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10th (Tenth) Lord in Different House (Career/Profession) in Astrology

Tenth house represents occupation, profession, honor, self-respect, knowledge

and dignity and means of livelihood and is ruled by planet Saturn. Saturn is the
planet of power, authority, wisdom, perseverance, and a cumulative power for
success. The tenth house is associated with father, it is the fathers duty to teach
child how to work and deal with people in the outer world.

The Sun and Saturn are the main planetary indicators (karaka) for the 10th
house. They are the main indicators of responsibility and handling pressure like
Father does for the family. Before analyzing the tenth house, one must know the
general strength of the the house, its lord, in which house it is sitting, and the
Karaka or indicator (Sun and Saturn) of the 10th house. So lets check out what
are the result of 1oth lord in different house.

10th Lord in First house or in Ascendant

When the lord of the tenth house in the first house or in the Ascendant, the
person is independent in career. If the planet in in good dignity then the person
enjoys working with himself, entrepreneur, capable in leading big projects, He
will be self-employed or pursue a profession of independence. The person
focuses on his career and persistent when it comes to getting what they want.
When the Lagna and 10th lord combines in the first house the native becomes
very famous and a pioneer in his field of work. If the planet is not in good dignity
or weak then the person face trouble in career field. Feels difficulty in working
with big companies, put too much effort in career but not getting any result,
waste their money on trying to be independent in career.

10th Lord in the Second House

The 10th lord in the second house the person have money career. If the planet
in good dignity then the person rises well in life and makes a lot of money. He
May have food business, He will prosper in catering and restaurant businesses.
The person May work in cosmetics and in beauty products, money handler,
currency trader, jeweler, dentist, speech language specialist, have money
through family business, he May engage himself in the family trade and develop

it. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person May have eating
disorder affect status and career, have family problems ruin business, the person
is weak and not able to do his business properly.

10th Lord in the Third House

The person have career of self-expression. If the planet in good dignity then the
person determinant, adventurous, siblings help in the career, May have to travel
constantly on short-journeys. He will be a speaker, writer, selling, Marketing,
advertising, editing, printing, communication business, computer, arts, music
acting, dancing, sports depending which planets occupies 3rd house. If the
planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person face problems with siblings
in career field, put lot of effort but not getting in return, lack of courage and
determination, weak in evaluating consequence of and suffering many setbacks
and delays in career.

10th Lord in the Fourth House

The person have career through learning. If the planet is in good dignity then the
person will be a lucky and highly learned in various subjects. He will be famous
both for his learning and generosity. The person good educator, involved in
housing, hotel, real estate business, business of vehicle, mechanic, clothing
business, geologist, nurturing, nurse, midwife, agriculture, horticulture, day care
worker, gets good home and vehicles and other valuable fixed assets. If the
planet is not in good dignity or weak then the career bring trouble to the mother
and family, many emotional challenges in career area, farm worker, and other
lower wage jobs. The person May lose his lands and be forced to take to a life of

10th Lord in the Fifth House

The person have career through intelligence. If the planet in good dignity then
the person shines well as a broker and engages in speculation and similar
business. The person can be investor, tax consultant, lawyer, in big corporation

jobs, teaches spiritual technique. The person leads a simple and pious life
engaging himself in prayers and pious activities. Focused on children affair, May
become the head of an orphanage or remand home. Jobs comes easily due to
past-life karmas, can be in sports and entertainment field. If the planet is not in
good dignity or weak then the office romance can bring problem in career,
children cause complication at work area, not successful in speculation or similar

10th Lord in the Sixth House

The person have career through service. If the planet in good dignity then the
person will have an occupation of medical, legal, security areas, exercise,
physical or massage therapist, animal worker, gets boost from maternal
relations, very good at providing service. If the planet is not in good dignity or
weak then the person have manuals jobs, struggle to keep working, low paying
occupations, dispute and enemies at work place, May get dishonor, lawsuits at
work hurt career, gets into debts, lives outside their means, low paying jobs in
the service industry. If debilitated Rahu or debilitated malefic are with the 10th
lord in the sixth house, the person May suffer disgrace in his career. He May be
exposed to criminal action and face imprisonment. Need to careful.

10th Lord in the Seventh House

The person have career through partnership. If the planet is in good dignity then
the person will have a partner who will assist the native in his work. The person
experts at relationship and diplomacy, keeps balance with others, the person
May travel abroad on diplomatic missions, will be well known for his skill in
talking and achieving objectives, make profits through partnerships and
cooperative ventures, profitable business agreements. If the planet is not in good
dignity or weak then the person have problem from the spouse, the spouse is not
supportive, bad partnerships could hinder career, needs to draw line between
business and inappropriate affairs.

10th Lord in the Eighth House

The person have career of the mystery. If the planet is in good dignity then the
person is good researcher and analyst, spy or detective, involved in healing and
medical fields, insurance, estate planning, affairs of the dead, interest in
psychology factors at work, mystical, spiritual, and psychologist. If Jupiter is the
10th lord in the 8th house, he will become a mystic or spiritual teacher. If the
planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person has many breaks in career,
lack in self-promotion, fearful at work place, does not ask enough for themselves,
scandals damaged career, May not get the full credits for their business success,
May work unethical or inappropriate methods. If Saturn 10th lord in 8th house
the person an undertaker or otherwise employed in burning ghats or in
graveyards, etc.

10th Lord in the Ninth House

The person is fortunate in career. If the planet is in good dignity then the person
gave high level career with abundant favour and blessings from gurus. The
person oriented towards higher education, philosophy, religion, ethics and
healing of the spirits, long distance traveling jobs often for spiritual purpose, the
person can be publisher, lawyer, justice of the courts, parents plays a role in the
person's career. The person follows a hereditary profession or that of a preacher,
teacher or a healer. The person will be a dutiful child and do many charitable
deeds. If the the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person is
dependent on parents to support him or her, it is very east that person loses
their initiative.

10th Lord in the Tenth House

The person is full in career. If the planet is in good dignity then the person has
career which on the level of king. Or top of executive, highly respected and
honored at work place. Generous and get fame due to work. The person can
handle large projects and can lead large group of people, team leader, works on
politics, get success in government, or with large corporations. If the the planet
is not in good dignity or weak then the person will have no self-respect, the
person will be a dependent all his life. He will be fickle-minded, May trapped in
government jobs, not capable in hard work and overly dependent on others in
career areas, knee injuries at career place, no structure in career field.

10th Lord in the Eleventh House

The person gets many opportunities in career. If the planet in good dignity then
the person has good income, high status, works with people of renown, elder
siblings help them in their career, inspirational speaker, very honorable person
and has a good group of friends and well connected with people. If the planet is
not in good dignity or weak then the person have friends will turn enemies and
cause him every sort of hardship and worry. The person wrong thinking and have
friends and elder siblings which are not helpful, they May harm the career of the
person. Elder siblings becomes dependent and need support from them. They
also lack of motivation and depressive attitude towards growth of the life.

10th Lord in the Twelfth House

The person have career of Liberation. If the planet in good dignity then the
person becomes a spiritual seeker, have career in spirituality, healing, foreign
jobs, hospitals and clinics, May volunteer in educational spiritual or humanitarian
organization. May work in isolated places like correctional institutions, very
generous, self-sacrificing, focused in enlightenment, does well in foreign business
and foreign people. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person
lack in comforts and face many difficulties in life. He will be separated from his
family and wander about without success. He will indulge in bad career and other
nefarious activities, the person causes sorrow to his family and relatives and not
able to sleep or enjoy themselves due to job related worries and stress.

When the 10th lord in 6th, 8th and 12th house it is known as Dur Yoga. This yoga
affects the professional and finances life of the person.

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