addition
to sending a hard copy in the mail. Use the following e-mail attention line:
Thanks for meeting with me today.
At the very least, sending a thank-you letter is a courteous thing to do. However, you may
get more mileage out of it than just doing the right thing. When your letter arrives,
it will remind the interviewer of your candidacy. The brief summation of your skills as
they relate to the job focuses his\her attention on the fit between you and the
position. You have also reminded his\her that you expect to hear from his\her by a
particular date. And if by chance you are one of the few to send a thank you letter,
you will have set yourself apart from the crowd.

Keep the Process Continue

If you do not hear from the employer by the date specified, you must follow through and
make the call to inquire whether a decision has been made. If they have not made a
decision yet, your call will again put your candidacy in their minds, and this may put you a
few points ahead of others under consideration. Your dedication and follow-through will
probably score a few more points in your favor. While follow-up alone will not get you the
job, if it is a close decision and you call and the other candidate does not, your follow-up
phone call could be your ticket to nailing the job!

Follow-Up Means You Follow Through

Do both yourself and the employer a favor. If you asked if it would be okay to call the
employer in regards to the hiring decision, make sure you do. Too often individuals learn the
importance of follow-up, but they only take i t to the stage of seeking permission to follow up
or they state they will call at a particular time. But when the time comes, they either
forget to do so or they get cold feet and decide not to

make that critical telephone

call. If you said you would follow up on a particular date, make sure you do. Your follow-up

actions will indicate to the employer that you are someone who also follows through in doing
what you say you will do. If you call and are told the decision has not been made, ask when

you might hear from the employer and if it would be okay to call again in another few
days. If, on the other hand, the decision has been made and you were not chosen, write

another thank-you letter, in which you express your is appointment in not being chosen.
Sincerely cite your


for the

opportunity to interview




Interview Follow-up






in working with the employer. You may later

discover this thoughtful letter will lead to a later job offer. Chances are you will be

remembered by the employer as a considerate person. And in the end, that is what the
job search and interview are all about - being remembered as someone who should be

offered the job. Make sure you follow through your follow-up in a positive manner that will
get you remembered for future reference. If you are offered the job, you also should
write a thank-you letter, , in which you express your appreciation for the confidence given
to you. This can be a very effective thank-you letter. It sets an important stage for
developing a new and hopefully productive relationship in the coming months and years. It
helps relieve the anxiety of the employer who may still be uncertain about his hiring

In the end, how well you conducted the interview, including the quality of your presentation
during this immediate post-interview phase, will set the stage in determining how well you
will do on the job. The simple courtesy of a thank-you letter is the right thing to do
for both personal and professional reasons. I t will help you get off on the right foot to
continued career success with this new employer.


Always remember these key rules and strategies for following-up your job interviews.

Do ask at the end of the interview when the employer expects to make the hiring

Do be proactive and consider follow-up a strategic part of your job search process.
Follow-up can give you just the edge you need to get the job offer over others who
interviewed for the position.

Do use these follow-up techniques to continue to show your enthusiasm and desire for the
position, but dont make it seem as though you are desperate.

Do obtain the correct titles and names of all the people who interviewed you. (Ideally, do
get each persons business card.)

Do write individual thank you notes or letters to each person who interviewed you -- within
two business days. Each letter can be essentially the same, but try to vary each a bit
in case recipients compare notes. Dont ever fail to send a thank you -- even if you are
sure the job is not for you. And do write thank you notes after every interview.

Interview Follow-up

Don't worry so much about hand-written versus typed thank you letters, but dont make
a mistake by sending it through the wrong medium; make sure you know the best
method of reaching the employer, whether by regular mail, email, or fax.

In your thank you letter, do show appreciation for the employers interest in you and do
remind the employer about why you are the perfect person for the position.

Don't ever have any errors (misspellings or typos) in your thank you letters.

Do alert your references -- if you have not done so already -- that they may be
getting a phone call from the employer.

Don't stop job-hunting, even if you feel confident that you will get a job offer. Do
continue to interview and attempt to find other opportunities.

Do follow-up with a telephone call to the employer within a week to ten days (or sooner, if
the employer had a shorter timetable) to ask about the position. And do continue to
build rapport and sell your strengths during the phone call.

Do be patient. The hiring process often takes longer than the employer expects.

Do continue following-up, especially if the employer asks you to. Remember the adage
about the squeaky wheel getting the oil. Just dont go overboard and annoy or bother
the employer.

Don't place too much importance on one job or one interview; there will be other
opportunities for you.

Do use other job offers as leverage in your follow-up -- to get the offer you really want.

Don't burn any bridges if you do not get a job offer. And do try and turn the situation
into a positive by bringing the interviewer(s) into your network, possibly even asking them
for referrals to other contacts.

Interview Follow-up

Thank-you letters
Thank-you letters let an employer or contact know that you appreciate the time they
have spent discussing a position or career with you. Sending a thank-you letter is

expected business etiquette and will set you apart from the crowd. Thank- you letters
also show attention to detail and demonstrate follow-up skills. Like cover letters, the

thank-you letter acts as a sample of your writing ability. Each thank-you letter should

be unique; if you interview with more than one person at a company, they will know if you
send identical letters.

Your thank-you letter can be sent on the same paper as your resume and cover letter.

If you have created a letterhead for your cover letters, use it for your thank-you

letters too. For less formal settings, such as education or social service, you may handwrite a thank-you letter. For most business situations, type the letter using a standard
business format.

An effective follow-up letter serves two purposes:


It reminds the interviewer of your skills, knowledge and abilities; with the number

of candidates they are interviewing, it can be easy to get lost in the crowd.

(2) It demonstrates that you remain interested in working for the company and
that you were impressed by the organizational culture.

Follow-up letters should convey these points:


A unique first statement is always important. Show that you are still
interested in the company's current concerns and goals.

2. Show you have something specific to contribute that would benefit the

3. Let them know you would like to hear from them soon. Show respect and

Thank You Letter General Guide Lines

The letter has to be sent before the decision to hire a particular candidate has
been made.

Interview Follow-up

It is your last opportunity to mention any information you missed to mention in

your CV, Cover Letter or Interview.

Remember and/or write down your interviewers name because you will need to use
it when writing your follow-up letter or thank you note. If you were interviewed by
more than one person, either send a separate letter or note to each person or
send a single letter to a key person for distribution. When sending more than
one letter, tailor the message to each recipient.

Clear up any misunderstandings.

Even if you were turned down for the job, use the thank-you letter to express

your appreciation for being considered and your interest in future opportunities.

It should be sent the same day if possible. Remember, everything is looked at and
the employer will notice the date of your letter (meaning the date stamped on
the envelope).

You can email a follow-up letter if you have the email address of the
interviewer(s)- do not email to a random company email address.

Clearly explain the level of your interest for the open position.

Summarize your skills, qualifications, your educational background, and any other
job training that relates to the position.

Offer any information you forgot to mention in the interview.

Provide complete contact information-Email Address(es), Cell Phone, Home Phone,

Fax etc.


Should I e-mail, hand-write, or type, print, and mail my follow-up letter?

The answer is, it depends. With so many ways of sending communications, you may feel

confused as to how to send a follow-up letter. Send an e-mail when a hiring decision is
going to be made within the week. This will ensure that your letter gets read before its

too late. A handwritten note works well if you have nice handwriting and if youre

sending a card with a quick note; we wouldnt recommend handwriting a note on loose-

leaf paper. If time allows, you should send a typed letter through e-mail. The reason why
I prefer this method is that it is easy to for a decision-maker to delete an e-mail but

most likely, a snail-mailed letter will end up in your file. Again, a snail-mailed letter is
not always possible, so do the next best thing and e-mail the letter instead.

After interviewing at a company, should I send a letter to all interviewers?

Interview Follow-up

Yes. You should send a letter to each interviewer because each one has his/her own
concerns and reasons for participating in the selection process. For example, a direct

supervisor may be looking for a new hire that will make her look good to the powers that
be. On the other hand, a peer will be looking for a coworker he can get along with
when participating in work activities or when grabbing a beer during Friday night happy

hour. Having two different audiences means that you canand shouldcreate two
different follow-up letters.


After a job interview
Send a letter to each person who interviewed you.

Mail the letter no later than 2 days after the interview, preferably the next day.

In the letter: Thank the person for their time. Review the major requirements of the
job and how you meet those requirements, refer to something discussed in the
interview, and restate your interest in the position.
After an informational interview
Mail the letter within a week

In the letter: Thank the person for their time. Review specific areas in which they were
of help, explain the next course of action in your career search. Let them know you
will keep in touch (if appropriate).

Withdrawing your interest in a position, after an interview

Mail the letter as soon as you are sure you do not want the position.
In the letter: Thank the person for considering you for the position, explain your

decision in such a way as to leave the option of future employment open. There is no
need to go into detail.

After being rejected for a position

While optional, this letter can leave open future communication if you were a finalist in
the search or if you were rejected for lack of experience.
Mail the letter within a week of notification.

In the letter: Thank them for considering you. State your continued interest in the

position and in the company. Express your hopes for a future opportunity with a better

When accepting a position

Mail the letter within a week.

Interview Follow-up

In the letter: Thank them for the job offer and state that you are happy to accept

the offer. Include your title, salary and job duties as you understand them. State your
start date. Ask for written confirmation of the offer, if you have not already received
it. Generally such type of letter is called acceptance letter.


Your Address

Your City, State, Zip Code


Persons Name


Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Dear (Mr./Mrs./Ms. Persons Last Name):

Interview Follow-up

First paragraph - Express appreciation for the opportunity to be interviewed, referring to

the position for which you were applying.

Second paragraph - Indicate one or two areas discussed in the interview that were of
particular interest. Mention your strong qualifications or background that will enable
you to perform the job. Add relevant experience that you omitted during the interview.

Third paragraph - State that you would like the position and the reason you would be an

asset to the company. Indicate that you are looking forward to the results of the
interview, and that you will call in a week to check on the results.



Typed name

A sample thank you letter that you use after an interview, as a guideline or template,
will save you a lot of time when preparing this type of correspondence. Since you should
prepare it before the job interview when you are not nervous and have a clear head,

the letter will really increase your chances of making or reinforcing a good impression.


Interview Follow-up

Example Thank-You Letter

Your Street Address
Your City, State Zip Code

Persons Name
Name Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear (Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. Persons Last Name):
Thank you for the opportunity to interview yesterday for the (name of position)
position. I appreciated your hospitality and enjoyed meeting you and the
members of your staff.
The interview confirmed my initial positive impression of (name of company) and
reinforced my strong interest in being associated with such a(n) (adjective)
organization. I was particularly pleased to learn (name something gleaned from
interview). My prior experience in (type of experience), plus my training in (refer
to training), will enable me to become a strong contributing member of your
(name of team) team.
Please let me know if there is any information I can provide that will help you in
your decision-making. If I do not hear from you prior to (date), as you suggested
during the interview, I will call you next (day of week) to see how your selection
process is progressing.
Your Name


Interview Follow-up


29932 Thornton Drive

Chester, GA 10019
3, April 2006
Peter Norton, Director Marketing
Department Service International
1009 State Street
Atlanta, GA 31010
Dear Mr . Norton:
Thank you again for the opportunity to interview for the marketing
position. I appreciated your hospitality and enjoyed meeting you and
members of your staff.
The interview convinced me of how compatible my background, interests, and
skills are with the goals of Service International. My prior marketing
experience with the Department of Commerce has prepared me to take a
major role in developing both domestic and international marketing
strategies. I am confident my work for you will result in considerably
expanding the Pacific markets within the next two years.
For more information on the new product promotion program I mentioned,
call David Garrett at the Department of Commerce. His number is 102-7210132. I tallied to Dave this morning and mentioned your interest in this
I look forward to hearing from you on April 25th.


Interview Follow-up


20 Black Road
Blacksburg, MA 24360
(540) 555-8888
February 1, 2005

Mr. Kumar
Cell Technology

360 Palm Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Dear Mr. Kumar

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. Your advice was most helpful in
clarifying my questions on careers in CAD\CAM industry.

I have taken your advice and have made appointments to talk with three of the people you
suggested. I am sure their advice will also be helpful to me. Please keep me in mind if you
know of someone in the near future who is looking for an individual with my background.
Again, thanks so much for your help. I will keep in touch with you and let you know what
opportunities I take during the rest of this year.


Interview Follow-up

Job Seeker


Johan William
138 Marian Way

Chapel Hill, NC 21166

(919) 222-1959

Dr. N. Kumar

Technical Design Group Director

Cassey Engineering Systems Inc.

81392 Gulick Road,

Charlotte, NC 282155 .
Nov. 15, 2000
Dear Dr. Kumar
I want to thank you very much for interviewing me yesterday for the associate engineer
position. I enjoyed meeting you and learning more about your research and design work.
The interview strengthened my enthusiasm for the position and interest in working for
Cassey. I believe my education and cooperative education experiences fit nicely with the job
requirements, and I'm certain I could make a significant contribution to the firm over


Interview Follow-up

I would like to reiterate my strong interest in the position and in working with you and your
staff. You provide the kind of opportunity I seek. Please feel free to call me at the
telephone number listed above if I can provide you with any additional information.
Again, thank you for the interview and for your consideration.

Johan william


30 Black Road
Blacksburg, MA 24360
(540) 555-8888
February 1, 2005
Mr. N. Kumar
United Way

2800 E. Broad Street

Richmond, MA 23298
Dear Mr. N. Kumar


Interview Follow-up

Thank you for talking with me on Wednesday in response to my inquiry about summer
internship possibilities in social services in the Richmond area. After speaking with you and

another Thapar Tech alumnus whose name I obtained through TT CareerPoint at Career
Services, I think I am much better prepared to pursue internship opportunities.

On your advice, I have updated my resume, emphasizing my recent hotline volunteer

activities. A copy is enclosed for you. I also plan to contact Lerrron Warren as you
suggested, and appreciate your giving me her name.

Thank you for inviting me to visit your office. I will be in Richmond during spring break, so I
will call your office two weeks prior to see if it would be convenient to schedule a visit.

Again, thank you so much for your help and advice. I look forward to meeting with you in


(your handwritten signature)

R.S Joshi



1564 Court Street

St. Louis, MO 513 1167

September 2 1,

Ralph Willam, President

S.T. Ayer Corporation


Interview Follow-up

692 1 Southern Blvd. St. Louis, MO 531 63

Dear Mr. Willam :

I appreciated your consideration for the Research Associate position. While I am

disappointed in not being selected, I learned a great deal about your company and enjoyed
meeting with you and your staff. I felt particularly good about the professional manner in
which you conducted the interview.

Please keep me in mind for future consideration. I have a strong interest in your company
and believe we would work well together. I will be closely following the progress of your

organization over the coming months. Perhaps we will be in touch with each other at some
later date.
Best wishes.



1217 Black Street


Interview Follow-up

Worcester, NY 01602
October 15, 2004

Ms. John Selver
Director of Human Resources
Distinguished Fidelity
175 Boylston Avenue
Boston, MA 01949
Dear Ms. Selver,
Thank you for the opportunity to interview yesterday for the analyst trainee position. I enjoyed
meeting you and John Fitzgerald and learning more about Distinguished Fidelity.

Your organization appears to be growing in a direction that parallels my interests and career
goals. The interview with you and your staff confirmed my initial positive impressions of Distinguished

Fidelity, and I want to reiterate my strong interest in working for you. My prior experience as
treasurer of my class, plus my Business College training in accounting and finance would enable me

to progress steadily through your training program and become a productive member of your
research team.

Again, thank you for your consideration. If you need any additional information from me, please
feel free to call.
Yours truly,



Interview Follow-up


1497 Black Street
Worcester, MA 01602
October 5, 2005
E-mail: MALT@loa.reg
Ms. Mikay Selver
Director of Human Resources
Distinguished Fidelity
175 Boylston Avenue
Boston, MA 01949
Dear Ms. Selver:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for the analyst trainee position. I appreciate
your consideration and interest in me.
Although I am disappointed in not being selected for your current vacancy, I want you to know
that I appreciated the courtesy and professionalism shown to me during the entire selection
process. I enjoyed meeting you, John Fitzgerald, and the other members of your research staff.
My meetings confirmed that Distinguished Fidelity would be an exciting place to work and build a
I want to reiterate my strong interest in working for you. Please keep me in mind if a similar
position becomes available in the near future.
Again, thank you for the opportunity to interview and best wishes to you and your staff.
Sincerely yours,
John Halter


Interview Follow-up


3493 Modern Street

Worcester, CA 01602
December 5, 2002
Ms. Allen Setven

125 Boylston Avenue

Boston, MA 01949

Dear Ms. Setven,

It was indeed a pleasure meeting with you and Mr. Fitzgerald last week to discuss your
needs for an analyst trainee.

As I discussed with you during our meetings, I believe one purpose of preliminary interviews is
to explore areas of mutual interest and to assess the fit between the individual and the
position. After careful consideration, I have decided to withdraw from consideration for
the position.

My decision is based upon two factors. First, the emphasis on data entry is certainly needed
in your case, but I would prefer more balance in my work activities. Second, the position
would require more travel than I am willing to accept with my other responsibilities.

I want to thank you for interviewing me and giving me the opportunity to learn about your
needs. You have a fine staff and I would have enjoyed working with them.
Yours truly,


Interview Follow-up

David john



Interview Follow-up

23 Roanoke Street

Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 111-1223
November 23, 2004

Mr. John Webb

Deltron Hampton & Associates

810 K Street, N.W., Suite 1720
Washington, DC 20001-8000
Dear Mr. Webb:
Thank you so much for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with me last Tuesday. It was
very helpful to me to learn so much about the current projects of Deltron Hampton & Associates

and the career paths of several of your staff. I appreciate your reviewing my portfolio and
encouraging my career plans. I also enjoyed meeting Beth Ormond, and am glad to have her
suggestions on how I can make the most productive use of my last semester in college.

Based on what I learned from my visit to your firm and other research I have done, I am very
interested in being considered for employment with your firm in the future. I will be available to
begin work after I graduate in May 2005. As you saw from my portfolio, I have developed strong

skills in the area of historical documentation and this is a good match for the types of projects in
which your firm specializes. I have enclosed a copy of my resume to serve as a reminder of my
background, some of which I discussed with you when we met.

During the next few months I will stay in contact with you in hopes that there may be an
opportunity to join your firm. Thank you again for your generous help.

(handwritten signature)



Interview Follow-up


1170 Black Street

Blacksburg, VA 14060
(540) 111-6241
March 3, 2006
Ms. John Smith

Personnel Manager

Sheldon Computers and Electronics

1212 Lark Lane

Richmond, VA 23230
Dear Ms. Smith:
Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you and see your facilities last Wednesday. Both the
interview and the tour made for an exciting and complete day.

I was particularly impressed with your warehousing procedures. Mr. Singh was so thorough in
explaining your process to me, and I will be corresponding directly with him to express my

appreciation. Incidentally, the process you use is quite similar to one I have been researching

through an independent study this term. Perhaps I can share my final report with you and Mr.

The expense report you requested is enclosed.


Interview Follow-up

Again, thank you for your hospitality during my visit and for all your efforts to arrange my visit.

Having seen your operation, I am all the more enthused about the career opportunity that Sheldon
Computers and Electronics offers. I look forward to your decision.



Practice tests


Practice Tests

Common Interview Questions

Interview questions for Engineering
Teaching Candidates
Executive, Management & Supervision

Practice tests

Perfect practice makes the man perfect

The Practice tests are essential tools for you to practice and perfect your answers to the

most common interview questions. Mostly every interviewer will ask you some of these

questions. If you are prepared to address these questions, you will leave a very good
impression that you well were prepared for your job interview.


(Compulsory for all categories)

1. Self-evaluation and Education


Tell me about yourself.

2. Why did you choose Engineering as a career?

3. What are your long range career objectives?
4. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
5. How would your __________ (friends/teachers/former
employers/family members) describe you?
6. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
7. In what ways do you see yourself needing further development in order
for you to be fully effective in your career?
8. What qualifications do you have that will help you be successful in

Practice tests

9. In what kind of working environment are you most comfortable?

10. What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?
11. What aspects of a job do you consider most important?
12. What contributions could you make in this organization that would help you
to stand out from other applicants?
13. What kinds of people do you like working with?
14. What was the last book that you read? How did it affect you?
15.What can you bring to this organization?
16. Do you consider yourself a team player? Why?
17. How do you measure your own performance?
18. What do you like the least about the career that you're seeking?
19. Why did you choose the college that you attended?

Why did you select the major that you that you selected?

21. Tell us about your extra-curricular activities in school?


What aspects of your education will assist you in the job that you

are seeking?

How will your degree help you succeed in the job that you are

interviewing for?

If we were to ask your professors what single quality that you

possess is the most outstanding, what would they say?


What was the hardest class you took in college?


How has your education prepared you for this position?

Practice tests


Which courses that you took will contribute the most to your

effective performance in this job?


What was the single most important lesson that you have learned in


What do you like the most about the career that you're seeking?

What are you looking for in a company?


What are some of the advantages to working in your field of work?

31. Have your university and major met your expectations?


Describe your management style.


What position do you expect to have in 2 to 5 years?


Are you a self-starter? Give me examples to demonstrate this?


How long would it take for you to make a meaningful contribution?


Are your grades good indicators of your academic abilities?


What were the three most significant accomplishments in your last


What other positions are you considering?


What were the five most significant accomplishments in your career

so far?

How would your colleagues describe you?

41. What are your personal interests and hobbies?


What advance notice do you need to give for leaving your current


Is there anything else we should know about you?

Practice tests

2. Work Experience

Tell us about your present job.

2. Why did you leave your last company?

3. What professional abilities should we know about?
4. How have your prior positions helped prepare you for a
____________Engineering / Law / Management) career?
5. Describe the most interesting project that you worked on last summer/last
year. What about it was so appealing to you?

Did you receive an offer from your prior summer employer? If not, why?

7. What was wrong with your current or last position?

8. What do you think of your present or past boss?
9. Have you kept up in your field with additional training?

Why do you want to leave your current job?


Describe a typical workday in your previous position.

12. What are your current duties?

13. Why did you change your job frequently?
14. Tell me about a project that you have completed in your current job

3. Interest in Position

What would you like to know about our organization?

2. Why did you decide to interview with us? Where else are you

Practice tests

3. What is your geographical preference? What ties do you have to our

4. How do you think you can make a contribution to our practice or
5. In what particular area(s) of practice are you most interested?
6. Do you have any outstanding job offers? If so, where? Why are you
looking again?
7. What do you enjoy about this industry?
8. How do you feel about working long hours and/or weekends?
9. This organization is very different to your current employer-how do you
think you are going to fit in?
10. What questions didn't I ask that you expected?
11. What kind of hours are you used to working or would like to work?
12. If you took the job what would you accomplish in the first year?
13. Why are you looking for a new career?
14. What if we lost an employee and your workload temporarily increased?
15.What would you say if you were asked to work late on a Friday evening?
16. What about yourself would you want to improve
17. In which area do you need to make the improvement in?
4. Salary

What kind of salary would you require to accept this position?

2. What kind of salary do you think you are worth?

Practice tests


What kind of salary do you believe you will be earning in say, five years?


Can you explain your salary history?

5. Personal Qualities
Strengths and Weaknesses

Why should we hire you?

2. What are your three greatest strengths?

3. What can you contribute to our organization?
4. Assume that you are a candidate in the coming general election. Tell me
why you are the best candidate in the field.
5. What is your greatest strength?
6. We've interviewed a number of highly qualified students for this position.
What sets you apart from the others?
7. What are your strengths?
8. What part of your current job are you the most comfortable with?
9. What are your strong points and how have they helped you to succeed?
10. What is your greatest weakness?
11. Name your three greatest weaknesses.
12. Which is the worst of your three greatest weaknesses and why?
13. What part of your current job are you the least comfortable with?
14. What are your weak points and how have you overcome them?

Practice tests


How confident are you that you can successfully perform the duties of
this position and why?

2. Tell us about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence

that you have in yourself.
3. Tell us about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence
your manager has in you.
4. Tell us about a situation that would show the confidence your coworkers
have in you.


Are you creative? Give us one example of your creativity.

2. Describe a situation where you came up with a creative solution to a

3. Give an example of a situation where you used good judgment and logic.
Pressure and risk


What experience have you had in pressure situations?

2. Tell us about a pressure situation you were in that would demonstrate

your ability to work under pressure.
3. Provide us with an example of how youve asserted yourself in an
emergency or high-pressure situation?
4. What are some constructive methods of dealing with stress?
5. What kind of pressures have you encountered at work?

Practice tests

6. How do you deal with risk on the job?

7. Name the greatest risk that you've taken?
8. Name the greatest risk that you've taken which resulted in failure.

Responsibility and Independency


Briefly describe the most significant responsibility you have had in your
career and what it taught you?

2. How do you handle responsibility?


Provide us with an example of your ability to work independently.

4. How do you manage your time?


How do you effectively communicate with others?

2. How important is listening to effective communications?

3. What are some of the characteristics of a good listener?
4. Tell us about a situation where you demonstrated good communications
5. How would you rate your communications skills? Why?
6. What are some rules to follow to insure effective communications with
your coworkers?
7. Are there additional considerations in communicating to groups of
employees versus individual employees?
8. What are some good rules to keep in mind when directing employees?

Practice tests

9. In what instances, is written communication better than verbal



Define leadership?

2. What personal qualities should a leader have?

3. What is your strongest leadership skill and how will it assist you for this
4. Provide us with an example of your leadership ability.
5. Discuss the different styles of leadership.
6. Name some of the circumstances under which a leader will fail.
7. What is the importance of leadership in the organization?
8. What have you done to develop your leadership skills?
9. What is the difference between a leader and a manager?
10. Tell us about a situation in which you demonstrated your leadership ability.

Interpersonal Skills

What do you think your coworker would say about your work?

2. Describe a situation where you had to convince someone of your viewpoint

3. What would your boss say about you - both positive and negative?
4. What would your subordinates say about - both positive and negative?
5. What one thing would your boss say that he or she has the greatest problem with you?
6. Describe a situation in which your work was criticized?
7. What situations make you lose your temper?
8. Tell us about the worst supervisor youve worked under.


Practice tests

9. Tell us about the best supervisor youve worked under.

10. How do you maintain an effective working relationship with your coworkers?

How would your best friend describe you?


What kind of people do you find it difficult to work with?


Give me an example of when you have had to face a conflict of interest

at work

14. Do you prefer to work alone or in a group? Why?


Tell me about the last time you disagreed with your boss.


How do you motivate yourself to complete unpleasant assignments?

2. What motivational techniques do you use with your work unit?

3. What can a supervisor do to enhance an employees job and the employees motivation?
4. What motivates employees?

5. What

are some of the ways in which a team leader can motivate staff?

Tell us about a situation where you motivated your staff to extraordinary



What motivates you?

8. One of the requirements for this position is that the individual be a self-starter. Give
us an example of your ability to be a self-starter.

Decision Making

What type of decisions do you make in your current position?

2. What decisions are easiest for you to make and which ones are the most
difficult? Why?


Practice tests

3. What steps are involved in making a decision?

4. Give us an example of your ability to make decisions under pressure.
5. Tell us about the worst decision that you've made on the job.
6. Tell us about the best decision that you've made on the job.
7. How would you rate a job that requires you to constantly make decisions?
8. Describe a difficult problem that you have had to deal with and how you
have handled it.
9. Give me an example of how you have planned projects.
10. Give me an example of how you have planned projects from start to
finish. What is your development lifecycle?

Illegal questions

Have you ever been arrested?

2. Do you ever abuse alcohol or drugs?

3. What type of position does your spouse have?
4. What does your spouse think about your career?
5. What do you think about romance in the office?
6. Have you ever been sexually harassed?
7. Do you have plans to get married?
8. Do you have any disabilities that affect your work?
9. Do you think that you can supervise (men) (women), and how do you think
they will react?


Practice tests

10. Are you religious? Will your religion prevent you from working extra
hours or on weekends when we have a big project?
11. Do you expect to become have a family? When? How many children will you
12. What clubs or social organizations do you belong to?
13. : How many more years do you see yourself in the work force (before




Asking targeted and intelligent questions in an interview demonstrates that you
have done your homework and research and are motivated to do well if you
land the job.

Here are some sample questions recruiters like to hear from

students. During the interview you will usually be given the opportunity to ask
questions. You should be prepared with questions about the organization that
will help you make an intelligent decision about accepting a job offer. The
questions will vary according to the type of employer and the type of position.
Questions about benefits, vacation, etc., are better asked after a job offer
has been made.

Note: you should ask some questions according to your education, knowledge,
and experience etc.


1. What are some of the objectives you would like to see accomplished in
this job?


Practice tests

2. What are some of the more difficult problems one would have to face in
this position?
3. What type of support does this position receive in terms of people,
finances etc?
4. What freedom would I have in determining my own work objectives,
deadlines, and methods of measurement?

5. What advancement opportunities are available for the person who is

successful in this position, and within what time frame?
6. In what ways has this organization been most successful in terms of
products and services over the years?
7. What significant changes do you foresee in the near future?
8. How does this organization interact with other organizations doing similar

How would you characterize the culture of the company? Management

philosophy? Core strengths?

10. What are the traits of a successful (fill in job description here)?
11. What are the most important responsibilities of the position?
12. Which department will I be working in?
13. What is the company's management style?
14. Who does this position report to? If I am offered the position, can I
meet him/her?
15. How many people work in this office/department?
16. How much travel is expected?


Practice tests

17. Is relocation a possibility?

18. What is the typical work week? Is overtime expected?
19. What are the prospects for growth and advancement?
20. What are the most important skills, knowledge and abilities required for
the position?
21. How are job assignments given?
22. What special training will be required?
23. What is the companys organizational structure?
24. To what extent does the company use formal communications?
25. How much employee turnover has the department had in the past two
26. How often are staff meetings held?
27. What performance goals have been established for the department?
28. Is there a formal training program? If so, how long does the program
last and what does the program cover?
29. If I am extended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start?
30. When can I expect to hear from you?
31. If I am hired, where do you see me best suited, which area or division?
32. What is the natural career progression or path for employees with my
33. Does your organization have a coaching or mentoring program? What kind
of internal and external training do you provide?
34. What is the compensation range for this position?


Practice tests

35. What are your plans for expansion in terms of product lines, services,
new branches, etc.?
36. How would you differentiate your company from your major competitors?
37. What is the next step? Will I be hearing from you or should I contact
38. What is expected of new hires?

How will I know that I have met your goals?

40. How would you describe your companys management style and decision
making habits?
41. What kinds of people are most satisfied working for your company?
42. How is the company positioned against the competition?
43. What does success mean to you?
44. How and when will my performance be evaluated on this job? How is
success measured in this department / organization?
45. How does this company compare to its competitors?
46. I read in your literature that your training program is comprised of three
six-month rotations. Does the employee have any input into where he will
go at the end of each rotation? How do you evaluate the employee's
performance during the training period?
47. I read in Business Week that a major competitor of yours is increasing
its market share in your main market. What plans does your firm have to
regain its lost market share?


Practice tests

48. Can you please tell me how your career has developed at this
organization? Would someone entering the firm today have similar
49. Does the management encourage the policy of promotion from within the
50. Describe typical first year assignments on the job.
51. What are the challenging facets of the job?
52. What are the organization's plans for future growth or change?
53. What are the organization's strengths, and what challenges does it face?
54. What are your expectations for new hires within their first three to six
months on the job?
55. Describe the work environment.
56. . How are employee accomplishments and achievements recognized?
57. What is the overall structure of the department where the position is
58. What qualities are you looking for in your new hires?
59. What problems might I expect to encounter?
60. Do you have a written job description for this position?
61. What resources will be available to me to insure that I will be able to meet
the requirements of the position?
62. What authority would I have? How would you define the scope of this


Practice tests

63. What do you consider the strengths and weaknesses of your major
competitors?(ideally, the candidate should be able to name the competitors)
64. Does this organization have any plans for new
65. What can you tell me about others with whom I will work directly?
66. Are employees afforded an opportunity for continuing education?
67. What are the next steps in this interview process? When can I expect
to hear from you?
68. What training and educational opportunities are available for career
69. What opportunities do employees have to learn about and work in other
70. How frequently do you relocate professional employees?
71. What is the exact title of the position?
72. What are the specific duties?



Introduce yourself?

2. How did you initially decide to study engineering?

3. How can prospective engineering students assess their skill and aptitude?
4. What was the hardest thing youve had to do in your engineering career?
5. What made you want to become an engineer?


Practice tests


. What do you enjoy most/least about engineering?

7. Relate to us a challenging technical problem that youve come across and

how you addressed the problem.
8. What kind of qualities does an engineer have to have in order to become
9. What would an engineer who has just come out of college average salary
range be?
10. Tell me about the most challenging engineering project that you have been
involved with during past year.
11. Describe the most significant written technical report or presentation that
you had to complete.
12. In your last engineering position, what were some of the things that you
spent the most time on, and how much time did you spend on each?
13. What new engineering specialty skills have you developed during the past
14. Describe a time when you confronted a problem that really tested your
engineering know-how..
15.What is your overall career objective? Do you see yourself working in
engineering ten years from now? If not, what do you think you will be
16. Describe a time when as a member of the engineering department, you
were instrumental in building a good long-term relationship with another
department within the company.


Practice tests

17. Tell me about your greatest success in using the principles of logic to
solve an engineering problem in your last job.
18. To what extent has your engineering background required you to be skilled
in the analysis of technical reports or information?
19. Describe a time when you used your engineering knowledge to solve a
problem for which there appeared to be no answer.
20. Tell me about a time when you became aware of a hazardous workplace
condition. How did you handle it?
21. Tell me about your experience in dealing with routine engineering work.
How do you keep from getting bored?
22. Give me an example of a time when you had to teach a skill to other
23. Some of the best-engineered ideas are born out of an individuals ability
to challenge, others ways of thinking. Tell me about a time when you were
successful in do this.
23. On your last project assignment, what problems did you identify that had
been previously overlooked?

How has your present or last engineering job changed while youve held

25. Tell me about a time when a project team effort that you were involved
in failed.

For what advice or assistance do fellow engineers turn to you?


Tell me about the most challenging technical proposal youve ever written.


Practice tests


What factors would you consider in building an engineering department

from scratch?

How do you communicate priority projects with a team of other

engineers without making them feel overwhelmed?

30. Describe a specific engineering project that you were responsible for
that required a lot of interaction with a variety of people over a long
period of time.
31. What do you get out of engineering that you couldnt get from any other
kind of work?
32. Describe a typical day out in the field in your last or present job.
33. What step-by-step criteria do you use to make difficult decisions that
involve other engineers?
34. Give me two examples of technical decisions that you had to make on your
last job.
35. Tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision that
affected the entire engineering department.
36. In the field of engineering, priorities often change quickly. Give me an
example of a time when that happened. How did you handle it?
37. How can you best use your engineering education and prior work
experience to help our company grow?

How long have you been looking for an engineering spot? Have you had

any job offers yet? If so, why are you still looking?


Practice tests

39. Tell me about a time when you had to take disciplinary action with an
engineer who reported to you.

What have you specifically done to make the work of the engineers who

report to you easier?

41. How do you feel about the workload in the engineering department on your
present or previous job?
42. Tell me about the last time you lost your temper in the field.
43. What personal characteristics do you feel are necessary to be a
successful engineer?
44. What single technical skill or ability is your best asset?
45. What kind of hours did you typically work in your most recent
engineering job?
46. Describe two specific technical contributions you would expect to make
during the first six

months on the job if you joined our company.



Tell me about yourself.


Why did you decide to become a teacher?


Have you ever taken care of someone? Did you enjoy it?
If you were the Dean of this university l, what changes would you make?


Practice tests


Do you consider yourself a risk taker? (Give an example to back up

your answer.)


Are you a positive and energetic person? (Give an example to back up

your answer.)


If a student said she\he thought you were the worst teacher she\he ever
had, what would you say?


If I were your principal and we were setting goals for next year, what
would they be?


What is the last book you read?


Have you ever considered publishing a book?


Some people say you should demand respect. Do you agree or disagree?


How would you rank these in importance and why? Planning, discipline,
methods, evaluation


If a student came to you and said, "None of the other students like me,"
what would you tell him/her?


Are you an empathetic person? Give an example.


How can you tell that a person is a good listener?


Are you an objective person? Give an example.


How do you feel if a student does not meet a deadline?


It is the first day of class, you are writing something on the board and a
paper wad hits you in the back, what would you do? Later the same day,
if all the students drop their pencils, what do you do?


Practice tests


What was the most frustrating thing that happened to you as a student


What was the best thing?


How do you give your students recognition? Do you think a student can
have too much recognition?


How do you encourage students to learn? Can a student be forced to



How do you handle a child who seems gifted, but is a discipline problem?

20. How

do you feel about computers in the classroom?

How do you present a new word to a class?

22. What

are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?

23. Describe
24. During

your student teaching experience.

your student teaching, were you ever involved with a situation at

school involving racial tension? If so, how did you handle it?
How do you establish authority/discipline? What do you do when a


discipline problem arises?

26. What
27. Do

subjects have you taught?

you ever feel angry towards your students?

28. What

will you be doing in five years?

29. What

is your educational philosophy?


If you could create the ideal school, what would it be like?


Do you like to be challenged? (Give an example to back up your answer.)

32. What

do you like most/dislike most about teaching?


Practice tests


How do you feel about noise in the classroom? How do you handle

noise in the classroom?


Practice Interview


Tell us about yourself.

2. You've been asked to set up and coordinate a meeting.

What actions will

you take?
3. What are your computer skills?
4. How strong are your communication skills?
5. Describe yourself in three words.
6. What are your plans for future?
7. What salary are you looking for?
8. Tell me about your experience in preparing presentations with
9. Tell me about your ability to communicate with different people and
10. We are looking for someone who is willing to wear many hats. How does
this fit with your job search?
11. What do you think about management Is it art or merely the education?
12. After Engineering why did you decide to do MBA program?


Practice tests

13. What is best policy to manage others?

14. Any problem did you encounter with a member of your staff and how did
you handle it?
15.Two employees come to you about a verbal disagreement. One says the
incident happened one way, and the other employee has a different story.
There are no other witnesses. What will you do?
16. You have an exemplary employee who suddenly starts coming in late. How
will you handle this situation?
17. You supervise a group of employees, one employee complains that the
office is too hot, another employee complains that the office is too cold.
How will you handle this?
18. An employee complains that you gave another employee a benefit that the
employee did not receive. He states that this is not fair. How will you
handle this employee?
19. An employee from another group comes to you and complains that your
employee visits the other group constantly and disrupts the work. What
steps will you take?

An employee is not performing the assigned tasks correctly. As the

supervisor what will you do?

21. An employee continues to make careless mistakes. How will you address
the situation?

You notice that an employee is continually on the telephone for

personal telephone calls. What steps will you take?


Practice tests


Your organization does not have a dress code. However, one of

your employees continues to come to work in inappropriate attire. How

will you handle this situation?

A work stoppage has just concluded. A number of employees

participated in the work stoppage, while others came to work. To insure

that your organization continues to work effectively, what steps can you

An exemplary employee starts to become listless at work, misses

deadlines, comes in late, and takes extended breaks. As the supervisor

what action will you take?

It's your first day on the job. Your new job includes the

supervision of 10 employees. What is the first thing you will do?


You smell alcohol on an employee. What will you do?


Two of your staff are involved in a verbal altercation in your

office area. How will you handle this situation?


One of your employees is using derogatory language on a telephone

call. You and a number of your staff hear the employee. What will you do?
If you pursue disciplinary action, what will the charges be?

What experience have you had in supervision?

31. What is the role of a supervisor?


What experience have you had in resolving grievances?


What experience have you had in investigating discrimination/sexual

harassment complaints?


Practice tests


What do you like the best about supervision?


What do you like the least about supervision?


What has been your most positive experience in supervision?


What has been your most negative experience in supervision?


Which aspect of supervision did you feel the most comfortable with?


Which aspect of supervision did you feel the least comfortable with?


Give us an example of a situation that you handled which would

demonstrate your ability to manage work and people in an effective

41. What aspect of supervision is most difficult for you and why?
These questions are presented to help you prepare for the interview. Some
questions may or may not be appropriate for your interviewing situation. By
practicing your responses to some of these questions, hopefully you will not be
taken off guard if asked one of them.

Good luck!


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