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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #26

Lab 2
Things with Wheels
Lead Teacher:

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Callie Su
Mallory Hulbert

Children and Learning/Development Goals:

1. Elyse: Social Emotional: To be more comfortable with others and listening/doing things right when she is
asked to do something. At the reading area, Elyse will read with her teachers and peers about things
with wheels. She will be comfortable sitting with peers and teachers and interacting with them by talking.
2. Lee: Social/Emotional: Social with other peers. At blocks, Lee will spend time playing side by side with his
peers, in parallel play, and interacting with his peers as they make believe with the trucks and cars.
3. Adalynne: Cognitive & Fine Motor: Write letters. Adalynne will have the opportunity to practice writing
letters as she recognizes letters in the books she will read with teachers and peers in the reading area.
4. Kallie: Social/Emotional: Social skills/to be herself. Kallie will have the opportunity to strengthen social skills
as she plays side-by-side with peers at the Things with Wheels block area. She will share or take turns
with the given materials with her peers and will use her words to express her feelings.
5. Aiva: Fine motor skills. Aiva will practice fine motor skills as she drives the bikes through the sand at the
sensory table. Aiva will hold the bikes in pincer grasps and drive them through the sand. She will also pick
up the sand using her hands.
6. Tanner P: Cognitive & Fine Motor: Write his name. Tanner P. will practice writing letters and his name at
the literacy activity at the art table. He will use the bikes and the paint to write letters on the paper.
Preassessment and Findings:
Through observation and parent input, I have learned that many of our preschoolers enjoy riding bikes
and striders. Gunner, Tanner C., and Tanner P. have spent time outside riding the bikes and striders. In fact,
Gunner asks to ride bikes every time we go outside if the bikes are not out. Inside at blocks, Ryan and Lee love to
play with toy cars and trucks. Through observation, Ive learned that the preschoolers love movement. They like to
participate in activities where they are moving their bodies and learning new things. In general, there is clear
interest in things with wheels.
Gunner was riding on a car at the dramatic play car wash. I asked him: What are you riding on? How
does it move? He said: Let me show you. Then, he showed me by moving forward on the car. At another
point, Gunner also sang The Wheels on the Bus. I asked Lee what he was doing while he rode on the car at
dramatic play. He did not respond. I asked Adalynne: Whatre you doing? She said: Riding a car. I asked:
How does it move? She said: Like this and then proceeded to jiggle the steering wheel and looked at the
wheels. Tanner P. said: I know how to make a car move the way you want it to. I asked Emma at dramatic play
how the car was moving. She said: No, we are the cleaners of the cars. I asked Aiva what she was doing and
she said: I dont know. I asked Annie: Whatre you driving? She said a car. I asked: How does it move? She
then shook the steering wheel. I asked Ryan: How does your car move? He said: Like this and used his legs to
push the car across the room.
Miss Brittany asked Pennie, Elyse, Annie, and Aiva: If I turn this way (to the left) which way does the car
go? Aiva said: Right. No, left! Brittany said: If I turn the car this way (to the right) which way does the car go?
The children responded by saying right. Miss Brittany asked: What if its in the middle? The children responded
by saying that the car will go straight. I asked Simon: Does the car go forwards or backwards? He said:
Forwards. I asked: What way does the car go if I turn the steering wheel this way (to the left)? He said: I dont
know. I said: Left. I asked: What way does the car go if I turn the steering wheel this way (to the right)? He
said: Right. I asked: Do you ride a car here? Or do you walk? Simon said he rides a car. I asked: How does a
car work? He said: The steering wheel. I said: How does it move forward? He said: The wheels. I asked
Keelie: Whats this? and showed her a toy car. She said a car. I asked her: How do you get to school? She
said: car. I asked her how it works and she said the wheels. I asked her how it stops and she said: It goes like
this. She showed me the toy car stopping. I asked her: What if the steering wheel goes this way (to the left)?
She turned the car to the right. I asked her: What if it goes this way? Keelie turned the car to the left.
I asked Aiva how many wheels a bike has. She said that they have 4 with the training wheels on the
back. Pennie said: Me too. I asked Aiva how she rides a bike and she responded: With training wheels. As you
keep getting better and better, you can take the training wheels off. Emma said: You just hold onto the bars
and pedal. Price said: Put pedals on it and then ride it. I asked Ollie how to ride a bike and she was silent. I
asked: Do you have any idea? She shook her head and I told her that it was okay. I asked Tanner C. at the art
table if he knew how to ride a bike. He said his training wheels dont work and We took the wheels off and it
worked. We took the pedals off and it didnt work. I asked: So you need pedals to ride it? Tanner said yes.

Another time, Tanner C. said: I need this helmet. I asked him for what and he said: That bike. I asked him how
to move and he showed me by moving his feet and turning the handlebars. I asked Keelie and Adalynne if they
have rode bikes before and they both said yes. Adalynne said: I ride my big bike! I asked her how she rides it
and she said: I put my hands on the handlebars and my feet on the pedals and I go whoosh! Ryan was outside
and walking towards a strider. I asked him: How do you ride this bike? He said he needed a helmet on. I asked
him again after he got a helmet on and then he said like this and moved his fat. I later asked him how he goes
fast on the bike. He moved his feet more quickly. I asked him how he moved slow on the bike and he moved his
feet slowly. I asked Ryan: What are some things that move with wheels? He said: Bicycles and cars. And a
truck. I asked Annie: How do you ride a bike? And she said: I dont know.
Through my preassessment, I have learned that the children know that a car moves forward, that it
moves on wheels, and that the steering wheel turns the car. A misconception they have is that the sole way a car
moves is by the wheels, and not through gas and the engine. Most of them knew the direction the car would turn
when the steering wheel was turned left or right. What the children do not understand is that gas makes it possible
for the car to move forward. They also are not aware of the gas and brake pedals used to move and stop the
car. Most of the children have experience with riding bikes/tricycles/striders. Several of them know that there are
extra wheels on bikes sometimes. A few of them know that we should wear helmets when riding bikes. They know
that in order to move on the striders, they need to move their feet. Those that have experience riding bikes know
that they use the pedals to move forward. Id like to provide for the children opportunities for them to learn and
experience what makes up a car and a bike. Id like to help them learn that we use gas to make cars move, as
well as the pedals in a car and on a bike. Id also like to provide opportunities for them to learn that we add more
wheels to a bike so that it is easier to balance and as we take away wheels, we have to work harder to stay
balanced. They know that there are sometimes more wheels on a bike but do not know the reason why except
for that it is a big bike if it only has two wheels. Id like to help the preschoolers learn that there are different
types of bikes we ride that have different numbers of wheels.
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Bikes have two, three, or four wheels.
2. We use our feet or the pedals to move on a bike.
3. When we ride a bike, we learn how to balance our body.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Quantity: More/Less
2. Math: Compare/Contrast
3. Science: Analyzation

BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lab 2
Lesson #26
Things with Wheels
Lead Teacher:

Callie Su
Mallory Hulbert

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Bikes have two, three, or four wheels.
2. We use our feet or the pedals to move on a bike.
3. When we ride a bike, we learn how to balance our body.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Math: Classifying and Sorting
2. Math: Compare/Contrast
3. Cognitive: Analyzation
Self-Selected: Everyone
Gathering Time & Small Focus: Katie
Wash Toys: Katie
Hand-Washing: Brittany
Snack: Alice
Runner: Callie
Booth/Photographer: Stephanie
Check-In/Check-Out: Stephanie
Greeter: Mallory
Data Collector: Everyone
Special instructions for the day: Mr. Woodruff (Allies Dad) will be coming in at 8:35 (the beginning of gathering
time) to show us a bike and the different parts of it. All of the self-selected activities will be set up before class as
usual. However, we will wait to set up blocks, the art center, and the cars at dramatic play until after gathering
time. We will not clean up any of the activities. At 8:35, I will begin singing the transition song to gather the
children in the gathering area. I will teach them the first and second ITBEs for the first 10 minutes. Mr. Woodruff will
then talk to the group and show us his bike for five minutes. Gathering time will end at 8:50 and self-selected
activities will resume until 10:05, when we will clean up the activities and proceed to small focus. The cars, art
activity, and blocks will be set up after we finish gathering time. We will clean up at 10:05 in order to start small
focus at 10:10. Small focus will finish at 10:25 and we will transition to closing circle.
We also need a circle of tape where the children will sit during gathering time. I will need room to show the bikes.
Literacy Books: I Need Something Round by Gail Blasser Riley (P R16), Fire Engines by Anne Rockwell (P R15), The
Biggest Snowball Ever! By John Rogan (P R11), Ive Been Working on the Railroad by Nadine Bernard Westcott (S N2),
The Wheels on the School Bus written by Mary-Alice Moore and Illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith (S M7), Curious
George Rides a Bike by H.A. Rey (P R24), Supertruck by Stephen Savage (P S7), Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw (P
S21), Trains by Stephanie Turnbull (Z32), Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw (S14), Tippy-Toe Chick, GO! By George
Shannon and Pictures by Laura Dronzek (S49), Big Wheels by Anne Rockwell (R12), Wheels by Venice Shone (S17),
Go, Dog. Go! By P.D. Eastman (E16), Freight Train by Donald Crews (C21), Roller Skates! By Stephanie Calmenson
and Illustrated by True Kelley (C1), Freight Train by Donald Crews (B C26), The Wheels on the Bus by Annie Kubler (B
K10), The Wheels on the Bus by Maryann Kovalski (B K8), Vroom, Chugga, Vroom-Vroom written by Anne Miranda
and illustrated by David Murphy (B M14), The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper (B P7), The Car Washing Street
by Denise Lewis Patrick (P5), Get to Work Trucks! By Don Carter (P C14),

Literacy Activity: Paint the Letters

Activity Description: Bikes at the art table will be set out for children to make paint marks with.
Child Objective: Children will write letters using the toy bikes and the paint. D5 G61: Children will copy letters of the
alphabet and will write letters in their own name.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will help children achieve the goal of this activity by modeling for them and providing
a visual, such as painting a letter in the childs name. Teachers may need to verbally prompt the children to write
letters by saying: Show me how you draw a letter.
Materials: Tempera Paint with Dish Soap (RR1), 3 Bowls with foil to put the paint in (RR1), Cars & Bikes (RR2 B178)
Activity Name
Description/Activity Objective
Special Setup
*Creative Art:
Activity Description: The table will be covered in white butcher paper. The bikes
Race Track (5)
and paints will be placed on the art table.
Paint with
Child Objective: At this activity, children will dip their cars into the paint and
Dish Soap
move their bikes on the paper to make marks. D1 G8: The children will verbalize
their actions as they make paint marks on the paper with the bike. They will
3 Bowls with
recognize the relationship between their action and interaction with the toy bikes foil to put
and the marks on the paper.
the paint in
Intentional Teaching: At this activity, teachers can help children reach the goal of (RR1)
this activity by modeling for them exploration of the materials. The teacher may
Cars & Bikes
ask the children: How do you think we can make marks on the paper with this
(RR2 B178)
bike? or What happens if I dip the bike in the paint and move it on the table?
Activity Description: At this activity, children will hammer pegs into the foam
blocks. The foam blocks and hammers will be set on the table and the pegs will
Block for
Hammering (4)
be placed in a bowl.
Child Objective: The children will use materials to accomplish a task, including a
hammer. Children will strengthen fine motor skills as they stick pegs in the foam
and hammer them using a palmar grasp. D2 G19: The children will coordinate
and Nails,
their physical actions with a sensory input. The children will see the materials and
and Pegs
connect this activity with prior experience and will use their sight and hand-eye
(RR1 W45)
coordination to hammer the pegs.
Intentional Teaching: The teacher will help children accomplish the goal of this
Styrofoam if
activity by modeling the steps of successfully hammering pegs into the foam.
Teachers will model for the children how to initially get the peg in the foam and
(RR1 W50)
then how to hammer it in further. The teacher may also model how to get the
pegs out of the foam so they have more to hammer in.
Math: Counting
Activity Description: The different clocks will be placed on the table for the
Clocks (RR2
Time (4)@
children to explore.
Child Objective: The children will explore materials and will associate the clocks
with time. D4 G43: The children will investigate unfamiliar materials and will
connect math to science using tools of measurement (clocks and time).
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will help children achieve the goal of this activity
by verbally prompting. The teachers may ask the children: What are all of these
thing? and How do you think they work? and What do you think all of the
numbers mean?
Activity Description: At this activity, there will be beach balls, tires, and other
Air Pump
Pumping Air (2)@ inflatable objects set on the table. There will be an air pump placed nearby to
pump up the items. After the items are pumped up, they will need to be deflated Inflatable
for other children to pump up. Teachers will need to monitor that pumped up
Balls (RR2
objects stay at the center and are not thrown/kicked around the room.
Child Objective: Children will pump up objects with air using the air pump. This
has to do with my ideas because we are learning about bikes and the wheels on
bikes. D4 G43: The children will explore unfamiliar materials and investigate the
pump and objects using trial and error.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will help children be successful at this activity by
first asking them questions, such as: These balls are kind of flat. How do you think
we can pump them up with air? The teachers may then model how to pump
the items with the air pump.
*Sensory Table:
Activity Description: Jurassic sand will be put in the sensory table along with the
Biking at the
toy bikes.
Sand (RR1)
Sand Dunes (5)
Child Objective: At this activity, the children will experience with sand by
Bikes (RR2)

*Blocks: Things
with Wheels (5)

*Dramatic Play:
Post Office

scooping, dumping, and moving it to create hills upon which they will drive their
bikes. This has to do with my ideas because my focus is on bikes, their wheels, and
balance. D1 G2: The children will explore the materials and express themselves
through this creative play and their language with peers and teachers.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will help children be successful at this activity by
asking them how they are playing with the bikes and sand. The teacher may also
model for the children how to play with the bikes by creating sand hills with their
hands and riding their bikes over the hills.
Activity Description: The toy bikes, cars, and trucks will be set in the block area
along with the wooden blocks in the classroom. Roads will be made with tape on
the carpet.
Child Objective: At this activity, children will interact with each other with the
same goal in mind. This activity has to do with my ideas because children will be
playing with cars, bikes, and trucks. D3 G28: Children will engage in play with the
blocks and bikes with each other and with a common goal or purpose. The
children will share materials, smile, and make eye contact with each other.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will help children be successful in this activity by
modeling for the children. The teacher may invite a child to come play with the
blocks and bikes with her with peers nearby. The teacher may also ask to play
with the children and share materials with them. The teacher may prompt the
children to say: Can I play with you? or Can I use that bike?
Activity Description: The Post Office materials will be set up in the area. The
mailboxes will be placed on the table or shelf. Children will deliver mail they have
written by using the bikes. Two bikes will be set in the area. Traffic Signs will be
placed in the area, as well. Tape will line the ground for children to bike on the
Child Objective: At this activity, children will share or take turns using materials,
such as the bikes. They will use their words to communicate with each other. This
activity has to do with my ideas because children will be having first hand
experience riding bikes. D3 G28: Children will share materials and use their words
to express what they are feeling with each other.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will help children be successful at this activity by
prompting the children to talk with each other. The teacher may say: Have you
asked to talk to him? or Ask her when you may have a turn.

bikes, cars
(RR2 B178)
Tape (Art
Small Waffle
Blocks (RR2

2 Bikes
Traffic Signs
(large Shed)
Post Office
(RR2 Y244)
(RR2 Y257)

Creative Art:
Stamps (4)

Description: Children will make marks on

the paper by stamping with ink.

2 Stamp Pads and variety of stampers (rolling,

foam, large letters) (RR1 O23)

2nd: Snap Blocks


Description: Children will use their fine

motor muscles to snap the blocks
together and make structures.

Snap Blocks (RR1 W39)

ROTATING SNACK 9:00-9:45 a.m.

1 String Cheese, Pretzels, and Water


9:10-9:45 a.m.

Location: South Playground

*Gross Motor:
Carwash (5)

Description: Bikes, cars, trikes, and striders will be set out on the playground,
along with road signs to direct their traffic. The car wash will be taped to the
small tunnel so that children can ride through the car wash.
Objective: The children will strengthen balance at this activity as they ride
toys with wheels. This has to do with my ideas because the children will have
first hand experience riding things with wheels and will strengthen balance.
D2 G19: The children will strengthen balance and respond to their senses as
they ride the bikes.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will help students be successful at this activity
by saying to them: Wow! You are turning and biking around the corner.

Road signs (Large

Bikes, cars, trikes,
striders (Large
Car Wash
materials (RR2

2nd: Water
Painting (3)@

*3rd: Balance
Beam (2)

What a balance exercise! Teachers may also invite other children to ride
the bikes so they have the opportunity to strengthen balance.
Description: Buckets of water will be placed on the sidewalk on the
playground. There will be foam rollers and paintbrushes placed next to the
Objective: At this activity, the children will use the water to paint letters on
the ground.
Intentional Teaching:
Description: The balance beams will be placed on the playground in a flat
Objective: At this activity, the children will strengthen balance as they walk
on the balance beams. This has to do with my idea because they will be
balancing as they walk on the beams.
Intentional Teaching:

Foam Rollers (RR1)

Paintbrushes (RR1)
Buckets filled with
water (GG)

2 Balance Beams

CLEAN UP 9:45-9:55 a.m.

We will sing the Preschool Clean-up song: Its Clean-up Time at Preschool
9:55-10:10 a.m.
Description: I will play the song: Bumpin Up and Down by Raffi and will move along to the song with the children. I
will play this on the speakers from my phone. I will say to the children after the song ends: Okay, lets sit on our
wagons to keep them from rolling away.
Objective: The children will join the group and will copy the behaviors of those around them. D3 G31: The children
will participate in the transition gathering activity by observing and mimicking the behavior of peers and teachers
around them.
Intentional Teaching: The teacher will help the students in this transition by guiding them towards the group area and
to join in dance and song. The teacher may say: Its time for gathering time! Lets go sing the song with the group!
Activity Name
1. Wheels on
ITBE 1: Bikes have
two, three, or
four wheels.
ITBE 2: We use
our feet or
the pedals to
move on a

Say: Hello, boys and girls! Have a seat behind the line. I have three special
items with me today. One is a bike, one is a tricycle, and one is a strider.
Who has ridden these bikes outside? Thats great! We have lots of
opportunity to practice riding bikes at preschool. How are these bikes
different? There are lots of types of bikes. Some bikes have two wheels,
some bikes have three wheels, and others have four wheels! Yesterday we
learned that for a car to move we need to put gas in it and use the gas
pedal. What do you think we need to do to move on the bike? Yes, we
need to use our feet on the ground or on the pedals to move forward! We
are going to sing a song about things that roll. What do you think rolls on
the ground? Yes, wheels! In this song, we sing about a stroller, tricycle, and
a car. Whenever they roll, we are going to roll our hands like this. (Play
song and sing/dance with children.) Thank you for singing along, boys and

2. Balancing on
ITBE 3: When we
ride a bike,
we learn how
to balance
our body.

Say: We have a guest today! Allies dad is here to teach us about bikes.
(Welcome him and turn the time over to him. He will show the class the
different parts of a bike and how we need balance to ride a bike. He will
also talk about the pedals on the bike and how they work.) Thank you so
much for coming in, Mr. Woodruff! Boys and girls it is time for us to go to
our small groups.

Toddler Bike,
Tricycle, Strider
(Large Shed)
Tape to line the
Rolling by Hap
on my phone
Circle of tape for
children to sit in


10:10-10:25 a.m.
Red Bike:
Green Bike:
Blue Bike:
Elyse, Price, Gunner, and Knox, Lee,
Adalynne, Ryan, Pennie, Annie,
Allie, Tanner P., Keelie, Kallie, Aiva,
and Olive
Simon, and Tanner C.
and Emma
Your Activity
Description & Objective
Transition to
Say: Look at the back of your nametag. If you have a red bike on the back of
Small Focus
your nametag, go with the teacher that has a picture of the red bike on her
pictures of


Activity: Things
with Wheels


nametag, too. Now, if you have a green bike on the back on your nametag, go
with the teacher who has a matching picture. Lastly, if you have blue bike on the
back of your nametag, go with the teacher who has a matching picture.
Activity Description: At this activity, children will engage in read aloud stories
about things with wheels: cars, trains, bikes, and trucks. Books will be provided
from the reading area bookshelf. Three groups will be set up. Children will take
part in an art activity. Children will be given piece of paper with art materials,
including string, feathers, markers, crayons, and pencils. I will print out different
sizes and types of wheels for the children to glue or color on the pages. The art
materials will be set on the tables in little bowls or in baskets.
Child Objective: At this activity, the children will participate in a group reading by
listening to the story and engaging with the book comparing the different types
of things with wheels. D1 G13: Children will use language (including basic
adjectives) to describe the differences between cars, bikes, and other things with
Intentional Teaching: The teacher will prompt the children to engage with the
texts by asking: Whats the difference between a bike and a car? or How are
a car and bike the same?

bikes (IWP)
Books from
bookshelf in
Markers (Art
Crayons (Art
Pencils (Art
Glue Bottles
(Art Shelf)
String (RR1)
50 printed

10:25-10:40 a.m.

Transition: I will play the song: Bumpin Up and Down by Raffi and will move along to the song with the children.
When the song ends, I will say: Okay, lets sit on our wagons so they dont roll away to have the children sit on the
Activity Name
Review: Things

Show pictures of car and bike parts. Play song and roll hands
with children. Emphasize that there are different types of bikes
that have different numbers of wheels. Emphasize that we use
our feet on the pedals or on the ground to make the bike
wheels roll. Discuss the word balance with the children and
practice balancing in a straight line by holding arms out to
side and walking toe to heel.

The Ocean

Sing song and do actions with the children. Words will be

printed out and taped on walls for teachers to see.

Little Rabbit
Foo Foo

Read the book with the children. Say the onset and rime of
words and have the children listen to what word it is. Repeat
with words throughout the book. Say: I dont like your
attitude, scooping up the wriggly /w/ /orms/. Yes, worms!
And continue to read.
Hand each child and teacher a picture of a flower on a
popsicle stick. Sing the song with the children. Words will be
printed out and taped on walls for teachers to see.

Song: Each of
Us is a

Open, Shut

Song: Slippery

Do fingerplay with children. When the words say open open

your hands (palms facing forward). When the words say shut
them close your hands. Follow the directions that are in the
rest of the lyrics, such as placing your hands in your lap when
the lyrics say: Lay them in your lap.
Teacher will sing and dance to song with children. Words will
be printed out and taped on walls for teachers to see.

Book: Were

Read the book with the children. Engage them with the text

Pictures of car, gas station, gas

pump, gas and brake pedals,
bike, trike, strider, bike pedals,
handlebars, and wheels (IWP)
Rolling by Hap Palmer
h?v=34j9SmK9OgQ) on my phone
The Ocean Song by Jbrary
Little Rabbit Foo by Michael Rosen
and Arthur Robins (S M3)

Each of Us is a Flower by
Charlotte Diamond
Flower Sticks (IWP)

Slippery Fish by Charlotte

Were Going on a Bear Hunt by

Going on a
Bear Hunt
Song: I Wanna
Be a Dog

by asking questions and for their input.

Game: Be on
the Floor

Say: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Be on the floor when I am done! 5 clap, clap,

clap 4, clap, clap, clap 3, clap, clap, clap 2, clap, clap, clap
1, clap, clap, clap! Be on the floor when I am done! Have
the children then sit on the floor. Sing the rhyme again but
instead of saying, Be on the floor say: Tap your head. At
the end of the rhyme, the children should tap their head.
Repeat the rhyme with the different tasks, such as stomping
their feet, spinning around, touching their nose, and clapping
their hands.

Sing song and do actions with the children. Words will be

printed out and taped on walls for teachers to see.


Slippery Fish
Slippery fish, slippery fish, sliding through the water,
Slippery fish, slippery fish, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It's been eaten by an?
Octopus, octopus, squiggling in the water
Octopus, octopus, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It's been eaten by a?
Tuna fish, tuna fish, flashing in the water,
Tuna fish, tuna fish, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It's been eaten by a?
Great white shark, great white shark, lurking in the water,
Great white shark, great white shark, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It's been eaten by a?
Humongous whale, humongous whale, spouting in the water,
Humongous whale, humongous whale,
Gulp! ? Gulp! ? Gulp! ? BURP!
Pardon me!
The Ocean Song
Oh the ocean is great and the ocean is grand.
There are lots of tall ships and very little land.
And we sleep down deep in a hammock near the floor
And this is what we do when we go out the door:
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
And we turn around.
Be on the Floor:
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Be on the floor when I am done!
5 clap, clap, clap
4, clap, clap, clap
3, clap, clap, clap
2, clap, clap, clap
1, clap, clap, clap!
Be on the floor when I am done!
Open, Shut Them
Open, shut them,
open, shut them,
Give a little clap.
Open, shut them,
Open, shut them,

Michael Rosen and Helen

Oxenbury (P R12)
I Wanna Be a Dog by Charlotte

Lay them in your lap.

Creep them, creep them,
creep them, creep them,
Right up to your chin.
Open wide your little mouth,
But do not put them in.
Roll them, roll them,
Roll them, roll them,
Roll them just like this.
Shake them, shake them,
Shake them, shake them,
Blow a little kiss!
Each of Us is a Flower
Each of us is a flower
Growing in lifes garden
Each of us is a flower
We need the sun and rain.
Each of us is a flower
Growing in lifes garden
Each of us is a flower
We need the sun and rain.
Sun, shine your warmth on me
Moon, cool me with your night
Wind, bring the gentle rain
Earth, take my roots down deep.
Rolling by Hap Palmer
Baby has a stroller with four round wheels
It rolls down the sidewalk and up the hills
The stroller takes baby everywhere
It's a wonderful, fanciful, rolling chair
Rolling rolling
Wheels go rolling
Round and round and round
Rolling rolling rolling 'round
Brother has a trike to pedal with his feet
He rides on the sidewalk but not the street
When daddy takes baby for a stroller ride
Brother rides his tricycle right beside
Repeat Chorus
The family car has room inside
For everyone to come and ride
Mommy buckles up the seatbelts tight
Then the car goes rolling thru the night
Repeat Chorus
Monica Shroeder

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