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By: Danielle Stevenson



What is sex?
Ask for each student to write down what consequences can come from having
What is an STD?

2. STDs- Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STDs are preventable with condoms
Lambskin condoms are effective in preventing pregnancy but not effective in
preventing STDs.
There are condoms that are non-latex and help prevent STDs.
Using condoms correctly and using them each time you have sex can greatly
lower your chance of pregnancy or being infected with an STD.
3. Birth control methods
Different types of birth control methods.
Speakers briefly talking about their birth control methods.
Effectiveness of contraceptive use.
Failure to use contraceptives correctly can result in an STD or pregnancy!
Do not feel ashamed to ask your doctor about birth control options if you are
sexually active, birth control helps prevent pregnancy!
Using condoms correctly and using them each time you have sex can greatly
lower your chance of pregnancy or being infected with an STD.
4. Pregnancy
What happens to your body when pregnant?
It is not only a girl's fault, it takes two people to make a baby.
Pregnancy is 100% preventable!
Abstinence is the only 100% way to keep from getting pregnant.
5. Stereotypes
Write down one or more things about STDs/sex that you have heard that may or
may not be true; stereotypes you have heard.
Have the class raise their hand for true/false
Explain why this is right or wrong.
6. Emotional effects!!
Sex can have an emotional toll!! One of the things that people may not talk about
is consent.

Consent between you and your partner- No means NO whether it is from a male
or female.
Be aware of the choice you are making together and the potential risks!
It is okay to say you are NOT ready
Peer pressure to have sex or engage in any sexual behaviors is NOT okay!
Sex is a bigger deal to some than others, be aware of that!!

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