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nary 1988 wth ne Heo ring ay arto wot ace Tea IN MICROCELLULAR STRUCTURE ers; = 2):maximum reaction force induced inthe structures ofthe movable and fixed pats. ‘The following is to be considered: Point 1 11 Distribution ofthe total mass between the bearings. In case of overhead traveling cranes, two bearings are provided for each direction, as shown in fig. 1 P, = total weig Py = weight ofthe folly andthe overhung load (according to standards 6 . (GNR-UNI 1021-73, FEM-Sez |, DIN 15018, the load overhung on ropes should not be considered), = Part of weight concerning the bearings A: P Pete {tons] oO. Sena the bearings B: \ P= +P, {tons} @ NOTE: Theme eto above a abo lr carver cranes, where Ly 2 Ly; 12 Induced energy at the bearings, The kinetic energy: _ 1000-P-v¥-g981 Pv 29381 - 9600 2 where: v= speed at impact (m/min) P= weight in tons ‘Should the mass be stopped by one limt stp, the total energy created must be absorbed by the applied bute. Incase oftwomasses™m, and m, with weights of, and P, approaching each thers ata speed V, and V, the impactenergy can be determi- ned by the relative speed between the two masses ¥,= (¥, + v) and the equivalent mass m, = (mmm, #m); referring tothe weights it wil be: 1000: P, +P, 9.81 tu Peo [dan 0 [dani] % Es gai, +P)-10 2-260 72 this energy should be absorbed by the bufers between the two masses. Fa eats cui detention te knetcenery induced athe bearing as fron of weihtintons, mas mats mane impact speed. DIAGRAM OF ENERGY E (dam) AS A FUNCTION OF WEIGHT P (tons), 4 AND THE IMPACT SPEED v (m/Min) fig. WesttP EB WE SS RSS ae ag BUFFERS RME - RMV IN MICROCELLULAR STRUCTURE Point 2) Configuration ofthe buffer system. ‘The configuration ofthe system varies according othe energy thatthe relevantbuffer system has toabsorb ata specified bearing and othe maximum reaction force which can be applied to the structures. The system itself can be diferenty shaped. itis possible to provide a buffer system consisting of one butter only (fig. 2a) or two similar oppo- sed bulfers, of which one ison the moving part and one on the stationary part (fg. 2b). In this case 60% of the eneray wil be absorbed by each buffer resulting in a lower final force. knowing the energy tobe absorbed and the impact speed, suitable speed can be selected by using figs. 4 and 5. Selecting the buffer according to CNR-UNI 1021-73 standards, the impact speeds equalto 70% ofthe operating speed. his recommended thatthe buferis selectedon he basis of up to 50% deflection of is free lenght; this wil result in: ~ low final reaction force, in relation tothe absorbed energy, ample reserve for further elastic absorbtion of energy. Use of fig. 4: Draw a horizontal ine from the value of the deflection tothe impact speed curve (interpolating at intermediate values): craw a vertical ine from the intersection and extend it until it meets the ‘curves of the buffers; draw a horizontal line from the calculated energy value untl crosses the drawn vertical line. The curve immediately above this crossing point indicate the size of a suitable butler. Use of fig. 5: ‘Drawa horizonalline from the value ofthe deflection, unt itcrosses the impact speed curve (interpolating, atntermeciate values); drawavertical line from the intersection and extend ito cross the characteristic curv ofthe selected butler, a horizontal line drawn from ths point willntersect the vertical scale showing the final reaction force. CALCULATION EXAMPLE ‘Select the main butfers for on overhead traveling crane given the following data: = weight of crane without trolley: P, = 38 tons = speed of the overhead traveling crane: v= 120 m/min = weight of trolley: P, = 7,1 tons = load hanging on ropes (uninfuential) = rail centres: Ly = 28 m = crane stops against one limit stop = postion ofthe fully displaced trolley: L, = 26 m The selection is based on the following remarks: = the load hanging on ropes can be neglected as stated by standards CNR-UNI 10021-73: FEM Sez |; DIN 15018; ~ the impact speed is considered to be equal to 0,7 (based upon the above mentioned standards); = in order to have a low final impact force and an energy absorbtion reserve with maximum reaction force sill contained, assume a deflection of the butfer of 50% ofthe fre lenght; ~ the selection should be based on the worst condition; hence considering bearing “A” in this case. Referring to fg. 1 and formula (1) the calculation is: S474. 225,59 tons he impact peed is v= 07-120 = 4 min ‘The energy value “E” that the buffer has to absorb can be established by using fig. 3 based on the above values. Fig. 3 shows a value slightly above 2500 daN-m (rounded off to 2600). eee. fig. 4 a buffer size 400/400 is selected. Following onto fig. 5, the diagram will show that applying a 400/400 butfer the maximum reaction @ is about 25 tons. Should the overhead travelling crane accidentally collide at 120 m/min, the impact energy will be about 5200 daN-m. The 400/400 butter can still absorb all the energy causing a deflection of about 64% of the free lenght. The maximum final force will be 42 tons. ‘The final force that is imposed on the supporting structure can be further reduced by using two opposing buffers as shown in fig.2b. This, howe- ‘er, will decrease the fee traveling distance ofthe crane. Each butter has to absorb 1300 daN-m energy, therefore, with 50% deflection and at an impact speed of 84 m/min, fig. 4 shows two 315/315, buffers are suitable, fig. 5 gives a final force of 16 tons. ‘Should the collision speed reach 120 m/min the resulting impact energy will be 2600 daN-m for each butter. In this instance the deflection is 64% and the final force is 26 tons as shown in fig. 5. The cost difference between one 400/400 and two 315/315. butlers i negligible, = aacy 198, te rahe rng ny von wiht natn Sa DIAGRAM TO ESTABLISH BUFFER SIZES ass segesueesesss SEER 22 FEET (5007800) [400/800 (4007400, 318/476 316/516 [250/378 250/260] [200/300] 200/200] 80/240) 160/160. 128/100 120/126 100/180. 7007100. [950/120 [080/080] (083/008. 0887085. January 1853, wth eight bing any vriton wou rate eT Se IN MICROCELLULAR STRUCTURE DIAGRAM TO ESTABLISH FINAL REACTION FROCE “F” (tons) 3ee388 72 3 BES 3s on Detection | 08) ary 1988 wth he ight ing ary arition wht oie Jansary 1986, wth he ah orig any writin wou atice Ua ead IN MICROCELLULAR STRUCTURE. DESCRIPTION OF THE MAIN FEATURES ‘The shock absorbing element of these butters consists of an elastic body of polyurethane expanded resin with a microcellular structure of ‘opened and closed cells. ‘This special structure makes the butters capable of high performance as far as elaticty and energy absorbtion is concemed. ‘A special characterise ofthese buffers isthe differentiated reaction according to the impact speed: at a higher impact speed, with the same deflection, the reaction force and consequently the kinetic energy absorption capacity ofthe buffer increases, as shown in fg. 4. ‘The buffers are designed to allow the axial deflection to reduce the compressed lenght to 25% ofthe free lenght. ‘This reduction wil increase the outside diameter by only 40%. ‘The “deflection load” curves show that under shock loading causing upto 0% deflection, the buffers reaction willbe similar to metal springs. The system offers the optimum in mechanical energy absorbtion resuting in minimizing the final impact force imposed on the structure. ‘The material ofthe elastic element is anti-aging, with a good resistance to mechanical wear, ol, rease and gasoline; its structure is homoge ‘neous and set-extinguishing. Ineach buffer steel chain is encased and attached tothe metalic suppor in order to avoid damage to people or property, in case of detache- ‘ment because of racial impacts. ‘The working temperature is limited toa range of ~30° to a +80°C. NOTE: The surface contacting to the buffer should be pattesned. RME RMV o. a Hose men tan, 1) The butler has to otastned win scrows according to ON 7884 or DN 6812 stance Waitt | woe wwe | oa| a [oo] e | a | Wait we feafefefolelelo]w |e fun| maw waoonnwe | 6 | 60 | we] oe | ns | oso] [mmm [es [ a [a [o a enon zn | 80 [eo [wre [as] es] oss] [rmwaenoes | 6s-[- 95 [20 [9 ea ior — | — | we | ozrs a srwesonsse | 100 [ i6o_[ wiz [95 [18s [0800] [rantoato0 | 100_[v00-[ias [11 joo 10 wio | 0780 weastzs [125 | 125 [wre | 95 | 160 { 1065] | muvsonso | 100|160-[ 125-11 ioo_[ 160] — | — io | oss0 ‘Rwe.25.190_| 125 | 190 | rz | 05 | 206 | 1900 | [mmvranias [12s | 25-[ ve0_[ 14 asf isr | [20 [mia [1508 acseoee [iw [we | fa | aa vento ior tonto wet afte © | a tr] a ae SO BOE | AO i SO) r.se0o | 160°] 240 | 200-[ 14 160_[ 22 | 5 20 | wi2 | a0 uezoozm | 200 | 200 | wre [ao {240 [4510 | | pwvzoa60 | 200 | 200-| 250_| 18 zon [2i5| 626 [mie [5600 rwe200300 | 200 | 300 | wre | 40 | a40 | 6.160 | | ruvaoeseo | 200-[ 200 [250] 18 zoo [ais | 6 | 26 [wie | 7260 rwe2s02s0 | 230 | 250 | woe | 00 | a00 | oz | | rmvasozso | 220 | 250 {915 | 18 zet-[ 265 | 6 | 26 | m6 | Tooo0 rawezs0a7s | 250 | 375 | wou | 00 | oss | vzano | [-Awvasears | zoo [os [315 | 18 2e0-[ 300_| 626 | mie | 13,160 me muvarsais [is | 916 | «ao_[_i 316 | 350_[ 6 [26 [ wie | 13200 ess fas fais fue aot 85 ee | mvaisars [ois ars | 00 [18 315 [490 [ 6 26_[ 6 | 24ss0 rwesisaTs | sis [vars | woe | 00 | o86 | 2sso | | Riven sre ane te soot oF Heft a fe fue ee ranzann.aoo |” 400 | oo [woo [00 _[a20 | 34700 | [ rwvaooeoo | «o0_[ e00 {800 | 22 oo e20.| 7] a8 | mao | 52.200 rawzaan.e0o | 400 | 600 | woo [00 | 600] oaseo | [awvsoasoo | s00_| soo [ 90] 26 300 [520 [8 | a9 [ze | 76900

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