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GDD Protect the President

I will be using Unity for my project, because it is a capable engine for a 3D game.
It is easily accessible and I can get assets from both the unity website or 3D
warehouse, or even better make my own in Visual Studio. I find using Unity is
much more suitable for my game than Game Star Mechanic and Scratch,
because they are based on 2D games. Game Maker is similar to Unity but is
terrible since it basically never works and is not very user friendly.

Unity reads both C+ and Java, I am trying both, but I think Java has the most
potential and is perfect for my complex game design. After testing, I figured out
they are both good at different things. C+ is great for variables and lists, and
Java is good for main things, like moving, shooting and health. So because they
are excellent in different ways I like to use both, depends on the script I want to

At one point there were heaps of compiler errors, but somehow I managed to fix
the problems on my computer. I found out if I download specific assets it will
become an error. So now I dont download the assets which make those errors.

I have used music based on an alien drone invasion, you can press M (for music)
to change between theme song from London Has Fallen or Illuminati. I picked
these songs because Illuminati is about aliens, and London Has Fallen is an
action movie.

My game is able to be played. There is a help menu by pressing H. You can

switch between a ninja disk launcher and double AK-47, by pressing Q for left
weapon and E for the right. The car has a seat on the top, the car will stop if you
go into it. When an alien drone hits the presidents car, the car will disappear.
There is no sign that says game over, so when you dont see the presidents car,
you should restart the game. There are 160 drones and 10 bosses going after the
president so have fun. There are unlimited bullets, so spam as much as you wish.
Just dont run into poles, trust me, you will get stuck! Just TP out and set x to 170
to get out of the sticky situation.

Buildings are added into the game to make it look realistic. Ive also included
animals, a shipyard, a campsite, a bunker, a forest and an army base (which is
the Presidents destination). I have previously inserted a race track, an airport, a

plane and a helicopter (which works) but all these could confuse the player. So I
removed it. Sometime during the first 2 weeks of developing this game, I
attempted to make a 2 players game, but sadly it was full of compiler errors
when I added music, changed background or characters.


W- Move Forward S- Move Backward A- Move Left

LC- Shoot L Gun

RC- Shoot R Gun

Shift+W/S/A/D- Sprint

Space- Jump

D- Move Right

Q- Choose L weapon

E- Choose R

R- Start Rotor (Heli)

H - Exit this Menu

The aim of the game is to get the president to the base without dying from
drones. You have multiple weapons and by the time you get to the bunker there
will be another swarm of aliens. I havent made boundaries yet, so you can jump
off the edge but it is basically worthless. The game will continue even though the
president has died, but it will become laggy because the drones are programmed
to follow the presidents car.

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