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| a /j g ss | ENVIRONMENTAL. Weerr komma. R. jee nm Pact BE Civil. AssKssriEnT i DeYination: KIA : Brvironsrenctod oferpoct Arsemment 4 pode aefined a6 the Aystemotic approach Bor tdentPicotion prectiretion 4 evaluation of the eBhect on Fhe exvivonment Ore bo amy aactivity, Abso, sncliviluatyy, Em. canbe hegivetd os Oe aye re honing snitesrelsbonahip far biophysical Js Aocto-ecoromic Componercts, Ampock 1 befinacl os chouges- bemezictad or rons benePiciad, Grought abort by an activity tn Bhe Srvtrororcrit . Ameri io bePinred as the cprorctigrestion of the choges/appects by redearch. roorka, Scope °F. AL stuctics : Ss Apply to ott prejects thot ave expectek hove a Aigrficont enviromental #«mpatt & addlress all Hhe seipacts that have Aigrijicance. tS Compure alt atternatives Bo a propmed Pree weiep Momagerne it techniques ant rrscte Gath Ore measures. Result ara cleaw £IE rohich conveys Ahe smportarce of Whe Likely smpacts anck they Specific character thes to nonexperts as well 2s expert, in that ' Fickle. i Waclude Grood Public participottion & ati mt Admivruntrotion wevierd PrOcethuves. W Be Bred 10 a8 Ho Provide snFormotion for decision remaking . VY Be evgorceable . VS Arichude monifori & eeR back. Procecbrires | a 3 Coen ee S Fo prehict lemvironmentiald amp oct. ot an eorty Atoge gs Prot plonni Re a emer PY 9 OD Fb G Ll Hhe reaporsibs Uidies of each Gererotion. ae o stwosger of he eny sor succee beg Generations, MAmiuvre afk stigve sofa, MekttrRt, productive and ancthctiatty & arttteroath, J J Please LG Aurrouncia WD Mttoar the. rwiclest warage of be ragicrad Uses the Any without clegradota, wish Bo heat on sage ty or Otte umBbenivoahle 4 wunivtewestect Coregpence, v> Presesve treportortt cutteral, historical and naturel aspects of cur rottonal heritage and moirtoin Where passiti. On emnvirommernt tAct ouppowts cliversity anck vortetay oF andividual chotce, vis Glo achieve a balance Yr population and resource use Phot no LL permet hah atandarch oe 4ivieg, : . <2 sy Behance the qpotitey og renenoahh Aourcea anh opproech the rode, ottoainothtle ree fag 3} Aepletahle wesources, wis Preporiag © Aetavlet atotemect that covers fire areas: oD The exvivormental impact of Propred action. & Ansy odvewte environmental effets that connot be avoided 32 prgject come up. cb Alternatives to propred. action. SY The relationship Yr Local short tern Uses Facuman. anviromment ancl the See & erhancement of tong tewm. procductivitct eS Any Be Co ramitmart#3 wesouxtes thot +ooutd be éenvolved an. the Propewd action whey. 4m plernentect, ELE: Ervivornmerctol Anpact Stotemett Seo. detailed! wvitten atocternadt rohichy Dewves of Or action -~Porcing Levice to ensure thot the polices 4 goats op NEPA a-re. snqpcedt andts the got Prograre & achion~ oF Bre Gockeral Got AL winst provicte Bue gy iv cheneunion of ile envirorume Armpocts and must snore hecestor mokers 4 the prblic. of Phe veasorable otternative, Which would avord or mirimine aclvewse 4Ampact or enhance the qprotity of tH Aman gpcenvivonme nt. Procedure to devolop 24/FIS: She fo ttowing atepa as ahoror Ie ais, ave the detailed procehure Ho be uwéeol an the. preporetion Gf «TA | cteterchi, ofione | [ Fxomine otbty Summorige + pecs Revien atternrot vor, Revie atlernot vary rotase Ficckiegy a> Env. ienpo ct contioversial Pe analy '4 smart + a [Proce Locumat| Step 1: derby ackions thot wreaqpire analyin: At st Hhe- Quek riecenagy Bo decide wAdher the. action 66 for one that may produce ig nigicant

Ne action obternotvre ip Alternatives velotel ho Afferent hesiary and Jor prejects & actowisty aie. > AWikewnative menauves Fo provi be compen tofion of Dish. & roto Le Aoasas, Step 7: A radyaia Bruihiag: Deteverrine aorrrers . TY AML the smplemertotion of he pro Fave a igri ficant adverne egpect om the yokry of env?, 4D FOAL the action to leemeck env_ mercte a Controvesial > <4 <3 the anosnver Ad ony of the pe above 15 “yes the propent <4 weapivect to Prepare an KITS. op st ty Headed hot an FIS i nck vegprirech Gor Oo projet oc acbivity of a Rype heseribecl in the publishing Qemgy at oR prejects mowmalty reaps ving® an KIS a Brodkeg oF no SEG cant denpa ot Cfonsr) *horilth be prepared. Stepg: Prepore Amakyis Document: Dependiag om whether the olecision 4) fo Prepare on KIA, ELS ov FoNsz , the analpis shouts be oloctenerttect, Step 1: Process Locumeanted Anakepis Depencliag en BHA ether the. bocument 4 ar KLA, EIS, of a FONST ppeBic ire cHarra, for proce ign of vetoiniag =the olocumect ave such Ay each agerey. These hire Hye, About be consuttect Gor juicdence on Procemt y co-orctinat ag tha. anakniy XJ Aocument . Nerpos tere oten eo ees Analytical Pnctors aniccoted with the £14. PD Giriag Scope of o KIA > Vm portort imuer g comcerrs, WS Meas 3 fase concern Yar preuct act. > Regitations respuverent, &> Alen Bi cotton. > Deseription of the sxtating enw Tonmeat ystem . 0 Deterininction EF component of the Prajeck > De gieurtion. BAe ert roreme it mmo OlMfi cot bu. the project. cb Prediction : > dole AiGicotion ag Envivonmentol moc Fics one Rot be Aignixfcont. a> Fore Cat. og the cyserbi by “aro Apatiad Limersion4 of chorges eet environmental tclerciied | "> Latimetion of whe probablity hat the ampact roist occur. Sy Aw pacc® Evoluction & Analy, S% BvoluctB on op teat ert rorem ertatty hamagiag Offernatives, "> Oriticel onersment Uf “mpc. vation of chrayt ¢ Binal smpact a tement- why Beep Ad Retotiorrsup Oe KiAfers & Fonsi SThe Kis Aocuret aba utol Follows tthe Sporenat § conterct as provicecl by currrct cea regulations GY Proponent Ge SG Ep srry, Tha Great step in the Aevelopormrt oF this document 2, the preparation FB a krage kis’. After srcter —ageney & public weviers, a Fi mot ALS is prepared, rohich Addresses OPPMIQG Tenporsibte ~ersa exprenred ’y other agencies SZ prblic, Better thor actions having an Cbvious gy Alger icant ery. dempoct reguint a aoe E18, Y there hoving wrieavhy more> there are a fayge variety ef actions sohere at as tigault to determine, opphand, tA, extent of thie ew terypacta, Te previct ory maker Drom resort ag Ho snap uclgeremts tr suck inefances, an aA cece <> EIA vhoutel be prepowedd. This #6 ore Anolis muck LiKe ont £TS, but it mot preporek in the Aame clepth, mow meed #t tmchide atl the element oF on ATs. A proper ky prepored £14 Ahorlh enakle the. clecrion maker #o conical uke. roh they Lhe proposal should wet Wf shoul mot be vegoroled 28 0 or actton., Whether the Env. teapact «s@ ov oe mot igrazFicont , & 22 AHhe actor coutel be ervirrorenectal controversial, Whetrever f 2 conclude thot erv. aenpoact woth werurtt Brom Propred action, a arapt « wmruet be prepared, Are those prejecH rotich mowriatty weapawe ar £18, +4 an assemment concthides that Phe env. smpoct 14 mot aig apicot, Hhen. a Brat of 20 aigrpcact ampoact Chons) Socument can be preparet. Shy clocument nrhoulot melucte ether the envivrowrnentoal avienmectt or 143 tumor & other environmertal Locienerit- relatiry Seen caer ast Figese conceptually heseribes the wrelottons hig, bor KIA[KIS 4 FONSI, Eowironunented Amevment CEA) y Sign picock Ei or NO AeHorr, NO, | Documi} Eow. controversiod oe requires LI, Yes [Prep | Anoka ae L—»| no cant smn fo. clocu ons Reviers GrckewoL & ptoteogencies, Comments phipicot B comervadion groups, Final AIS : <6> Env. Sethigg oF Avv Baseline + Pre Biot ntep wr Bhe KIA procen os Hthe procens Ho derevibe LrAe Env. rexti Sox the Prgyect area. Shie Acserjp#iorn Provides baseline data egoiet po hich prectiction Y Onemment Qo the smpacts of the propred actor £ atternotive, con be compared. Dhe importont puxrpeies og Hercwibeng Env. nett Gy ors os Fottorss » Tres proicle hatha Ror smpock evotuctio & preject henign. 2> They ave. uteZud on the wom tort ag - env. probity chouges after a Project 46 terplementet. St 9 advrable Gor governments 2 Aporner boseboe rticlies 2 Connection with private tevelopmechh 10 thot preniue Can Lotter be applet 4g there 24 sevfour Aeteriosation an env petty. : +> Dhey entoblish the assixrilotive co ee an agrtern . — => They olso extablish the pregject reed, Rhether the prefect snvoles construction a Aghios - Veservyoinr, or desoage yee Ua, eten: There rtuclies will showy Ahe Brendy oF erw. pol ty chonge> wenthirg Grom mawny acy over A Wick rAprend area. Sel Urited Notion, LartArcoth. PILE Pree act: OB pollo 2n. the upper Guth of Dhoilood . Role of NEPA sm The Auster of EIA hotes back #0 1970, Dhe vs avray corps oF Engineers Aro developed the technic & methodology for ELA. She ATA + tts prenent Bore was anctroducecd swith he action 2 ring Provisions ye Us Kotionat Cnwivonmertol Policy act poputarty colted as NEFA. Dhe NEPA wor aigned. arate foro by Nixon an. the. ger 1970, rébs with. Fottorsing cBjecHver: > Fo net gooke Foe Protection, maintainance emhoncemart Gf Krwirorunent. "> BD provide a proces er aroplementias there gots Phroghout by ott Peole rig RJomcies. mS NEPA amsisb, alt $eckwot ence, fo : a a detotedA atotemenct propoal Gow “Mag sr Rehewo actors) aig ri zicarttty ofgectiag the potty of Savironmend. n> The act abo ertoblished on Counit on Krvivronmentad Quolity Coed £9 overnean KLEPA & advice Hhe preaicterct on. Envivorunerttad enue. Dre sweporborce Ge NEPA resides ~# vole as a basic environmental venporaitiLty op each HPecleval ageney a limplime ring regutoctions, coaegramemaa cope A ' 7 "The trnportonce of NEPA vesicles ee ats wole as a basic environmental renpornibitity op each Feoterot agenay ga smptimerBes wegutotions. The Fottorwrag C purposes rohot 5 ha rctifiecd 4 AecHiorn 101 net Zor an the act For ara NEPA. WS Puta eee the. weapora bilby op coc generation. on Arustecs 3 the Bay Bor the Duccect pemerations, > Amie. atl ctignens rope, Heatttyy , pro ductve, aertheBteally & wbburetty, plasning TT rOunbeg, n> Slo attain rotolew range. oF bewmepciag tere. og 2rwirvnrme AD” pottthovt wactethon, wink Ho healttA_& aoteby other G herivvabt uminctended comeqencays, WD Prenetite terporteant, Aistovical, cutturad & neturod aspects of nationad heritage & mointoam, Wheveever pomble and Envivowunernt which Aupports Avernity g vawsetsy oF tmclivicduot choice, ¥7 Fo achieve batawnce Sfroe hurrart poplt S verources rwAIcA orth permust a high. Atandorh tivieg While saviag these wenources. Vis Erthamce the potty of notturad ver.ure, g mrosximise fre reeqyetiag og wenyourcey, Becton 102 pe NEPA expo ringed Lhe. Geclarod agente : Dune the agtterotic sinter ctisciplina: approach sx Bhevr plarrigg anh kectston mok ag. “") Akertigg & bevelop methods & comsuttactio With an counmatl of Env potty, Anclude sn evegy weport & hetoileL 2 Vepoxt vepervet to £1A rtottement addres & The po®erctiol KL of prope action, Ervirorurentol eppe cts that con be avoided. > Whtecnotiver to the above plom. HS Relation Sor Lhe rhort tern meoms or Uses og man, environmect and erhoncemernt op Oe Sawer prodkscti thy & Bhe maivcenance, > An: avrvevernible & tewetviewoble Corer tmenKG wenources PATH could be snvolveh 1% the propmedl actor Dhol st be seeplerrecteoe . -Role of CLQty The Prerilent of Courccrt of Snvivonmnt Quotity +44 wreqpirect Bo Bronsrut La Onnued environmental quality report. The bkuties & Functions of NEPA tre Bbtte 2 BecBor 204 snchicles. +» Gotherieg angeemation @ concltions $ cbrerls Bn environmental quotictey: 1) Evotuste the feoterod programes sn Light eR the goats ertabiinhedt in Attte-1 of He act. ot) Developing Ss promoting meatioral poloe, ote enctucle ervironmertal policies. 1V) Conducting sHiolies, suwver, recvearch S ewanoly Heal analys relatiag £2 ecoigiter 4 environomentol potty. “ Utbimoct. NEPA em phanrines ore SeFter decorton rather cthan bettex Locument” i Phe Ke principles acdoptet & the "NEPA burtt en the objectives op CEQ Anckiole, the Foltowiag, sS Propetots Gor continue vcowt £:7 >

Similarly, the Lerex a ja An vepurcol or the “actor. whith snvolues rragtighhk Ampocd. awe at aclopts Ahe poles og JbevrAgcotion - op Olternotive action & Hhe omakhesin op envivormentoL ampoc#. An action Polls uncer tha cotegogy F exclusion wher ¢4t cloermnot Rave aignteadt KL. The CEQ Mrects the Locol Govt clevelop 4320 of activities which Potluncler cotsgory FF exclusion worm, Em evol — But snelti op nore Yorm g Chee cormarcttion This 16 collect as the alicling acak o; ‘ usec sr the /KEPA procen. ‘ She CEQ Quictence recommench the Pol lowt ry format to be octoptecl. » Shae cover *heet. ny Summary "> Table of comtinty. n> Puxpoe yf econ & meek For oction, VS OH eternatve, #0 the proporcl action, ve AZRectek envivonment , Vi> Environmertol Comnregquiences, lp Kiet of egernies, oggarincctiona & Persons to when copies of rn atotemert to be Aent - > Ariclen > Apppenclix ae any cet <% The. coversthect rhoutehh corthourr Fe Bo btowing SAg ema preportas Che environmentot tote rent. aS Propredt action. a> Office. & coramunicofion oclelee13 of Che BGreg - ' W> Ahether tf ts a Aropt copy or Fiat Up Mbstract of rtotemant. > Date by which BAe comments mut & received. aIsseHesssesoees < 107 Darter Fig EIA Proce» Figure rnhorsr give activike, of ELA Process. Cevtorrn bosica, woArhA are weet vet to Accomptish an exmvivronmedtol aresrrient, are reloted 40 th olercription environmental 2-tng. fmpoach prediction & anenme rit & preparcton of the FES. An order #o be able Bo pretlict onk anev the arapoct, anouoted with a propre h action, 2f 41 necamarnray te dercwibe. envivonmentot veftag 47 heh, the propoch action ss #0 Sore ploce, Thin gives the CateLlime arGor motion again puck preciction & assevment ae eee ores anpul seBormation for preporohion oe Ars. Ampock prediction & omenment 4 the” or 2tep aHhe KITA process. St involves PB Bor of envirormentoL Aett arto ve WIthovt the prope action & prechetiag Sha tpoct & amenics Aha Correcprencen, Tie rext atep es Lhe ogg eg Hor. of the Ampoc£t anpormation on cach ofternoctive & retection of the propowd actor areal SS oe unvolves tha preporott on. os a Arogt. Lois occarkli to te CEQ. MYter wreviet G Comment ey autnorittes, a Fmat ATS to prepareed & Fitted wir tha CEB. Thirty chess after the Filles - the sbation yy Hh. propreh actin can begin. Cx stax to. For the AelecsBior Ce KA > Generol : o> Biphierty! The rmethactotogy ahoth be Aimple 20 thot the avartobiea tie man power with Limiteh background Krom tadge con groap & aclopt #8 sortho ot S muecA AUB Bic ts, i 2 Par. porser time & Budget conetraints, She methodology rAoulch be applied y OQ Amalt group WIth ow Limitet budge & uncdertime conatromt. ro Flexi bility ! Fhe methodtot ahoulol be Hlesuble. enough Be otto —for Mecemacy modigicotion & changes trong the counme FF cutucly, » en pact Hole whi Pca or; ab Gomprehensiverens: She methocle. rhovlh be Auggictentty comprehensive to comtoin ath pornthle optiors ont Otbernetyes & AAhould give eno “ moon ae them. £0 Poaciditote Proper leunion —~ making. & Specs Pierby : The metrvdlotogsy ahouth tole natihy APPS Pe Pwrorratery Or CAA there roovtol be AGH Cont trmpor£s. Sb drotation of prejeck tmpocts: The metho holog, rnhovkh magget proehures “pr idlentiinng project smpacte as hinting wished charges Prokcekh ey otthen-

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