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A factual essay

A factual essay (un texto temtico) ofrece informacin acerca de una cuestin
determinada, sin dar argumentos a favor ni en contra. Se puede expresar
opinin brevemente al final, pero la parte central debe aportar datos
Parrafo 1 : Introduce el tema en una o dos frases.
Parrafo 2 : Aporta al menos dos datos objetivos utilizando expresiones de
causa y efecto. Si puedes aade ejemplos que apoyen los datos anteriores.
e.g. : Due to the economic recesion, people have stopped spending
money. For example , there are such expensive things in shops that
people cant afford them.
Parrafo 3 : Concluye el texto y si quieres ofrece tu visin del tema en una

How will the rising cost of fuel change our cities in the future
Our way of life is starting to chang due to the increased cost of fuel. If this
continues, cities will be very different places in the future.
As fuel will be expensive, people will not use cars as much and cities will be
less polluted. More people will walk or cycle, and consequently, citizens will
be fitter and healthier. Furthermore, cities will be safer for their citizens due
to the small amount traffic. For example, children will be able to play
outside safely. In addition, there will be fewer accidents. Finally, because of
the price of fuel, consumer items such as clothes will cost significantly
more. City-dwellers will, therefore , spend less time shopping and more time
relaxing outside.
In conclusion, the high cost of fuel may have a positive effect on cities in
the future due to the fact that there will be fewer cars in the streets, which,
in my opinion, will make them cleaner, safer and more pleasant.

Expresar causa :
Due to + sustantivo : due to the small amount of traffic
Due to the fact that + frase : due to the fact that there will be fewer
As + frase : As fuel will be expensive
Because of + sustantivo : because of the price of fuel,

Expresa efecto :
Consequently : and consequently, citizens will be fitter and healthier

Therefore, + frase : City dweller will, therefore, spend less time

Da ejemplos :
For example, + frase : For example, children will be able to play
Such as + sustantivo : consumer items such as clothes
Ofrecer informacin adicional :
Futhermoe, + frase : Furthermore, cities will be safer for their
In addition, + frase : In addition, there will be fewer accidents.

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