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Kirsten Rotz’s Philosophy of Education

Teaching is important to me because even if it’s just one kid I want to be able to make a
positive impact in their life. I want to make sure that the future generations have a good base to
become good people and are able to recognize their full potential.

My role as a teacher is to make sure students understand concepts so they can do their
best in their school work. I am also there to make sure that each and every student feels
needed and loved everyday because some kids may not have anyone at home to be there for
them. The student’s role is to be in charge of their learning as well as helping other students
when needed.

I will teach the required material but also try to implement strategies they could use in
real life. As well as use strategies I have learned in college like Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s
Taxonomy, and 5E. My goals for classroom management is to be strict with them in the
beginning of the year, to make sure they know how I expect them to act, and then to be less
strict when needed. I will have a classroom contract which all students will sign so that there are
no surprises in the future. Disciplinary actions will be taken as necessary. I will look back on
their plans and required accommodations frequently to make sure I am still providing them with
what they need.

I will ask different students to answer questions while I am teaching to make sure they
are understanding it in the moment. I will also have skills checks and pull them aside to correct
their mistakes on them to make sure they get it right next time. I will teach them how to work
questions that are the same similar format as questions on the STAAR. We will practice
annotating and answering them all throughout the school year.

I will pull students aside to make sure they are getting the material. I will be prepared to
teach each day using all the teaching strategies I’ve learned. Students should expect me to be
organized, to treat them with kindness and to be supportive of them.

The qualities I hope to have as a teacher is to never give up on the students, have good
communication skills, to always be prepared, and to build everyone up. I believe the role of
school is to create an environment for kids to meet new people as well as learn valuable
lessons about respect and hard work. Learning to me means not only being able to understand
material but how to apply the hard work and study skills you learn in class to the rest of your life
and future. My passion is teaching kids to have integrity in all situations in and out of school
because I believe you can get far in life just by being honest and not cheating or being

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