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HERYANTO IQBAL : 113063C1-14013


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: 113063C1-14037



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................
CHAPTER II DISCUSION.................................................................................................
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................
CHAPTER IV REFERENCES ...........................................................................................


Within the scope of nursing today's complex health nurse should be able to solve the
problem accurately, thoroughly and quickly. This means that nurses must be able to examine
the amount of information that is very much to make a critical judgment. This can be
achieved with the nursing process that begins from the assessment. Nursing assessment is a
systematic process of collecting the verification and communication of data on the patient.
Nursing assessment also said is a way to collect all data related to the patient's condition and
identify the problems and needs of the body. Assessment is the basis of the nursing process
aimed at collecting data about the patient, in order to identify the problems, the needs and the
patient's nursing, physical mental, social, and environmental.
In the assessment process there are several processes initiated from the patient to the
anamnesis physical examination. The physical examination is an important element of the
process of determining the diagnosis of a disease. The physical examination is also a
component of the health assessment that is objective which is done by checking the patient
body to see the state of the patient (inspection), touching an organ system to be examined
(palpation), knocking a system or organ to be examined (percussion) and listened to using a
stethoscope (auscultation).

A. Inspection
Inspection is a method of examination to check patien general condition, the
patient's entire body or only certain parts are required directly which using eyes of
examiner. This method seeks to look at the condition of the client by using the
'sense of sign' either by the naked eye or tools lighting (lamp). Inspection is an
active activity, the process when the nurse must know what he saw and where it is
located. This inspection method is used to assess the color, shape, position, size
and others from the patient's body.
Examiner using the sense of vision to concentrate to see the patient general
condition carefully since the first meeting by obtaining patient history and
physical examination conducted mainly along. Inspections also use examiners
sense of hearing and smell to find out more, clearer and validate what is seen by
the eye and is associated with noise or smell from the patient. Examiner will then
collect and classify information received by all the senses that will help in making
a diagnosis or treatment decision.
How inspection:
1. Position the patient can sleep, sit or stand
2. The part of the body have being examined should be open (pursued patient
opens his own clothes. We recommend that the clothes are not opened at once,
but opened as necessary for the examination while the other part was covered
in a blanket).
3. Compare the opposite body parts (symmetry) and abnormalities. Example:
yellow eyes (jaundice), there goitre in the throat, bluish skin (cyanosis), and
4. Record the results.
B. Palpation
Palpation is a method of examination of the patient using the 'sense of touch',
palpation is an examination of the actions performed by touching and suppression
of the body by using a finger or hand. Hands and fingers are sensitive instruments
that used to collect needed datas, such as palpation method can be used to detect
body temperature (temperature), vibration, movement, shape, and size kosistensi.
Taste tenderness and abnormalities of tissues / organs. Palpation technique is
divided into two:
a. light palpation

The trick: the fingers tips on one or two hands are used simultaneously. Hands
placed on the area that is palpable, fingers pressed down slowly until there are
b. Deep palpation (bimanual)
The trick: to feel the abdominal contents, carried out two hands. One hand to
feel palpable part, other hand to press down. With a relaxed position, the
fingers of second hands placed inherent on fingers of the first hand.
How inspection:

Position the patient to sleep, sit or stand

Make sure that the patient is relaxed in a comfortable position
Nail fingers of the examiner should be short, warm and dry hands
Ask the patient to breathe in order to increase muscle relaxation.
Perform palpation with touch slowly with light pressure
Palpation suspected areas, tenderness indicates abnormalities
Make a careful palpation when suspected fracture.
Avoid excessive pressure on the blood vessels.
Feel carefully abnormalities organ / tissue, nodules, tumors move / not with
solid consistency / chewy, abusive / soft, its size and the presence / absence

of vibration / trill, as well as pain touch / tap.

10. Record the test results obtained
C. Percussion
Percussion is an act of examination by listening to the sound vibration or sound
waves are delivered to the surface of the body of the body part being examined.
Inspection is done by knocking a finger or a hand on the body surface. The long of
vibration or sound waves depends on the density of the media through. The
Degree of sound is called resonance. The resulting sound character can be
determine the location, size, shape, and density structure under the skin. The
character of the sounds wave is more of tissue, the delivery of the sound is
weaker and part that contained more air or gas is sound more resonant.
How inspection:
1. Position the patient can sleep, sit or stand depending on the parts to be

Make sure the patient is in relaxed position
Ask the patient to breathe in order to increase muscle relaxation.
Nail fingers of the examiner should be short, hands warm and dry.
Perform a thorough and systematic percussion namely by:
a. Direct methods are knocking the fingers directly by using one or two
b. The indirect method in the following way: The middle finger left hand
placed gently on the surface of the body, tip of the middle finger of his

right hand, to knock on the joints, blow must be fast with the arm does not
move and wrist relaxed, Give power punch the same in every area of the
6. Compare or watch the sound produced by percussion.
a. The sound of timpani an intensity that loud, high-pitched, a little longer
and qualities such as drum (stomach).
b. Has a resonant sound of medium intensity, low tone, long time, echoing
quality (normal lung).
c. The sound of an intensity hipersonar very hard, takes longer, the quality of
the explosion (pulmonary emphysema).
d. The sound of dullness have soft to medium intensity, high tone, a rather
long time quality like lightning (liver).
D. Auscultation
Physical examination is done by listening to the sound produced by the body.
Usually using an instrument called a stethoscope. That things are heard : heart
sounds, breath sounds and bowel sounds.
Rate auscultation include:
1. Frequency is counting the number of pulses per minute.
2. The duration is how long the sound heard.
3. The intensity of sound can be measure how strong or weak the voice
4. The quality is explain the color of tone or sound variations.
How inspection:
1. Give position to patient can sleep, sit or stand hanging parts are checked and
inspected body parts should be open
2. Make sure that the patient is relaxed in a comfortable position
3. Make sure that the stethoscope is mounted well and does not leak between the

head, hose and ears

Put the tip stetoscope ear to ears hole section in the direction examiner
Warm the first head of the stethoscope by placing on the palms examiner
Place the head of the stethoscope on the patient's body to be examined
Use a stethoscope to listen to the sound of the bell pitched low on mild
pressure that is at the heart and vascular sound and use diaphragms for high
pitched sounds such as bowel and lung sounds

Head -to-toe examination is the examination of the client's body as a whole or only certain
parts that are considered necessary, to obtain systematic data and Comprehensive, ascertain or
prove the results of the anamnesis, determine the problem and plan nursing actions
appropriate for the client.
With this approach, starting from the head and sequentially to foot. Starting from: general
condition, vital signs, head face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth and throat, neck, chest, lungs, heart,
abdomen, kidneys, back, genitalia, rectal, extremity.
The techniques needed in physical assessment, there are four, namely: palpation, inspection,
auscultation and percussion. Indications to be conducted on each client, particularly on:
1. Clients who are new to the health service for in -patient.
2. Routinely on the client being treated.
3. From time to time according to the needs of clients.


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