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Tired of All Things Political

Yes, I am tired of all things political. Even more tired at the total apparent
inability of the citizens of our country to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Chances are better than average that it is RIDICULOUS.
Do not believe everything you read, see or hear without taking just a bit of
time to find the facts for your self. Everyone has an agenda. But only you can
decide if their agenda is what it should be in relation to your agenda. We have
to STOP turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the politicians that only add to the
corruption and pollution of our government.

I am tired of all things political. Each and every elected official I do not care
what the title is - from Dog Catcher all the way to President of the USA. They
all need to be removed from office. Especially if they have already been there
for 2 terms. They need to go back to wherever it is they call home. Go back to
being a working productive honest tax-paying citizen. And once they have
served the 2 term's they MUST NEVER EVER RUN FOR ANY OFFICE AGAIN.
Period - DONE! NO gravy train retirements. No entitlements just because they
chose to be a Public Servant.
NO lavish salaries.
NO extra fringe benefits.
NO Free Premium Medical Care
NO Special Retirement Funds.
Just go back to being a productive citizen.

When they get caught in the first lie, anything illegal, doing anything
underhanded or self serving they are DISMISSED from being in that public office
and can not run for anything ever again. No continuing Life Long Benefits from
the office.

All of the exorbitance they surround themselves with STOPS. They go back to
being fairly compensated ONLY for missing what ever pay they would have
received working in their regular carrier. They would NOT be compensated for
all of the time they put forth CAMPAIGNING for election or re-election.
Campaigning is NOT the job they were elected to do.

The first time they forget to leave preconceived religious beliefs at home
where they belong and try to push them off on every citizen - They are
DISMISSED from office and can not run for anything ever again.

I am tired of all "PARTY LINES" Democrat - Republican - Independent - Tea

Party - Green Party - Right Wing - Left Wing ANY and ALL Religious Zealot
Party - ANY Political Party that only has Self-Serving GREED, Religious and or
Corporate agendas to stomp down any who may disagree. Of having the media
pushing what ever biased agenda or propaganda the CEO's decide will bring in
the most advertising. We need to remember we are ALL Americans and VOTE
for the thoughts and ideals that are in the best interest of ALL Americans.
Maybe it is time to have the American Party.

I am tired of our children NOT receiving a decent standardized education. The

minimum standards should be set high. They should be motivated to achieve
excellence. Not just trained to pass a sub-standardized exam that is given for
set grades. If a child moves from one school district to another - there should
be the same curriculum. The no child left behind act was a dumb idea when it
was proposed. The implementation of it has set the level of intelligence our
children attain back to the dark ages. We are behind even many Third-World
Countries. This is the United States of America - We should be striving to be at
the top. [NO child should be passed to the next grade with failing grades of any

I am tired of hearing everyone whine - we need the government to decide this

or that medical procedure. For the government to do that (make a
decision/law on health and medical matters) - they rely upon
(1) Their own narrow religious indoctrination to make the decision.
(2) Big Money Donations and gifts from the Lobbyists to sway them.
I do not need my government to tell me what is right or wrong with a medical
decision, procedure or treatment plan. That is something to be decided
between the Doctor of my choice and myself- between my Herbalist and
myself. Maybe even between my Religion and myself. But not from a
government that only has their own financial interests and gains in mind.

I am tired of Primary Elections. They are Money and Time wasters. They are
100% verbal pollution. We only need to have a General Election. Most citizens
are too busy working to vote in an election that has only one purpose to
decide which idiot will be nominated and compensated to run by the
Democratic Party or Republican Party; to gain the financial support for the
campaign train. The way it works out is this: Only the full fledged Extremists
Vote in the Primarys THEY PICK AND DECIDE based on their narrow minded
agendas. This would have another benefit: cut out the need for constant
campaigning and money grubbing.

I am tired of being told we need to be Politically Correct. Get real and grow
up. There is NO WAY anyone can be P.C. 100% of the time. Just like everyone
can not be a winner in a game of chance or sport. What happened to learning
from not winning and being gracious in congratulating the winner. Then going
out and striving to become better. So that maybe the next time you may be the
one that wins?

I am tired of our politicians bowing to Big Corporate whims and wishes. Giving
them rewards like Tax Breaks and providing Loop Holes.
I am tired of Broken Borders when our citizens are not safe in their own homes.
We need to fix our own deficiencies and problems here at home - before
jumping in to Save Countries that do not operate the same way we do. IF you
want to make changes in the world show them by leading with a good
example just how beneficial Equality and Justice can be.

I am tired of the unending government agencies that keep getting foisted on us

each a cash cow for this agenda or that. Example: Government said we
needed the FDA to protect us from BAD MEDICINE. Yet they approve deadly
medications. They do not do independent testing on them they rely on the
word of the manufacture to be open and honest. WHY? Because the FDA is deep
in the pockets of the Big Pharmaceutical Manufactures. They also tell us just
what we can or can not take or use in natural herbal healing remedies
TELL THEM. Because the Big Pharmaceutical can not patent Herbs and Minerals;
and therefore charge outrageous sums for something that can be grown in your
own yard. Yet when they want something natural banned the FDA does there

I am tired of politicians passing rules and regulations that made it beneficial

for American Businesses to EXPORT jobs to foreign countries just to increase
their bottom lines. (Why pay an American an honest wage when we can get it
done somewhere that does not have safety regulations for pennies and still
raise the prices because now we are IMPORTING)
WHY was AIG TOO BIG to let fail from stupid corporate greed?
WHY were the BANKS TOO BIG to let fail from the same stupid corporate
WHY were GMC and CHRYSLER bailed out from the same stupid
corporate greed then allowed to go BANKRUPT?
WHY was WALL STREET so important to save from the same stupid
corporate greed?
(Most of which really hate the USA and what she stands for)
WHY are we (a country that had as one of is core principles) so
intolerant of any religion that is not one of the few accepted as or
considered to be NORMAL? (Catholic - Denominational Christian - Jewish)
WHY have we not collected on the numerous loans to foreign countries?

I am tired of politicians mouthing platitudes and spouting what they think will
get them re-elected without following through on campaign promises.
WHY is Social Security going broke?
WHY are our Military unappreciated, underpaid and losing benefits?
WHY is our Education system so broken, it has become a joke?
WHY do contracts go to foreign corporations and countries?
WHY is our country unable to provide the same Health Care that our
elected officials have to every citizen here legally?
Can anyone answer any of the above questions - without spouting what they
have heard from one party or another, the media or their religious institution?
The factual answers are out there. They are not even hard to find. But it does
take a DESIRE to actually LOOK for the real answers. Remember EVERYONE has

The political machine has already proven that they can get whom ever they
want elected. The same as they have demonstrated they have the ability of
removing someone that does not comply to the agenda they agreed to in order
to get elected. They DO NOT WANT the American Citizens to THINK
RESEARCH ASK the IMPORTANT Questions and VOTE accordingly. They want to
sling mud, drag up any dirt they can find in the attempt to keep everyone
voting the way they are force fed through propaganda into believing is who
they want in office.

IF our elected officials really had our best interests in mind our country would
NOT BE in the condition and position it is in. It would not have been allowed to
happen in the first place. But the corruption is not new and there have been
many opportunities to correct the decisions that have been made from self
serving public officials. Yet they do nothing to fix the problems they and their
predecessors created from being on the gravy train.

When the citizens start looking for the answers - and discovering that they DO
HAVE THE POWER needed to MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN - Only then will the
political garbage we have in office will be removed.

Every natural born (but NOT deliberate Anchor Baby Births from any Illegal
Immigrants) or naturalized American citizen of legal voting age has the power.
It is the power of the VOTE! But instead of using common sense, taking the
time to do some reading and researching for answers - sadly far too many are
willing to go with the flow - believe the media coverage - choose a party stance
and hope for the best, or vote for a name they recognize. Or even sadder they
just do not vote at all because the feel their vote will not count anyway. Too
many have become complacent and lazy compliments of the lack of education.

)O(~July Evening Starr / Robin Peele

Concerned citizen of the United States of America
March 27, 2010

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