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The Job Interview Questions

1. Can you tell me something about yourself?

1. Puedes decirme algo sobre ti?
My name is Deyanira Torres. Im from LU. Im 22 year old. I studied HR enginnering in AIEP institute.
2. What do you know about our organization?
2. Qu sabe usted de nuestra organizacin?
I know your organization is the most important in the industry.
3. Why do you want to work for us?
3. Por qu quieres trabajar para nosotros?
Because I believe is job is a great opportunity to grow professionally.
4. What can you do for us that someone else cant?
4. Qu puedes hacer por nosotros para que alguien ms no pueda hacerlo?
I am able to work effectively with anyone with different skill sets, personalities, work styles, or
motivation level to achieve a better team result.
5. What do you find most attractive about this position?
5. Qu es lo ms atractivo de esta posicin?
The compensation relative to effort and opportunities to travel.
6. What seems least attractive about it?
6. Qu es lo que menos le atrae?
I think nothing is least attractive.
7. Why should we hire you?
7. Por qu debemos contratarlo?
Because you will get a person committed to the position and very responsible.
8. What do you look for in a job?
Qu buscas en un trabajo?
I expect to learn everything about HR area.
9. Please give me your definition of the position for which you are being interviewed.
9. Por favor dme su definicin de la posicin para la cual usted est siendo entrevistado.
In general this position is a job in the HR area.
10.How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
10. Cunto tiempo le llevara hacer una contribucin significativa a nuestra firma?
Once I know about your organizational culture, I believe my contribution will be ready in 3 months.
11.How long would you stay with us?
11. Cunto tiempo permanecera con nosotros?
I would like to stay here a long time.
12.Your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for this position.
What is your opinion?
12. Su curriculum vitae sugiere que usted puede ser sobre-calificado o demasiado
experimentado para esta posicin. Cul es tu opinin?
Because everyone needs to learn more.
13.What is your management style?
13. Cul es su estilo de gestin?
I prefer the empowerment because it gives the freedom of make your own decisions.
14.Are you a good manager?
14. Es usted un buen gerente? Yes. I am.
15.Can you give me some examples?
15. Puede darme algunos ejemplos?
I lead a group of person to reach the goal.
16.Do you feel that you have top managerial potential?
16. Cree usted que tiene un alto potencial directivo?
Yes. My goal is to be one of top managers.
17.What do you look for when you hire people?
17. Qu buscas cuando contratas gente?

First, I look if they have the technical requirements, after this their soft skills and competitions.
18.Have you ever had to fire people?
18. Alguna vez tuvo que despedir a la gente? Yes. I did it
19.What were the reasons?
19. Cules fueron las razones?
Because the employee broke the ethical normative of the enterprise.
20.How did you handle the situation?
20. Cmo manejaste la situacin?
I send a letter of dismissal to the employee.
21.What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a manager or executive?
Cul crees que es lo ms difcil de ser gerente o ejecutivo?
I think one of the most difficult things is synchronize the work of people.
22.What important trends do you see in our industry?
22. Qu tendencias importantes observa en nuestra industria?
One of the most important trends is apply the horizontal administration, because the key is
Management by processes, not by tasks and Manage teams, not people.
23.Why are you leaving (did you leave) your present (last) job?
23. Por qu te vas (te fuiste) tu presente (ltimo) trabajo?
Because I want know a better enterprise.
24.How do you feel about leaving all your benefits to find a new job?
24. Cmo te sientes al dejar todos tus beneficios para encontrar un nuevo trabajo?
Your benefits are better than my last job.
25.In your current (last) position, what features do (did) you like the most? The least?
25. En su posicin actual (ltima), qu caractersticas le gustan ms? Lo menos?
26.What do you think of your boss?
26. Qu piensas de tu jefe?
27.Why arent you earning more at your age?
27. Por qu no ganas ms a tu edad?
28.What do you feel this position should pay?
28. Cul cree que debe pagar esta posicin?
29.How successful have you been so far?
Hasta qu punto has tenido xito?
30.Why do you want to work for this company?
30. Por qu quieres trabajar para esta empresa?
31.What high school did you attend?
31. A qu escuela secundaria asisti?
32.Why did you leave your last job?
32. Por qu dej su ltimo trabajo?
33.What are your long-range career objectives?
33. Cules son sus objetivos de carrera a largo plazo?
34.What would you like to do in the future?
34. Qu le gustara hacer en el futuro?
35.What do you do in your free time?
35. Qu haces en tu tiempo libre?
36.Are you qualified for this position?

36. Est calificado para este cargo?

37.How well do you work with people?
37. Qu tan bien trabajas con la gente?
38.What is a good working environment for you?
38. Qu es un buen ambiente de trabajo para usted?
39.Why should I hire you?
39. Por qu debo contratarte?
40.Do you enjoy traveling?
40. Te gusta viajar?
41.Why do you think we should hire you for this job?
41. Por qu crees que debemos contratarte para este trabajo?
42.Why do you want this job?
42. Por qu quieres este trabajo?
43.Describe a situation on which you led a team
43. Describa una situacin en la que lider un equipo
44.What do you expect to be doing in five years time?
44. Qu esperas hacer dentro de cinco aos?
45.What are your weaknesses?
45. Cules son sus debilidades?
46.What are your strengths?
46. Cules son sus fortalezas?
47.What has been your greatest achievement?
47. Cul ha sido tu mayor logro?
48.Why do you want to join our organisation?
48. Por qu desea unirse a nuestra organizacin?
49.Describe a situation in which you dealt with confrontation (for example a difficult customer)
49. Describa una situacin en la que lidi con la confrontacin (por ejemplo, un cliente difcil)
50.Describe a situation in which you influenced or motivated people.
50. Describa una situacin en la que usted influy o motiv a la gente.
51.What other careers have you considered/applied for?
51. Qu otras carreras ha considerado / solicitado?
52.Why did you choose your degree subject?
52. Por qu elegiste tu ttulo?
53.Describe yourself in one word.
53. Descrbase en una palabra.
54.Are you prepared to be mobile?
54. Est preparado para ser mvil?

55.Describe a situation in which you used initiative.

55. Describa una situacin en la que utiliz la iniciativa.
56.Describe a situation in which you solved a problem.
56. Describa una situacin en la que resolvi un problema.
57.Describe a situation in which you took responsibility.
57. Describa una situacin en la que asumi la responsabilidad.
58.What are your hobbies?
58. Cules son sus aficiones?
59.What has been your biggest setback?
59. Cul ha sido tu mayor revs?
60.How do you deal with adversity?
60. Cmo lidiar con la adversidad?
61.Tell me about your career project
61. Hbleme de su proyecto de carrera
62.Describe a situation where you had to plan or organise something.
62. Describa una situacin en la que tena que planear u organizar algo.
63.What computing skills do you have?
63. Qu habilidades de computacin tiene?
64.What is your usual role in a team?
64. Cul es su rol habitual en un equipo?
65.Describe a situation where you had a difficult decision to make.
65. Describa una situacin en la que tuvo una decisin difcil de tomar.
66.What type of position are you looking for?
66. Qu tipo de posicin buscas?
67.Do you have any actual work experience?
67. Tiene alguna experiencia laboral real?
68.How would you describe your ideal job?
68. Cmo describiras tu trabajo ideal?
69.Why did you choose this career?
69. Por qu elegiste esta carrera?
70.When did you decide on this career?
70. Cundo decidiste sobre esta carrera?
71.What goals do you have in your career?
71. Qu metas tienes en tu carrera?
72.How do you plan to achieve these goals?
72. Cmo piensa lograr estos objetivos?
73.How do you evaluate success?

73. Cmo evala el xito?

74.Why do you want to work for this company?
74. Por qu quieres trabajar para esta empresa?
75.Describe a situation in which you were successful.
75. Describa una situacin en la que tuvo xito.
76.What do you think it takes to be successful in this career?
76. Qu crees que es necesario para tener xito en esta carrera?
77.What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
77. Qu logros te han dado la mayor satisfaccin en tu vida?
78.Would you rather work with information or with people?
78. Prefieres trabajar con informacin o con personas?
79.Why do you think our company should hire you?
79. Por qu crees que nuestra empresa debera contratarte?
80.Are you a team player?
80. Es usted un jugador de equipo?
81.What motivates you?
81. Qu te motiva?
82.Are you a goal-oriented person?
82. Es usted una persona orientada a objetivos?
83.Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
83. Hblame de algunos de tus recientes objetivos y de lo que hiciste para lograrlos.
84.What are your short-term goals?
84. Cules son sus metas a corto plazo?
85.What is your long-range objectives?
85. Cules son sus objetivos a largo plazo?
86.What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
86. Qu te ves haciendo dentro de cinco aos?
87.Where do you want to be ten years from now?
87. Dnde quieres estar dentro de diez aos?
88.Do you handle conflict well?
88. Maneja conflictos bien?

89. Have you ever had a conflict with a boss, colleague or professor at school or college? How did
you resolve it? 89. Alguna vez ha tenido un conflicto con un jefe, colega o profesor en la escuela o en
la universidad? Cmo lo resolviste?
90.What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
90. Qu problema mayor tuvo que enfrentar recientemente?
91.Do you handle pressure well?
91. Maneja bien la presin?

92. What is your greatest strength?

92. Cul es su mayor fortaleza?
93.What is your greatest weakness?
93. Cul es su mayor debilidad?
94.If I were to ask one of your previous bosses or colleagues to describe you, what would he or
she say?
94. Si yo le pidiera a uno de sus anteriores jefes o colegas que le describiera, qu dira l o ella?
95.Why did you choose to attend your college/university?
Por qu eligi asistir a su universidad?
96.How has your education prepared you for your career?
96. Cmo te ha preparado tu educacin para tu carrera?
97.What were your favorite classes? Why?
97. Cules eran tus clases favoritas? Por qu?
98.Do you enjoy doing independent research?
98. Le gusta hacer investigacin independiente?
99.Who were your favorite professors? Why?
99. Quines eran sus profesores favoritos? Por qu?
100.Do you have any plans for further education?
100. Tiene algn plan para la educacin continua?
101.How much training do you think you will need to become a productive employee?
Cunto entrenamiento crees que necesitars para convertirte en un empleado productivo?
102.What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
102. Qu cualidades cree que debera tener un gerente exitoso?
103.Why do you want to work in the Finance/Marketing/Auditing/Human Resources industry?
103. Por qu desea trabajar en la industria de Finanzas / Marketing / Auditora / Recursos
104.What do you know about our company?
104. Qu sabe de nuestra empresa?
105.Why are you interested in our company?
105. Por qu est interesado en nuestra empresa?
106.Do you have any location preferences?
106. Tiene alguna preferencia de ubicacin?
107.How familiar are you with the community that we're located in?
107. Qu tan familiarizado est usted con la comunidad en la que estamos ubicados?
108.Are you willing to relocate in the future?
108. Est dispuesto a reubicarse en el futuro?
109.Are you willing to travel? How much?
Est dispuesto a viajar? Cunto cuesta?

Is money important to you?
110. El dinero es importante para usted?
How much money do you need to make to be happy?
111. Cunto dinero necesita hacer para ser feliz?
What are your salary expectations?
112. Cules son sus expectativas salariales?
What do you think about teamwork?
113. Qu piensas del trabajo en equipo?
What do you think you can get back if you work for this company?
114. Qu crees que puedes obtener si trabajas para esta empresa?
What do you think your level of English is?
115. Cul crees que es tu nivel de ingls?
How is your personal experience with this language?
116. Cmo es su experiencia personal con este idioma?
Do you think it is important to manage English nowadays? Why?
117. Cree usted que es importante manejar el ingls hoy en da? Por qu?
118. Is it easy for you to surf the Internet to find information in English? What kind of web
pages i English do you usually visit?
118. Es fcil para usted navegar por Internet para encontrar informacin en ingls? Qu tipo
de pginas web en ingls suele visitar?
119. Do you use Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc? Do you think they
are useful in order to do business nowadays?
119. Utilizas redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.? Crees que son tiles para
hacer negocios hoy en da?
Do you think that having your CV in English and practicing an interview in English is
going to be useful for you in your professional future? Why?
120. Cree que tener su CV en ingls y practicar una entrevista en ingls va a ser til para usted
en su futuro profesional? Por qu?

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