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Dear Lecter

Firstly, I travel to Mexico city because I needed obtain my Visa, I travel at night
when I Arrived at 6:45 am but I dont knew that in there I needed pay for a ticket
taxi, and I do the file but before going up the driver told me that if I have a ticket
and I told him that I dont have & he told me that I needed pay a ticket first.
When I obtain my ticket I go up at taxi for carry me to the CAS, fortunately I
arrive at time but I was forgotten a paper important and I had to go to the
Continental hotel but this paper cost me 50 pesos but well I needed for now and
I dont fight for money and I knew that it was my fault. When I pass quickly took
fingerprints and photo. And then told me that I had my appointment at the
U.S.A. embassy for obtain the interview with the consul.
Once outside, I called my friend Jonathan that he lives there and offered me
stay at his home to not spend in hotel. And I accept the offer mainly I dont have
so much money, and the I hope him in the Angel de la Independence, when he
arrive he took me to the tourist places including, I travel to subway, to trolebus,
to pecero but it was a very interesting trip because we go to the Bellas Arts
Museum, only because there was an exposition of Toulouse a petit part of Paris
in Mexico, and I was surprised because the food there is bigger than here.
But I dont have time for travel throughout the city and I was worried by my
matters but this is another history.
Very truly yours

TSU. M. Angel Ochoa H.

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