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Photoshop Tools

Camera Manipulation
The aperture stop of a photographic lens can
be adjusted to control the amount of light
reaching the image sensor. In combination
with variation of shutter speed, the aperture
size will regulate the image sensors exposure
to light.
How to manipulate it:
Put the camera into manual mode (by turning
the shooting mode dial to M), then turn the
quick control dial (by the screen that displays
pictures). This will change the f-stop value on
the LCD panel (top). A higher f-stop value
means a smaller aperture.
Shutter Speed
The length of time the image sensor inside the
camera is exposed to light for, or how long the
shutter is open. This can have an effect of the
amount of light reaching the sensor.

In Design Tools

How to manipulate it:

Put the camera into manual mode (by turning
the shooting mode dial to M), then turn the
main dial (by the shutter button). This will
change the amount of seconds the shutter is
open for (displayed on LCD panel).
Named after the International Organisation for
Standardisation, ISO is the level of sensitivity
of your camera to available light.
How to manipulate it:
Press the ISO button next to the LCD panel,
then turn the main dial (by the shutter button).
This will change the ISO value on the LCD
display. Higher ISO numbers mean the camera
is more sensitive to light.
White Balance
The removal of unrealistic colour casts, so that
objects that appear white in person appear
white in the photo.
How to manipulate it:
Put the camera into manual mode (by turning
the shooting mode dial to M), press the White
Balance button (by the LCD panel), then turn
the quick control dial.

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