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Why 1763?
1: __________________ :


North America BEFORE the

Seven Years War
North America AFTER the Seven Years War.
Draw in the Royal Proclamation.
Who Fought Who in the Seven Years War?

British considerations in dealing with the assimilation of Canadiens

You are given the job as newly appointed British Government official James Murray, to decide how to deal with
the French Population. Remember there are approximately 10,000 British and 70,000 French individuals that you are
dealing with.
Using one of the following options, decide on the feasibility (can the action be accomplished) and the pros/cons of
each decision.

1. The French-Canadians are forced to give up their traditions and institutions (law, religion, customs) and
adopt British methods. Laws would be passed to make these traditions illegal.
2. The French language is made illegal, everyone is forced to learn English and eventually French will
3. The French-Canadians are given full rights of language, religion and culture equal to British traditions.
4. All French-Canadian properties are seized and the French are treated as a conquered people.
5. The French-Canadians are loaded on ships and expelled from the area. They are given the option of
returning to France or being shipped to the French Caribbean.
6. The British government begins an extensive program of encouraging immigration from the British Isles and
the U.S thirteen colonies. A British government is established, based on British traditions, in the colonies.



The Importance of 1763 to British North America

Treaty of Paris:
(Main points)

Definition of Canadiens textbook -pg

Assimilation : pg 112

Ohio Valley textbook pg 111

Who Was General Amherst?
Compare/Contrast how France and
Britain choose to deal with the
indigenous tribes?
What was the importance of treating
the First Nations as a Sovereign
How did the Thirteen Colonies react?
Pontiac pg 112
Who was Pontiac?
Why was he influential in the creation
of The Royal Proclamation

The Royal Proclamation 1763(The INTENT and Main Points)

Name: ________________________


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