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By Marby Villaceran

Liza is the one who is narrating the story of her life. The way of cooking
sinigang can be relate to the story of her life.
As she prepared tomatoes for her sinigang she was reminded about the
meomory of the past. Her Aunt Tita Loleng kept on asking questions brought by
her curiosity about the event happened during the burial of her step brother. As
she reminisce the burial of his half- brother Lem sadness filled her emotion.
There are times when a third party comes in each family. During the burial
she had meet Sylvia mother of his half-brother. Sylvia asked for her forgiveness
and understanding. It seems that the whole situation was a scene from a bad
melodrama. She was reminded by the kindness of her mother, being martyr to
his Dad.
Her Tita Loleng asked if her Dad was surprised to see her in the burial of
Lem. She had no choice but to go to the funeral. She had been looking at the
face of her dead half-brother searching for any resemblance between the two of
them. Her Dad is happy because of her presence. His father told her that her
brother was an acolyte in the church and he was assured of going to a better
place because he was a good child. Her brother was has been compared to her.
She is always been called Sinverguenza shameless daughter.
Liza is preparing all other ingredients while waiting until the meat becomes
tender. As she prepares the kangkong she was reminded before that when she
was a child they sit beside her mother while cooking. When her mom divulged
the truth about the boy who kept calling on her Dad on the phone every day. She
was affected by what her Mom had said because she always been a Daddys girl.
When the kangkong was done, she prepares the labanos, sigarilyas and
string beans. Once she asked her Tita Loleng how she knew what type of
vegetables to put into sinigang she has been said that One never really knows
which will taste good until one has tried it. It means that some people cook

sinigang with guavas or kamias. It is a dish which recipe would depend mostly on
the taste of those who will do the eating.
As she noticed that the meat was tender enough and rapidly popping
bubbles was hearded she add the tamarind mix. The sinigang was cooked and
ready to serve. Liza pictured herself seated in her usual place beside her father.
Life is like cooking sinigang. You need to prepare the right ingredients to
achieve the desire taste.

Angelica A. Blanca

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