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what to do with a visiting

Qu hacer con un compaero de visita

Questions your teacher will ask

Preguntas que te va a hacer el profesor

What can people do in your city?

Qu puede hacer la gente en tu ciudad?

What do you like to do?

Qu te gusta hacer?

Useful language

Vocabulario til

Italian food

comida italiana



Dialogue youll practice in the class (key sentences are highlighted)

Dilogo para practicar en clase (estn resaltadas las frases importantes)

A: Hi Juan. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
B: No. Why?
A: Well, Enrique Gonzales from the Mexico City office is here. Can you show him around?
B: Sure. Whats he interested in?
A: I know he likes to eat out.
B: OK. I know a lot of good restaurants. Anything else?
A: He likes to watch soccer, and hes really into art, too.
B: Right, maybe I can take him to a soccer match, and then to an exhibition.
A: Thank you so much, Juan!
B: No problem. See you!

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