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Name : Arief Abdurachman


: D3-Business Administration


: 135211007

International trade is a business transaction process which involve all the nations in the world.
Nations import goods that they lack or cannot produce as efficiently as other nations, and they export
goods that they can produce more efficiently. International trade has a lot of benefits, besides that it has
advantages and disadvantages.
The nations have to buy the goods from the other nation to fulfill their needs and desires. They
usually couldnt found their needs in their nation. Between the nations, there will be a nation who has a
special goods or products that they can develope and make confession in the world that the goods are
special from their country. International trade will make the nations develop together. Those things are the
advantages from international trade.
Besides the advantages, there are disadvantages from international trade. International trade will
make people decrease their demand of domestic products. The domestic products should be good at
promotions, design and price. Those things can make the domestic products compete with the
international products. That is the disadvantages from international trade because the domestic
entrepreneur has to make more effort and creativity in order to increase the sales of domestic products.
The conclusion is international trade will make the our economic good, but that thing is depend on how
we can handle and direct it to the good ways.

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