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Lesson Plan Guide for how you might plan for a whole group or small group.

Learning Development Area:

Active learning
Context for learning:
Routines & transitions
Real-life engagements

Approximately 1

Does this build on prior experiences/interests of the children?

The experiences outlined in this lesson plan will extend on our interests of pirates and our
Book Week celebration (appendix 1). The experience will be held at our Techtime and
quiet activity period of the day.
What is the focus? About what am I being intentional? Will I observe/record
Incorporating early numeracy concepts into quiet activities that extend on childrens
Observe and record student responses to the sinking and floating activity.
Guiding Behaviour:
Observe and monitor seating arrangements on the mat. If necessary, separate
problematic combinations of children. Guidance approach Children are encouraged
to make appropriate choices independently. Teacher to intervene if absolute
necessary (Porter, 2010).
If children become unfocussed, sing Stop, Look and Listen or play the Do this game
where children imitate your different actions. Guidance approach Using redirection
to gain students attention again (Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development, 2010).
If challenging behaviour continues to persevere, prompt the assistant to set up the child in
a quiet space with a story. When they are ready to try again, they can return to the
learning environment. Following through on disruptive behaviour that is disturbing
the learning environment (Education Queensland, 2007).
Buckets of water
Tin-foil boats
Playdough pirate mats
Bingo game
Pens and paper

Children are given a 5 minute warning to finish reading their stories before
Techtime begins.
Sing Stop, Look and Listen and let the children respond, We are listening.
Say, It is time for us to begin our Techtime, can you please pack away your
books and find a comfortable spot on the mat.
Once the children have packed the books away, say One, two, three, eyes on

me and let the children respond, One, two, eyes on you to gather their
Then say, Last week we celebrate Book Week with our dress-up pirate
party. Because we had such a fun time exploring the pirate props, I thought
we could have a look at one of my favourite pirate stories. We will then move
into our quiet pirate activities. Do you think you can help me find the pirate
treasure today?
Introduce the multimodal text: 'How I became a Pirate'.
Say to the group, Who can tell me what the story was about (check to see if
students can retell some of the plot points in the story).
It is time for us to be a pirate and explore some activities in our quiet time.
What level should our voices be on at quiet time?
Explain the two activities (to be supervised by teachers) to the children e.g.
The pirate bingo and the sinking the ship activity. During the pirate bingo
game, teachers will assess students skills of matching their pictures to the
mat. In the sinking ship activity, teachers will assess whether students can
count using a one-to-one correspondence and demonstrate an awareness of
estimation as they predict how many marbles it will take to sink the boat.
Teachers will also observe whether the children can problem solve different
strategies for fitting more marbles into the boat.
Provide other quiet activities around the room that need minimal supervision
e.g. play dough pirate placemats, drawing and puzzles.
Transition children to the quiet activities. The children who are using their mat
manners will be able to choose their activity first.
Allow children to rotate around the activities during their 40 minutes of quiet
Conclusio Give children a 5 minute warning until pack up time.
Sing, Waterfall and allow children to respond with Whooooshhhhhh to
gather their attention. Say, It is now time to pack away our activities. If you
did not get a turn today, the activities will be used in the room all week so we
will all get a turn another day. I am looking for my helpful friends to work
together and help pack away the activities. Lets go!
Once the activities are packed away, say to the children Can everybody
please get their hats and sunscreen on and then sit in a circle on the mat.
Transition to outside afternoon play by putting on sunscreen, then
washing hands to go outside for afternoon tea. (Implementation of
mandatory policies).
Modifications suggested by Marysia:
Before the lesson was implemented, the plan was communicated with Marysia for the
Techtime lesson. In the previous plan, there was another activity included where the
children had to go on a letter and number hunt in a small, portable sandpit. Marysia
suggested that the water activity would already need explicit supervision so it would be
best that other activities would be appropriate for children to do with minimal support.
This activity was removed from the lesson plan and was implemented the next day during
play time.
Evaluation / Reflection:
I absolutely loved this lesson! The imperfections of the lesson made it exciting. The Sink
the Ship activity was a huge hit in the classroom. At the time of experience, there were 4
children doing the activity at one time. However, the whole class was so intrigued that we
had a whole class audience the majority of the time. The voice levels of the children were
very high so it was a great opportunity for me to use different behaviour strategies to
bring them back together.

Improvement - Next time have activities prepared at lunch time so they are easy to access
straight away when needed.

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